
in #j5 years ago

Began writing December of 2014. Paul Joseph Watson (PJW) Predicts His Own Future. Would you rather have your computer tower on the ground? Yummy soup and potatoes. Nobody is viable because nobody is independent of air: Abortion Argument? Jesus is and is not the Messiah Savior that we can become?

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June

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Infowars Screenshot at 2019-05-14 20:32:17.png

Some highlights from Tuesday the 14th of May of 2019, as follows:

November 2014

2019-05-12 - Sunday - 07:58 PM PST - 2019-05-14 - Tuesday - 12:57 AM - November of 2014 - I wrote: "I began teaching at the 23/9 Park. I was teaching my famous Medical English Class. I was also teaching a Business English Class Group. I was probably still teaching mostly at the Mr. Ribs BBQ Restaurant on the second floor as usual. I was living at Old Ink from October 2014 to November 2015. On Facebook, I asked people if The Walking Dead was a show or a movie. I also asked if anybody was going to see Star Wars VII - The Force Awakens. I would email my students the class notes. I had morning and evening classes, generally, daily, a few students per class. Each group would meet a few times weekly."

The Karate Kid

2019-05-14 - Tuesday - 01:56 AM - 02:27 AM - Watching - Cobra Kai S02E07
2019-05-14 - Tuesday - 02:30 AM - 03:04 AM - Watching - Cobra Kai S02E08
2019-05-14 - Tuesday - 03:05 AM - 03:42 AM - Watching - Cobra Kai S02E09
2019-05-14 - Tuesday - 03:42 AM - 04:22 AM - Watching - Cobra Kai S02E10

Lionel Nation

10:18 AM - Live Stream: AG Barr Assigns U.S. Attorney Durham to Review Fantasy Russian Collusion Hoax.

December 2014

2019-05-14 - Tuesday - 10:20 AM - 2019-05-15 - Wednesday - 09:20 AM - December of 2014 - I wrote: "I bought a camera and began taking pictures at the 23/9 Park each day around the 17th. I was teaching different English classes at Mr. Ribs BBQ. Near the end of this month, was told that Ribs English may have to end. Eventually, it did. I was going to the park during my free time. So, I began meeting even more people while at that park which was a block from my apartment which was in a small alley behind a hostel I stayed at in April of 2013."

Interior Design

11:30 AM - Would you rather have your computer on the desk, where it was? How about underneath? Oh, subwoofers? Like a base? How would you fix a dresser drawer, with a screw or cardboard? Dusting off that old dusty door. The cobwebs. Rain rain, go away, just kidding. Nuts. Voice of the martyrs. Was Stefan Molyneux losing hope in his Discord 3 hour video yesterday in that American justice has been delayed too long as government got away with illegal wars in the middle east and in so many things, which is so much bigger than the smaller crimes they talk about now?

Predicting The Future

11:35 AM - Paul Joseph Watson (PJW) Predicts His Own Future

Abortion Debate

12:06 PM - YouTube - Liberty Hangout - Leftists Deny Science - I replied: "Their argument is that abortion is ok if the unique cluster of DNA is not viable, which means not independent. Viability means independent. But who is totally and completely independent? Nobody is entirely independent. In other words, a baby is dependent on the milk of her mother, before and after birth. That baby continues to rely on her parents for 18 years, generally. Meaning, not completely viable. After that, you may be dependent on your boss, on your sources of income. In other words, nobody is viable. Viability does not exist. So, that should not be the basis for abortion, unless if you want to justify murder as well. Because we all rely on food, air, water, sunlight, etc." Morning chores. Dishes. Mail. Nutes. Laundry. My clothes. She is cooking bone broth.


01:23 PM - Facebook - New Friend - Asley Asley - Zambia

Power House Community

02:09 PM - Steemit - I replied: "I may be eligible to join this Power House Community. But regardless of that, I love what you're saying. I believe in rules as much as I believe in walls. I will be checking out the PHC Discord. Keep up the good work. Upvoted. Resteemed. I'm not new here. Been on Steem since 2017. I like welcoming new users. I blog about my life. I write about other things."

