
in #j5 years ago

Make Alex Jones The New Press Secretary - The Infowars Time-Capsule Challenge - Security v Sexy Freedom - The Objective to the Time-Capsule Challenge - Why They Love 5G - Write, Post, or Advertise Anything or Everything You Want, Anytime, All The Time, on My Facebook Page, Wall, Timeline, or on my Posts, etc, etc. Add me. Tag me in anything, anytime. Have fun. Oatmeal. - Censorship Symptom - Make Farming Great Again - Back From Darkness - Soph - Dug up the trailer driveway

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July

Screenshot at 2019-06-13 15:16:45.png

Some highlights from Thursday the 13th of June of 2019, as follows:

The Infowars Time-Capsule Challenge

01:10 AM - I got this idea while watching Alex Jones today - 2019-06-12 - Alex talked about a globalist plan to phase people out by 2070, as in the next fifty years. Alex talked about saving this on a pen-drive in order to show people this show in like twenty years from now for example. Watch today's show for more information on what Alex was saying. It's a long story concerning different globalist plans. Alex mentioned one of their many plans of what they try to do.

Operation Infowars Time-Capsule

Put today's Alex Jones Show onto a thumb-drive and put that device inside a Faraday Cage. It doesn't have to be a thumb drive. It could be Blu-Ray, a DVD, CD, a hard-drive, etc. You don't have to put Infowars videos on it. Put whatever you want on it. The device will be the time-capsule. Put the time-capsule in a Faraday Cage or whatever. Then put your time-capsule in a hole or somewhere safe. After that, make a second time-capsule and give that one to a friend. Encourage that friend to do the same and to pass on a time-capsule to a friend. Do your best to make one for yourself, first. After that, try to make another time-capsule for another person. Donate a time-capsule to that other person. Encourage other people to do it as well.

How-to complete this challenge

Step 1, buy a thumb-drive, hard-drive, disc, etc, and put stuff on it.

Step 2, buy or make a Faraday Cage.

Step 3, put the time-capsule device inside the Faraday Cage.

Step 4, put the time-capsule in the ground or somewhere safe.

Step 5, repeat steps 1-3.

Step 6, donate a 2nd Faraday-Caged Time-Capsule Device to a friend or whatever.

Step 7, encourage that person to do steps 1-6.

Step 8, encourage that person to do step 7 and then step 8.


09:37 AM - IWA - @Fubar, I think most of this goes over my head. Something to do with electricity. And then something to do with an antenna and pop. So, is M.E.S>h just an idea for wireless internet or is it being currently used by some people in the world today? I do like copper.

Choices v Security

09:58 AM - Freedom is sexier. If you want to do something, you can try to do it. That ability is dependent on freedom over security. Yes, most people prefer safety over freedom. So, security can be good. Confidence is crucial. Ultimately, the number one thing can be freedom, that is the ability to make these choices. Upvoted. Resteemed.

Video Games

Games are getting less heart and I hate the loading screens. They don't need loading screens. Your video game machine only needs to be faster in order to load faster or lower down the resolution from 2K to 1080p or whatever. You could have a computer. Save money. Then get a computer.

Time-Capsule Challenge

10:12 AM - The main goal of this challenge is not the time-capsules in and of themselves, even as it could be an objective, but rather, the main goal is in getting more people more familiar with going through these steps and in passing these ideas around because that educates people to create better backups and multiple backups in a variety of ways annually or whenever and it challenges people to pass it on to other people, the skills, the wisdom, of trying to do this.

There can be multiple goals for this challenge. You don't have to bury your time thing in the ground. You should at least keep it in a Faraday Cage. It would be even better if you buried one and kept the other inside a Faraday Cage inside your wall, ceiling, floor, or somewhere safe, secured, hidden, and near you or whatever you want. Every once in a while, add stuff to it.

4 TB Drive

I have an external 4 TB drive ($120 USD apx. as of 2017) that I keep near my computer. It is not in my computer. I keep the drive near it but not plugged into the USB all the time. So, that is my backup. More people should do that. This challenge is to encourage people to do that at least, to do what I'm already doing at the very least. I need to get a Faraday Cage. So, that is next on my list. So, I try to do the best I can each day. That is all anybody can do.

