
in #j5 years ago

Feeling sick, past few days. Drinking tea. Before Versus After. Worth Many Millions. Banned For Soph. SSGBigg.com. Radio Versus Social Media. World War Three Sleeper Cells Globally. Mark Zuckerberg, allegedly, might have said that you also have your first amendment on Facebook as well, assuming that Facebook is a public town square. Always Improving. 08:44 PM - Some people believe that hate speech should not be included in free speech. Thy rod & thy staff meaning. 11:34 PM - I don't want to ban masks. Not one million dollars.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July

Screenshot at 2019-06-15 22:52:12.png
Info Wars

Some highlights from Saturday the 15th of June of 2019, as follows:

Facebook Friends

Mai Quỳnh Trần (NEW) - Nguyễn Huyên - Mỹ Trâm


I love Kim Carnes for her style. It reminds me of Bjork and Weird Al. I sing a bit like them and I may want to make videos and songs like they do.


Drinking tea. Yeah, maybe from all the work. Also, added a fan this week to cool down my laptop. Did more work outside, watering, raking, shoveling, the trailerway. Trim branches on the roof above the compose in the front near the peas. We watered the back yard for the first time ever or first time like a decade or longer.

World War Three

12:10 AM - I am scared about sleeper cells all around the world that can activate to kill a bunch of people internationally if America strikes back. Some laws can be bad.


12:22 AM - Why is the CIA so bad? I'm watching the Alex Jones Show right now.

Make Health Great Again

12:24 AM - How did people live longer than we do now?

104 Years Old

12:30 AM - 104 year-old Music Teacher Playing the Piano.

Scary People

12:44 AM - True story, the clown from It is real.

Archive The Internet Challenge

12:54 AM - SSGBigg.com - That is what Joe Biggs talked about on the most banned news in the world, the most banned news show in the world - Alex Jones Show - 6/14/2019 - This is around 1 hour and 40 minutes in. We should encourage each other to build offline directories, references, articles, databases, files, documents, videos, pictures, memes, websites, web pages, audio files, GIFs, etc, etc. Encourage people to do time-capsules as well.

Facebook Sexual

07:34 AM - I just got this on Facebook. It said I did something bad but did not say what or where. Facebook blocked me for 30 days. - My Facebook - People are attacking my Facebook by making false reports, flags, against me for things I'm not doing. Thousands to millions of people run into these types of issues in the 2010's, the past few years, globally. It is a big problem.

Banned For Soph

09:59 AM - IWA - When a person says, "I want moderators," that person is probably against free speech, generally. There are reasons for that. It's deep and wide. I got banned for Soph.


10:19 AM - The point is twofold: first, to get the bad guys.

Second, to raise awareness.

The emphasis is on raising awareness. If it wasn't, then Alex could have just contacted IT people privately off-air to ask for help with this. But going on-air to talk about this, to announce the biggest contest on earth for a bunch of reasons raises awareness and gets fake news to talk about it and patriots and all kinds of people globally. This is a win-win because it gets people talking and that is how we change the world. One step at a time. It is controversial. Some people like it. But some people hate Alex or whatever. So, all kinds of people are talking about it. This is not just about the porn bombs. It is also about bringing in new people to Infowars.com. Something like this red-pills new people. That is the main point to this whole thing. It is to get people to talk about it so that more people check out Alex Jones. If we can also go after the bad guys on top of that, then win-win. But even if we don't catch the bad guys red-handed, at least we get millions and millions of additional views, new eyes, looking at some of this and more.

This thing is worth way over a million dollars because it produces way over a million dollars in promotion, that is marketing, advertisement, via like free publicity.


10:26 AM - I like Kim Carnes and I may want to copy her and Weird Al and Bjork.

Computer Problems

10:31 PM - @Memeart, I do not understand. How is a big popular website dangerous? Are people that dumb? Are you telling me that you can go to a website and get a virus? I have never had that problem. Why? Because I use Ubuntu. But I was helping somebody fix a computer problem and went to a website. I think that gave the computer a virus and then that person got a new computer. But that old computer had Windows and not Ubuntu. @Memeart, so, Alex Jones is throwing away money for no reason? Alex Jones is that dumb and retarded?

