
in #j5 years ago

January 2015. I Will = I Will Not = Yoda Was Right - Do Or Do Not - There is No Try. Ten Types of Trolls according to Life Wire are: 1 Insult 2 Debate 3 Grammar 4 Offended 5 Blabber 6 Profanity / All Caps 7 One Word 8 Exaggeration 9 Random 10 Greedy - Doesn't this mean we are all trolls according to Life Wire?

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June

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Voice to Skull

Some highlights from Tuesday the 28th of May of 2019, as follows:

January of 2015

01:07 AM - I was teaching English at the 23/9 Park. Met Thuy Tran who became my student. We had an English party. Medical English met at the bubble tea shop. I spent most of my time at the parks teaching English, around ten hours or more on most days, for free.


08:41 AM - W.H.O. says transgenderism is no longer a mental disease.


08:42 AM - Britain Votes Again to Brexit ! Landslide Victory for the 6 WEEK OLD PARTY Brexit Party ! Mr Brexit Nigel Farage Wins ! MBGA!


08:50 AM - Spray the second boat. Helped refill the bird feeder. Pants and shoes wet from the spray.

Ten Types of Trolls

09:19 AM - Post an Article - Ten Types of Trolls according to Life Wire are: 1 Insult 2 Debate 3 Grammar 4 Offended 5 Blabber 6 Profanity / All Caps 7 One Word 8 Exaggeration 9 Random 10 Greedy - Doesn't this mean we are all trolls according to Life Wire? @benoaks, one might be able to fit in the engine part of the car, and his head may overlap towards the glove department, but only assuming it was a custom design car where the internal organs of the car was reorganized in order to fit one person, perhaps. @Memeart, yes, agreed, and that's my point, the same with how the left can call anybody with a brain a racist or whatever. So, like you said, the truth is often the opposite of the inversion of reality that is projected from leftism. @Memeart, but to which degree, to what percentage, where do you draw the line, between doing it too much and too little. I feel like I would have to be a troll in order to know for certain who is a troll. In other words, you may have to really study a person's behavior, what they do and not do in order to determine these things. I correlate a subjective definition to that term, "TROLL," with other subjective opinions relating to what might be hate speech and spam and racist and other things. Spam - A troll might spam, for example. So, does a bear poop in the forest? Yeah. Does a troll spam on the Internet? Of course. But what is spam? A troll might be racist. So, who determines who is racist? A troll might spit out hate speech. But what is hate speech? I'm trying to say that these things raises more questions than they answer and the more you know, the more you don't know. What I mostly want to say is that these words can be defined subjectively or objectively. I believe in eternal and universal objectivity. I believe that humans don't know everything and therefore are stuck in the realm of subjectivity. Therefore, we can debate on subjective and incomplete definitions to all of these terms, all of these words like troll, spam, racism, bigotry, hate speech, terrorism, free speech, etc.

Freedom to Insult

09:53 AM - @thoughtsin-time - Without the right to insult there is no freedom of speech - I replied: "I totally agree. Insults are of adjacent to imaginary hate speech which is possibility within the realms of free speech. Upvoted. Resteemed."

Vegans Should Read This

10:02 AM - Biotech Is Out Of Control... Here Is Why!

I Will = I Will Not

10:03 AM - 11:20 AM - I Will = I Will Not = Yoda Was Right - Do Or Do Not - There is No Try - I will write this later. Yup. Just kidding. Why not now? If not now, then when? Tomorrow? But tomorrow will never come. That is what this video is all about. Great conversation. Stefan Molyneux talks to a man in his fifties who wants to start a family but isn't married. The man was like a doctor, or he was selling medicine. He must have moved to Latin America. He used to travel the world. He was in Japan. His parents didn't have those vital conversations with him as a kid.

Post a Link

11:47 AM - Post a link to a person. Anybody. Dead or alive. Link to their websites, videos, pictures, articles, or whatever. I'll go first.

Kaitlin Bennett

LibertyHangout.org - You can find Kaitlin on Liberty Hangout.