Better Choices Over Fatalism

10:38 AM - Listen to your heart, as long as your heart is aligned with God, with eternal principles. Pray for conviction. Life is all about making the best choices at any given time. I felt a conviction to return to America from Vietnam for example. Encourage people around you to make the best choices they can each day. That is all you can do. Educate yourself on different choices, different decisions, different things, that you CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN CAN do each day. Write it down. Then, go with your gut and try to do things you can do. Don't get too distracted with what you cannot do. Focus on what you can do right now. Just think about it. Write it down. Tell a friend. Keep a journal of it. And like Nike says, just do it. Just do it. I will vote for Trump in 2020. That is something I can do. You should do that too. But if you feel like there is no hope, then your life will be hopeless. I believe in real hope, unlike the Obama thing. I believe in Hope Over Dope. Focus on what you can do. Look at what you can do on any given day, and pick one and commit to do it, regardless of how good or bad it may be. After you do that, then write it down and evaluate it. After that, wake up the next day and do that again. Too many people get lost in apathy, ignorance, pacifism, nihilism, and especially fatalism. I encourage you to reconsider that black-pill and to reconsider a real red-pill or even white-pill.

Be Ready

10:56 AM - @FlagDUDE08, you don't know what is going to happen. There are two extremes, believing it is all going to happen and believing none of it will happen. It is better safe than sorry. It is better to know what might happen. It is good to focus on what you can do in hypothetical situations. It may not be best to spend too much time on preparing for things that are less likely to happen. But it is better to know than to bury your head in the sand. It is better to brainstorm it all and to talk and debate different ideas, theories, etc.

Why They Love 5G

11:05 AM - If you don't give people alternatives to 5G, some of those people will say and do say: "Sorry, but 5G is the future and we need it and oh well with the consequences and we already have climate change and Orange Man Bad and many different bad things, as in the end of the world as AOC said it by 2031 (12 years from now) and we need faster Internet and this is the only way to get faster Internet and there are no alternatives and so we have to do it because it is the future and it is the best and please don't tell me that I cannot have my 5G or my abortion or my no-god religion and eat what I want and have sex with men and women and children and anybody and even robots and animals and myself and what have you. I want to live my life the way I want. It is my body and my choice for abortion and 5G and everything. There are no alternatives. It is the future for sure. It is the best. We have to have faster Internet. There is no other way to have faster Internet. And leave me alone you racist, etc, etc."

Dead Fish Mystery Solved

11:15 AM - YouTube - Answers In Genesis - How did Godzilla get so big?


11:22 AM - Facebook - This picture shows different ways to say words (pronunciation). So, in Canada, when they say "DAY," it might sound like they are saying "DIE."


We should try to test your car radio by connecting it to a power adapter that is plugged into the wall in your house, because you want to make sure the radio can still power on. It is a process of elimination. You can try to fix the radio, but one step at a time.

Tag Me

11:56 AM - Facebook - Write, Post, or Advertise Anything or Everything You Want, Anytime, All The Time, on My Facebook Page, Wall, Timeline, or on my Posts, etc, etc. Add me. Tag me in anything, anytime. Have fun. Oatmeal.

Tower of Babel

11:57 AM - YouTube - Tower of Babel: Origin of Races with Bodie Hodge

Censorship Symptom

12:22 PM - I agree with @cyberpunkspike and some of this may be too complex for some people. I'm writing about all of this a lot because I'm trying to learn how to possibly explain some of this to people who may not completely get that one of the main issues is not that of censorship in and of itself but in things that might be related to censorship.

Not Censorship

In other words, censorship might be, at least in part, a symptom of deeper problems that we are trying to address. Again, this is complex. We are talking about many different issues at the same time and we are in a war of information and a war of words. People are redefining terms.


One of the main issues might be in what might be bias that might be rather too subjective as opposed to objective. When Alex Jones and others were banned or censored or whatever, that might not necessarily be a crime, legally speaking. But if one person is banned for pushing people to do bad stuff - incitement to violence - allegedly or whatever, and another person is not banned for doing that same thing, clearly and NOT allegedly, again and again and again, then that might be an issue. Again, there are many debates going on concerning big tech. We are talking about that.

Infocomms is NOT Facebook

The debate concerning the Infocomms is a different type of debate and there are many reasons for that. For people who already know that, it's common sense, it's obvious. For those who might not completely get the differences, the nuance, between Facebook and Infocomms, I would encourage those people to continue asking people that do get it more questions about these things and maybe we can help you guys get it.

Over Heads

If you really want to get it, then come on over here and try your best to get it, if you really want to know it, if you really want to get more original oatmeal.


12:30 PM - Stopping time is not the same as going back in time

How We Experience Time

Different people may experience time differently at different times. Like when a car is about to hit you and you have heighten senses where time slows down.