Christine Fekete

10:38 AM - Because Water is Perfect. Alex Jones is so wrong. There is nothing bad in the water at all. You don't think you are in the Truman Show Matrix right now?

Bad Cops

10:46 PM - Netherlands police arrested a non violent woman

Blind Eyes

10:55 AM - @Memeart, are you racist against quantity over quality, subjectively over objective absolutes? @Zor, how can you be so blind to the point of it all? The point is not that? Think bigger. @Memeart, what was I banned for? Facebook did not tell me what I did. it was from May 15. How am I supposed to remember what I did a month ago? @Zor, how do we raise awareness of many things and red-pill a bunch of people without a one million dollar contest?

Mama Potato

11:00 AM - @ZarkMuckerberg, why are you racist against Mama Potato? Was she too smart for you? Are you racist against educational YouTube videos?

@Memeart does not know why I was Banned.

@Zor, life is all about choices. Some choices might be good. But other decisions might be riskier and yet better or best. That's the animated contest. It is priceless, worth much more than a million dollars. Sometimes, you have to do what is not popular to make history. Sometimes, you may appear crazy to others and yet you may be right on the money. Maybe not literal money. But, sometimes, you have to do the unthinkable to make history, to raise awareness, to get people talking, to make things happen.

Before Versus After

11:20 AM - If you want to moderate, there are two main ways to do it, before and after. Let me explain what I mean.


The normal way things are moderated is "AFTER." In other words, the moderating happens after a post, comment, or whatever, is published, entered, sent, etc. Believe it or not, there is another way to do it. Now, the other way is harder. This is the normal way for how Facebook moderates for example.


But it is better to moderate before things are published.

How Before Works

In the Before Method, for example, say, I comment on your website, then you review it and then you publish it if you want. I prefer this style of moderating if you have to have it. But I'd rather have no moderation at all in the first place.

Free For All

I like the freedom to post and comment whatever I want. I believe in it. I believe in it for so many reasons. Moderating can be possibly and excessively subjective. Now, objectivity, AKA Absolute Truth, morality, eternal principles, exists. But too often, people are stuck in limbo of subjectivity. So, it might be misleading, psychologically (not objectively perhaps), to kind of allow people to post and then to try to moderate after the fact. Yes, it is done that way on social networks, after you post, then you might be moderated. People bought into this protocol.


But why not the newspaper module? That's what they did. Newspapers would do it before and not after. Newspapers decided what would be published and therefore what was not published was moderated out of the newspaper.


I would prefer not moderating anything.


But if you had to, then why not simply let people submit comments, posts. Then let moderators publish them. Then, only the good stuff gets out according to whatever the moderators publish. That takes a lot of work, yes, but it can be better than simply trying to put the toothpaste back into the thing after the fact and there are many reasons for that. @Memeart, I agree. Close the borders to websites. Instead of moderating comments, why not moderate which users are accepted onto the website in the first place by sufficiently screening and vetting each applicant to a website? Then, reward them for posting good stuff. If they post bad stuff, then they get less or no incentives. I prefer no moderating. But if you have to, either moderate which users can join or moderate like newspapers do by reviewing the pending comments before they are published. Moderators can publish whichever comments they want. They can reject the other comments and posts. That is better than rejecting them after they are published. So much better if done before and not after.

@discobot quote


11:37 AM Alex Jones said to Joe Rogan: "I'm kind of retarded."

Oatmeal: "Me Too."

Word Salad

11:40 AM - @Mr.Anderson said that "OBJECTIVITY" is word salad. I talked about the value in absolute truth. But Anderson called that word salad. Why? Could it be due to the fact that he does not believe in objectivity? Who else believes in excessive subjectivity, AKA relativity? Oh, that's right, leftists. Did you know that? Fun fact, leftists enjoy promoting subjectivity. What is subjectivity? I'm glad you asked. Subjectivity is the idea that what is right for me may not be right for you and what is right for you may not be right for me.

