
in #j5 years ago

Tommy Robinson News: (click here to see more). Put up transparent roof panels on the shed. Bitcoin vs Trump: Thread - 8 Reactions To Trump's Anti-Cryptocurrency Tweetstorm Storming Area 51: Depends on whether you want to play the long game. Or the short game. If you're really old and might die soon. You might want to play the short game. And go out with a boom. While trying to change the world. Post an Article, Headline, or a Link: Click here to see more. Infowars Shirts, Gear, etc... Bitcoin Music Videos: Click here to see more.

Family History

My grandparents were drunk and missed boarding the Titanic. Thank you Alcohol for saving the life of my grandpa, my dad's dad. If I ever have kids, I would like to tell them stories like that. Also, my family-tree is traced back to and through the original kings of Troy. That could make me royalty. So, please bow down to Lord Oatmeal, that's me haha. Only some of the globalists have uncloaked. Others continue to play long-games which may continue for another century or longer. Application is very valuable. We can interpret stories. After that, we can apply them to our lives, if we want. It's a process. It's gradual. Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT): @ZarkMuckerberg, what do you dislike about Lionel Nation? Lionel's wife interviewed a lady that started a group that helps educate and equip people to know what to do when they may see slaves in America, that is trafficked women, not prostitutes, and especially children. Raiding Area 51: 400K plan to raid it. But globalists may murder them and say aliens did it to mislead us. Technical Difficulties: Infowars website could be outdated. Infiltrating Area 51: Begin gradually. Like Oceans 11.

Internet History

Internet 2.0 refers to Big Tech Ghettos, places like Facebook. Internet 1.0 refers to the era prior to the Tech Cartel Era. As we speak, we're transitioning into a third era. Facebook Jungle. Money Debate: Naomi Brockwell: Tell Trump that Bitcoin is a good thing.

By Oatmeal Joey

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August

Tommy Robinson & Katie Hopkins Screenshot at 2019-07-12 11:36:06.png
Tommy Robinson News

Some highlights from 2019-07-12 - Friday, as follows:


2019-07-11 - Thursday - 11:51 PM - 12:38 AM - Ray Donovan 610 - Bridget Kidnapped
2019-07-12 - Friday - 12:39 AM - 01:28 AM - Ray Donovan 611 - Bridget Rescued
2019-07-12 - Friday - 01:29 AM - 02:29 AM - Ray Donovan 612 - Snow

Alex Jones

02:39 AM - Alex Jones is talking about sustainability.

Storming Area 51

02:46 AM - Depends on whether you want to play the long game. Or the short game. If you're really old and might die soon. You might want to play the short game. And go out with a boom. While trying to change the world.

Open Borders Debate

09:11 AM - Thread - I do not know Lemon Balm. Is that from those videos from above? In other news, AOC asks to be sworn in:

Parenting Debate

09:16 AM - My parents raised me and my brother and my two sisters. But my sisters made different choices. Not everything is because of the parents. I agree that future generations will be making big choices. It will be up to them.

As a child, I thought as a child. I spoke as a child.

When I became a man, I put away childish things.

Now, I enjoy Mark Dice Captain Planet Voice-Overs.

Watching Captain Planet

I remember watching Captain Planet in the 1990's. At the time, I thought of it as mostly a super hero cartoon and not as an activist show that was supposed to tell me what to do.


I guess the show taught us to recycle and stuff. Throw away your trash. Nice common sense things. So, I already knew those things and I thought that was nice. I didn't know a lot back then and I didn't really think a lot about all of it. I was probably unaware of all of the propaganda from Captain Planet. Reminds me of Smokey the Bear, only you can prevent forest fire.

Common Sense

Some kids might be like me. Some kids may like shows like Captain Planet and may get some good things out of it. Sadly, those shows might do more harm than good for some of the kids. So, I might be ok with it. I grew up and began learning about how the earth goes through 500-year weather cycles and that there is geoengineering (man-made climate change), and many different things that we fight. So, as we get older, we learn more and mature. But some people may not grow up as quickly or ever at all.

