
in #j5 years ago

We tried fixing the shed door from dragging. Worked on the fish net. Naomi Brockwell - Breaking: Facebook's Libra Hearing, w/ Caitlin Long - Drug Wars. Ashley StClair is an awesome patriot. Watch her videos. Monergism is the idea that God saves people while violating their freewill? Our Cartoon President - They turn Trump into like a late-night show host, kind of like a cross between Jay Leno, Alex Jones, and yet inverted in most what he says to say what leftists would say. Smiling Like a Scary Clown.


12:34 PM - Yes, Steven Mnuchin is right that Bitcoin, etc, threatens & counters excessive, centralized, global, regulated, suppressive, manipulative, tyranny, technocracy, monopolism, corporatism, plutocracy, globalism, cronyism, communism, fascism, authoritarianism, etc. I want to see Steven fired or something.

Joe Biggs - EndAntifa.com

02:43 PM - Sign the petition here:

CFR Screwed

02:56 PM - Obama was helping in taking over China. Technocracy was and has been moving to places like China and especially China; but China began reversing that, stopping that, in taking over technocracy, around 2013, especially in 2013. Infowars in tomorrow's news today. So, Fox News and main stream dinosaur news began talking about how China controls and runs Google, Apple, Facebook, etc, now, in 2019, this current year, and yet Infowars has been talking about that for years. That's why people go to Infowars. Bingozee promotes morality without authority.

By Oatmeal Joey

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August

Screenshot at 2019-07-16 02:29:08.png
Drudge Report

Some highlights from 2019-07-16 - Tuesday, as follows:


2019-07-15 - Monday - 11:12 PM - 02:33 AM - Tuesday - Our Cartoon President S01E04


11:17 PM - Monday - Our Cartoon President - Season 1 - Episode 4 - Cartoon Trump thanks people in the crowd at CPAC, which includes NAZIs and crazy YouTubers. Trump said he wants only mentally stable people to have guns who are able to bring the Roman Empire to it's knees. I'm not sure what that means.

Comedian Trump

11:23 PM - They turn Trump into like a late-night show host, kind of like a cross between Jay Leno, Alex Jones, and yet inverted in most what he says to say what leftists would say. In this show, you only see white Trump supporters. No Mexicans For Trumps. No Blacks. And only a few supporters as well. They are constantly turn Trump into a terrible man in this cartoon. Literally, every second. Trump: Here's a woman who doesn't just make children. Trump: She makes jobs for children.

Ivanka: What is Pizza Gate?

Ivanka: No, seriously with a face like mine.

Ivanka: I am the Pizza Gate.

Ivanka: I am the one that knocks.

Ivanka: Walter White was based on me.

Ivanka: Say my name.

Ivanka: I bring all the boys to the yard.

Ivanka: Because milk does the body good.

Oh my God.

Jared, you're fired.

Get out of my bed.

I need more diversity in my life.

Jared: But I thought you loved me for my cream filling.

Bingozee believes in the same thing the professor in Time Changer believed.

If you ever saw that movie.

You would see Bingozee in that movie.

Bingozee did not see that movie.

So, he has no idea what I’m saying.

That’s funny.

Great movie.

If only you knew.

Cartoon President

11:45 PM - But, see, Jared, the problem is that you're too white.

And I want to be invited to all the cool globalist parties.

I want to help murder 90% of the world.

If you don't like the popcorn.

Get out of the theater.

My name is McMaster.

I'm on drugs.

Magical place where time stands still.

Trending On Twitter

12:33 PM - Come here to find out what is trending on Twitter.

We can go to Twitter and invade their hashtags.

As an army.

Obama was better at #ObamaWasBetterAt

Impeach Now #ImpeachNow

Left Bubble: "I Love You Daddy."

Right Bubble: "Jews Will Not Replace Us."

Good & Bad Anger

12:59 AM - Bragging is not bad.

Anger is not bad.

Jesus got angry.

Jesus bragged about Himself.

It depends.

There is good anger.

There is bad anger.

Same thing with bragging.

Life is very subtle.

Humility does not mean weak.