Not The Messiah = Is The Messiah

02:58 PM - Infocomms - I replied: "@Troy made two statements that are not compatible with each other. First, Troy said that Jesus is not the Messiah (AKA Savior). Second, Troy said that we become Messiahs as well. If you're reading this, I encourage YOU to compare what Troy writes with other things that Troy writes. This is an example. If you follow what Troy writes, you can see these two main themes that contradict each other. It is very clear. Troy writes like a leftist on drugs. Troy wrote about Christ not being the Savior. But Troy also wrote about how we become Saviors (gods, Messiahs) when we partake in what Jesus passes onto us. Troy quoted from John. I'm here to highlight the contrast between the two statements that Troy makes. Troy says many different things but these two things are key because these two statements claim that, first, Jesus is NOT a Savior, and, secondly, that Jesus IS a Savior that we also can become like, which is what Mormonism teaches. Other religions teaches it. Troy is inverting reality. Some of what Troy writes is the opposite of what is actually true. That is what leftist Democrats do." Ate toast.

Slow vs Fast Exercise

03:12 PM - Steemit - @behelen wrote: "💪56day_seven push-ups/77 days💪#186video.... Donald, have you ever done slow exercises? -No, I prefer fast moves! -I understand. Then let me do it slowly!" I replied: "Funny. Slow. Fast. Yeah, slow can be very fun and romantic. Like you said, slow can be good when exercising and slow can be good in other things in life as well maybe. Your video was very funny and very cute and it has a valuable lesson in it. I love that you put Trump in your video. You are pretty strong too. Good work."


04:00 PM - 06:00 PM - approximately. After eating potatoes and soup. After the nap, right back on the old laptop. Felt too tired to take a shower. But forced myself to then take a shower after 6 PM. Now, feel refreshed.

Retarded Trump

06:46 PM - YouTube - The Rubin Report - Mike Cernovich: Trump, Censorship, and Trolls - In this live YouTube broadcast, Mike said something to Dave Rubin that I don't want to completely believe. It has something to do with Trump being retarded. Wait. No those words specifically, and some of it may be true to some extent concerning how selfish and big headed Trump can get. Trump can say things about how Trump won because of Trump. Alex Jones has talked about this. Mike talks about it. Other people have been talking about the characteristics of Trump which is both good and bad. If Trump wasn't Trump, then would all the attacks get to Trump and bring Trump down is one of the questions. We have so many questions or at least I do. I want to believe that Trump is not too retarded in that sense. I want to pray and believe in some bit of hope. I want to believe that we can still wake Trump up in some areas that he fail in. Trump may not get how bad big tech, 5G, technocracy, geoengineering, corporatism, Rothschild, Soros, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Hollywood, Jihadism, tyrants, globalists, and other people, groups, organizations, systems, are. Trump may talk about some of these things. Trump may get some of it. In this video, Mike talked about Trump should not have fire Mike Flynn. I agree. Trump should have stopped big tech long ago. Trump may be too blind in too many areas. Regardless of that, I'm going to try to reach out to Trump with all the things I want Trump to do. We wall should do that. We all should continue to push Trump in the directions we want Trump to go in, regardless, because government should be working for we the people. That means we have to do more offline activism in spreading the word about important key issues. I agree with what Mike and Dave talk about but if Mike is saying that Trump is too lost, I want to maybe disagree. But not to say that Trump is not too lost. I'm not sure if that is what Mike is saying about Trump. Regardless, people should not trust Trump too much. Don't trust anybody too much. Hold his feet to the fire. Keep him accountable. Push him to better decisions each day.

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About Me - Oatmeal Joey Arnold - you can contact/ befriend (add)/ follow/ subscribe/ watch/ like/ share me via: Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Discord - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - IWA - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube - Other Social Networks

Liberty Hangout

12:06 PM - YouTube - Leftists Deny Science