
in #j5 years ago

Roxio Notes. Arnold Attic Notes. When you eat oatmeal, oatmeal goes inside you. The flagging system comes from Discord, not Infowars, since Discord is the engine that drives Infocomms. I copied some of my home videos to DVD. Please tell me that DVD can survive through EMP Attacks, etc. They had power thousands of years ago and then didn't. If anything survived from then, I would watch them. Likewise, if things stopped for a while now, it won't be forever. Things will recover again, I promise. 03:28 PM - I couldn't have said it better myself. Oh, wait a minute.... I think that Alex did not lose control. 03:44 PM - I have Ubuntu and you can get out of these situations with your phones and computers. 04:59 PM - Watching a video of Russian girls slapping each other's butts in some kind of sports competition. Is it my turn yet? Should I move to Russia? 5G = IMT. Specifically, there are good and bad variations of 5G depending on your definition of 5G as it can be rather pretty broad as it covers different things. Free Square: Do Both. Free Markets are good. Trump Versus China. Remember the Jay Leno Skits. America is so fat.

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July

Screenshot at 2019-06-16 10:55:53.png
Drudge Report

Some highlights from Sunday the 16th of June of 2019, as follows:

No church for me today.


12:13 AM - When you eat oatmeal, oatmeal goes inside you.

Facebook Encounters

12:18 AM - @SpeakingSpirits, are you sure they don't already have it? The answer is that there is so much we don't know. But there is a lot we do know. They are doing all of those things already.


10:05 AM - Sitting on the toilet but outside near the mail boxes in the neighborhood I gre up in, faceing the road that goes from our mail boxes and towards the highway and the high school bus stop and Best Western which was formally ahouse or what I thought was an Indian place. I was sitting there on the sidewalk on a toilet as Ted Koelbl came by in their classic van that they had around 2000, that is before they got the new one. They went by my house to pick me up for Word Of Life Olympians and Teens Involved youth group which I attended as a kid. I felt like I have not seen the father, Ted, in a long time. It might have been Jim Rainwater. But I guess it was Ted driving. Ted stopped right at the intersection at what is not a stop sign. He had no reason to stop on that street. Had he looked to his right, he would have saw me on the sidewalk. He might have looked towards my direction but was probably wearing sunglasses or something. I looked at him and was hoping he saw me but then he kept on going. So, I got up, pulled up my pants, ran towards the highway to try to get a ride since I wanted to go. I looked on the highway for the van and saw vehicles but maybe not that van. Maybe I did find and and got on. I don't remember how that dream ended. I am also trying to remember the next dream I had and I was thinking about a little before I woke up but I can't remember enough of it now to write it down.

Arnold Attic Notes

11:00 AM - White Michael Jordan Video - I was thinking about this like minutes long video I made with my brother Rick, on Friday, 1996-02-02, the 2nd of February of 1996 during day 2 of Rick's new cam he got from dad. The first full day. Dad came home with it Thursday night. We made a news segment. Rick was the announcer. He talked about how Michael decided to quit basketball and try out for the hockey team. He went to me. I played Mike. I was almost eleven years old. My birthday is on the eleventh. Rick was almost 14. Crystal is in the background for a second. So, I say, around 4 PM PST, that I was bored of basketball and that I decided to quit basketball and try out for the hockey league. I hope I get the team. Wait, what am I saying, I'm Michael Jordan, I can do anything, flying through the sky. Then I coughed, which was our code, our signal, for stop recording. Then it goes back to Rick. He had a fake name in the video. It was like the five o'clock news or something. He said that Mike could probably do that if he says so. Wait, not. He is an idiot. What is he thinking? Who does he think he is, god? Like God Himself? Then I made some sound effects, like music, like you hear in a scary movie. While watching dishes this morning in 2019, current time, I was thinking about making a video of this, a new one, I can show people to highlight what kind of kid I was. So, I was thinking to start the video with a quick five second intro of me in that video where I say, "What am I saying, I can do anything..." Stop right there and then cut from 1996 Joey and directly to 2019 Joey. Have me introduce the video to the audience a little or put it at the end during the crewdits or split it with some at the beginning and the end. I can talk about how we came up with the coughing thing. Rick did it first after he said a few things at the beginning of the video. He coughs and then mouths to me to turn it off. You can see his lips moving. Then I play Mike and then I cough. So, I could make a joke about it and cough too in this new video and say turn it off. I am not sure how much I want to say in this video as a commentary to the 1996 video. This is just one idea out of many. We were making videos among family and friends from 1996-20033. I went college in 2004 which marked the end of that Arnold Attic era. I have been making videos since, but this is where it all started. I also have audio tapes that I am copying as well.


