Daily Inspiration #67 - Oscar Wilde - Science

in #inspiration7 years ago

Daily Inspiration #67
Oscar Wilde

Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde (16 October 1854 – 30 November 1900) was a prolific Irish writer who wrote plays, fiction, essays, and poetry. After writing in different forms throughout the 1880s, he became one of London's most popular playwrights in the early 1890s. He is best remembered for his epigrams and plays, the novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, as well as the circumstances of his imprisonment and early death.

Oscar Wilde.jpg

Well, here is a guy who is actually living proof of his own quote.

"Success is a science;
if you have the conditions,
you get the result."

He had the right conditions for much of his life.

He was a famed writer and a very successful playwright.

If you don't know the basics of his life story, I encourage you to at least read what Wikipedia has to say from the link above.

Well, the short version is this:

He led a charmed life, graduating from an Ivy league college, going on to be quite a successful writer.

Then he experienced for him what ultimately seemed to seal his fate.

He was arrested and sentenced to 2 years hard labor.

jail prison.jpg

Now, I don't know the details of the arrest, and frankly for this example, it's not necessary to.

What I do know about it is very simple.

He was changed drastically and he never recovered from the experience.

He died early and destitute, only writing a couple more times after his release.

It's strange because @mrviquez, @ty2nicerva and I were discussing this very issue the other day.

How an experience like jail can drastically affect some and barely phase others.

A different era, but I think this matches a point @mrviquez was making pretty well.

That the easier a life you have had, the more drastic this type of thing will affect you.

A very true statement indeed.

Alright, so the point I'm making here is this:

That success really is science.


Oscar Wilde had all the right conditions for success early in life.

After facing a great tragedy for him he lost those conditions, he fell of the horse so to speak.

When those conditions went away, so did his success.

Were those conditions family, upbringing, money and a pampered life?

In part.

However the most important part of those conditions was how he felt about himself and the world around him.

Think about it, when he was released he was still a famed writer, his family and upbringing were the same, nothing took away the fact that he graduated from Oxford.

What changed for him was very simple, his perception.

He clearly began looking at life through tinted lenses.

sunglasses tinted lenses.jpg

After facing that hardship, he was no longer looking at life as if it were easy, instead now seeing more hardship than anything.

Any of you that have been to jail or prison know that it is no picnic.

However, you are the one decides how you perceive the world after that.

Society as a whole will lead you to believe that jail and prison are there for reform, however I would argue a different point.

I believe their main function to be what we just discussed in Oscar's case.

It's really only a small group that ever "reform", and this could easily be seen in most cases as "conforming" anyway.

What really happens in there is something quite different.

When all normal stimulation is severed, and all you have around you is pictures of oppression, fear, hatred contempt and disdain, it is far to easy to begin to fall in line.

Failure Fail Give up.jpg

To feel and express these feelings as well.

I beg you, if you have any inner strength left at all, never believe that this was an accident, or it just happens as an unplanned result of consequence.

It was designed to push you into creating a negative perception in whatever way that expresses itself in your individual life.

The strangest secret is what?

You get what you think about most of the time.

Knowing this, it's easy to see that what jail or prison does to a person is no accident.

Ok look, maybe you've never been to jail or prison.

Maybe your prison is in your mind.

Maybe you are faced with oppression or extreme hardship day in and day out.

That will never, for one second on this green earth, mean that your fate is sealed!

Your fate is exactly what you say it is!

If you are stuck in the darkest pit with seemingly no way out even...

You find that crack, that pinhole that light sneaks in.

crack of light open door glimmer of hope.jpg

If it isn't there, you create it!!

Admire it!

Revel in it!

Praise it and show it your gratitude for being there!

In whatever way you can, focus only on it.

Because the more you do, the larger that crack will grow!

The wider that crack of light will open!

Before you know it, you will escape that pit, stronger than ever before!

Ready to overcome any challenge because you now will know what conditions need to be present in order to succeed!

You will now understand the science of success.


"Success is a science;
if you have the conditions,
you get the result."

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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I once heard about his influence of literary work when I was still in university. Arresting did not make him stop producing his creative mind. That we have to learn, place and time is not a reason to make us quit. Thank for sharing. Nice to read it!

Thanks for that input, it made me go refresh what I thought I knew about him lol. Great to learn more!

After a bit of research, this is what I discovered...

He did continue to write, well in fact. Yet not for long. Being released in may of 1897, it was still within 1897 or just into 1898 that he was quoted saying "I can write, but have lost the joy of writing". Shortly after was noted for being the town drunk and fell far, finally dying it 1900 (much to do with the health issues he'd adopted from incarceration).

My point is definitely not to harm his name, he was a fine author that dealt with a large tragedy. It's only to spark inspiration in those that have or are currently imprisoned, be it their mind or physically. To show them that it is our choice how we take things we experience. We can let our experiences get the best of us or we can make the best of them. Something I myself am living proof of.

The thing that tends to hang me up is what is the definition success? It can mean different things to differ ant people. I suppose everyone has to define and redefine that concept for themselves.

Very true, everyone will perceive it differently.

Success, as general as I can put it would mean this:

The successive completion of realized goals.

It's continual, not finite.

Anything you wanted to do that you have done you have succeeded in doing, that's a success.

What a great post - thank you @michaeldavid

Thank you @qiobi!

very good post. i am a literature post graduate. i know his value. i liked the post and upvoted, and resteemed it

Thanks so much man!

Great post @michaeldavid.

In many ways we can create and make/change make our own conditions. Yes its harder for some people than others but in the end it does come back to what's inside of us. This is why we see people who have faced great adversity come out of it to do great things while people who have neen given every chance in life waste it away. No matter what circumstance we are born in to or find ourselves in its been shown time and time again that the human spirit can pick themselves up and succeed.

Posts like this help people remember that and give encouragement and motivation.

Thanks so much for sharing. Im resteeming this one!

You are absolutely right @shellyduncan!

Thank you!

The key for those that it is harder for is just that, they have more to overcome.

Many thanks for the resteem also!

Thank for share

You are welcome

I had to get over laughing from the leggings sides wearing but I got over it and read 😊 See you tomm

haha, they said he was a flamboyant dresser for his time.

Nice post bro!! I like the book The Science of Getting Rich By Wattles.

Thanks man! On my "to read" list!

What exactly was Oscar Wilde arrested for? Such a sad story.

If you look at the comment @tattoodjay made, he explained it as basically just for being gay.

Sad story indeed, although one to learn greatly from.

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