
in #j5 years ago (edited)

Dairy Queen. 2019-06-10 - Monday - 12:00 AM - day the of June of 2019 - How-To Watch Infowars on Radio, TV, Internet, Streams, etc - Post a Girl - 5G v 5GHZ - Disney bought Fox for $71B and changed X-Men to X-Women - Facebook Bitcoin - Availability Over Privacy - Bit-Torrent Infowars Philosophy - Decentralized Bit Torrent Info Wars Website - We lose when we don't spam as the left spam their gay nuts in from of kids and as they spam imaginary free stuff and destructive subjectivity and pacifism and nihilism and imaginary equality of results of deviling the meaning and value of life. - Pardes Seleh - First Robot Woman President

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July

The Syrian Girl Screenshot at 2019-06-10 20:26:25.png
Info Wars

Some highlights from Monday the 10th of June of 2019, as follows:

Post banned things, places, people, etc, in this thread.

Banned things include

Rex Jones Condo Gates - 2019-06-09 - Sunday

Mothers / Fathers - Can't say that cuz some people don't have em

What else?

What else am I missing from this list? I push for no government as a negotiation tactic which means a compromise of the middle, as seen in your graph above, a constitutional conservative. Oh, by the way, I used to watch that cartoon, Rug Rats in the 1900's. Talking babies. Older people can learn from babies or from younger people.

12:30 AM - Post a banned person or whatever in this thread.

Banned people may include

Alex Jones

Feel free to add to this list.

Yo enough already

12:32 AM - Deplorable Hill messaged me: "Either shit or get off the pot. You are fucking up comms. As a radio operator, in two wars. Less said is more! Fuck already guy. Get a grip!"

Killing Trump

01:36 AM - Facebook - They're trying to murder Trump and will try to remove me off Facebook.

Steemit Flag Debate

02:11 AM - Steemit - If Steemit chooses to continue having flags and downvotes, could they at least choose not to hide flagged posts? I know hidden posts can be revealed. But I don't enjoy clicking on the reveal button to see hidden posts from people, including you. I saw that people flagged your comments. So, I click on show, on reveal, on unhide, to read flagged comments of yours. I understand why flagged posts are hidden, and I understand the thinking behind that system, but I would prefer flagged posts not being hidden. I have heard that Steemit has like a reverse-auction system or whatever you want to call the upvoting / pool / cryptocurrency / blockchain system. So, I understand the philosophy or theory behind how flags can help in that system a whole lot or maybe just a bit.

No Oatmeal?

02:30 AM - IWA - Life is all about trying to make the world better regardless of how bad it is. So, each day, think about what can be done as opposed to only an endless loop of pacifism, nihilism, fatalism, depression, meaninglessness, hopelessness, and no oatmeal.

Alex Jones Today v Alex Jones Yesterday

02:34 AM - IWA - Alex Jones may appear different now than before his public persona before 2010 - but his core beliefs are the same. His principles are the same. He may be more political in a way, if you want to call it that. Conspiracies are part of politics and politics is everything. The left wants us to believe that certain things are not political or religious but everything is. So, Alex changes and he is the same at the same time. Hopefully, we are all evolving like that kind of Pokemon Go to the Hillary Jail Poll.

Decentralized Bit Torrent Info Wars Website

02:46 AM - Globally, patriots should dedicate servers (computers) to decentralized systems, websites, blockchain networks, to Bit Torrent things, peer 2 peer (P2P) technology, rooted in cryptocurrencies, rooted in the art of decentralization, in a pursuit to build a decentralized version of the Drudge Report website or that of Info Wars and other alternative news networks.