Reaching New People

@FlagDUDE08, how do you reach people on Facebook without Facebook? The answer is that it better to use what you have to reach people. Most people are on the big tech social networks. It is better to try everything you can to reach out to those people. If that means you are dependent, then so be it. What would be the alternative?

Meme Art

11:47 AM - @Memeart attacked me. He made a false statement by implying that I was banned for something and yet didn't say what it was.


11:51 AM - @Texas_T, doctors stick their hands up there? I've never had happen. But then again, I've not been to the doctor in like two decades, minus like three required checkups that I had to do for college admission and maybe that one time I was in jail.

Rising Norms

11:58 AM - Steemit - Younger kids can learn Steemit a lot better than the older people, generally. So, they may choose to develop those skills to keep track of passwords, keys, to be more independent. Not everybody will work on these life skills but more people will have the opportunity to at least think about it.

No Sense

12:04 PM - Word Salad Oatmeal - Anderson said to me: "No, Joey. I said the whole statement, like most of what you say, is word salad. The literary equivalent of throwing shit against the wall and hoping something sticks. The whole forum is pretty patient with you, but you also have to try to make more sense."

Live Owen Shroyer

12:10 PM - Drag Queen Story Time - being open-minded does not mean to accept it

I'm Against Public Town Squares

01:19 PM - I prefer private property over allegedly shared public town squares, parks, roads, places, land, etc, online and offline.


I don't mind moderating things on your own private website. For example, the Infocomms is probably private. There are different ways to moderate. I would start with vetting who I allow to join and make an account on my website for example. After that, as a secondary method, you could have pending comments. The moderator could review your comment and then choose to publish your comment or post. Again, there are different ways to moderate.

Private Property

If you trespass on my private property, then shouldn't I have the right to ask you to please leave? Please get off my lawn, my yard, my land? Likewise, if I don't want you on my website, shouldn't I have the right to kick you off or at least to kick off any of your comments?

Public Squares

I would prefer that if you had a public square, online or offline, that it would have no moderation at all. I would prefer that there was complete free speech in a public square and that anything can be said. If you were to have them, then please no censorship, moderating, banning, deleting, shadow-banning, removing, disabling, etc.

But I'm Against Town Squares

I would rather that places, online and offline, remain owned privately by a person or by people. Well, maybe it shouldn't be own by people or too many people. But I guess, that is up to the owner or owners to decide as websites could have stock shares, partners, Steemit Witnesses, etc.


I prefer to allow owners to moderate, censor, ban. But if a website was a public square, then I would prefer that there would be no censorship, moderating, banning, etc, at all, ever, period, with no exceptions.

Real World

Some people may say that there are public squares both online and offline. I would rather have no public squares at all. But if there are some, then keep those places as free as possible. Please limit your moderating and banning and everything, please, if you can, as moderators, in public squares. In private squares, I say do whatever you want as moderators.

Burning Flags

01:33 PM - I agree with Bill Hicks concerning the flag.

Keanu Reeves

01:53 PM - Immortal According to Some Memes - Pew Die Pie

First Amendment

02:26 PM - @Fubar, hypothetically speaking, Mark Zuckerberg, allegedly, might have said that you also have your first amendment on Facebook as well, assuming that Facebook is a public town square.


02:31 PM - Always Improving - Bingozee Bingoze might have said that I'm contributing to the IWA Infocomms better now than before. That may be true to some extent. But at the same time, to some extent, at least on a foundational perspective, I'm rootly the same in some ways to some extent. Yes, improving perhaps and that is good but that might imply that I was too bad in the past or other things.

Parenting Thread

06:46 PM - Talk about parenting things here in this thread: questions, answers, ideas, suggestions, stories, etc.

Platform For All Ideas

07:36 PM - @Artsyneva, Mark Zuckerberg might have said that Facebook is a platform for all ideas, AKA a public square.

Black Contracts

Facebook may have black contracts and may get money from the government, from the CIA, etc.

Be Fair

Yes, a website would probably do better if they didn't just ban unfairly or whatever.

