
in #j5 years ago

Soph - Part 0002. Girl Was Kidnapped - Agenda-Free TV. You gain privacy as you gain management responsibilities. As kids, our mothers may bathe us in our age of innocence up to the age of seven, generally, or at least for me. As you grow up, you begin to do things on your own. As a kid, you have less privacy between you and your parents. As you get older, as you become independent, you gain privacy. If government, technocracy, corporatism, and others, violate our 4th amendment, our privacy, in the name of safety, in the name of keeping us safe, in violating our freedoms, rights, liberties, in order to help us, we may deserve neither freedom nor safety and we may still be children if we put up with that type of tyranny to any extent. Live Stream: What?! ICE to Hire Contractor to Dump 225K Illegals to Shelters Across the US. Leftist Zombies: The biggest problem may be with the people in the larger cities... Andy Griffith 2003 Reunion.

My Life in 2019

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Screenshot at 2019-05-18 23:44:16.png
Andy Griffith 2003 Reunion

Some highlights from Saturday the 18th of May of 2019, as follows:


11:08 PM - 02:13 AM- Watching - Avengers - End Game

Monopolism Sucks

09:33 AM - Steemit - Monopolism comes from the black contracts between governments and technocracy. Most of Monopolism stems from families like Rothschild, Rockefeller, Clinton, Soros, etc. @Baah said that Steem is closer to socialism over capitalism. How is Steem not a free market? Have you not heard of supply and demand? Does every person get the same number of votes on Steem?

Asia Second Home

09:40 AM - How many Muslims are there in Malaysia? I was in Vietnam, 2012-2017, for five years. I'm now near Seattle. I'm 34 years old and if I don't settle down, like marry, start a family, a career, a ministry, in America, or something, in the next few years, I will probably return abroad to live the rest of my life out in maybe Asia. So, I'm giving the USA a few years I think. If nothing great happen, then I'm out of there, I think.

Sand Hook Hoax

09:50 AM - This would be step one for the general public to consider. There are different ways to raise awareness to Sandy Hook which may be entirely a hoax or partly. It can be rather complex because some people may have died. Some may have been injured. But there may have been actors involved as well. Alex Jones has said that different things were happening at the same time during that event. We have to continue to go after the people behind Sandy Hook. Step two would be to get people to look at 9/11 as well. Of course, we don't red pill everybody. It is mostly a choice at an individual level, to wake up or not. But the Sandy Hook Hoax can wake up a lot of new people for sure. The hard part is finding clever ways to get people to look at Sandy Hook from different angles, perspectives. If some of the actors were singing in the Super Bowl right after Sandy Hook, if you can show people photos, videos, articles, information, different things, then that should raise red alarms inside their brains, I pray, at least some of them.


09:53 AM - Yes. CPS must be dragged down, delayed, with their previous stuff, like you said, to keep them from starting new ones.


09:57 AM - I am mostly against the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and things relating to Rothschild, Soros, Rockefeller, Ford, JP Morgan, Clinton, the thing that happened in 1871, and in 1933, etc, etc.

Big Tech

09:58 AM - Middle East Forum - Deplatforming Conference in Washington, D.C.

Free Write

10:21 AM - They bathed in rivers, lakes, and bath houses for like thousands of years. Men with the men and women with the women. Generally, historically, globally, co-ed bathing not so much in public settings, generally speaking. So, it was the way things were done. Some things were less private. But at the same time, many things are less private now than back then. But it depends on the thing and the degree. Privacy has declined in the past century in many ways, in the 1900's, in many countries, and especially in America. Yes, there are things we do to get back our privacy, our fourth amendment. We can talk all about it. I like to bathe as it makes me clean. More importantly, it makes me feel clean. Just kidding because, actually, feeling clean is not as important as being clean. So, I like baths. I like to bathe. Sometimes, I'm too tired to bathe, but then I force myself to bathe. New Leaf: I turn a new leaf when I bathe in a bath. That is so good. So refreshing. As kids, our mothers may bathe us in our age of innocent up to the age of seven, generally, or at least for me. As you grow up, you begin to do things on your own. As a kid, you have less privacy between you and your parents. As you get older, as you become independent, you gain privacy. If government, technocracy, corporatism, and others, violate our 4th amendment, our privacy, in the name of safety, in the name of keeping us safe, in violating our freedoms, rights, liberties, in order to help us, we may deserve neither freedom nor safety and we may still be children if we put up with that type of tyranny to any extent. That is the thing about growing up and about being independent. Do you want to take care of yourself? Do you want to bathe yourself? Do you want your parents to take care of you for the rest of your life? Do you believe in privacy?