What do Vietnamese eat when they are sick? Rice soup. I'm eating that and drinking teas as I continue to recover. Going on a no bread and no coffee diet for like a week now. Mom recommended that. Hung up clothes on the line. Reminds of that meme of kids hanging online, as the clothes line. Watering the backyard still. The trailerway is strong. We were working on that the past few days since Thursday adding gravel to it. I might be sick partly from that and from being a little cold and outside a bunch and maybe there are other reasons that I'm not aware of yet.

Roxio Notes

01:00 PM - Roxio Video Capture USB - HU3180-E - Roxio Easy VHS to DVD 3 Plus Video & Audio Converter & Editor - That is the name of the device that takes in audio video (AV) via composite AV cables, red, white, yellow, the normal cables I think, I think it is called composite and/or another kind but not the third kind that has other colors like blue, green, etc, and it has the S-Video option which I don't have a cable for, and it plugs into a USB port. Right now, looking for Ubuntu drivers or Linux drivers for making sure it can take in audio from my radio, from the audio tapes, via a cable that adapts the headphones jack output and inputs it into Roxio which inserts it into USB. I have done it before, I believe. It should be working but it it is not right now. I have to continue to keep notes and investigate more. Connections: (1) USB A Out, (1) Stereo Audio RCA Phono In, (1) Composite Video In, (1) S-Video In. I plug it in and then the USB wireless device stops. WHy is that? Don't know. GOing back to recording the audio tapes to DVD as this continues to fail.

Facebook Ban

02:38 PM - I was not told why I was banned. You gave me a notice of an empty post. I can show you the screenshots. I am telling other people about this. I told Trump about this. You did not tell me what I did wrong. Why did you ban me on Facebook for 30 days?

Facebook Banned

Facebook, why can't I submit a rebuttal? You didn't tell me why I was banned for 30 days. You showed me a blank post from 11:16 PM PST, Wednesday, May 15, 2019. But the post you showed me appeared empty. So, what did I do wrong? I didn't post nudity. This was a false report/flag.

Facebook Nudity

Facebook lied, saying I posted nudity at 11:16 PM PST, Wed, 2019-05-15, but I didn't. It showed me a blank post. It was empty. They didn't show me what I did wrong. False accusation.

Archive The Internet

03:05 PM - So far, I only have about 5 TB. People can buy 4TB drives for like $120 like I did. That could be a starting point for people. I copied some of my home videos to DVD. Please tell me that DVD can survive through EMP Attacks, etc.

Discord - Not Infowars

03:09 PM - @Minutemen-Of-America, the flagging system comes from Discord, not Infowars, since Discord is the engine that drives Infocomms. Therefore, send your complaints to Discord and not Infowars or give Infowars an alternative engine option that they could try as opposed to using Discord.

Discourse - Not Infowars

03:16 PM - @Minutemen-Of-America, the flagging system comes from Discourse, not Infowars, since Discourse is the engine that drives Infocomms. Therefore, send your complaints to Discourse and not Infowars or give Infowars an alternative engine option that they could try as opposed to using Discourse. EDIT: not Discord, but Discourse. I got the name wrong. I thought it was Discord. DIdn't realize there was this other thing called Discourse.