Private Property Rights

But I want them to the have the right to ban anybody anytime if they want. Yes, they could be wrong in who they may might censor.

Private Property First

But if it is their private property, then I don't want that to be violated at all. You're right that they should be smart about it, fair about it, etc.

Government Intervention

But I don't want to require government to ban unfairness.

Mob Rule

I don't agree with the mob-rule mentality where gay people, for example, can put pressure on a company to bake a cake or to kick off racist Alex Jones who is not racist.

Shrink Government

I want to get government out of these situations. I want to make government smaller.


I want mob-ruling democracy pressure to decrease as much as possible. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and others, may not actually be private, long story short. But if they were private, then it is their private property. In reality, it probably isn't. But if it was, I want property protected. Well, maybe not protected but at least not violated excessively.

Double Standard

Of course, Facebook probably displays a double standard with how they enforce their rules.


Well, sadly, their rules, according to most people, appears to be too vague which means selective enforcement. So, you never know what will happen.

Complaint Policy

Also, Facebook generally follows a complaint-policy where if the mob mafia or just a bunch of people report you, flag you, then your comments can be removed and you can be thrown in timeout, AKA Facebook Prison for a month like I am in right now.


I would be less upset if Facebook at least tried to be more consistent with their rules, even if their rules were wrong, especially if Facebook was private. But Facebook is probably not private which is another problem altogether.

Have Good Reasons

Yes, an owner should not have too many rules. Yes, they should only ban if they have like a good reason like you said. A lot of people would agree with that.

Public Squares

@cyberpunkspike, yes, we may need public town squares, online and offline, and we probably have them. We will probably always have them. It is generally better to have them. The alternative could maybe be worse in some cases but maybe not in all cases.

Slippery Slope Possibility

I would prefer having no public spaces because I want to promote private property rights. Why? Because in some cases, a public space could be managed by the government which then may cause the government to inflate.

I want to minimize gov.


A public square could be like welfare, socialism, communism, etc, in some cases. Government may have to maintain it, keep it safe, especially as it grows. If China, the EU, Islamic governments, and/or etc, have/has too much control over Facebook, if Facebook is a public square, and if Facebook has over 2 billion users, then that is technocracy, meaning that is like a governmental tyranny, potentially, a control over potentially 8 billion people, as in all the people on the planet.

Church & State

I like the separation of church and government.

Technocracy & State

I would also prefer a separation between government and big tech, little tech, etc.


@cyberpunkspike, yes, and that is why I prefer blockchain social networks like Steemit. I promote and recommend those types of websites, systems. I like cryptocurrencies. Yeah, too much focus on PR in startups is counterproductive.

Hate Speech Exception

08:44 PM - Some people believe that hate speech should not be included in free speech. If that is enforced, then it is done from subjectivity. In theory, if it came from objectivity, then there may be more consistency in how that would be enforced.

Private Property Rights

I would prefer letting owners ban whoever they want as opposed to having alleged ideology determine who is banned, censored, etc.

Alleged Equality

If everybody were the same, as alleged equality might state, and if we all believed in the same principles, the same foundation to morality, which in most cases would be found within western civilization and specifically Christianity as a reference point, a compass, a guide, then that might work to an extent, allegedly, perhaps.

Equality v Diversity

One of the problems is that of diversity which opposes equality. See, people are not the same. Some of us believe in objectivity and some people believe in subjectivity.

Different Foundations

So, we have different foundations. Therefore, we can disagree with what hate speech means. We can disagree with what words means, philosophically speaking and people like Stefan Molyneux talks about that, about word salads which @Mr.Anderson has says that I spit out.

Excessively Subjective

Life can be rather too subjective. I believe that objectivity is out there. I seek after absolute truth.


But people are flawed, meaning people can be rather too subjective in how they see the world from their point of view. I prefer promoting private property rights.

Make Government Smaller

If you own a private website, then government should not interfere with that. You should have the right to unfairly ban anybody at any time.


If Infocomms is a private forum, then they should be allowed to do whatever they want with it including letting anybody they want moderate it. So, they could be wrong about who the moderators would be, but it should be their right if it is their private property. Facebook is probably not private, however.