A decentralized Infowars would make it even tougher for big tech to censor news, information, videos, photos, articles, memes, GIFs, links, ideas, etc, etc. That is the future for the Internet for so many reasons. This type of system creates copies of the videos, photos, etc, the files. So, in other words, it creates backups, copies, redundancies, repetition, etc. It is like a time-machine that turns the Internet back into what it once was in the 1990's but in an even stronger way.@Memeart, one step at a time. Blockchain is rooted in cryptography. Now, there are projects out there that seeks to replace the same old Internet backbone technology with alternatives. We should be supporting these types of projects that are popping up all over the world. Long ago, we had a space race. Right now, we are having Internet 3.0 Races. New projects are popping up all of the times. We are trying to redo the Internet completely from scratch. We are trying to get around ISP and other things. We are trying very hard to give people alternatives that can be independent of monopolies, big tech technocracy, corporatism, etc. @Fubar, but my number one concern is not privacy (encryption) but rather in security, as in having backups, copies, of files, in many different places so that if powers that be blows up a country full of computers, then it is ok if the data was saved on other computers in other countries and we can pass around info from computer all around the world like the HOT POTATO GAME. That is my main concern, the hot potato game over the privacy thing. Yes, privacy is important as well. But my priority is more on preserving info from modern-day book-burning. @Memeart, yes, we are trying to do that. We are trying to strip big tech from their black governmental contracts and from having no liability as publishers and platforms. But at the same time, we are also building up a Plan B in case Plan A fails. Diversify investments, portfolios, possibilities, plans, etc. Because you never know.

Frozen Computer

09:49 AM - I had to hard-restart my laptop again today, a few minutes ago. This has been happening sometimes randomly in 2019 and possibly in previous years. Have had this laptop since like 2016. I've written about this before. I got this error message after restarting my computer as I generally do: and I quote: "Crash report (as super user su)- Package: r8168-dkms 8.04.00-1 - Send an error report to help fix this problem - Show Details - Continue." In the details, it said that the kernel for my USB wireless device failed. I clicked on "REPORT." It said it was already reported before. Yes, I've seen this error box before pop-up. I've already reported it. I may have a few partitions on my hard drive in my computer. The OS or part of the OS may be installed inside a partition that has little free space or a partition that is in other words too small. That could be part of the problem. I wonder if I have viruses or not. I removed some programs I may not need or want to save up space, to free up space.

Availability Over Privacy

10:54 AM - IWA - The biggest problem is not privacy but availability, AKA modern-day book-burning - TOR may have problems. Certain things may have problems. It is better to focus on bit torrent protocols. It is better to focused on decentralization as opposed to pretending to hide around in the dark webs or inside encryption and TOR and Onion and everything. Privacy is important but there are bigger problems that we should focus on that lays the foundation to privacy. We forget that privacy is not the root of it all. That is not how the Internet works.

Facebook Bitcoin

11:06 AM - IWA - It probably will be a cryptocurrency in name only, a counterfeit for most people who think that a cryptocurrency is digital fiat, which it isn't as it roots from blockchain, from cryptography, and cryptography is mathematical and sequential.

Spam or Be Spam

11:14 AM - IWA - We lose when we don't spam as the left spam their gay nuts in from of kids and as they spam imaginary free stuff and destructive subjectivity and pacifism and nihilism and imaginary equality of results of deviling the meaning and value of life.

5G v 5GHZ

11:27 AM - IWA - Some people might think that 5G is 5 GHZ. It is not. Perhaps, 5G could use 5 GHZ. We are informed. We get it. But how do we get more people to get it? I'm not saying that we can red-pill people to see what 5G is and everything. I'm only saying "MORE PEOPLE." That can be a healthy attitude and perspective, to simply think "ONE PERSON AT A TIME." Now, for some of us, we should pick our battles wisely. So, if you think it's not effective / efficient enough to try to spend too much time trying to convince people about 5G, you might be right. I would encourage you to stick with what works in whatever that you do. Spend 80% of your time on what you know you are good at. Focus on that.

Pointless Live Stream

11:32 AM - YouTube - Geeks & Gamers - Insight Into modern-times from a gamer's perspective

Real Global Warming

11:41 AM - IWA - Climate change is caused by geoengineering, chem-trails, to some extent

Climate change is caused by geoengineering, chem-trails, to some extent.