Dark Ages Are Not Forever

03:18 PM - @TheIsz, you can't recreate power? It does matter. They had power thouands of years ago and then didn't. If anything survived from then, I would watch them. Likewise, if things stopped for a while now, it won't be forever. Things will recover again, I promise. CD is forever. They may have an expiration date for when data begins to deteriorate. That may be 100 years. But that is better than nothing. After that, it may begin to fall apart, slowly. But every second counts and you never know. So, maybe not forever, but we can at least try. I believe in trying. If you don't believe in trying, then why do you even try to to type? Why are you typing to me if everything is hopeless? @TheIsz, yes, we do have it. The general public may not have it. But some people do have it. We have so much. There is secret technologies out there. More is coming. More is already here. It is worth it. There is hope over dope. @TheIsz, I know about Atlantis and we get things back from way back then and beyond and we try to get things back and learn from the past and look at it all and the same can be said about us from the future.

Shadow of Doubt

03:28 PM - I couldn't have said it better myself. Oh, wait a minute....


03:32 PM - @ZarkMuckerberg, did I write too much? Did it go over your head?

Losing Control

I think that Alex did not lose control. I think it only appears as if he lost control. And even if he actually lost control, it does not matter because we all need to see it and hear it because we all should be losing control because we all should be very angry because that is a step into the right direction towards getting things done and we all need to do more and that is why Alex Jones gets angry because we are not doing more and more and more and if we got that angry like Alex did Friday then we would be doing more and that is how we win by being angry and then by doing what Alex did on Saturday to figure out to calm down and then get things done as it is a process that we all must go through or else.

Tech Heaven

03:44 PM - I have Ubuntu and you can get out of these situations with your phones and computers. You can do many things. I should probably teach a class about it. We should be promoting hope concerning what can be done as opposed to what can't be done. We can try to eliminate or at least minimize their control on us, their spying on us, their hacking, the back-doors, the embedded chips that you can remove and embedded programs that you can remove and you can replace operating systems and programs with better ones. There are so many things that we can do. Too often, we just cry about how everything is hopeless. But there is always hope.

Russia Girls

04:59 PM - Watching a video of Russian girls slapping each other's butts in some kind of sports competition. Is it my turn yet? Should I move to Russia?

1992 Audio Tape

05:08 PM - I just found an audio tape of when I was 7 years old in 1992. So, I am burning that to DVD. It has my 2 year old younger sister in it singing.

Fake 5G News

07:28 PM - @GreggHuestis67, 5G is not a speed but it is more technical than that. You can have fast WIFI without 5G. People are lying about 5G because most people don't know enough about technology to understand the differences. There are differences. You don't have to go the 5G route to get faster Internet. That is fake news. There is so much fake news running around in the world. @Mr.Anderson, I said WIFI. I did not say Fiber Optics. You seem to be buying the fake news. That is too bad that you fall for the fake news. 5G is bad but there are alternative wireless options that can be faster than 5G. @Mr.Anderson, 6G is worse and these numbers, 5 and 6, are not about speed. It is different, specifically. Because 5G is not referring to the speed but to generation. But it is not the kind of generation we want to be part of. First, you need to understand what 5 GHZ is and what 5G is for example as the two are NOT the same. One step at a time, people can begin to understand what 5G is and what it is not. We can also see how there are better methods for faster WIRELESS Internet already out there. People are so dumb and the fake news is so big at confusing even smart people. @Mr.Anderson, how do you not know what I am talking about? Where are all the computer nerds? Am I the only in this whole Infocomms that know about this? Talk about informed? That is pretty sad. I thought there were smart people here. But it looks like a bunch of blind Trump followers, AKA yes-men. I am not mad scientist and even I get some of it already. But it goes beyond that. How do we stop 5G without finding alternatives? There are alternatives and we should talk about it. It is like smoking. If you don't have an alternative, then I will continue smoking. But there are alternatives and we should focus more on real alternatives which exists. If nobody else knows about what I am talking about, I guess I will have to talk about it. I will start a new thread called Alternatives to 5G. Not Fiber Optics. But wireless alternatives. It is probably because you don't understand what 5G is. Article about 5G talk about the waves a little. 5G = IMT. Specifically, there are good and bad variations of 5G depending on your definition of 5G as it can be rather pretty broad as it covers different things. Who's there? Michael ahhhh Jordan. VCR.