Free Write

10:44 AM - You gain privacy as you gain management responsibilities. As a manager, I try to manage my management, lol, as much as I can. I was a Girl's Basketball Co-Manager with Richie Van Dyke, 2003-2004. I recorded their basketball games with a camcorder. I helped out during practices. What is spindle? Does that have something to do with spinning fake news or the guy that spinned hay into gold, mister Humble Goat Skin? Thanks.


11:00 AM - Weeding flowers from raspberry vines; raking, shoveling. Cowboys & Indians. Soup. Coffee. Milk. Pills.

History of Bedrooms

12:00 PM - What is the history of bedrooms, of personal rooms, chambers, beds? Were the kings the first to have them before the common folks?

Socialism Debate

12:23 PM - In this communal ownership, why do I have so little and why do some people have so much? What happened to Venezuela?

Monopolism Debate

12:31 PM - I am against globalists. I am against people who try to kill a lot of people through geoengineering, mercury vaccines, 5G, debt, taxes, depression, Hollywood propaganda, leftist education, Jihadism, China, the big tech, the Soros Open Borders, authoritarianism, the cancer of federal government that grows and gets bigger and bigger like a plaque, the attack on the fourth amendment especially as privacy should increase with responsibilities, power, rights, liberties, freedoms, etc.


12:32 PM - Lionel Nation.

Steem Debate

12:52 PM - I agree that content discovery is fundamental and crucial for the growth of Steem. We should copy a bit from whatever made Twitter a success. Steem should add Twitter features in resteeming, in being able to add comments to what you resteem, AKA share, reblog, retweet. That might be more an app thing that could be done in Steemit, Busy.org, and/or the other platforms that stem from the Steem root, the Steem blockchain. More Options: Likewise, I would love to see Steem Site, AKA a Steem platform that lets you customize your own home page with links to some of your Steem posts, or posts from others, and other websites, etc. Or at least customizable sidebars like they have with Wordpress, Blogspot, with widgets, addons, links, videos, pictures, etc. Please tell me there is something like that already. There is so much I want to say about many things. I believe in the separation of church and state. I believe in shrinking the size of government, tyranny. Steem: I love Steem. I love Steemit. I'm against excessive centralization, tyranny, centralized banks, Rothschild, the Not-Federal Federal Reserve, etc. I believe in long-term investments. Cryptocurrencies are the future. So, I'm trying to invest in cryptocurrencies, like Steem, Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. It may take ten years or more for these alt coins to rise enough to be something you can rely on. Fiat currencies has been dying and can die out to an extent and cryptocurrencies are helping us in this transition out of the fiat tyrannies and towards more free market competition in money currencies like cryptocurrencies, gold, silver, natural resources, salt, local bank notes, etc. Upvoted. Resteemed. Keep up the good work. I did more yard work. Sweeping. Picking up piles. Abortion debate. Washed the dishes. Checked the mail. I love farms.


02:49 PM - Leftist Zombies: The biggest problem may be with the people in the larger cities as they tend to know less about these things and yet they vote like as if they know more than they do. The state of California, like most states, and the federal government, probably has too much power, over the counties, the cities, the neighborhoods, the communities, the farms, the forest, the land in general, an abuse of the 9th amendment which is all about retaining unused federal and state power back to the people, to the cities, the communities, which seems to be a mechanism for the balancing of the 3 or 4 branches of government, that is the reduction of the tyranny of federal government, the three branches of gov, to return power back to the 4th branch, that is the individuals, we the people. Republic Over Democracy: America has been better as a republic that seeks to help protect minorities in the face of mob-ruling democracy of majorities, and minorities can come from individual choices made by individuals which would mean each person has the potential of being minority and majority based on their choices, beliefs, and everything.