Gun Debate

Kaitlin Bennett Challenges David Hogg to an Arm Wrestle to Decide Fate of 2nd Amendment


PopQuiz on the Beach - Almost one million views as of right now:

Post a Picture

12:05 PM - You can post pictures here. I’ll start. - Kaitlin Bennett as Indian Elizabeth Warren.

Netflix Over Disney

12:08 PM - I would favor Netflix over Disney even as Obama is connected to Netflix. But the future is neither of them. But for now, they will continue to fight for viewers for as long as people put up with that kind of lame oatmeal.

Post a Meme

12:16 PM - Post Memes Here - You Can Find Ben Garrison on GrrrGraphics.com

Find Movies For Free

12:19 PM - I subscribe to Bit Torrent and anything else that may work. There are many different programs, websites, networks, and different ways to get and find and watch and share videos, shows, movies, documentaries, etc.

Infocomms is Dead?

12:25 PM - Owen said on the show that he doesn't know if Infocomms will be back up or not and that it was like technical difficulties and websites are attacked as well, from hackers, etc. Owen mostly said he didn't know what was going on. Boats can be expensive. 10K. Wow.

How-To Watch Infowars

12:35 PM - You can download Firefox and bookmark Infowars.com on your phone and click on the bookmark to go to the web page to watch it, to listen to it, directly. If you want, you can bypass the other apps and access the show via web browsers on phones, computers, laptops, tablets, devices, towers, smart watches, etc.

Donate or Invest?

12:45 PM - MacKenzie Bezos Pledges Half of Her Nearly $37 Billion to Charity - TMZ - I would rather be the charity than to just give it away to charity. If you can't use the money for good and you are going to die soon or if you're going to gamble away the money and waste it away, then you should give away your money to charity, be it a trillion dollars or even just one penny. But if you can be the charity and invest the money into something that can help other people in ways that can be better than whatever the charities are doing or might do, then be the charity, that is unless if you truly trust the charities you give to, that is assuming minimal corruption and minimal overhead profits and everything within the charities you donate to and if you do donate to charities, then make it a joint interest, like an investment instead of a donation.

Stop The IRS

12:49 PM - You could use that kind of money trying to end the IRS.

College Thesis Paper - English Class

01:00 PM - 05:00 PM - Google Hangout - Chromium Web Browser - Ubuntu Mate 16.04 - Laptop Lenovo Yoga - Corrected a college paper - around 50 pages - possibly a PhD thesis - I recorded part of the conversation, the audio using OBS - class 2 - 2019-05-28 14-25-05 - Tuesday - College Thesis - Smart Grid - Talk Geography, Guns, Markets, Tech, Foods, Prices, Differences, Vietnam, America, Cultures, English, Tenses, Grammar, Traffic, Weather.mp4 - Paris - France. Nguyễn Thanh Quỳnh. Last Class: Wednesday, the 6th of May of 2019 - 01:30 PM - 04:30 PM.

Game of Thrones Sucks

06:01 PM - Game of Thrones Documentary - Conlith Hill Hates Varys' Fate! - The way they cheered when the little girl killed the Night King is revealing of a very SJW environment.

Natural Laws Over Money

06:20 PM - @earthcustodians - What is Cyclical Consumption? - In a perfect world full of perfect people, this would be great. I believe in promoting these types of values in pushing people towards this kind of world that utilizes natural laws like you said. The hard part is in motivating people towards these types of systems, in minimizing excessive short-term goals.


06:30 PM - Big Garage Desk. Patio. 2 hours. Beans. Chips. Oven. In there. Organizing. 2 ear phones and a spliter because one ear bud broke again even after buying a new one a few days ago. Generally, I buy ear phones and one side breaks after some days or some months. Aladdin. Oh, fun.

Buycotts Over BoyCotts

10:43 PM - Geeks & Gamers - Jeremy & Friends - Submit To The High Council - If things are great, promote it, buy it. It is the opposite of a boycott. It is a buycott.


11:51 PM - 01:57 AM - Watching - Aladdin 2019 - Jasmin became the queen.

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About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks

Buycotts Over BoyCotts

10:43 PM - Geeks & Gamers - Jeremy & Friends - Submit To The High Council - If things are great, promote it, buy it. It is the opposite of a boycott. It is a buycott.