09:15 PM - I love greed. I love selfishness. So, you can call me a bad person. I will never repent. I love competition. I also love helping people.


09:38 PM - @Shayla, But why not do both? Why not emphasize in the real world while still leaving clues for people to follow online at the same time but only five minute per month online? Just five minutes online once a month or year. You go on, leave something on the Internet and then go back into the real world and focus inside the 3D world. Emphasize and focus on the real world. But you can also do a few things online once a year or not all the time, just a few seconds once a year. Not a lot of time. Just very small. You don't have to do one or the other. Do both.

Petty Vid

09:48 PM - I searched my name, Joey Arnold, and got these results.

I found this website - Petey Vid - on Gab because it followed me. Petey, not Petty lol.


We are a video search engine that focuses on free-speech (non-bias), favors non-YouTube content, and is Privacy conscious. Video search across Facebook, Twitter, Veoh, Instagram, Twitch, MetaCafe, Minds, BitChute, Brighteon, D-Tube, PeerTube, and many others.

Other alternatives

Duck Duck Go

And what else?

Replacing 5G

There are also alternatives to 5G.

More on that later.

Fool Me Again

10:19 PM - The good news is that some of us are getting it.

Free Markets

10:24 PM - I love capitalism. If you are against it, you might actually be against cronyism, monopolism, corporatism, technocracy, tyranny, plutocracy, Jihadism, globalism, etc, etc, but not free markets. By the way, the world only has like one percent of real free market capitalism which means you are against what we do not have, generally speaking. Some people use it for good and some for bad. Some choose to get more work done and others do the opposite through technology and capitalism and they are good and you are focused on the bad people and the bad things and most people are bad. We are all bad when we are not choosing better ideas through Jesus.


Trump Versus China. - Picture

Fat America

Remember the Jay Leno Skits. America is so fat.

Rememberin 1992

I was telling Rick about an audio tape of us from 1992. Rick replied: "So, Crystal could talk at 2 years old? One of my favorite memories is when dad worked night shifts. I think maybe it was during the summer. He would get up about 1 pm, and would make us grilled cheese sandwiches and we would watch Hawaii Five-O. The other show I had watched with him from time to time to time was Rockford Files. With mom, we watched Quantum Leap Wednesdays at 9pm, after we got back from Awanas at the church in Hillsboro." I remember some of that. I remember the cheese sandwiches. Rick also said: "What did we talk about in 1992? Newsies? Aladdin? Back to the Future? TNMT? Or Full House. I’m watching Full House right now on netflix. It’s still a good show; I think it is still my favorite show ever, even after all these years." Yeah, we probably did and talked about some of those things or all of them but maybe not in the one audio tape that I just reviewed. I remember Quantum Leap. I never heard of Rockford Files but I remember Golden Girls, ALF, Night Court, Hawaii Five-O, Mamma's Family, Blossom, Dinosaurs, TGIF, Saturday Morning Cartoons, Wayne's World, Who's The Boss, etc.

VHS & Audio Tapes To DVD 2019 Notes

V.2019 59.01 - D.2019 19.10 - 2019-06-13 - Thursday - 12:01 AM - 12:00 AM - TBN Creation 02/02: Carl Baugh. Creation the 21st Century, part B. And Part B is on VHS 52.
A.2019 00.00 - D.2019 19.11 - 2019-06-14 - Friday - 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM - the last 13 minutes or so for DVD 19. Just a bit from audio tape Master Builder which has Christian children songs on them. I was testing the audio to make sure that the audio from the tape player was actually recording to DVD.

