
in #j5 years ago

Air Force v Space Force v Brain Force. Whole Tunes 2 Sleep. How Childhood Shaped You - Mike Cernovich Ever Talk TV. Joanna Garzilli. Taught Sunday School.

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War US v Communism Lady Liberty.jpeg
Info Wars

Some highlights from Sunday the 26th of May of 2019, as follows:


09:11 AM - I've lost my WIFI connection as well, randomly, a few times this week. Sometimes, my computer freezes. I can't say it is related to what you guys are talking about here. I can't say that I was specifically attacked or anything, like DDoS attacks. I should probably research DDoS and learn about protecting myself from things like that. I don't really know what is going on. I only know a little bit about computers, web design, how to copy and paste, some art, how to build computers, make videos, etc. I feel like there is just so much to learn, to know, that is the more I know, the more I don't know. I don't even know if I ever run into viruses, bugs, or whatever. I feel kind of lame not knowing even that much.

Sunday School

09:30 AM - 10:30 PM - Teacher Joey - New Book - Lesson 01 - Life of Christ - History. Apple pie. Coffee. Small Groups. DVD. I gave a good introduction to the lesson based from my notes from 08:11 AM. Discovery Guide: Ray Vander Laan: Early Church: Becoming a Light in the Darkness: That The World May Know Series: Session 1: Everything to Lose, Nothing to Gain. I told the class to think about three things as we go on to watch the DVD and as we then break into small groups to talk about the faith lesson, page 20. I told them to think about 1. Mission 2. Authority / Foundation 3. Trust. After the DVD, I added 4. Obedience. Trust and obey, the song, for there is no other way to be happy in Jesus but to trust and obey. We influence people a lot more than we think. Tiffany Cumbo Funeral. 2003. Later on, years later, thank you. I had no idea. Remember. Write it down. Impact. High school is not the end. Speech class. Outline. Tell them what you will tell them, then tell them, then tell them what you told them. Goldfish. Different ways to say fire. Christianity versus the religion of the Emperor. People would say they saw the emperors go into Heaven, the sky, like Christ. Where are they now? But Christians are still around. integration. Aligning to eternal principles. What missions does Christ give His disciples and to us? How does the authority of Christ affect you during evangelism? Why and how is it important to know Christ is always there for us?

Morning Service

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM - Church - Memorial Weekend Songs - Normal Praise Worship Songs - Hyms - Keyboard problem was fixed. Pedal thing. Coffee. Deaf people video. I started thinking about making a video about a new military branch.


01:30 PM - Blondie. Regular hamburger, fries, toast. Not know the self. Reflection upon life. 1998-2003: Mary's Kitchen, roughly. Dying hair. Memories. Plans. Deep State. Problem if drained too fast or too quickly. Understanding Jihadism.

New Military Branch

03:24 PM - Army. Navy. Marines. Air Force. Space Force. Brain Force. Soren Kirchner added: "Don't forget the Coast Guard." How many water forces are there? 1 Marines, 2 Navy, and 3., Coast Guard..... wow, three seem to be water related. I just made up one called brain force, AKA you, me, anybody who can help educate people against fake news.

Whole Tunes

04:27 PM - Whole Tunes 2 Sleep - Listening to this device that my mom bought. It must have came in the mail. It is like a music player with a few songs on it that are designed to be mostly as white noise or background noise to help you sleep at night, especially if you are in a noisy neighborhood or if you are hearing noises from the killing 5G towers that are killing us or other things. I recommend it. I was just testing it out a second ago. I put the box, that I can hold in my hand, to my face as music therapy thanks to the sound vibration from it, which is great when the ear pipes are clogging up with ear wax and stuff. So, I put the music box on my head, throat, heart, stomach, as a way of healing my body. Music heals. I recommend that you give it a try.

Restart Network Manager

05:00 PM - On Ubuntu Mate 16.04, in the terminal, I restarted my network manager via the following command:
sudo service network-manager restart

Ever Talk TV

05:22 PM - How Childhood Shaped You - Mike Cernovich was interviewed by Joanna Garzilli.

Liberty Hangout

05:30 PM - PopQuiz on the Beach - Kaitlin Bennett

Brain Force

06:00 PM - 09:15 PM - Air Force v Space Force v Brain Force - With the evolution of society comes the evolution of the take-down of civilization as we know it. As we study history, we can see how tyrants ruled the masses. In the past, it was more with strength and might. Now, it's more with the brain. That's what this article is all about. I'm simply here to talk about the different military services or branches you might find in a country, a nation state, like America. For example, we have the Air Force. The Space Force was created in 1985. Now, we also have the Brain Force, as in the American Patriots, AKA Info Warriors or whatever you want to call them. Most of them are on the right side, politically. Warfare has been progressing. It's not black and white like it used to be, especially as technocracy, globalism, corporatism, plutocracy, monopolism, tyrannies, and other groups infiltrate governments and societies in a plot to depopulate 90% of humans by 2030. Possibly much more than that. There are dozens of groups out there in world conquest. Stealth Mode Activated.

Blackie Dog

10:15 PM - Facebook - We Lost That Dog in Maybe 1991 - My brother, RIck Arnold, wrote about this. He said the dog ran away when he was nine years old. So, that would have been 1991 back when I was six years old. I remember the dog. I remember looking for maybe that dog. We may have found him a few times but who knows what happened the last time. Rick wrote: "RIP to the laziest cat ever - Poofer. Also, RIP to the only dog I ever had, when I was about 9 years old - Blackie. I only had him a week until he ran away. I guess I didn’t take him on enough walks." I replied: "Wasn't Blackie tied up in the back and maybe people called the pound or something?" A picture: "1996-05-27 WITH KATIE, RICK, JOEY, CRYSTAL ARNOLD, AND SAVANNAH, GYMNASTICS, DANCING, PUFFER CATS, OUR HOUSE, FOOD, TOYS." Rick said that the dog was tied up, which would then mean either he got away by himself or somebody helped with that. I would guess that he was stolen, assuming he was completely tied up well enough to be unable to escape.

Gov Shove

10:21 PM - Yeah. I agree. We the people have to try to force government to protect our freedoms mostly via not getting involved or else.

Game of Thrones

10:24 PM - 12:17 AM - Watching - GOT S08E07 - Documentary - Last Watch - I was watching the Last Watch, the behind the scenes of the Game of Thrones. The story telling of season 8 was rushed and stuff.

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