I mean, it feels like time slows down or almost stops at certain moments similar to that time Michael Jordan went up to dunk a basketball but then saw that a guy was going to block him. So, in the air, Michael moved his hands down and then around to make a layup on the other side of the hoop. So, it was like it happened in slow-motion.

Ageless - Timeless

Some people may live longer. In other words, we might be able to slow down the aging process or our experience as we travel forward through time as @Artsyneva puts it.

Focus On What We Do Know

So, these are some of the things we may already know. We should focus on what we do know already first in life. There are possibly some things that we may know less about. Going back in time is probably more theoretical when compared to all of this stuff that I just mentioned here for example.

Incomplete Video

@Rob_Roy, I disagree with that guy in the video. It feels like time is slowing down at the time and not retrospectively. Not after the fact. The guy says it is only retrospectively. I understand the test they did. They couldn't read things at slow-motion. But just because you can't process everything faster when your senses are heightened, that doesn't mean you are not experiencing what feels like what happened in that movie, Inception, starring Leonardo DiCaprio.


In that movie, Inception, people went inside dreams and then into the dreams of the dreams: each time, time went slower and slower or it felt like time was moving slower and slower. Likewise, when you dream at night, it feels like a long time at the time and not retrospectively.

Reading Skills

Reading at a faster speed is a skill that must be learned. Just because you can't remember it, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Plus, your brain may not be focusing on reading during those times. Plus, feeling that time slows down is not the same as time actually slowing down. So, whether you can read faster or not is not relevant to how you may be feeling at the time and I have memories of how I felt at the time. I believe in that. The same scientists who do experiments like this might also say that there is no God and that what you feel in your brain is not really there.


Of course, time is still constant even as it appears to travel in slow-motion. That is what it means. He talks about rich memories. In my life at the age of 34, time still travels very slow and not faster.

Speeding Up

At times in my 20's, time started traveling faster and faster. but there are reasons for that like he said in the video. If you are not making rich memories, learning new skills, trying new things in life, if you are not using your brain a lot, if you are declining in health, if you are not journaling, time can begin to feel like it is speeding up. But that is up to each individual.


It is a skill to slow down time. I'm learning to slow down time in my life. As you get older, you feel like time is SPEEDING UP because you start to give up and you stop doing what kids do. You stop thinking. You stop looking around.

Awkward Gold

You stop being awkward in being uncertain. When you plan your life and you know what you will do and go into auto-pilot, then you become Adam Sandler in Click.

Click Starring Adam Sandler

In that movie, Click, Adam had a remote and he fast-forward through boring parts in his life and almost lost most of his life and life can get boring as we get older and therefore it feels like it is speeding up. So, again, it is a skill to slow down time and I'm practicing that skill each day.

Journal Time-Travel

Journaling helps you slow down time. As you connect memories with other memories and as you connect dots with other dots and as you continue to learn and use new things and skills each day, you slow time down. Many things can help us slow time down. Yoga, prayer, journaling, talking, reflection, appreciation, being random, brainstorming, curiosity, love, play, games, laughter, etc.


03:10 PM - iWA - Talk about - Soph - here. Post Soph videos in this thread or whatever you want. Power Ranger Putties. I love that part.

Greta Video - Bitchute

Car Stero

04:46 PM - Video on how-to install a radio in a car

Yard Work

Tilled the ground where the trailer around 6 PM for an hour or more. Began working on it around 2 PM for an hour, and then came back and did more around 6 PM.

Twitter Trending

07:22 PM - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #MyChildhoodIn4Words - New friend - Jazzy - Lucy - PK Smith - Simply Fantastic - Kaz Weida of A Sweet Little Life

Video Games

08:10 PM - NES City Connection was a fun game for sure. - i have never had a curved tv, u r so high-tech... maybe someday tho

Vietnamese Dinner

10:21 PM - my dinner... i tried to grab and broke right through my monitor screen and now i have a lot of ketchup hahahahhahahahaaaa

Facebook v Infocomms

10:26 PM - @cyberpunkspike, I've never heard of that term before - Digital Vandalism - I'm guessing that it's spam or whatever.

Don't Moderate At All

I disagree. I would prefer that a public commons have no right to moderate because that might be a slippery slope towards censoring which is a slippery slope towards removing content and users. I agree a private club have such rights and that is my main concern, generally.

Private Property Rights

I believe strongly in private property rights. I would prefer a place like Facebook to be not moderated at all outside of the administrators and moderators of profiles, pages, groups, events, apps, games, etc, on Facebook. People should already know that Facebook already has that system where each person can make those decisions. So, regardless of whatever the truth might be, the perception was generally that your Facebook page was yours to manage.