I guess it depends on the kid.

The good news is that kids have more choices now.

Before, less choices.

Some people may have had just one choice, that is to watch Captain Planet, for example.

Now, some kids may have more choices.

They can pick different things to watch on YouTube and other websites, and that can be a good thing.

The Root

@millennialocracy, yes, the democratic party has always been Far Left, fundamentally speaking, at the root, that is at the core, at the source, since at least the 1800's in some ways.

Gradual Roll-Out

However, on the outside, at least at times, some people were unaware of the infiltrators of the democratic party that were turning the party into the Far Left, into what we are seeing in the 2010's. Like cancer, leftism spread through the democratic party. In some ways, at times, the infiltration has been gradual. Technically, you might be right that there was no shift, because the globalists have been race-baiting like you said. They have their play books. They've been doing what they've been doing for many decades, if not longer. But at the same time, like boiling frogs in hot water, some people are beginning to recognize that now. Also, like Alex Jones says all the time, globalists have been accelerating their long-game into a short-game in the 2010's, to some extent. Some globalists are still trying to play the long game while others are focused more on accelerating world domination and genocide of over 90% of the world population and everything else that they're working on. Some of the globalists recognize how patriots continue to rise each day and in how they are running out of time and they're trying to speed up the process of taking over the world.

One More Century

Some of the globalists may be over-confident and may continue to play the long game in trying to continue taking over the world for the next century which is what they need.

They need another century.

To really conquer the planet.

Some globalists know that.

Other globalists want to conquer earth right now.


I mean, yesterday.

So, there is a split in the globalist factions.

Different groups are trying to take over the world, differently.

Not On The Same Page

They're not all on the same page.

Some of them will continue hiding from us.

Others will continue to laugh at us.

So, we are stopping some of the globalists.

Future generations will continue to fight.

And it will be up to them.

Long Game vs Short Game

As some of the globalists are still playing a long game.

Not all of the globalists are playing a short-game.

That's the scary part.

That's why we have to play a long-game too.


09:54 AM - My grandparents were drunk and missed boarding the Titanic. Thank you Alcohol for saving the life of my grandpa, my dad's dad. If I ever have kids, I would like to tell them stories like that. Also, my family-tree is traced back to and through the original kings of Troy. That could make me royalty. So, please bow down to Lord Oatmeal, that's me haha.

Racist Statues

10:03 AM - One of the problems has to do with private property.

Which is kind of like My Body My Choice.

Which I thought Democrats agreed with.

That is if people owned the statues.

Then the statues are like their body.

And that it should ultimately be their choice.

Fighting Long-Games

10:15 AM - Only some of the globalists have uncloaked.

Others continue to play long-games which may continue for another century or longer.

Yes, exciting times as we stop some of the globalists.

Not all of them, but some of them.

But we must continue to motivate each other to not fall right back to sleep after a few small battles.

Alex Jones says it all the time.

We are winning battles.

That's the short-game that some globalists play.

They're the baby globalists.

But other globalists are smarter.

So, these smarter globalists are going back into hiding and will continue to do stuff for many decades to come.

So, we are winning battles.

But the bigger wars continue.

The scary part is in the possible illusion of winning all of the wars with all of the globalists.

Trump talked about complacency.

So, the scary part is if too many people develop excessive apathy in the 2020's, that is if patriots, globally, win many of the battles around the world, in the next few years.

The scary part is that some of the globalists will still be running away and hiding and waiting for us to grow old and die and forget.

This happens in history.

One generation fights hard for freedoms.

But then future generations forget about it.

And there are those patterns found in history.

We must always remind ourselves of the patterns.

Found in history.


10:20 AM - Application is very valuable. We can interpret stories. After that, we can apply them to our lives, if we want. It's a process. It's gradual.

Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT)

10:25 AM - @ZarkMuckerberg, what do you dislike about Lionel Nation?

Lionel's wife interviewed a lady that started a group that helps educate and equip people to know what to do when they may see slaves in America, that is trafficked women, not prostitutes, and especially children.

