2019-09-29steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Yard work. Raking. Made a list of my YouTube Subscriptions today. Portland Hippie Mom. Are you against Brexit?

Tech Cartels

10:43 AM - READ MORE - Twitter - Me to @RealDonaldTrump - Dear Pastors, please educate Trump on the tech cartels, geoengineering, 5G, and especially the tech cartels. White House Video - President Trump Signs H.R. 1327, The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund - But we want smaller government, less taxes. Gov shouldn't be doing this. We gotta take care of ourselves, not the federal tyranny.

By Oatmeal Joey

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August

Screenshot at 2019-07-29 19:57:10.png

Some highlights from 2019-07-29 - Monday, as follows:

Portland Hippie

12:49 AM - Alex, I miss PDX. Keep Portland weird. I lived there. I learned about computers at Free Geek Computers. I might have had autism. The good news is that my mom homeschooled me. So, you must be an awesome mother. Love your style, hippie. I love gardening, too. Welcome to Steemit. Take care.

Artist Dani

12:51 AM - Hello Dani. Love your smile. I love to draw too hehe.

Joy The Wanderer

01:02 AM - Nice hat and love the toy kitchen. So fun.

Tech Cartels

10:43 AM - READ MORE - Twitter - Me to @RealDonaldTrump - Dear Pastors, please educate Trump on the tech cartels, geoengineering, 5G, and especially the tech cartels. White House Video - President Trump Signs H.R. 1327, The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund - But we want smaller government, less taxes. Gov shouldn't be doing this. We gotta take care of ourselves, not the federal tyranny.

Church Notes

2019-07-28 - Sunday - 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM - How did God show and display his power in Paul? The same way, the same how he does it many people, as His strength is made in His weakness. The law is a mirror.

Airport Runway

2019-07-28 - Sunday - 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM - The law is the lighting, the lights, the path, the runway, the guide, as we live in a dark world, a blackout nightmare, and Christ is our airplane. We are not going to fly without Christ, even if we stay on the path in keeping the law.


2019-07-28 - Sunday - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Don't get stuck on questions too much, too often, too extremely, perhaps, or not always, as it depends, as in it can be premature in the answers. In other words, don't try to force fake answers to shine.

Video Idea

2019-07-28 - Sunday - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM -During that sermon, I was thinking of this idea, if people didn't do what they did, would God still destroy this place, that place, the global flood, Tower of Babel, Jericho, Sodom & Gomorrah, etc, list of places. Some might say and even emphasize on how God does stuff, but they may also isolate or ignore freewill. The Bible talks about what happened, happens, and will happen. But that does NOT violate freewill. God is outside of time. God knows what will happen. We still choose stuff. We still have freewill. But God knows what we will do. But we still will do or did or do what we do. And God did and does and will do what God will do too and God does not do everything. We do stuff. Satan does stuff. Some people either say or imply that God does what others do. But God does not. God only does what God does.

Sam Book

2019-07-28 - Sunday - 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - READ MORE - There is a hidden tax called inflation via the Federal Reserve that is not federal and nor is it a reserve and nor is it a system but more a mechanism of the banking cartel. Thousands to millions of American men, probably no women, but so many citizens, patriots, AKA Draft Dodgers, were imprisoned, thanks to the Espionage Act, around 1917 and 1918, around the first world war (WWI).

The Resistance 1776

10:55 AM - ♘◄ David Knight (Full Show) • Mon • July 29th, 2019 ►♘

Open Borders War

11:34 AM - Are you against Brexit? Do you support George Soros' Open Borders which has been destroying Europe and especially the United States of America (USA)? Do you want to increase taxes in order to pay for the welfare of the illegal immigrants? Do you want to force me to pay money to take care of the fake refugees, the Islamic Jihadists who are invading America alongside of China, leftists, globalists, technocrats, etc?