Your Facebook - Your Rules

It was your Facebook timeline to run. For each user, they would sign up and make profiles, pages, groups, events, etc. If they didn't like a comment on their page, they would delete it. If they didn't like a person or whatever, they would block that person or that page. So, regardless of whatever the Facebook Guidelines and rules might say now in 2019, it always felt like users had publishing power over their stuff.

Over My Head

So, if Facebook staff deletes my post, then that violates what I thought would be my post, assuming that I was the root administrator of that post in theory. Of course, I'm only talking about our perception of what Facebook might be. Of course, Infocomms is not Facebook and is probably private or at least not government contracted through like black contracts and who knows what with the U.S. and China and the E.U. and who knows what else like Facebook and other big tech sites probably are.

My Virtual Property

I always felt that my Facebook page was like my virtual property. Yes, people can say that Facebook is a private company (which it's not cuz of black contracts, liability protection, etc) and people can then say Facebook has like the right or the whatever to follow U.S. laws or whatever to keep people safe via moderating my stuff and deleting bad stuff from my Facebook or whatever.

Deleting The Evidence

But I would rather Facebook let me do whatever. If I do a bad thing, then the police should find me and arrest me. If Facebook deletes my bad thing, that is then deleting a crime, deleting the evidence, and that is possibly interference in a crime scene. I went to jail for interference in 2012. It is a crime, they say, allegedly. Send Facebook and others to jail for interference. It is history. I would keep it there. If I do a bad thing, keep it up there so that people can always know how bad I am. The general public can choose to stay away from me after looking at my stuff. Public records. If I post bad things, then I should suffer the consequences to those choices forever. No mercy. No forgiveness. The Internet never forgets, never sleeps, and nor should it.


If Facebook deletes it, then Facebook is like trying to keep people from knowing how bad I am. But transparency is a good thing.

Public Perception Corrosion

If I have my own website, I would not want anybody to violate that private property of a website. The more Facebook censors, the more that society feels like even private websites should be censored and that even real non-virtual property should be regulated as well.

Why Did Sarah Huckebee Leave?

Make Alex Jones The New Press Secretary

11:09 PM- Alex should do it because then big tech would be forced to air Alex even after they banned Alex everywhere. Amazing irony.

Cascades Camp

I got an email that said that I was not accepted to work at their camp.

Make Farming Great Again

11:20 AM - Exactly. Thanks. Farms are the root of civilization. Without it, what do we eat?

Back From Darkness

11:33 PM - Glad you're still going. Sorry for your loss. I lost my master key and I may make a new account on Steemit in the future. But what I'm talking about is a small issue compared to what you went through. Good website. Keep up the good work. Upvoted. Resteemed.

NBA Finals

11:59 PM - YouTube - NBA - Toronto Raptors Beat the Golden State Warriors in Game 6 of the 2019 NBA Finals A foul at the end. Did they stick around for the freethrows?Why aren't people jumping and dunking and blocking as high as they did in the 1990's? Where is Vince Carter?

They're trying to poison Trump.

Are you ready for world war three?

How do we stop global sleeper cells which are to be triggered post-strike?

Contact Me - My Social Networks

About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks


03:10 PM - iWA - Talk about - Soph - here. Post Soph videos in this thread or whatever you want. Power Ranger Putties. I love that part.

Greta Video

Timeline Outline

2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens? -
2019-05-31 - Friday - 12:00 AM - Friday the 31st of May of 2019 -
2019-06-01 - Saturday - 12:00 AM - Saturday the 1st of June of 2019 -
2019-06-01 - Saturday - 10:58 AM PST LMS JA - June of 2019 -
2019-06-02 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - Sunday the 2nd of June of 2019 -
2019-06-03 - Monday - 12:00 AM - Monday the 3rd of June of 2019 -
2019-06-04 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM - Tuesday the 4th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-05 - Wednesday - 12:00 AM - Wednesday the 5th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-06 - Thursday - 12:00 AM - Thursday the 6th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-07 - Friday - 12:00 AM - Friday the 7th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-08 - Saturday - 12:00 AM - Saturday the 8th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-09 - Sunday - 12:00 AM - Sunday the 9th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-10 - Monday - 12:00 AM - Monday the 10th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-11 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM - Tuesday the 11th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-12 - Wednesday - 12:00 AM - Wednesday the 12th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-13 - Thursday - 12:00 AM - Thursday the 13th of June of 2019 -
2019-06-14 - Friday - 12:00 AM - Friday the 14th of June of 2019 -
Published at 2019-06-14 - Friday - 09:50 AM