Treason in America

03:07 PM - Tribunal Time: I didn't know that law, EO 13825, to include civilians in military courts. Is that the same as a tribunal? I think it is. I actually didn't know about that law at all. But I think that is good as some criminals could try to hide under the title of civilian regardless of how guilty they may have been of crimes they may have committed when they worked in the government, the military, or whatever. Global Tyranny: That law said civilians but does that only mean American citizens or could it be extended ex-Americans, former Americans, people who may be guilty of crimes but who then flee to other countries for protection? Is there a way to go after people who strip away their citizenship, or the people with double citizenship, who run away from America to hide in New Zealand in a bunker or wherever?


03:20 PM - It's been happening since 1992, if not sooner. Generally, they add stuff to the jet fuel. It is possible that not all of the pilots are aware of all of the ingredients in their jet fuel or they believe in whatever that they think they are spraying, if they are spraying. Some of it may be spray and some of it may be simply jet exhaust that had other things added to it. Things like Lithium. People who don't know about geoengineering should investigate whether they want to digest lithium, etc. NASA confessed that they are spraying poisonous chem-trails according to this 2016 article.

Bad Writing

03:29 PM - Can I spoil the finale for you? I read the spoilers. Yeah, this will be in film class and drama class and writer class for future university students for years to come as what not to do as they broke character archs. Yes, they are destroying Star Wars as well. That's too bad. I watched Avenger's End Game and it wasn't as bad as them but close enough. I probably should write more about these things in future posts.

Taking Over The World

03:34 PM - Globalists have slowly been turning our republic into a democracy, into socialism, communism, tyranny, and things like that, slowly, since like 1871, 1913, and 1933, for example, key points in the attempted destruction of the United States of America, over a century in the making as many different factions of globalists are in a free-for-all all-way war race as they pretend to work with each other and as they stab each other in the back as they try to take over America and the world in a variety of ways all at the same time, like ten different things all at the same time.

Why America?

03:40 PM - People need to stop coming into America because America sucks. People should try to get into Belgium or those other countries. Why are millions of people flooding the American borders, trying to invade the United States in 2019 like never before? Is government not a monopoly?

Obama Government

03:43 PM - Comey and Brennan both admitted to voting communist and Brennan worried whether he would get into the CIA. Well he was a Shoo In of course!

Holistic Medicine Debate

04:06 PM - That reminds me of that Star Wars quote. I have a funny or strange feeling about this. People go with their gut. It's like their heart or like a second brain. But like you said, there is that relationship between the gut and the brain and specifically with bacteria in the gut. I prefer holistic medicine. We are super organisms. I know about some of this. I know about the gut talking to the brain but I have not thought about the bacteria in the gut at that deep of a level. I kind of get it but do the bacteria communicate to the gut which then communicate to the brain? I was thinking about that, but I guess maybe not. But instead, the gut let's the brain know how things are going in the gut based on the condition of the good and bad bacteria and everything else. I know that we are like a superorganism like you said and yet this article got me to really think about it at a deeper level. We have a garden we eat from. People can take care of themselves a lot more than they think, generally speaking and some exceptions may apply in some minority cases, not in the majority of cases. Not most of the time. Yeah, people are getting sucked into the theories of mental health, psychology, and everything. They focus too much on symptoms while ignoring root causes, sources, based on objectivity, logic, common sense, from a complete holistic perspective. Christyna Mawi.


05:24 PM - It is like New Orleans. If it might flood, don't build there.