Too many Christians are wimps.

They are part of the reason why America fell these past several decades.

You love to murder America.

You are a terrorist.

Because you love attacking Patriots.

They're out there making the world better.

And you're stuck in OATMEAL.

You sound like a pacifist, to an extent.

@MAGA_TITAN is better than @well_well_well.

You can go cry.

Go back into your basement.

Go back to Mommy.

Cry to your Mommy.

He was on Infowars.

You were not.

You can find him in videos.

You are not in videos.

What he does helps the world.

And you cry that he might be bragging.

First off, everything humans do is bad.

Whether you brag or not.

What is bad?

Anything that is not good is bad.

What is good?

If God created everything, God decides.

God makes up the rules.

God is perfect.

Good has to meet that standard.

Anything less than perfect is bad.

Which means everything apart from God is bad.

Meaning, if you're not aligned with God's Will.

Then you're missing out.

Life is a beautiful thing.

Very beautiful.

Very amazing.

Some people miss out on that.

On opportunities.

To seek after Original Oatmeal.

Eternal Principles.

Good to the Last Drop.

You are having a nervous break down.

You hate that word.

You are triggered.

With that word.


You hate it.

That's why you are attacking.

Because of something.

Stefan Molyneux would know.

Call him up.

He would ask you about your parents.

We would go from there.

But something happened to you.

And you are triggered.

You can say you are not triggered.

But you are.

I am triggered by people who get triggered.

Anti-Braggers Triggers Me.

Trump says he will become so FAR-LEFT.

Like AOC.

So progressive.

That Ivanka would have to take him back.

Trump becomes PELOSI.

Trump calls Abraham Lincoln "GEORGE."

Trump Puts Families First.

It's called Family Values.

But you would swear you just seen a ghost.

Woman: What do Democrats want?

White Man: To talk about how sex/gender is FLUID.

Woman: That's Right.


01:34 PM - Monergism is the idea that God saves people while violating their freewill?

I promote freewill.

I'm against violating freewill.

Sin is missing the mark.

The mark is perfection.

The Billy Graham chasm.

Our heart is black.

So, we ask Christ for a new heart.

We can talk about boasting.

But you are into Topical Theology.

I believe in freewill.

I believe in systematic theology.

Not Topical Theology.

Boasting can be bad.

Boasting can be good.

Like anger.

Some of it can be emotionally based.

We are humans.

We have emotions.

We feel.

Some things are bragging.

Some things might not be.

But people define words differently.

So, a person might be bragging.

Or not.

But it depends.

Just because you think it.

Doesn't make it so.

That's subjectivity.

From our perspective.

Point of view.

I say that bragging can be good because the allegation of bragging doesn't automatically mean guilty until proven innocent.

See, you can say a person is bragging.


So, you can still say @MAGA_TITAN is bragging.

If BRAGGING is the forbidden thing.

But he is probably not bragging.

So, I say it can be good.

Not that bragging is good.

But he might not be bragging.

But you can allegedly claim he is bragging.

But that doesn't always mean you know what is in his heart.

You could be right.

He could be very boastful.

Or a little boastful.

With bad pride.

Or possibly none at all.

But it depends.

This is not a phone conversation.

Or a chat room.

Why are you waiting?

I do not wait.

You do not have to wait.

Come here.



This is not a private conversation.

We are writing on Internet Newspapers.

I have my column.

You have yours.

You don't have to wait.

And if you do wait.

That's not my fault.

Like Trump said.

If you don't like it.


Luke 18 describe BAD BRAGGING.

That does not mean Alex Jones is BAD.

People say that ALEX BRAGS.


The list goes on and on.



They are not bragging.

Not the bad bragging.

They are confident.

They are proclaiming, announcing, educating, entertaining, encouraging, declaring, etc, etc, but not bragging.

Call it what you want.

But there is a difference.



And good bragging.

This girl then says that DEMON-CATS want babies to be adopted, not ABORTED, by the UNION.

Then they make a joke about welfare.

We need Paid Family Leave.

Just like we need minimum wage.

Just kidding.