Raiding Area 51

10:38 AM - I have seven question. My favorite number is 7 and the biggest question is the last one.

  1. How many of the 400K end up showing up on time to do the raid?
  2. How many in that group are infiltrators?
  3. How many have family, children, wives?
  4. How many could be bought off?
  5. How many could be black-mailed?
  6. How many could be threatened?
  7. Could they be framed?

Could they be murdered as they attempt to raid Area 51 and then framed? It's possible that some people may try to raid Area 51 and will be disappeared or something.

After that, the fake media news may report on how these people were possibly abducted by aliens, not by humans. In reality, they may have been, in that case, taken by humans and not by aliens. But globalists could take advantage of the raid to use it as propaganda for misleading people and stuff.

Yes. Some of them may treat it like a family picnic with the aliens. Let's bring the whole family to what could be the most dangerous place on earth, not to be confused with Disneyland, the happiest and safest place on our planet (allegedly).

Raiding Area 51

10:51 AM - Getting in is the easy part.

Getting back out is the harder part.

You might be able to rob a bank.

But then you have people going after you.

You should think things through before committing.

If they all brought camcorders, cameras, phones, and were able to live-stream while raiding Area 51, and if people on the outside downloaded, shared, Bit-Torrented, the videos, the pictures, of the raid, then that might be historically valuable, assuming that enough people were passing it on to multiple computers all around the world at the same time in order to prevent all of the copies to be scrubbed off the Internet.

My advice to them:

12:35 PM - 1. Study Area 51 from the outside looking in: Think like the people in Ocean's 11. Think like a criminal who is planning to escape prison. Study the patterns, the work schedules.

  1. Develop plans.
  2. Then develop backup plans.
  3. Make sure the groups are on the same page.
  4. Blend in. Try to wear the same clothes that the normal Area 51 Personnel wear. Look like them. Fake name badges and I.D. cards. James Bond style.
  5. Get Area 51 vehicles.
  6. Have different groups begin from different parts of America.
  7. Have different groups begin to raid at different times from different places, one by one, gradually.
  8. Begin the raid as not a raid. Act like you're one of them and act normal. Try to record things and stream them off to the Internet.
  9. As soon as they begin to notice that you're infiltrating them, then begin to accelerate with reinforcement from the reserved army of you guys.
  10. But try to be smooth at first. Try to slowly drip into Area 51 incognito. But as soon as that begins to fall apart, the people on the outside need to somehow determine when it's time to storm the castle and accelerate the raid by ten times the speed or even 100x the speed.

@Trey060, if they want to be as successful as possible, they should heed my advice and attempt multiples plans and backup plans, incognito, simultaneously.

Infowars Website Problem

11:05 AM - No, I don't know but getting a solid live feed is determined by several factors. There are three main parts to those factors, your end, their end, and everything in the middle which may involve the Internet Service Provider (ISP) and data centers (the Internet Highway) and other things. You start with your end and make sure you can get a solid feed for other videos to determine that it is not really a problem on your end.

The Infowars website may have a different setup than Bitchute which could be causing problems for you depending on your operating system, your web browser, and especially on plugins and things like that.

Sadly, the problems on your end, if there are any, may be a result of the setup that the Infowars website might have, meaning that they may be live-streaming the old fashion way.

In other words, parts of the Infowars website, or all of it, might be a bit too outdated, depending on their web builders and in how they do it all.

I was building a website in 2011 and I can tell you that there are different ways of doing it.

But some of it can become outdated.

I encourage Infowars IT to reconsider how they do the Infowars website.

I could be wrong, but I have a feeling that at least some of it is possibly too outdated or misconfigured.

People lie to Trump about Bitcoin.

The IT department may have lied to Alex Jones about some things or they may be misinformed themselves.

Regardless, they could do better.

I'm not even an expert, and yet I know that Infowars could up their website game.

There may be aliens but maybe not in Area 51.

@Trey060, reminds me of that quote from the Karate Kid where somebody said they were going to bring out body bags. Or that the kid would need a body bag.