Mueller Memes

11:41 AM - @morkrock - MemeLogic - Monday Memes - Mork Rock wrote: "...All I saw over the weekend was Mueller memes, but somehow when you search for them in google, you only get one sided memes. It's really strange, it's probably some kind of dark magic, there's no way a huge company like google would purposefully try censor political opinions and anyone who thinks that must be crazy. Oh wait, there's actual people who work at google who have spilled the beans that this is actually what they are currently doing, and there are some really smart scientists guys who found that they are being politically bias, must totally be fake news. It's not like they would pick a political side they are neutral, just a platform to search everything on the interwebs, just because most of the upper management and executives only donated to Hillary doesn't mean anything...."

Choosing Brain Phone Matrix

11:46 AM - Speaking of batteries, Brain Phones will be pushing people towards becoming Super Batteries in the 2020's, for the next ten years and beyond; and some people are heading that direction, to join the Matrix by choice and also subconsciously.

Cartel Giants

11:52 AM - @jeffreymartin - Fighting Local Government Corruption - Part 11 of ? - Very true. Love the analogy. Reminds me of how lawyers were compared to pirates in the Peter Pan sequel, Hook, starring Robin Williams.

Breaking News Articles

11:55 AM - Share news articles, etc, here.

Picard Data

11:58 AM - Did Data die on a different timeline? Spock went back in time to change the timeline in the 2009 Star Trek film, right? Spock goes back to Kirk. So, did that influence what might have happened in Nemesis?

Where Bobcat

12:08 PM - @janton - I Bet Ya'll Can't Find The Bobcat - I had no idea. I was not able to see the baby bobcat until you pointed at it. This was like Where's Waldo. Where's the Cat. Good game. I thought I was good at it. Wow. Funny. But true. Good that they are thriving.

Drums of Liberty Day

2019-11-10 - Sunday - 12:00 PM Noon - CST - Veterans Day Infowars Army Flag Wave - Folks, this will be on the 2nd Sunday of November, 2019. I'm guessing it will be at noon, that is CST, central standard time.

Game Of Thrones - Real World Edition

12:30 PM - We gotta make parody videos of the Game of Thrones introduction music video, the theme song, with the castles. Globalists, Jihadists, technocrats, eugenicists, leftists, Chinese, etc, etc, are fighting in the real-life Game of Thrones in a free-for-all war as they all pretend to work with each other while stabbing each other in the backs.

Replace Jon Snow & the Watchers with patriots all around the world in the Real Game of Thrones.

We gotta replace their map with the map of our own world.

Zoom into Hollywood to see Chinese cartels.

Zoom into England to see the Rothschild and central banking cartels.

Zoom into China to see tech cartels.

Zoom into the Middle East to see Jihadists.

Zoom into places around the world to see patriots.

Etc, etc.

Hear The Watchmen

02:34 PM - Website - Facebook - New DVDs came in the mail concerning Spiritual Warfare. Either, my laptop, external DVD, my Ubuntu Mate 16.04 OS, and/or the DVD discs, have problems, and I searched the Internet and did not find online copies and may try again another day.

Fake Alex Jones

02:46 PM - READ MORE ON FACEBOOK - I wrote a parable about Alex Jones, the boy that cried wolf. I wrote: "Once upon time, a boy cried wolf. Well, there were many wolves who came to the city. People let them into their houses. Oh, cute puppies. Oh, they were not puppies, they were deadly beasts. The boy was Alex. What a nice day. People called him a conky donky. He was always an odd Jones. He was like a fortune teller. He could tell the future. But people would say, "Oh but the puppies are so cute." But then those animals would eat up flags." 5 Likes, 3 Comments on Facebook as of right now. Jordan D Winslow replied: "Alex used to be cool and relatively unbiased but somewhere along the line he started identifying with political labels and he started behaving way differently. Then his family life got messed up.

My guess is he was finally influenced by the 1%.

How do you go from sneaking in to the bohemian grove and recording satanic rituals performed by many of the world's most wealthy business owners to protesting people who seek equality and justice, equating anyone who seeks social justice to a whiny violent baby and talking about how great trump is every single day?

He never used to care about people's sexuality, race, etc but now its practically all he talks about. And everything he says is so highly exaggerated now, honestly.