What do you say to people who believe in climate change? Wait, let me rephrase that because it doesn't matter if people believe in it or not. It is true that weather and climate changes. There are 500 year cycles. By the way, CO2 is good. Humans have a relationship with trees. So, it is like we help each other. You could talk about that with people.

Beyond that, whenever people bring up climate change, then you could say: "Then why are we not stopping it? Did you see all the climate change in the sky? See that white chem-trail line of climate change?"

Geoengineering sky pics part 2

The Health Thread - Natural Remedies - Gardens - Big Pharma - Anything Health Related

Post a Global Threat, Issue, or Problem

Will you allow Americans to be further depopulated?

Soros pushed hard for the world government scheme under the ruse of climate change during the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen last year.

Dark Phoenix Bombed

03:52 PM - Facebook - YouTube - Disney bought Fox for $71B and changed X-Men to X-Women.

Bitcoin is NOT Digital Cash

04:04 PM - Infocomms - @Memeart, But BITCOIN is NOT digital cash. Different. Very different. Very very very different. Therefore, what you're saying is misleading and deceptive.

Immigration Debate

04:39 PM - IWA - I saw an episode about a nice Mexican man on Father Knows Best from around 1953. Very interesting. The man meant well but he broke rules. He was supposed to go to court and missed it because he was helping other people. The whole episode was like that, where he was supposed to do certain things but was doing other things, like things Gomer Pile would have done. At the end, the judge made some kind of compromise in the ruling on the fate of that Mexican in America. Now, it was a nice episode, but the propaganda in it might have been a little bit leftist in some kind of way. Maybe not very leftist but it hinted at some kind of idea of bending rules for nice people, compromising, to go with the spirit of the law as opposed to the letter as if the law was living or something.

Civil War

04:43 PM - IWA - The civil war could be between Muslim Americans and gay Americans.

Youth Group

05:00 PM - 08:00 PM - Mafia Game. Dairy Queen. Appreciation is a good thing to remember. Thank you God for this and that. That city in Greece. Frisbee. The man in the lion's den. The name of my mom's sister's oldest. Hot day. That might be the worse part. Best part was then. Being aggressive and emotional can be easy. Patience is a virtue. Good stories. The mafia game. Tag but with mystery.

Saving the World

08:20 PM - IWA - People like Owen are trying to save the world. The plane is crashing and Owen is running around the plane trying to save people. Mr. Anderson, of the Matrix, says to Owen Shroyer, "Hey, you're so dumb, you might die, you might get sick, it's not like the plane is going to crash and blow up haha." Anderson: "I didn’t say he’s dumb. Stop misquoting me." Me: "Because Owen is smart, you are right."

Post a Girl

08:30 PM - IWA - Post women stuff here. Female things, pictures, videos, articles, memes, GIFs, websites, etc. Anything related to mothers, sisters, wives, daughters, aunts, nieces, women, girls, etc. I'll start.

First Female To Command U.S. Army Infantry


Women include

The Syrian Girl - Faith Goldy - Pardes Seleh - First Robot Woman President

Pardes Seleh

Television Commercial

11:45 PM - I just saw this commercial for a movie from my VHS 41 tape: The Frighteners starring Michael J. Fox. It is probably from 1996.

How do you watch Infowars, etc?

Alex Jones Complete Broadcast And Shortwave Guide - Defeat An Internet Shutdown - Archive.org

In this thread, you can post links and information concerning how and where you watch Infowars at, on, in, and around the world, online, offline, etc. The purpose of this thread is to collect information concerning how-to find Infowars, Alex Jones, Owen Shroyer's War Room, David Knight's Real News, etc, online, offline, on radio, short wave, via the phone, the Internet, television, cable, satellite, email, through watching parties at houses, coffee shops, bars, different places, etc. I've included some links and some information here and I will be trying to add to this list whenever I can. I would like to make a list of radio and television and cable and satellite stations, channels, networks, streams, etc.

