Weekly Crypto Recap: Trump "not a fan" of bitcoin, Tron's offices overrun, and MTgox news!

in #bitcoin5 years ago

This week's Crypto Recap, with Chris Karabats aka @zaphoid of Smartcash:

Trump "not a fan" of bitcoin, tweets about volatility and supremacy of USD:

Fed Chair Jerome Powell compares bitcoin to Gold, but wary of both Bitcoin and Libra

Protestors set fire to house of alleged Ponzi Schemer in South Africa

Trezor Vulnerabilities exposed

Fortress wants to buy MtGox claims for $900 per bitcoin

Tron's Beijing Office overrun with protestors who were duped by a Tron-Lookalike-Scam site

Bitpoint Exchange in Japan hacked for $32 Million

Poland’s second-largest crypto exchange "Bitmarket" shuts down citing "loss of liquidity"

NYAG continues battle with Bitfinex, saying it served NY customers longer than it claims

Litecoin becomes the official crypto of the Miami Dolphins


Naomi Brockwell, I love your Trump impression, and Trump has been helping America and that's good. However, you're right that people probably lied to Trump about Bitcoin, etc.

We're trying to counter Rothschild; centralized banking; the Federal Reserve; the U.S. Dollar, fiat; Facebook Libra (Fake Coin); etc, etc.

Bitcoin is a good tool for storing value long-term and for transferring value from place to place.

People don't have to like Trump.

But it's important for people to at least try to tell Trump what they want.

So, some of us may not be happy with what Trump wrote on Twitter about Bitcoin, assuming he wrote that.

So, we got to let people know.

Talk about what Trump wrote, dear readers.

And if you don't like what Trump allegedly wrote.

Then make a video about it.

Or something.

Education is really important

Agree on the hardware device issue, with a little knowledge of rawtransactions you can quite easily keep your crypto keys offline. Although buidling your own isnt always as secure as a business can achieve, the fact that your own solution is completely non-standard is a defense in itself.

P.S. Maybe Trump doesnt like Bitcoin because the feels round and orange is his brand...?

lolol maybe ;)

Regarding setting the house on fire, I'm from South Africa and that is a pretty normal thing to do when you're angry. I know it seems crazy to the rest of the world, because it damn well is but we're so used to it already. Trains or Busses are late, better believe they're getting burned. We just love burning things to get our point across

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