A.2019 01.02 - D.2019 20.01 - 2019-06-14 - Friday - 07:56 PM - 08:37 PM - 30 Minutes - Audio Tape 01 - Side B - JINS - Joey's International Network Station - Joey Arnold Inspirational Network Station - This is side B. I thought it was side A but it's side B according to what I said on the tape at the end. singing or humming the main Star Wars theme song and then the Imperial March. I might have said a few things for a minute and then it went to the radio. One song, i forget. The next song was I Want To Be In The Light as you are in the light. Be my salvation. All I want to be in the light. Next song had a great beat. A lady was singing. You're the lion. Great dancing music. I am the DJ between some of the songs. I am kind of funny. I say that a song is very good and the other song before that kind of good. Let me show you how to do it is the next song. I mentioned how the Blazers swept the Suns 4-0 in like the playoffs. Maybe I meant 3-0 which happened in 1999. I think I mentioned how Michael Jordan and the Bulls beat the Blazers in the NBA Finals in like 7 games. I said 7 games. The 1992 NBA Finals actually only had 6 games. Then a song. Just me, oh love me yeah. The next song, always ahhhh. Always dooo dooo doo. After that, I say: That's all we have for today. Now, back to sports... The Blazers beat the Suns, Kings, and then went on to play against the Bulls in 1992. Earlier, I might have been talking about 1992 and not 1999. I'm not sure. Joey's International Network lala. No. Questions. Callers. What does JINS mean? Joey's International Network Station.
A.2019 01.01 - D.2019 20.02 - 2019-06-14 - Friday - 08:39 PM - 09:15 PM - 30 Minutes - Audio Tape 01 - Side A - JINS - I'm the DJ. I say that this is JINS. Great Oldies all the time. Kissin FM. Song: Show me love, show me life, show me what it's all about, baby. After that, I talk about how we will talk about sports on side A, about the Blazers and how the next season is coming up. Then I tooks some fake calls and asked them if Elvis really was dead or alive. One said he was dead. the other said that he was maybe alive or something. Then the song, think about all the bubbles of love we made. Don't come crawling. Got something in my head. And my flowers are dead. Can't find a way to rectify the situation. You forgot how it started. And you're down on your knees. It's too late. What a big mistake. I could sting like a bee. Be careful how you treat me. Then I interrupted that song and said: "That's a very stupid song... we'll take you to another stupid song..." I like saying stupid. Another song: people worry about what's going on. There's more important things then something. Don't you think, don't you think, baby CHORUS. I started thinking. And now another song. I like this song. That previous song was stupid. I love ants, I say. A song called Ants. Strike it up. Duet, guy and girl sing. Pump up the bass. I feel something. I feel good. I stop it and say: "Give me a break. We are now having our weather break. Hey mister, how is the weather today? It's terrible." I took more calls. Pretty funny. Different voices. The sky is blue. No, the sky is black in space. They don't get it. That was the question. What is the color of the sky? Next song: Rhythm is the dancing or a dancing. You can feel it. I stop that. I started talking again a few seconds into that song. I go to interview a basketball guy. Dominique Wilkins. Slam Dunk Contest. I do my personation of him. He is from the hospital. Due to the lack of fundings, we can't show you the entire interview. Go Blazers and something about Michael Jordan. Then, the next song: soundtrack something. Then a violin song with no words.
