
in #j5 years ago

Our Cartoon President - Make Big Pharma drug addicts great again. Random Yoko - I GOT BANNED BY FACEBOOK IN JAPAN... temporarily - For Something from Six Years Ago From Not 2019 But From 2013 - Facebook is a Country - a Nation - Bigger than most Nations.

August of 2015

09:32 PM - The eighth month of 2015 in review, when I was living in Vietnam - The Joker LEGO Mark Zuck Lee was also my main manager around August, 2015. So, he was not only my English student in Vietnam. I met Adam Wills at WOLBI NY back in 2004. So, Adam told me to stop adding him to Facebook groups, I didn't, and he blocked me. I wrote about excuses in order to teach a life lesson online. Anna Barbie took what I wrote as an insult to her friends. I wasn't trying to attack people. Was only trying to help. I wasn't actually specific in what I was writing. I was teaching English to people at different places and at the 23/9 park. I lost my house key. I shared a video of Trump in the first debate. I watched a video about a South Park theory about being stuck in a time-loop or something.

Stopping ANTIFA

02:36 PM - Can we buy or make under-the-clothes body armor?

Alternative Energy

02:50 PM - Ditch the Batteries: Off-Grid Compressed Air Energy Storage ?

Liberty Hangout

05:14 PM - Find Felix a Home

Mark Dice

05:30 PM - I Was Invited to the White House! Social Media Summit

By Oatmeal Joey

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August

Screenshot at 2019-07-15 02:52:36.png
News Wars

Some highlights from 2019-07-15 - Monday, as follows:


2019-07-15 - Monday - 01:22 AM - 02:57 AM - Our Cartoon President S01E03

Our Cartoon President

01:25 AM - Season 01 - Episode 03 - Make Big Pharma drug addicts great again. I'll have whatever the blonde in the middle is having. I'm Donald Trump, I'm using an Apple Phone. Yup. Who cares if China is invading our privacy or worse. Eric starts playing with the phone like a little kid. Then Don Jr hops on the phone as well. Don talks about how he doesn't like it when Eric is staring at his junk when he is taking a shower. During the intro, like the Simpsons, President Trump does something new each time. Trump, like @Texas_T likes to say, your Social Media Summit was so gay. I mean like Diamond & Silk? Love them to death? But hardcore? I don't think so. Where's Alex Jones? Best presidents between 2009-2018 - 1. Obama. Cuz he killed Osama Bin Laden & bailed out bankers or whatever like Rothschild did? Sir, I don't think that's how you drain the swamp. Cernovich helped in getting rid of McMaster. I'm so tired and fat. I need to stop eating GMO. I'm actually Lex Luther. See my bald head?

Lex Luther McMaster

01:50 AM - Lex Luther McMaster McDonald The Clown From Clown World tells Trump that he needs to stop being so jealous of perfect Obama and to try to focus on building a legacy as well. Why can't we just get rid of the IRS? This is too much work. Let's make government small again.

Save Tommy Robinson

01:54 AM - Yeah, it says YouTube banned Tommy Robinson during the same time he was being thrown back in jail for what could be Double Jeopardy or worse. They’re trying to murder Tommy. So, you’re going to let them? Trump has a bigger desk than Obama. Paul Ryan: Obama raped me. I liked it. I guess it wasn't actually rape. I identify as a toaster because I'm toasty and hot. Mike was on top of me as well. This turtle was under us. It was a Clown World of fun. Judge Trump.

Spy Gate

02:07 AM - Cartoon Trump said, and I quote, "Let's kill Obama Care, and anyone who is a citizen during his presidency is under investigation."

Actually, Obama investigated many Americans.

Talk about inversion of reality in this cartoon.

I wonder what else is here.

I wonder if there are any secrets in this cartoon.