@Rob_Roy, I like that video of Aliens versus Predators. It's cool how, spoiler alert, that last Alien blows up or something to kill off everybody else. However, I think some of the Predators would have ran away or survived the explosion somehow because the Aliens seem to be smarter than the Predators, right? Darth Maul Clones don't have lightsabers, right? But they still win in that simulation?

@Trey060, so, you have never seen Ocean's 11?

@Trey060, so, you're saying it's possible to steal somebody's identity? So, I cannot pretend to be you? I cannot try to steal your credit card information, your I.D.? I cannot do what the Nazi Germans did after World War II in the U.S.? Are you saying that people can't do what leftist Americans did in the early 1900's as they studied at Oxford and then infiltrated the U.S. educational systems? It's impossible for Rhino Republicans to infiltrate the conservative movement like they did in the 1900's? So, it's possible for the leftists to infiltrate Hollywood like they did during the 1900's?

You doubt that anybody could pretend to be one of them. But it can be done. It has been done. Project Veritas and Infowars and others have insiders in Big Tech. Alex Jones made a documentary some years ago about Bilderberg. They talked about the insiders. Wikileaks have insiders, sources. Cernovich and Jack Posobiec and Steven Crowder and other patriots all around the world have Intel, contacts, and they infiltrate things. It has been done and is being done in many countries around the world. I wouldn't be surprised that there are already insiders in Area 51 already infiltrating them or gathering information to pass on to people. This kind of things has been happening for decades, if not longer. Just look around and you will see these patterns all around you. That's why we study history as what happened continues to happen and that helps us decide which side of history we may want to be on as it is always ongoing.

Salvation Debate

11:12 AM - @John, it talks about how salvation is not attained by work. Therefore, you cannot unearn what you cannot earn. You have to be perfect to earn salvation without Jesus. I asked Christ into my heart when I was five years old in 1990 in Oregon. Ephesians 2 talks about inheriting the riches of His grace, transcending time. Salvation is an eternal thing. Outside of time. You cannot let go of what you don't hold, John 10:28-30. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit could be a sin, and yet we all sin, Romans 3:23. Yes. I have a relationship with Christ, a fellowship, not to be confused with salvation itself. Fellowship is part of the sanctification process. The first part is justification. The third part is glorification. God promises to complete those three steps in Christians, Philippians 1:6.

Watching Infowars

11:35 AM - @Rob_Roy, it said two things:

  1. It says "Video Unavailable."
  2. Below that, it says "Watch this video on YouTube."

There are many different websites out there like Vaghn.

Bitcoin vs Trump

12:42 PM - Thread - 8 Reactions To Trump's Anti-Cryptocurrency Tweetstorm @Trey060, EMP would have to destroy the whole world before it can begin to stop Bitcoin. Every computer that runs Bitcoin. Every device. Everything. All at the same time. The world relies on the Internet. If you stop Bitcoin, you also stop the world. So, if Bitcoin was stopped, the whole world would be stopped at the same time.

@Trey060, yes, the U.N. is infiltrating Internet 2.0.

But what about Internet 3.0?

@Trey060, how much do you know about the different companies that may own the different data centers, the Internet Highways, the main fiber optic cable wires, the physical backbone, the main infrastructure of the Internet (which ISPs and other things plug into), which most of the traffic funnels through at it's fastest speeds? Beyond that, do you realize that not all of the Internet Traffic flows through those main data centers and that there are other systems and other things as well?

@Trey060, when I say data center, I'm NOT talking about whatever you're talking about, probably. You're using a different definition to data center than I'm using. Do I have to explain to the audience what you're talking about and about what I'm talking about? We are talking about two different things, possibly.

You might own a data center.

I don't really know if you really do or don't.

But regardless of that, there is a lot more to it than whatever you might have.

What I'm talking about is what you just referenced, global things, which involves DNS like you said. So, I'm getting into the biggest and fastest parts of the Internet and not the smaller parts of the Internet.

