Daily Inspiration #79 - Michael Jordan - Expect It

in #inspiration7 years ago

Daily Inspiration #79
Michael Jordan
Expect It

Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963), also known by his initials, MJ, is an American retired professional basketball player, businessman, and principal owner and chairman of the Charlotte Hornets. Jordan played 15 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA) for the Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards. His biography on the NBA website states: "By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time." Jordan was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was considered instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.

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Alright, Mike is back!

This quote is great!

"You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them."

Ok, let's get real.

What do you think you are capable of?



You're wrong!

You are capable of more than that!

No matter what you think you are capable of, you will always be capable of more.

So what are you capable of?


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That's right.

As a general rule, if you think you can do something you will only achieve that or less.

I used to help people learn about money on an energetic level.

Let's face it, when we come from a place without it we don't really understand it well do we?

One of the key things I taught them and myself was that if you think any amount is a lot, that's how much will be hard for you to get.

Granted, this concept reaches far past money.

However money can easily be represented by numbers that are mathematically sound and easy to understand.

So, if you think that $10 is a lot of money, $10 will be hard for you to get.

If you think that $1,000 is a lot, $1,000 will be hard for you to get.

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If you think that $1,000,000 is a lot of money, $1,000,000 will be hard for you to get.

The basic idea here is that the higher expectation you have for yourself the more you can achieve.

Where does expectation get us into trouble though?

When we begin to expect things of others.

The more we expect from others the more likely we are to be disappointed.

Not because they can't do what we expect, merely because it is their reality and we cannot shape in someone else's reality, only influence it.

Having high expectations for ourselves works well because we can shape, and are shaping, in our own realities all the time.

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I've heard it said, "Shoot for the moon. Because if you miss, at least you'll be a star.".

Look, if you only expect to have the bare minimum in life then that bare minimum will be what is difficult for you.

It will be what is just out of your reach.

You see, what we expect and tell ourselves we truly want is our carrot on a stick.

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We can reach it, with the proper effort.

So why put mediocrity on a stick and dangle it in front of ourselves?

When we do we are very likely to care nothing for the bait and settle for far less.

If it's greatness we see each day dangling it's sweetness just out of our reach we will run, fight and live to get it.

Even if we happen to fall short, we have a much greater likelihood of appreciating what we did achieve than if we settled for less than mediocrity.

So expect the best from yourself and remember what Mike had to say:

"You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them."

Thanks for reading,
Michael David

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Love it brother.

You must expect great things of yourself before you can do them

Fantastically accurate quote.

Here's the thumbnail for the quote of the day :)

Love it man! great thumbnail! like the coin on it too

Thanks man :) Let's do this.

Great inspiration

Very good article. Its definatly worth the read.

Its nice to see that someone is seeking for change in people's lives and you are using social media as an advantage (which is a good thing ofcourse)

Keep it up I would like to see more.

Thanks @inferno4201!

I really do love seeing people create better for themselves.

And yes using social media is a great way to spread a positive message :)

This is such an interesting concept that I have never seen presented so well, it all makes so much sense to me, and goes against what I have done for the most part always expected what I thought was achievable, I need to think bigger and higher :)

Have a good evening


I know what you mean. I've went against it much of my life as well.

We really do need to expect more from ourselves. Of course while expecting less of others

Thanks for all the tips :)

Yes very true
And your welcome

@michaeldavid - Great to know MJ's secret of success - If you think you can do something, you really will be able to do it! No wonder he was so successful.

It takes a lot of training our minds to get this positive attitude going. Most nay-sayers reside within us and are augmented by views of others, advocating caution. We need to overcome those barriers!

You see, what we expect and tell ourselves we truly want is our carrot on a stick.

Well said man!

Thanks for the lovely quote. Upvoted full

That is very well put.

Depending on how long or intensely we have had this naysayer in us it can take much more for us to overcome it. Therefore taking much mental training.

'Mental training' - is the correct thing to focus on. I keep saying that even the top grade athletes fail because they focus on physical training without training their mind. You hit the nail on its head!

Its really true, train the mind first :)

Absolutely true mate! I actually set my goals on a monthly and yearly basis and end of each month I access and see what I achieved and where to improve to reach that BIG GOAL of the year.
We have to always dream/expect big , and we will surely work hard to achieve it or minimum come close to it!
Thanks so much for another great inspiration post man!

This will explain your progressive success man!

Great way to do it!

@michaeldavid thankyou for inspiring me and other people every single day.

Inspiring people is very rewarding. A person commented in one of my post that I'll never know how much people I helped and inspire. But he did not know how much he inspired me because of his comment. Actually, most of them are not aware how inspired we are with their comments as much as we inspire them. ☺☺☺

It's very true @iamrosallie.

It is quite rewarding. I hear sometimes how a post helped. They often don't know how much their comments help me as well :)


Nice post @michaeldavid

If I am not wrong, Jordan is the only pro athlete turnt billionaire.

Hmmm... he may have been actually. Hell of an achievement!

Actually man when hard working,success his your life.

As long as you know you can get it :)

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