Infowars is free to air.


Alex Jones Podcast - MP3 - Free Downloads or Stream Online

Video & Streams

30a-tv - Facebook - Bitchute - Brighteon - Banned on Dlive - Infowars.com - News Wars - Periscope - TV.Infowars - Steemit - YouTube

Helpful Links

Affiliates - Klowd - My Tuner - Prison Planet - RSS - Tunein - Streema - StreamingTV - UG

Ron Gibson

Bitchute - Facebook - Periscope - Steemit


Alex Jones APK

Infowars TV Stations

For TV stations, you can broadcast our programs, as stand alone content, or carry our full 24/7 Infowars TV channel.

Video Broadcast Delivery Methods:

Satellite: Galaxy 16, KU–Band

IP Streaming Video and HLS Video Streams

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Video Broadcast Satellite Specs:

Satellite: Galaxy 16, KU–Band, 99.0°W

Channel Listing: Infowars

Language: English

Downlink Frequency: KU–Band transponder 19k on 12094.8075 Mhz (horizontal polarity)

Symbol rate: 3.6757 Ms/S

FEC: 4/5

Data rate: 5.695290

Bandwidth: 4.5 MHz

System: DTMF cue tones

Encryption: (None) Free-to-air

VHS TO DVD 2019 Notes

V.2019 01.01 - D.2019 01.01 - 2019-06-03 - Monday
V.2019 02.01 - D.2019 02.01 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 03.01 - D.2019 03.01 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 04.01 - D.2019 04.01 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 04.02 - D.2019 05.01 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 05.01 - D.2019 05.02 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 06.01 - D.2019 05.03 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 07.01 - D.2019 05.04 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 08.01 - D.2019 05.05 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 09.01 - D.2019 05.06 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 10.01 - D.2019 05.07 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 11.01 - D.2019 05.08 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 12.01 - D.2019 05.09 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 13.01 - D.2019 05.10 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday - 1996-08 - Karate Kid - 1996-11 or 1996-12 Snow
V.2019 14.01 - D.2019 05.11 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday
V.2019 14.02 - D.2019 06.01 - 2019-06-04 - Tuesday - 09:43 PM LMS
V.2019 14.03 - D.2019 07.01 - 2019-06-05 - Wednesday - 08:53 AM
V.2019 14.04 - D.2019 08.01 - 2019-06-05 - Wednesday - 11:53 AM
V.2019 15.01 - D.2019 08.02 - 2019-06-05 - Wednesday - 02:35 PM
V.2019 16.01 - D.2019 08.03 - 2019-06-05 - Wednesday - 03:00 PM - 03:20 PM - Thumb Wars. Phantom Menace Talk. Football. Olympics. Jeopardy. Shows. Maybe cable or regular TV.
V.2019 17.01 - D.2019 08.04 - 2019-06-05 - Wednesday - 03:26 PM - 03:28 PM - Making Twister
V.2019 18.01 - D.2019 08.05 - 2019-06-05 - Wednesday - 03:32 PM - 03:40 PM - Super Bowl 30. Next tape - 98 NBA.
V.2019 19.01 - D.2019 08.06 - 2019-06-06 - Thursday - 07:00 PM - 08:39 PM - 1997 - Cable - Princess Diana. Fresh Prince. Dinosaur ABC Show. Fiona Apple Criminal Song. Mariah Carey. Beavis & Butthead. Football. Titanic for a second. Music videos on MTV. Jerry Seinfeld commercial. Other commercials.
V.2019 20.01 - D.2019 08.07 - 2019-06-06 - Thursday - 08:40 PM - 09:04 PM - NBA. Power Rangers in Space.
V.2019 21.01 - D.2019 08.08 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 09:32 AM - End contains Ra Ra from VHS 21.