Draining Swamps

01:07 PM - @Rob_Roy, I saw the fly but didn't all the sulfur get removed with the exit of Obama or is Trump a swamp creature or is too much of the swamp still there?

How-To Watch Infowars

01:16 PM - Open your phone.

Open up a web browser.

Go to Infowars.com.

Why even bother with apps lol?

Data Centers

01:19 PM - Trey060 wrote: "Yes I have a data center and one machine runs the DNS and all that BS. That one server goes down none of the other servers can properly communicate and all internet is down. Their is a sub network so a select few can still talk but they still lose internet. It’s still all a top down system for the most part and you shut off or make a major change at the top it causes problems down below."

@Trey060, how many internet service providers (ISPs) pay you money to use your highway?

@Trey060 does NOT know what I'm talking about.

I'm NOT talking about that.

I'm talking about something VERY BIG.


But @Trey060 is talking about something SMALL.



Religion Debate

01:38 PM - Which came first, the chicken or the egg, the God or the Devil? Bingozee commented with a quote of what I said, Biochemistry and psychology. I replied with Bye Bingozee for using words from Bingozee.

Internet Service Providers (ISP) Debate

01:41 PM - Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

How do they do it?

How do they provide Internet to their customers?

It's a Trap

01:45 PM - Jack Posobiec might be right that it's either completely or partly a trap, as in infiltrated or created to get rid of a bunch of people who try to report on Area 51 as journalists, activists, etc.

U.N. Tyranny

04:04 PM - Three Big Problems:

  1. U.N. tries to conquer the U.S.
  2. U.N. tries to manage the world.
  3. U.N. tries to regulate up to 99% of the Internet. Not 100% but most of the centralized aspects of Internet 2.0, not Internet 3.0, potentially, generally, approximately, probably, currently, worse-case scenario, to some extent, in some ways. Internet 3.0, Not Web 3.0, is already here.

Roof Work

04:10 PM - 08:00 PM - Washed the dishes. Vacuumed. Cucumber Man. We took down the roof panels off the front shed near the front shed. Put up transparent panels on it and then cleaned up.

Internet History

08:24 PM - Internet 2.0 refers to Big Tech Ghettos, places like Facebook. Internet 1.0 refers to the era prior to the Tech Cartel Era. As we speak, we're transitioning into a third era.

Tech Cartels

08:41 PM - @keyrobinfo18, Internet has been becoming consumed by Big Tech Companies like Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon; similar to how larger corporations began buying up smaller cable stations in the 1980's.


@Trey060 is partly right that part of the Internet is a connection between private networks. However, that's not the entire story.

Getting Back The Internet

First off, did we ever have the Internet in the first place? No. It began by government (military) and possibly other groups, like IBM (Hitler), etc. But Internet access began accelerating by the 1980's, which may have been the beginning of the first Internet era, that is Internet 1.0.

Internet 2.0 refers to the rise of the Big Tech Cartels.

Internet 3.0 refers to cryptographic, decentralized, blockchain networks, which is how we are taking back the Internet in many different ways.

How do we do it?

We take back the Internet as we work on hardware and software things that are Copy-Left, not Copy-Right; things that are Open Source; things that are decentralized; anything using real cryptocurrencies; anything that utilizes peer to peer (P2P); the blockchain; Bit Torrent; Linux; etc, etc.

There are many ongoing projects that are helping with that.

We can talk all day about amazing projects.

You can be part of the projects.

We should be talking about Internet 3.0 Projects.

Some projects focus more on hardware.

Some more one software.

It takes both hardware and software.

So, just look around and you will see these projects.

Isn't that what Infowars is all about?

@Trey060, beyond that, you LIE and you pretend as if you know what I'm talking about. You are as ignorant about it as Trump is about Bitcoin.

Weekend Activism

08:50 PM - @Bingozee is a ROTHSCHILD LOVER lol @Bingozee, so, activism may cross over to marketing, advertisement. But then again, what doesn't? Anything and everything that people do in their lives can be used to profit themselves.

If you connect the dots, follow the money, break it down, and study it carefully, you may see how people can do things and then benefit from those things.