A.2019 02.01 - D.2019 20.03 - 2019-06-14 - Friday - 09:19 PM - 10:05 PM - About 40 Minutes or so - Joey Memories 2004. We talked about our memories. All six of us were together for the last time as of 2019. It was for Christmas 2004. I think I recorded over another tape that I had stuff on it. So, I mixed it up by recording new stuff and then adding space for some of the old stuff and then recording over it every once in a while. So, Crystal mentioned like being told to eat burnt wood, we said it was brownies. She might have caought her mattress on fire. I talked about how we went to VBS and Tiffany Cumbo was in the trunk. She had to go or she ended up going as we were already there at CCBC. THis was back around 1990-1993, probably. Parents were angry. Past her bed time or curfew of like 8 PM. Under the sea. Dad said a few things. Rick said I should ask a homeless guy in NYC where he lives. Katie said to be nice. Her then BF said a few things. Dad and mom said a few things. All six of us said things on this tape. Then I read from like a WOLBI book or something to the end of Side A.
A.2019 02.01 - D.2019 20.03 - 2019-06-14 - Friday - 10:06 PM - 10:14 PM - Around 6 Minutes - I read from Galatians. And then side B goes blank.
A.2019 03.01 - D.2019 20.04 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 04:02 PM - 04:20 PM - 2003 JINS - I introduce the listeners to my tape. I say the name of my email address: bumbaloe at yahoo.com. Some Christian music. I come with great expectations. 2 other songs before that.
A.2019 04.01 - D.2019 21.01 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 04:21 PM - 05:00 PM - Audio Tape 4. 1992-10-20 - Thursday - Audio from Crystal, Joey, Mom, Dad. There is a part where dad talks about sharing food with Katie and others. He said one for you and one for you and "One for Mommy." They talk about going to bed. mom said because it is 9:30 PM. I sing Jesus Loves Me. I play with Crystal. I sing random song. I have a girly voice. Mom sings a few times on this tape. I made the mistake of recording nothing to the first 30 seconds of this DVD 21. After about that time, I finally got the audio tape playing. I press the wrong button on the tape player, the fast forward key. Oct 1992 on this tape.
A.2019 04.02 - D.2019 21.02 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 05:09 PM - 05:00 PM - Begins with Mom singing. It ends with the phone ringing. About 2 minutes long. Then the video ends. It is blank after that one song at the beginning of side b, as far as I can hear. I fast forwarded it. Then I hear like me saying things. A lot of background noise. Na na ahhh. I sing for a sec. 2:18 minutes and then blank. ANd then goes back to us kids playing again. Somebody reading something, maybe it is me reading. Not sure.
A.2019 04.01 - D.2019 21.03 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 05:27 PM - 06:00 PM - Side A again. 1992-10-29 - Thursday, the 29th of October of 1992 - I say da da something OK Ricky. I do different voices. Mom says something about how somebody had to give it to the mother. Maybe cats. Oh, 9:30 PM says mom. Tomorrow says dad. Cuz too late to record. I say that Rick is ridiculous. Crystal says something about Rick and every time. I scream. Dad says: "You get this treat tonight. We'll split. Half for Crystal. Half for Joey. Half for Katie. Half for Mommy." Mom sings for a second. Dad said something about how something was not very smart concerning Joey, that's me, something I did or something. Then it goes to me reading or talking. Not sure what I am saying. I say Peter again and again. Maybe a kids book. Joey or Crystal said oh did mommy say I can? I think that was Crystal. So, I might have said no but that I could. Then I sang Jesus Loves Me. Then something about riding a bike. Then back to Jesus Loves Me song. Then Mom for a second. Then maybe Crystal. Milk. I'm back. I sing more. I love it when I was six, seven, eight, and nine. So, maybe it is Katie singing at times. I am not sure. What did Katie sound like in 1992? Old Joey Talk. Alien Talk for a second. Singing about reading the Bible. Sacrifice a kitten. Playing with cats. Dad: "It must be in the car then." Joey: "I'm recording it." Dad: "What are you recording." Joey: "I'm recording what you said." Dad: "Ok Joey. Hello Joey..." I tell him to say this and say that. Say Daddy. Then he says to say this or that. Then there are kittens meowing. Mom: "This is the voice of Mommy." He is really six and will be seven in February. Mom says that it is "October 29th of 1992." Mom got Crystal say a few things and sing a few things. The tape may have began in January of 1992 as I said that I was six. So, the audio tape may cover different dates in 1992. Maybe not 1991. AM not exactly sure.