I saved his life.

Imagine a world without those gums.

Taking care of business. Girl Power.

The black guy goes crazy.

He exposes how Fox News were Never Trumpers.

S01E04 - Trump & Ivanka promote Paid Family Leave.

At the end, Ivanka talked about firing her nanny.

Because the nanny wanted paid family leave.

Because of the nanny's sick kid.

And Ivanka said she couldn't pronounce her name.

Actually, you shouldn't get paid.

If you're not working.

I agree.


09:53 AM - PragerU: New Videos Every Week


10:11 AM - Will Witt Interviews Donald Trump, Jr. and Charlie Kirk

Computers For Dummies

10:30 AM - I said to mom, "It might be like a blue screen but without the blue screen." Because Their computer had a black screen, not a blue screen. The computer light was on and the fan was moving inside. I heard the fan. So, the PC might still be on but stuck in sleep mode or a screen saver or a bug or a virus or a blue screen without the blue screen of death or something.


11:18 AM - What do CPS workers do with children?

I almost found out.


Thanks. Mom homeschooled us kids in the 80's, 90's.

In Oregon.

Love this video.

Sounds like Irish music.

Censor Wars

11:21 AM - I'm not against threats of violence.

What is not a call to violence?

It is subjective.

They said Alex Jones incited violence.

It depends on who decides.

Who at the top determines.

That's the scary part.

If good people are there.

Then that's good.

Like government.

The Curiousity Stream

11:32 AM - The Curiousity Stream

Click here to visit their website.

Click here to visit their YouTube channel - Twitter - Facebook

Click here to watch this video: A More Perfect Union.

CuriosityStream is the worldʼs first streaming service dedicated to curating and delivering the best documentaries from around the globe. Dive deep into science, technology, history, nature and more.

Obama Was Better At

12:20 PM - Smiling Like a Scary Clown


12:34 PM - Video - Yes, Steven Mnuchin is right that Bitcoin, etc, threatens & counters excessive, centralized, global, regulated, suppressive, manipulative, tyranny, technocracy, monopolism, corporatism, plutocracy, globalism, cronyism, communism, fascism, authoritarianism, etc. I want to see Steven fired or something.

Who Invented Slavery?

12:47 PM - Alex Jones talked about this.

So much from Muslims.

It continues to this day.

How do we teach people this?

Booby Trap = Device?

Didn't Alex say a Booby Trap originally meant Jihadist?

Drug Wars.

Planned Parenthood

02:03 PM - Because they don't want to go down with that ship.

Is Coca-Cola working with Big Pharma?

Joe Biggs - EndAntifa.com

02:43 PM - Sign the petition here:

Click here to visit the White House Petition Page demanding Trump to label Antifa a domestic terrorist organization. - Freedom Warrior on Bitchute

Joe Biggs

@RamboBiggs on Twitter (BANNED) - Instagram (PRIVATE) - Periscope (BANNED) - Culture

Big League Politics of God Emperor Trump

Breaking The Conditioning

Joe Biggs March

2019, August 6th


02:49 PM - Big Mike Michelle Obama Dancing on Ellen in 2015

CFR Screwed

02:56 PM - Obama was helping in taking over China. Technocracy was and has been moving to places like China and especially China; but China began reversing that, stopping that, in taking over technocracy, around 2013, especially in 2013. Infowars in tomorrow's news today. So, Fox News and main stream dinosaur news began talking about how China controls and runs Google, Apple, Facebook, etc, now, in 2019, this current year, and yet Infowars has been talking about that for years. That's why people go to Infowars.

Dumb Morality

03:03 PM - Bingozee promotes morality without authority.

As seen in that movie.

That movie.

That Bingozee ignores.


Don't watch that movie.

Because then.

You would know.

Fruits & Roots

03:06 PM - Yes.



From & Through & By.


The Rubin Report

03:23 PM - Can Love BEAT Trump? | Marianne Williamson | Rubin Report

What is Timocracy?

06:03 PM - It's not Time Ocracy.

Timocracy is where property owners may participate in government, according to Wikipedia.

Sounds like Propertarianism.