Unborn Babies

02:11 AM - Ivanka, why are you not fighting for the rights of unborn children who are separated from family and from life itself? Michael Jackson in the background. Guess he is not dead yet. Trump talked about how Obama would not let the automobile industry die and that he will put it out of it's misery. Also, he said he will put deer on roads to be ran over. In the real world, Obama was killing industries, etc. They find Osama Bin Laden in order to kill him again. Sessions talked about going after pot-smokers. Trump roasts Obama by saying "This guy couldn't even keep Muslims out of his own family." But then they didn’t like it. So, he began roasting himself. They turn Steven Miller & Jared into a gay couple. They showed Obama sing and everybody loved it. Throughout this third episode, Trump sings and people say they hate it. At the end, Melania tells Trump to stop singing and said if only you slept long enough so I could murder you with a pillow. They even show Trump sleeping in this episode for only a few seconds and that was his whole night of sleep. The credit song is cool, the lyrics are: "Donald Trump is the President...." and it repeats those words in a few different ways. It's catchy but it probably triggers SJWs as it repeats again and again that we elected Trump as our President. This episode had a post-credit scene of Trump playing guitar to his cabinet at 3 AM and they asked if they could go home and he asked the guitar who said no.

Random Yoko

09:28 AM - I GOT BANNED BY FACEBOOK IN JAPAN... temporarily - For Something from Six Years Ago From Not 2019 But From 2013 - Facebook is a Country - a Nation - Bigger than most Nations. When they review it, they will generally still find that it still violated guidelines. But Facebook is supposed to follow American laws as a platform and not as a publisher. They're breaking laws already. Facebook was originally called Life Log, which was created by the CIA. Same thing with Google which bought YouTube. Facebook is controlled by China.

Bunny Ears

09:46 AM - You can find Home Alone Macaulay Culkin on his website: Bunny Ears.com - YouTube - Twitter - Facebook - Instagram - My Facebook Post After My Last Banned

Lisa Haven

02:10 PM - This NEW Dire Warning Issued By Edward Snowden Is Sending Shockwaves Through The Internet

Stopping ANTIFA

02:36 PM - Can we buy or make under-the-clothes body armor?

Alternative Energy

02:50 PM - Ditch the Batteries: Off-Grid Compressed Air Energy Storage ?


03:00 PM - 04:00 PM - around that time.

Liberty Hangout

05:14 PM - Find Felix a Home

Mark Dice

05:30 PM - I Was Invited to the White House! Social Media Summit


05:41 PM - Trump Is Trying to Force the Dems to Circle Wagons Around AOC, Tlaib, Omar, etc

Stopping Jihadism

07:58 PM - The problem is not Muslims, generally.

But Islam, specifically.

The radicals.

Technically, all Muslims are supposed to be radicals.

But many Muslims don't.

People get lost in debating that.

But that's not the most important thing to focus on.

It is a political system.

It is a Trojan Horse.

Jihadism never sleeps.

Sharia infiltrates.

From a minority found in Muslim communities.

Many Muslims will support the radicals.


So, even if you find some good Muslims.

Many of them end up siding with radical Muslims.

So, many Muslims may not commit violence.

They may not murder.

But many of them will not stop those who do.

So, it's like a snake.

Trump used to tell the story of the woman and the snake.

Muslims are like snakes.

If Muslims want to come to America.

They should say they are no longer Muslims.

Give it up.

That does not mean you cannot privately worship Allah.

Which brings up the value in privacy, in the 4th amendment, which governments, technocracy, etc, violate and rape like radicals rape women and children in Europe, RIP Tommy Robinson, and places in America, etc.

But publicly, you should not promote Islam.

If you do, then you might as well be a radical.

Even if you're not.

August of 2015

09:32 PM - The eighth month of 2015 in review, when I was living in Vietnam

Pardes Seleh

10:18 PM - The pros and cons of meeting someone on Tinder (Pardes Live #57)

Chronology of My Biography

1920's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019

Random Yoko

09:28 AM - I GOT BANNED BY FACEBOOK IN JAPAN... temporarily - For Something from Six Years Ago From Not 2019 But From 2013 - Facebook is a Country - a Nation - Bigger than most Nations