Surely someone who practices unbiased critical thinking such as yourself can not blindly believe every single thing he says as if he is some sort of inhuman God sent here by Angels as a messiah who knows the future?"

I replied: "I disagree. Jordan D Winslow, do you enjoy lying? I can show you how what you said is inaccurate. You do not listen. You have no idea what happened yesterday, for example." Alex Jones has been tomorrow's news today since like 1996, which is when I started making videos as well. Trump is helping. That's good. When Trump went astray, Alex was always the loudest at yelling at Trump. Yesterday, in his video, Alex says, "Trump you will lose 2020 if you don't wake the fuck up." Alex has been on air for over two decades talking about so many different things. He talks about this and then he talks about that. But people either ignorantly or purposely lie about him. That's too bad. But we are the Infowars. If Alex isn't doing something, then you do it. Alex is not God. Alex cannot do everything. Alex is doing so much to help the world. Alex is not perfect. Are you?

YouTube Channels



Paul Joseph Watson
The Dave Cullen Show


Truthstream Media
Truth & Light


Hillsdale College
Policy Ed
Prager U


Channel Frederator
Compound Media
Crypto Finally
Overlord DVD
Red Letter Media
Steven Crowder


Naomi Brockwell
Press For Truth
Tai Lopez
World Alternative Media (WAM)


Bear Independent


Geeks & Gamers
Pew Die Pie
The Game Theorists


Dave Rubin


Business Casual

Infocomms Men

Critical Mischief
Leviticus Falwell
Mind Bender

Infocomms Women

Adrienne Weeks
Frankie Baby
Mama Potato
The Original Feminist


Baked Bunts (Infowars)
General Sheppard (RIP)
Infographic News For Kids
Infowars Live (RIP)
Karla Zubson (RIP)
The Resistance 1776 (Infowars)


Random Yoko2 - Japan


Project Veritas


Lionel Nation
Mike Cernovich


The United Spot


Brandom Tatum


Moms Across America


Gray Devio
Joy Villa
The Deplorable Choir


Agenda-Free TV
Bash Pr0mpt
Fox News
Headlines with a Voice
Mark Dice
Matt Christianen
Mr Reagan
Reason TV
Resistance News (RIP)
The Amazing Lucas
Tommy Robinson
Your Voice America


Stefan Molyneux
Sargon of Akkad
The Thinkery


Shattered Paradise


Answers In Genesis

Trump Live

Golden State Times
Right Side Broadcasting Network (RSBN)
The White House

Walk Away Movement

Walkaway Campaign


Blonde in the Belly of the Beast
Body Language Ghost
Brittany Pettibone
Diamond & Silk
Kaitlin Bennett - Liberty Hangout
Lisa Haven
Laura Loomer
Lauren Chen - Roaming Millennial
Lauren Southern
Millie Weaver - Millennial Weaver - Rainbow Bright
Pardes Seleh
Syrian Girl

Open Borders Hell

07:30 PM - I do not like taxes. When people come into America, taxes go up. Sharia Law is rising in New York and Minnesota for example. Baltimore Rats. San Francisco Poop. That's why we are building a wall. Remember how the Roman Empire fell. Remember the Trojan Horse in Troy.

Adam Smith

07:45 PM - Good. I agree. I shared this post. I think I agree with Adam Smith concerning these things. But keep in mind the difference between what is legally allowed and what is recommended. I would not want to prohibit, legally, federally, greed. But I would not promote greed. I promote individualism, an emphasis on private property rights, liberties, freedoms, with whatever a person may own, legally, to the extent it does not interfere, intercept, or violate the property of others.

The justice system could and probably should focus on the conflicts, the disputes, between properties. Also, if you trespass onto my property, I would hope the judge would then rule in my favor, for example.


07:48 PM - I had no idea CPS is in other countries.


07:49 PM - Trump Talked Rats.

Top Chef

08:02 PM - Top female cook is this 28 year old Mexican.




08:03 PM - 11:20 PM - 3 hours, 17 minutes.