Make Private Property Rights Great Again.


Make government smaller.

Maximize free markets.

Maximize Governmental-Accountability.

Always have guns.

Have backup systems.

Always be prepared for future tyranny, etc.


Minimize regulations, taxes, laws, etc.

Police should have fundraisers.


07:00 PM - Helped with putting the net on the fish net. I just held it. Also helped with trying to fix the shed door earlier today.

Salvation Debate

08:23 PM - @John, my experiences is seen through the course of my entire life and it reflects the experiences of many people and you can also look at patterns in the Bible and throughout the course of anthropology, that is world history.

My question about blasphemy is specific and you were not really talking specific enough about it. What you have said is written from human perspective and void of what the Bible says through the course of the 66 books as it emphasizes on Eternal Security.

Different religions believe in blasphemy.

Many religions promote Works Salvation.

Blasphemy is a sin.

But everything is a sin.

All our righteousness is as filthy rags.

We ask Christ for a new heart.

We become new creatures.

We are born dogs.

Then become cats.

Then, if we bark like a dog.

Do we become dogs again?

If we blasphemy?

If we murder?

If we make a small mistake?

Then what?

Sin is anything that is less than perfection.

Everything is sin.

James 4:17: "He who knows to do good and does not do it, to him, it is sin."

That's why Jesus died on a cross.

Christ rose again on the third day.

Because we are lost without Christ.

You do not sin to BECOME a sinner.

Sinners sin.

Christians may sin too.

But will the Christians then become sinners again?

Blasphemy is a sin.

It is bad.

There are degrees and levels to sin.

Some sins are small.

Some, very big.

But regardless, sin is depravity.

Sin is the gap.





How big is the gap between God and humans, between sin and perfection? The gap is an infinite gap that is eternal. The gap has no end. It is not 100 miles wide, long, deep, etc. It is infinity miles apart, the gap between omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omni-love, omni-justice, omni everything good, and anything and anybody that is separated from that.

Infinite Altitude.

Original Oatmeal.

Equality vs Freedom

Leviticus vs Griff

08:36 PM - Can you please offer alternatives to Griff videos?

There is a debate concerning bragging.

There is good bragging and bad bragging.

I like @PastorSam.

Sam talked about justice.

I believe in justice.

That is what the second amendment is all about.

I like the videos @Mischief_With_Griff made.

Sam is older than Griff.

Sam has done more.

Sam is pretty smart.

Sam has helped a lot of people.

The Thinkery

08:37 PM - The Squad vs America: Part 1 - AOC, Ilhan Oman and the other two hold a press conference to explain why they hate America so much.

Free Speech vs Private Property

08:42 PM - @Minutemen-Of-America, but does the American Constitution violate Private Property Rights all in the name of allowing Free Speech to violate Private Property, and privacy (4th amendment)?

Griff vs Pastor Sam

08:57 PM - People have accused me of many things.

People say I stole money.

But they actually donated to me.

But then got mad later on.

This happened in Vietnam at times.

My English students paid tuition.

But some got mad.

Some said they were my friends.

And not students.

Some helped me.

Some tried helping me.

Some of them blamed me of forcing them to help me.

I've written about some of this many times.

On the Internet.

For many years.

I know what it is like.

These things happen.

It depends on the situation.


The details do matter for each story.

Sometimes, people are not on the same page.

Sometimes, people make too many assumptions.

Sometimes, people change their minds.

Sometimes, people lie.

Sometimes, people refuse to admit that they can't fulfill certain promises because of whatever.

That's life.

People are all at different stages in their lives.

Each interaction between different parties, different people, can be different.

So, it depends.

On a bunch of variables.

War Room

09:16 PM - The War Room Tuesday - Forbidden Room (07/25/2019) - ShawnDRuth .

Naomi Brockwell

09:23 PM - Breaking: Facebook's Libra Hearing, w/ Caitlin Long - Today was the first hearing for the Facebook Libra Cryptocurrency. It was 2.5hrs of wild statements, so Caitlin Long and I go over everything they discussed and break it down to the most important parts.