V.2019 21.02 - D.2019 09.01 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 09:35 AM - 1:44 AM - 50 Minutes - Amanda Please. Blah Blah Judge Judy. Literal Family. Dancing Lobsters. Ra Ra. Cable. 2000. First round of the playoffs in April 2000. Recording of me, Joey, talking, and my guinea pig, Ra Ra Hercules Roberto. A movie trailer preview commercial which was dated to come out in May. Suns and Spurs played in round 1. PHO leads 1-0 and that first game was 2000-04-22 - Saturday. So, my video may have been recorded after that, after the 22nd of April of 2000. Maybe Sunday or Monday or after that. Maybe it was recorded that Saturday right after that NBA game ended.
V.2019 22.01 - D.2019 09.02 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 11:45 AM - 12:21 PM - 3 Minutes - Saq on Nick where he coached a team. Blazers v Lakers Game 3 or 4.
V.2019 23.01 - D.2019 09.03 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 12:22 PM - 12:52 PM - TBN One Time Music Video. Black girl in that show for teens focused on Christian music - FFWD. Thank You Song by Mary Mary and Franklin. TBN THe Word Show - 15 minutes of reading the scriptures by an old guy. Music from TBN. Then, Olympics. Michael Jordan Dream Team 1996.
V.2019 24.01 - D.2019 09.04 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 12:53 PM - 01:16 PM - WOL WCC July 2000 Week 2 VHS Tape - Blank Space Then Back to the review video.
V.2019 25.01 - D.2019 09.05 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 01:17 PM - 01:36 PM - WOL WCC July 2001 Week 2 VHS Tape - Nothing at the end.
V.2019 26.01 - D.2019 09.06 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 01:37 PM - 01:54 PM - WOL WCC July 2002 Week 1 VHS Tape - Me at the end 2002.
V.2019 27.01 - D.2019 09.07 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 01:55 PM - 02:30 PM - WOL WCC July 2003 Week 1 VHS Tape
V.2019 27.02 - D.2019 10.01 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 02:32 PM - 02:41 PM - WOL WCC July 2003 Week 1 VHS Tape - Mermaid Kyle Grey Gray Skit End
V.2019 28.01 - D.2019 10.02 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 02:43 PM - 03:40 PM - Ski Retreat - 2002 February 9 - Hillsboro, OR First Baptist Ski Retreat in January 2002. Maybe edited and finished in Feb 9. In the video, it says Feb. 8. Pn the cover, it says Jan 2002.
V.2019 29.01 - D.2019 10.03 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 03:45 PM - 04:59 PM - Cats Life. Not the first episode. Dumb Dumb Cat intro. Taco dog stuff animal talks outside and then in front of a TV of NBA Inside Stuff.
V.2019 30.01 - D.2019 10.04 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 05:08 PM - 05:24 PM - Arnold Flash - Part 01.
V.2019 30.02 - D.2019 11.01 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 05:27 PM - 05:24 PM - Arnold Flash - Part 02. 1996-2002. Ends with Lot v Zordon in Power Rangers Kids.
V.2019 30.03 - D.2019 12.01 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 09:04 PM - 09:24 PM - Arnold Flash - Part 02. Begins with Lot v Zordon and continues from there for 2:22 minutes and then that's end of that VHS tape. It started rewinding.
V.2019 31.01 - D.2019 12.02 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 09:25 PM - 11:20 PM - 2001-11 - Thanksgiving 2001 VHS Tape Original
V.2019 32.01 - D.2019 12.03 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 11:21 PM - Salvation Army Play 01 - I'm the robot behind the other smaller robot.
V.2019 32.02 - D.2019 13.01 - 2019-06-08 - Saturday - 11:21 PM - 11:50 PM - Salvation Army Play 02