A.2019 05.01 - D.2019 21.04 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 06:36 PM - 07:00 PM - Maybe 1995. Referenced 1994 The Mask. I sing about a man. Do you have to walk like man or a maniac. Think like a man. GO to the edge of the universe. You may rock it and roll it and talk it. May I repeat that again? Bye bye to millions of Pepsi. Something in the USA, and you may stay. And may I say. You're stupid. A rock it, a doodle. From that cartoon Elvis rooster movie that came out like in 1992. You can clean up your hous or dream of a better place. Get the simming pool full and give it to your kids and they have fun and you have fun. Simpsons reference: can we have a pool dad, said Bart and Lisa, again and again. Better than watching boring TV, television. I'm really old. Bits from the radio. After these commercials, you'll be right back. Listen to this other song, bye. Some things are high and you are low. You have tons and we have little. We are poor. GIve you greedy and you will be forgiven. And the poor is getting poorer and the rich is getting richer. Give us something, you get nothing. To the tune of some Newsies songs, possibly. Happy. Forgiving. We need money. We're always poor. Mighty days or money days. Getting colder each windy day. They hire the brightest. Used to be sick. But do you give us more? No. But if you give us more today. Shinning days are out there. If you just give us money. News show. Rick was the weather man. He says extreme weathers both hot and cold and I comment saying crazy things. Wednesday, we're going to be dead. Thursday, we're going to have a party. Friday, we're going to die again. Rick also say: "Smoking." That is a reference from The Mask. which came out in 1994 July 29. So, this was some time after this. Michael Jordan, how did you make that shot from the other side of the court. Rick pretended to be Mike and said he could shoot it with no body. I am the best. Rick: "Joey Arnold's car is being towed away and your house is being blown up." I'm screaming in the background. Not to mention that a couple of gangs are outside waiting to beat you up when you come home. I reference our 1996 Power Rangers Kids by saying that you have to go to the planet Fatos. You are old enough to be in this war. You're 100, you have to be in the war sometime. Maybe also a reference to our Ghetto Little Red Riding Hood video.
A.2019 05.02 - D.2019 21.05 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 07:01 PM - 07:15 PM - Welcome to Side B. Fox 20th Century intro theme music song for a few seconds. Country music. Maybe Garth Brooks. Several of our parks. Rick: "Hello, hello, hello." Christmas music. Santa Clause is coming to town. SOmething about space. Maybe NASA. Something about a ship crushing a riverside mall. Different radio stations. Then Rick: "Joey. Joey. Joey. Joey. Joey. Stop bothering me. Joey. Joey. Joey. Joey. Joey. Joey." I'm like what what. He starts singing my name. Then blank to the end of side b which ends with Fox theme.
A.2019 06.01 - D.2019 21.06 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 07:16 PM - 07:15 PM - Tell me a fable song. Which was featured in a movie which came out in 1997. Here is a joke from Crystal Scott Arnold. Ranger. I sing. I talk. I tell jokes. It would have a cat for lunch. Woman hater. Everything eater. Teenage mutant ninja turtle ranger. Eat dogs. Women hater. Bible stomper. Imitating the TBN Kid's Club song. Playing the piano. They can fight all of you. They know all of you. Imitating a Weird Al song. They can kill all of you. Sing about Splinter. Big guys. Go go Power Rangers of turtles. I try to combine songs from the two. Writen by Joseph Scott Arnold. Now for a commercial. Dumb dumb ditty song which I learned from Hillside Bible Church VBS and also possibly other places before the mid-90's as well. Simpsons song. I hear Crystal saying something. I continue singing. Holy cow. Macroni. No Pepsi for Pepsi. That was a cool song. Now for Crystal song. Actual Simpsons theme in the background. Everybody's weird song. Today. Take me out to the baseball ball game song. Then music from the TV. American's funniest party disasters, part 2 which aired 1996 June 15, Saturday. Slow motion talking. Ring around the rosey. Piano. Don't be a budrick, be a good rick song. Or drick. Or brick. Horse song.
