Daily Inspiration #51 - George Clason - The Little Things

in #inspiration7 years ago

Daily Inspiration #51
George Clason
The Little Things

George Samuel Clason (November 7, 1874 – April 7, 1957) was an American author. He is most associated with his book The Richest Man in Babylon which was first published in 1926.

George S. Clason was born in Louisiana, Missouri. He attended the University of Nebraska. He served in the United States Army during the Spanish–American War. Clason started two companies, the Clason Map Company of Denver Colorado and the Clason Publishing Company. The Clason Map Company was the first to publish a road atlas of the United States and Canada, and did not survive the Great Depression.

George Clason.jpg

Can't find any good pics of this guy but I do have a good quote.

"If I set for myself a task, be it so trifling, I shall see it through.
How else shall I have confidence in myself to do important things?”

When you set a small goal do you sometimes blow it off because its small?

You just figure it's no biggie.

I know I have.

Let me show you something very important.

When we set a goal, or decide to do a task, we are making an agreement with ourselves.


All agreements that we make, with ourselves or others, must find completion.

Every agreement we make that is not fulfilled will draw us down.

No matter how small they are, they make us heavier and we ultimately move slower.

Enough of them and we will basically not move at all.

Plans can change, they do all the time and that's fine.

When they do, we need to re address the agreements we have made.

If we can no longer meet the requirements of an agreement then we need to either change it or consciously release it.

So, if you have an agreement with your boss that you will finish a project by Friday and you notice Wednesday that you cannot, you need to address it.

If you don't address the agreement by changing it or consciously cancelling it Friday comes around, you aren't finished, he/she wasn't made aware that you needed more time (or whatever the issue really was) and now you are in hot water because you put this whole part of the company at a stand still.

broken agreement contract boss angry mad.jpg

The same is true when you make an agreement with yourself.

"I'm going to start exercising and eating right every day."

"I'm going work toward this goal each day."

"I'm going to get back on track by..."

"I'll go to the store later to pick up apples."

These are not just words!

They are agreements!

Agreement contract.jpg

You have basically signed a contract with yourself to do these things or face consequence!

Some of you may think nothing happens when we don't do these things but you would be wrong.

Each agreement or contract will sit there lingering, adding energetic weight to your entire being.

If you want to free yourself you have to close these contracts.

You either need to say consciously to yourself, "I am not going to do that anymore." or "I am going to change that in this way."

Then follow through on what you tell yourself.

If you cannot trust yourself to do these small things you've said you will do, then how can you trust yourself to do the things you really want to do?

You can't!!

You've lied to yourself!

You've broken agreements with yourself that are now out there hanging over you!

The best part is you already knew it!

"I already knew it? What?! How?"

Because it will come up every so often in your mind, sort of reminding you.

thought thinking already know.jpg

Each time it comes up and you do nothing about it you feel worse about putting it aside again but you do anyway!!

So go back, think of every thought you've had that fits this description because they are all unfinished agreements that need addressed.

Simply making the conscious decision to cancel those agreements will free you up a lot.

Changing them to something immediately achievable, then finishing them will do you even more good.

It will release you then move you forward with whatever new thing you are getting into.

Find the agreements you've made with yourself, eliminate or change them consciously then finish or squash them.

Also, next time you say something like "I'm gonna do this or this, this or that."....

Freakin Do It!!

Soon you will be in the habit of only making agreements you will keep and you will move so much more freely through life, without those chains and dead weight.

Remeber what George had to say about it:

"If I set for myself a task, be it so trifling, I shall see it through.
How else shall I have confidence in myself to do important things?”

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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Word is bond they say. If a person can't keep an agreement - contract - promise - their own word for themselves...how are they going to truly compete? Good post my man.

It's true man! Really is.

Keep the posts coming! BTW loving seeing you get more $$. Is it because of the SP you believe?


partially that. I've also moved into hot and trending pages for my tags, that has helped. I've also been networking with more people.

As important as having a goal in life, is being persistent to reach it.

absolutely true!

Great post you earned a new follower from @thefollower -_- Like money? Read my blogs for more!


interesting concept. I threw a little in.


a great post as always and got me thinking, I always stick with any agreement i make with someone else but not so much with myself

funny you should post this today that I have been thinking I have gained to much weight since giving up smoking and need to get serious about taking steps to loose weight, have been telling myself to do it for a while but today I realized I have been just pretending t myself

time for me to make some changes thanks for affirmation my thoughts with this post

You bet bro! That is actually just what this post was meant to be for. I'm glad you are getting something positive from it!

I did indeed I took it as a clear Omen that I ee to get serious and see if I can get back to a 12 pack abs rather than the keg I have now

very nice bro! That's exciting!

Day one is going well, cut Soda almost completely, allowed myself one and eat a bit healthier, boy this is going to be a struggle but I can do it

You got it bro!

Soda is a big one. A friend of mine went from 450 to 280 only from cutting soda and late night eating. i couldnt believe it. He didnt change anything else.

I can believe the sugars in soda are crazy

I am starting at 230 and want to get to at least 180
Primarily by cutting soda and snacks between meals which I don't have that many

The hardest step is often the first.

Great goal man!

Nice post. The Richest Man in Babylon is one of my all time favorite finance books! I recommend it to absolutely anyone.

Is that quote from the book?

I'm not sure if the quote is from the book or not actually.
I have not read that book yet myself. I have heard great things and definitely look forward to reading it soon!

Oh well then you are in for a treat. It's the best fundamental book on finance and wealth building that's ever been written.

Great! Have it written down!

I like the advice in this post so much that I Resteemed it.

Excellent points, fine writing style, wise counsel.

Well thought comment.

Thank you so much.

Thanks for the resteem also!

Wow, looks like I've got a lot of work to do closing some contracts!

Nice! I think we all do. I'm going through mine now too. lol

Good post. Upvoted and followed.

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