My Website

If I created a social network, I would let you register on it in the same way you would on Facebook. I would let you be the administrator (admin) of your Oatmeal Book. Your profile would be your property or at least not interfered with at all. I would prefer that my site be decentralized. Before starting my website, I should probably create a limit to how often a person could post. Steemit has limits and they call it Resource Credit (RC) and mana. So, I would prefer letting you do whatever you want on your page. I would not want to ban or censor hate speech, porn, calls to acts of violence, racism, spam, fraud, deception, actual federal crimes, etc. Why? Because banning certain things could maybe be a slippery slope towards banning more and more and more through mob-rule democracy, the Facebook complaint system, etc.

Public Square

On my website, I may include a public square. I'd rather not have public spaces, online or offline. But for my site, I may still have one where it would like Facebook groups in some ways. It might be a bit like Reddit. It would be a place where you can post, comment, debate, whatever, and nobody can delete anything there. It would be like a free for all place with no moderating at all.


@well_well_well, I am ok with allowing people to talk about Marxism because free speech should have no limit at all. @well_well_well, I would prefer not banning incitement to violence regardless of what the laws might state. Some of the laws may be wrong. I would seek to undo bad laws. But is that not a possible slippery slope towards other things? Should we all live on tall towers like some monks did to purge ourselves from the evils our world?


@ZarkMuckerberg, I like anarchy.

Private Property

@FlagDUDE08, yes, government violates private property rights via town ordinances, state laws, federal laws, etc. We all should be trying to focus on the tenth amendment which is all about getting as much of that back as we can as often as we can.


@Artsyneva, yes, we are like the underground media and we should keep a list of places like the Infocomms just in case. We all should be promoting our favorite places, online and offline, including Bitchute, Brighteon, Steemit, Gab, Minds, Free Zoxee, Infocomms, etc.


@Mischief_With_Griff, yes, agreed, we all should get to speak in public town squares especially or at least in theory or to an extent perhaps in other cases. Oh, funny heat in the kitchen meme and your videos rock.


@ZarkMuckerberg, Steemit is a bit like Reddit.


@Benoaks, I agree that debate is the secret.


On some websites, they have the Not Safe For Work (NSFW) tag and you include that tag in your post if you want when you might be using profanity, posting nudity, etc. Some websites may choose that system for example.

Private Property Rights

If you want to ban Marxism on your private website, then go do that. Should you do that? Maybe so. I just don't want to violate private property rights. I don't want to force government to intervene excessively in the court or wherever.

Legally Speaking

@well_well_well, incitement to violence may be an exception or exemption to free speech, legally speaking and not necessarily objectively speaking. So, that may be the case, legally speaking. Are all laws perfect? Some people might say maybe not. If laws like that is a problem, maybe we should change them. Currently, that is the case, legally speaking and I understand that. But I would prefer that not be the case, legally speaking.


And while we are at it, for legal purposes, I have no idea what I'm talking about, so take that with a grain of salt and never ever eat oatmeal (with that salt) and have a beautiful day.

Lionel Nations

05:00 PM - YouTube - Live Stream: Just When You Thought It Can Get Weirder . . . This! - Published at that time.

Thy Rod & Thy Staff

09:23 PM - @AtypicalRift, I agree and I didn't specifically know that about the meaning to thy rod and thy staff comforts me. I agree with that and it's sad that people can take the Bible out of context like they take Trump and Alex Jones and other things out of context; accidentally in some cases and purposely in other cases.

Money Pool

09:28 PM - @Artsyneva, great idea and @Mr.Anderson is promoting pessimism, fatalism, nihilism, hopelessness. I believe in trying. Why not try? You never know. @keyrobinfo18, I agree on all 3 points. Save money. Have priorities. Yes, it can be sad when people don't get it, especially family. But there is always hope over dope.

Exposing Bad Ideas

09:50 PM - @cyberpunkspike, yes, I did, and I agree that free speech exposes bad ideas.