Alex Jones does activism while advertising the Infowars Store and money can be good. Money does not always have to be only a bad thing. Making money does not always have to be a bad thing. It depends on a few things. Activism can be good as well, likewise. That's good. Activism and advertising can cross paths and that does not always have to be a bad thing, automatically. It depends. So, long story short, they both may or may not be the same thing or not the same thing. Does it really matter? That's a very important question. The answer might be that it may not really matter when compared to getting the job done in order to make the world a better place full of oatmeal castles.

Oh my Oatmeal God, @Bingozee is advertising himself by saying that people pay him money to do it professionally, hint hint, do as I say and not as I do lol.

@Bingozee, I thought you were ACTIVISM, not ADVERTISING lol.

Diamond & Silk: Facebook Banned Us.

Swamp: How much money are you making?

D&S: Sir, but Facebook kicked us to the curve.

Bald Black Guy: But You making too much money.

Bingozee: Yeah, What He Said lol.

We should do activism. We can call it The Bingozee Project. Winners get a free ability to advertise themselves while doing activism lol.

Daddy @Bingozee, but do I have to shut up and go to my room right now? But it's not past my bedtime yet. I didn't get any dessert. I love Oatmeal Ice-Cream. Before there was Facebook, there was Yahoo Geo Cities.

Facebook Jungle

09:20 PM - @keyrobinfo18, almost everybody uses Facebook.

So, there are all kinds of people on FB.

So, some things are setups.

Some things are not.

Some people know that.

Some do not.

It depends on a bunch of factors.

Facebook is a jungle.

Full of surprises.

Like the real world.

Naomi Brockwell

09:36 PM - Weekly Crypto Recap: Trump "not a fan" of bitcoin, Tron's offices overrun, and MTgox news!

Bitcoin Trump

09:56 PM - Tell Trump thast Bitcoin is a good thing.

The Bitcoin Thread

10:07 PM- @Trey060 is in bed with Trump. Copper pipes is very healthy. Send be some Bitcoin.

Finding Area 51

10:09 Pm - But keep some camera crews behind the mountains.

Have some body cams on live-streams.

Multiple live-streams to social media networks.

Multiple body cams per person.

Then Facebook will be accused of publishing mass genocide.

Post an Article, Headline, or a Link

10:41 PM - Click here to see more. Infowars Shirts, Gear, etc...


10:54 PM - Low Trades - Bitcoin Song (Airplanes, Bitcoin Remix) - I could use a bull run but rather have a dip, to get to spend this fiat, that would be my wish... Cause after all the bulls and the market cap crashing, and the men with the suits when they cashed in...

We contend that low trades, and the right buys will take us far
I could really use a dip right now, dip right now, dip right now
We contend that low trades, and the right buys will take us far
I could really use a dip right now, dip right now, dip right now
Yeah -
I could use a bull run but rather have a dip
To get to spend this fiat, that would be my wish
Cause after all the bulls and the market cap crashing
And the men with the suits when they cashed in
And all the Ethereum and all the false tips brings me back
I really miss those big dips
And when you’re looking at Coinmarketcap
Wishing that you bought when you first heard it back
When your cousin bought low
And you wish that you had listened but what did you know
A businessman who mooned with his hands
It was a good investment but it’s all in gods plan
HODL gang, HODL gang bull run soon
And now I’m here when we go to the moon
Buy more crypto, a whisper in my ear
And I’m hoping for dip before the end of the year
We contend that low trades, and the right buys will take us far
I could really use a dip right now, dip right now, dip right now
We contend that low trades, and the right buys will take us far
I could really use a dip right now, dip right now, dip right now
I could really use a dip right now
I, I, I could really use a dip right now
Like, like, like take us far
I, I, I could really use a dip right now
A dip a dip right now

Thank you so much for watching my Bitcoin music videos & cryptocurrency content. I was once a girl with a dream of making songs about Bitcoin & now here we are. I am so grateful to be apart of the blockchain community, and so happy you can join me.

  • Rachel