
in #j5 years ago

Property evaluator. New Steemit account - @oatmealjoey - World Affairs Brief. Brains were bigger. @Bingoze and @Mischief_With_Griff are right about how the Extended Internet works. How are we not already in a cashless society? @Minutemen-Of-America, can Facebook delete anybody they want, hypothetically, if they were private? Robert Welch End Game 1974 Globalism.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July

Info Wars

Some highlights from Friday the 21st of June of 2019, as follows:

Property evaluator.

Ordinary Man

Alex Jones is an ordinary man. Won't take it any longer, and we won't either.

Wasting Time

01:04 AM - @Bingoze said that he is wasting his time and yet continues to waste his time online which is true irony as he continues to cry and tell people not to use the Internet and yet here he is on the Internet all the time telling people to get off the Internet and yet he does not take his own advice in the exact things he claims to believe. I believe in the Internet and Alex Jones and Trump believes in the Internet and Bingozee seems to hate free speech and free markets and many different things which includes the Internet as well by extension.


01:10 AM - I've never put butter in mine. I rarely put milk in mine. I like honey, strawberries, apples, molasses, berries, yogurt, fruit, in mine.

Many Nodes

01:36 AM - @Bingoze is right to an extent, as 99.9999% of the Internet may filter through Google Nodes, Facebook Nodes, Microsoft Nodes, USA Nodes, CIA Nodes, EU Nodes,Twitter Nodes, Chinese Nodes, Islamic Nodes, Middle East Nodes, Globalist Nodes, Rothschild Nodes, Soros Nodes, Apple Nodes, Amazon Nodes, governmental nodes, most internet service providers (ISP) potentially and generally, certain servers, nodes, Domain Name Servers (DNS), routers, modems, devices, computers, routes, gateways, systems, etc, that is 99 percent or more is either already monitored in different ways by different groups or at least potentially.

So Big

It is possible that the exact numbers are not that high at the moment, minus the potentially part, that is depending how large the Dark Webs are.

Dark Webs

Some people say that the Deep Black Internet is like 90% bigger than the normal public Internet that we normally surf upon.

Tip of the Iceberg

I know very little about it but I've read about it and it sounds like the public Internet is only the tip of the iceberg and that there is a lot more out there by like thousands times bigger than anything we could ever imagine. So, it is possibly that some privacy is out there.


But that depends and that may still be very rare. Privacy has been violated already, regardless, and that is a long story and it is valuable to help people see that.

Internet 3.0

The good news is that Internet 2.0 is evolving now into Internet 3.0 which is aiming to take down big tech, globalists, etc, through decentralized blockchain networks, Bit Torrent, peer to peer protocol, ad-hoc, Linux, Steemit, Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, etc. @Bingoze has never been on the Dark Webs. He might actually be racist and jealous of the Dark Webs. I agreed with him and he replied with how I'm trolling when I agree with him with the Internet Monitoring to some extent.

Brains Were Bigger

01:52 AM - @Fubar, you are right and I should probably write some articles about some of those things. There is a lot there. @Artsyneva, humans use only five to ten percent of their brains, says some people, because humans are not what they once were. Humans have been devolving, not evolving. We are sick. We are falling apart. According to the Bible, it is because of the curse. But people don't have to be religious to see depravity, to see how broken human beings became. The good news is that we can still recover a little and get some of that back. I don't know how much of our brains we can get back but I believe in at least trying. Why not try, right?

Vote Not Support

01:57 AM - I said no. I don't support Trump. But you don't have to support Trump. Speak out. Alex Jones says this all the time. Yell at Trump. Write to Trump. Hold Trump's feet to the fire. Tell people. Videos. Articles. Talk about it. But please vote Trump. Don't support Trump. Educate Trump. Educate other people. But please vote Trump 2020 no matter what, regardless. Vote Not Support.

Money Debate

02:02 AM - We already live in an Almost Cashless Society. The problem is not cryptocurrencies but fiat. One of the purposes of Bitcoin is that of transition, a leverage from one centralized Rothschild system to decentralized competition choices which includes virtual money and gold, silver, natural resources, physical coins, etc.

Property Evaluator

10:20 AM - A knock on the door. Man. Camera. Will walk around. He did. Took pictures. I said ok.

Dark Webs

11:08 AM - @Bingoze and @Mischief_With_Griff are right about how the Extended Internet works. That's what I'm going to call the Dark Webs, Black Webs, Freenets, etc.


@Sue talked about privacy which governments and technocracy violated. But ham radio is not private. Also, the Internet is private when done right. Some people can do it. Most people don't know how to do it. But it is possible. Privacy is NOT impossible.


@greatgonzochops may be unaware of the terrible things that you can find on social networks like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other websites.


@Memeart talked about how the dark webs is NOT outside the scope of the government, and that can be true in some cases, but that depends on a few things.


I brought up the Extended Universe of the Internet to talk about the good aspects of it, not the bad parts of it, because there is opportunity there for researchers, reporters, historians, teachers, producers, writers, developers, creators, etc. Too often, humans become frozen and they miss out as technology is a tool that can be utilized.


The Dark Webs is a backup when censorship destroys things. If you lost things on the Internet, you might find copies of it on the Dark Webs. If you are researching for a cure on cancer for example, assuming there are NOT already cures for it (because, actually, there are cures for cancer, and we could talk about that, but let's pretend for a second that there isn't, hypothetically), then you might find those cures on the non-indexed cyber space world. The bad stuff is everywhere. So, you might as well jump in a spaceship and live on the moon as a monk to escape the evil of mankind, and yet you would probably bring that curse with you.

Playing Video

11:32 AM - When I can't play video on Firefox, I try to clear the cache, restart Firefox and my computer. I try to update, upgrade. I try to click on the autoremove and autoclean in the terminal on Ubuntu. I only have 4 GB RAM and my operating system (Ubuntu Mate 16.04) is in a partition that is only 20 GB which might be too small as soon as the cache and other things accumulates excessively. In some cases, if there are problems, it might be on your end.

Cute Face

11:39 AM - You have a very cute face. Welcome to Steemit. Upvoted. Resteemed.


11:49 AM - Self Learning is Key


12:00 PM - 10:00 PM - Two piles of firewood, ten feet long by five feet high, roughly, stacked with the help of two others, N and J. Should we cut people off on highways and what does that mean? Ducks. Interesting. Pictures. Water. Break. 2 wheel barrows. 1 wagon. $30. Dinner: 4 potatoes, soup, rice, tea, cranberry juice.

Strange Evidence

05:00 PM - 07:20 PM - I watched one episode and another was 202 and then a bit from 403. So, I watch 2 full episodes, the second episode from season two on America's Loch Ness Monster. Death Valley. Dragons. Dinosaurs. Small eggs. Took a 20 minute nap. After that, organized the shed again until 10 PM like yesterday.


10:46 PM - How are we not already in a cashless society?

Private Facebook

10:58 PM - @Minutemen-Of-America, can Facebook delete anybody they want, hypothetically, if they were private?


11:06 PM - How many people will be deported each day, will it be more than the number of people that pour back into our country each day? Will it be enough? Will it be soon enough? Will it be daily deportations? Will it be often enough?

Child Porn

11:08 PM - Alex Jones never said it was his fans. Plus, Alex does not have fans as this is not a club, this is an info war.

Robert Welch

11:14 PM - Globalist's End Game Plan Video - Robert Welch - 1974 - He talked about how countries must be destroyed in order to promote global government. He talked about a transition towards that piece by piece and people liked that. He was mostly talking about destroying the United States of America.

Karla Zubson

David Knight Full Show 6-21-19