Calling For Violence v Violence

@well_well_well, in a court of law, as a judge, I might find that you were an accessory to murder if you specifically call for that violence. Legally, you may go to jail. You may have to pay fines. You should go through the legal system, first.


@well_well_well, but if you try to criminalize calls to violence pre-violence, before the crimes happen, then you begin to do what Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, and others may say that they in fact do in stopping crime before it happens.

Wait For The Crime

If you tell me to kill somebody and then I kill that person, then a judge may find you guilty of that call to violence, that whatever it might be legally speaking, whatever it might be called.

But Please Wait

We should minimize how often we try to read people's minds in what may or may not happen in the future because that is a slippery slope towards more and more governmental tyranny as seen in Hitler's Nazi Germany of the 1930's, that is gradually, as we move towards 1984 Frog Boiling.

Free Speech

I believe in free speech. If you kill somebody, that is not free speech, well, unless if maybe you talk somebody to death like I do right now haha. But all kidding and original oatmeal aside, if you call for violence and then the violence happens, then you may be guilty of something. But that is not free speech. Well, technically speaking, that is still free speech, and that should not be interfered with. But it is not only free speech. Again, I repeat, not only free speech.

Free Speech + Violence

If crime occurs, then that is a separate issue. So, legally speaking, a judge may find you guilty of something. Maybe you said something. Maybe you wrote something. The problem is not free speech but the consequences that comes out of the free speech. There is a relationship between speech and action, of course. But let's not do what they did in that movie, Minority Report or Judge Dredd or other movies about the future that we already are living inside.


So, most people prefer safety over freedom. That's why most people don't mind banning aspects to free speech, including hate speech and calls to acts of violence, because it may prevent some problems, crimes, etc, that may evolve or stem from the free speech.

Tales of Two Cities

Good and bad things come out of free speech. If we get rid of some free speech, we run the risk of normalizing that which then leads to minimizing more and more free speech over a course of a century or longer. That's why I'm writing, to warn people of how it works as seen in history over many centuries, globally. I want to minimize government. I don't want to promote going after pre-crime as that might be a slippery slope.


What one generation tolerates, the next generation propagates, generally speaking.


11:11 PM - Most prefer safety over freedom and Facebook appears to be safer, simpler, more normal, and it has been around longer, and people can be slow to change and Facebook is promoted and is so popular and it became a bad habit for people.

Radio Versus The Internet

11:18 PM - I like what Alex Jones said on Friday and Saturday. Why? Because it tells a better story and gets more people engaged. @antonhasakilt is right that this is a good case as it compares radio with social media for example. @FlagDUDE08 is focused on practicality, on how things are. However, @antonhasakilt is focusing on how things ought to be and in how things are becoming.

Blew Up The Internet

11:23 PM - You did it, you just blew up the Internet with oatmeal. Well Well Well wrote: "Here’s my confession… I did it all… I’m every last account… that debate Joey and I had (titled something something-something “H.G. Wells”)… that was just me debating myself…

There, I said it."

Don't Ban Masks

11:34 PM - I don't want to ban masks. I don't want to criminalize pre-crime, even if you're part of Antifa, because I want to wait until you do the crime. If you did crime, then we should go after you. But we should NOT always be promoting spying. When you try to take off people's masks and try to identify them and when you try to search cars, you might be violating the 4th amendment, you might be violating privacy. I want to minimize the false premise of guilty until proven innocent which things like this might promote and encourage excessively.

I’m the new sheriff in town!

11:38 PM - Funny Thread - UltimateknobGobbler used the famous Leviticus Avatar Profile Picture and he wrote: "I’m a fat middle aged guy who treats this forum like it’s my life and nothing else matters.
My job is to make the shit posters fall in line.
How do I do that? Simple.
I write a shitpost about the shitposter about how stupid the shitposter is.
If all else fails I flag the shit out of the forum until infowars has no choice but to remove the forum completely.
Best go someplace safe if you are a shitposter because I’ll bitch and complain about you constantly.
I will not deal with the same problems like I felt with on the ISuckDicksForCash forum.
Be afraid, very afraid."

@Mischief_With_Griff, that was a pretty funny post, regardless lol.