V.2019 33.01 - D.2019 13.02 - 2019-06-09 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - 01:07 AM - 52 Minutes - Benny Hinn. Health lady with a book mom bought. Y2k. TBN shows. Carman. Music. Books. Rod Parsley.
V.2019 34.01 - D.2019 13.03 - 2019-06-09 - Sunday - 01:12 AM - 02:00 AM - Marilyn Morehead Mitchell 2006 College Speech VHS Video.
V.2019 35.01 - D.2019 13.04 - 2019-06-09 - Sunday - 01:33 PM - 02:22 PM - Sammy the Seal. NBA Playoffs 1998: Indiana, Chicago, Jordan, Portland, Utah. TBN shows. Commercials. Mostly basketball. A Disney movie starring a ghost played by the original pink Power Ranger, Melissa or whoever Kimberly was played by. I think Johnson.
V.2019 36.01 - D.2019 13.05 - 2019-06-09 - Sunday - 02:23 PM - 03:40 PM - 15 Minutes - Brady Bunch The Movie Intro. Trailers. Tommy Boy. Commercials. Things from like Cable or TV.
V.2019 37.01 - D.2019 14.01 - 2019-06-09 - Sunday - 03:55 PM - 06:50 PM - Bill Joey Music Video Making. Bloopers. But silent the first 09:40 minutes. It shows stuff from mostly like 2002. School and other places and things and people. After that, it goes to me in the backyard dancing in red for a music video i was making. 2000 Power Rangers Me & Family & Others Music Videos. Background music: PR Music; Paper Mario 64 Music.
V.2019 37.02 - D.2019 15.01 - 2019-06-09 - Sunday - 06:52 PM - 08:28 PM - More 2000 PR Me & Others Music Video Thing.
V.2019 38.01 - D.2019 15.02 - 2019-06-09 - Sunday - 08:30 PM - 10:00 PM - Olympics. TV. Volleyball. Sports. Swimming. Ice Skating. Basketball. NBA. WOmen. Men.
V.2019 36.02 - D.2019 15.03 - 2019-06-09 - Sunday - 10:01 PM - 11:59 PM - More Olympics. Back to VHS tape 36 again to finish that.
V.2019 36.03 - D.2019 16.01 - 2019-06-10 - Monday - 12:45 AM - 01:00 AM - Olympics
V.2019 37.01 - D.2019 16.02 - 2019-06-10 - Monday - 01:00 AM - 02:00 AM - Maybe Olympics & TV Stuff
V.2019 38.01 - D.2019 16.03 - 2019-06-10 - Monday - 02:00 AM - 03:00 AM - More Like Olympics & TV STuff Maybe
V.2019 39.01 - D.2019 16.04 - 2019-06-10 - Monday - 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM - 20 Minutes apx - 2003 Marketing Class - History of Nintendo by High School Junior Student Oatmeal Joey Arnold at FGHS in FG, OR, USA.
V.2019 40.01 - D.2019 16.05 - 2019-06-10 - Monday - 08:50 PM - 10:28 PM - Olympics. Swimming. Men. Women. Commercials. End with I Love Lucy scene of Lucy dancing.
V.2019 40.02 - D.2019 17.01 - 2019-06-10 - Monday - 10:24 PM - 11:09 PM - 17 Minutes - I Love Lucy scene. Dancing. Gypsies. Olympics 1996. NBA Dream Team. Other sports. Commercials.
V.2019 41.01 - D.2019 17.02 - 2019-06-10 - Monday - 11:20 PM - 12:15 AM - Sports on NBC. Nightly 11 PM news. Feed the Children Infomercial. The Frighteners starring Michael J. Fox.

Contact Me - My Social Networks

About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks

Dark Phoenix Bombed

03:52 PM - Facebook - YouTube - Disney bought Fox for $71B and changed X-Men to X-Women.

Timeline Outline

2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 02:49 PM LMS - Stopping Climate Change
2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030
2019-06-09 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - Sunday the 9th of June of 2019
2019-06-10 - Monday - 12:00 AM - Monday the 10th of June of 2019
2019-06-11 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM - Tuesday the 11th of June of 2019
Published at 2019-06-11 - Tuesday - 11:01 AM