A.2019 06.02 - D.2019 22.01 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 08:01 PM - 08:12 PM - Side A - Part 2. Around 7 minutes. Army Song. Raining Song. I say this is side b. Crystal says some things. I wan to do what I want song. I want to put animals all around the world. I want to rule the world if I want. I want to do it. Hey, I want to do it.
A.2019 06.03 - D.2019 22.02 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 08:14 PM - 08:55 PM - Welcome. Mario Bros music from maybe Mario 1 from SNES Super Mario Bros game. I play Mario. I die and say: "Time up. Sorry Mario." I must have ran out of time. I play more. Then I talk and say sorry about the game and now a song. Dust can't fly, only wind can. I play the guitar. Dust or duck? I said anybody. They got to save the big blue whales song. I sing a Power Rangers Zeo parody song that I made up on the spot. Knock knock, who's there? Battery. Battery on. VCR. VCR who? Shut up, VCRs don't have names. Knock knock, who's there? Turkey. Turkey who? Turkey sucks and so do you. I do a retarded laugh. New Testament of all. Dog who? Hot dog. WHo's there? Super. Super who? Super man? Somebody else besides you. Batman Robin to the Jingle Bell melody song. Steinway & Sons who? A piano, what else? Smile and Luigi. Turkey who. I'm a turkey, don't eat me. Flying Peter Pan, who else. Little football guy. Spaghetti and meatballs and whatever else that is there. Then the knock knock, who's there. Knock knock. Huh, who's there? A big debate with myself and it goes back and forth.
A.2019 07.01 - D.2019 22.03 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 08:59 PM - 09:59 PM - Summer of 1998 maybe. Mario 64. Hello everybody. As you can see, it's 3D now. Not a doctor. Island. Aligators. Wilderness. Stupid plumber. Yoshi. Must be the end when you beat the game. 2 mushrooms to eat mushroom soup with. We can hunt birds too. Peach talks to Peach. Biggest Peach I've ever seen. Different flavors. The song starts. Credits roll. I begin to sing to it's tune. You beat the game at the end of the game. I made a turkey and I threw it out, I sing. Thank you so much for playing my game. His game says Peach or Joey. Then I am playing the first level. I think I say the summer of 1998. Copyright claim I speak. Mario Paint song. A Just Joey's Film. So, I record the one song I made on the SNES Mario Paint. 20th Century Fox Intro Song. Sim City gameplay for a sec. Then another song of mine or a default song.
A.2019 08.01 - D.2019 22.04 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 10:35 PM - 10:44 PM - Crystal tape. Beattles or Beatles song. Everybody something something. Other Beatles songs or Oldies. My BF's Back song. Elvis - Do THe Twist.
A.2019 09.01 - D.2019 22.05 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 10:45 PM - 11:00 PM - Red Red Wine song. Madonna - fell in love with a beautiful stranger - Austin Powers 1. Lord I Lift Your Name On High. Petra. I sing in the background. 1999 or 2000 as this was featured in my Ra Ra I Want It movie I made early in 2000. Side B appears blank. Just me and some radio songs on side A for like ten minutes or less and that is it probably.
A.2019 10.01 - D.2019 22.06 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 11:06 PM - 11:22 PM - Joey voices talking to himself with the help of other tape players probably. I say I am Cool Kid. What about Ra Ra. How could I possibly know? How old are you? I don't know. How could I possibly know. I'm a guinea pig, gotta love me like the baby in Dinosaur on ABC. What are you laughing about? Who let the dogs out? That song came out in 2000, July 26. This must be after that sine I referenced that song. Recorded in 1999. Nelson, your stupid neighbor, and I'm stupid. I'm the new Cool Kid. Aladdin Prince song. Raping. Newsies King of New York song. I sing the one over the other.
A.2019 11.01 - D.2019 22.07 - 2019-06-16 - Sunday - 11:23 PM - 11:22 PM - Radio songs. Metal rock. Other genres. Pink - I'm coming out, so you better get this party started. Other pop songs. Z100. More on side b.