05:48 PM - Fred Meyers in Cornelius, OR, USA. Mom went to the bathroom. Dad is pushing the shopping cart. It has groceries and things in it. I'm listening to dad talk about life everything. Crazy things. Normal things. I don't remember what exactly. We turn the corner as we walk in the store newar the jewelry. Katie looks in the mirror or the reflection of herself from the glass of the jewelry place and she begins to dance a little. I stand near her on the other side of the cart and dance too while continuing to listen to dad and then I woke up. In a previous dream a minute before that. Thinking about students climbing a building from floor to floor. Good students. Maybe more like friends. Maybe metaphors. Maybe a few differen things were happening at the same time.


06:00 PM - Renegade - S01E19 - S01E20 - Like a Batman Dexter Morgan character. He was framed for a crime he didn't commit. He ran away to escape that. He became an outlaw. He helps people get out of bad situations when the law is not helping them similar to how Dexter and Batman tried to help people. Early 1990's. I've not seen this show before. Also, saw a bit of Rio from 2011.

Facebook Avatar

08:02 PM - My new Facebook profile picture.

Job Deception

09:16 PM - @Baah believes in the lie that Americans suck and that only illegal immigrants want to do some of the work that Americans don't want to do. He is ignoring Soros Open Borders and Sanctuary Cities and the Europe No-Go Zones and many things. THere are books about it.

Law Debate

09:23 PM - MC - Tribunals

My New Video

09:30 PM - Facebook - YouTube - 8 minute video - 0 Views - 0 Likes - 0 Comments - 0 Shares - Drink Coffee with Not Scott Adams Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Breathe in and out. Choose to focus on positive emotions as you feel good and bad and many emotions at the same time. When you are full and hungry, drink tea. Linkin Park Music. Crawling in my skin. Acknowledge emotions. Pray. Write it down. Ask for help. You're not a victim. Ask for help, again. You can do more than you think. Get to work. Smile. Have fun. Get things done. Hard to know what to say. Hard to know what you don't know. Milke. Reading Rainbow. Don't take my word for it. Whose Line Is It Anyways.


10:12 PM - Girl Was Kidnapped - Agenda-Free TV

Ali Alexander

10:21 PM - @Lucas_Knight, bingo, that is what Ali Alexander was trying to say.

Soph 0002

10:50 PM - Soph - Part 0002 - Red Ice Interviewed Miss Corbis on YouTube as the left tries to ban her for commenting on the modern age that we all live in. I've included links to Soph's other videos in Part 0001. She appears wise beyond her years. She talks about double standards. @ZarkMuckerberg, why did you black out his name, @jamesdudley?

Soph Feedback

@ KEEMSTAR @ KavosYT @ sewernugget This is an email we got from our Principal at our school which Soph goes to with me, this is so dumb Soph is such a nice kid and they are talking about working with the local enforcement team, this isn’t right she is such a good kid... Some kid even spat on her, we need something to be done.

Andy Griffith Revival

11:14 PM - @benoaks, but conservative people can always be encouraged to become more conservative. Specifically, what I mean is that nobody knows everything and we are not perfect. We have weaknesses. For example, some conservatives may not know how much mercury is in vaccines. Some may not know that the Federal Reserve is not federal. Some may not know how bad 5G is. Some may not know enough about 9/11. The list goes on and on and on. Believe it or not, they may know some things but not other things. Beyond that, conservatives may not agree on everything with each other. So, you can still debate with them.


Dennis Prager says that preaching to the choir is necessary when the choir forgets the tune or when conservatives are being too lazy, too not involved, etc. So, we can still encourage each other to smile, to have families, to raise beautiful children for the next generation, to plant gardens, to start businesses, to plant trees, to start factories, that is even if we do all believe in the same things. You never know when a fellow conservative may disagree with you on something or when they may not know something that you know until you ask them about it.

Common Ground

Likewise in the reverse, you never know when a classic liberal may actually agree with you on certain beliefs, certain things.


Encourage people to make videos of a beautiful conservative town of people getting along, a reboot, a revival, of a small Andy Griffith Show town.

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