
My oldest sister, Katie, introduced me to Grandma Got Ran Over by a Reindeer and Weird Al Yankovic around 1994 via her karaoke machine, yoga in 2008, and started driving us around since around 1997. Many adventures since.
Katie Went to Emmaus Christian School at CCBC
Mars was born in 1980-06-24, Tuesday, as Katie Jean Arnold, the firstborn daughter of my parents, Marilyn Morehead and Donald Melvin Rasp, then my parents had my only brother, Rick Richard Schuylar Arnold, 1982-02-05, Friday, then me, Joseph Scott Arnold, 1985-02-11, Monday, and finally, last but not least, my only other sister, Crystal Ann Arnold, 1990-03-04, Sunday, making us a family of six people during the 90's in Oregon.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
My older siblings, Katie & Rick, from left to right, around 1985, the year I was born, as you can see a stroller & crib in the background. There is a VBS balloon. Some years later, Katie started a club. We invited friends. We had lessons, did homework, played games, sang songs. The club lasted for like a year or maybe longer.
My older sister, Katie, is a musician, writer, world traveler, & more importantly, a nutritionist. Katie prefers to eat organic.
My Sisters in New York City (NYC)
Katie Jean Arnold
Listen to song, Perfect - 2012-01-12 - BootCamp.com
Twitter - Annonymous in NYC - @katiejeanarnold
New York Post - No More Sex - Katie Jean Arnold
Celibate Musician - FreeWilliamsBurg.com
Cold Sexless Future - Gawker.com
Portland Mercury
Portland Mercury - Ruby Red
Sisters - Infinite Reflection
Multimedia Comedy - Urban Grind - 2009-10-17
Facebook Link - Urban Grind
My Older Sister
By Joey Arnold
Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Add me on Facebook, Gab, Minds, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
About me, my art, articles, websites, videos
Work Experience
Katie was born in 1980
Dump of Joey Arnold - I Love Hate or Hate Love Vietnam?
Not my Older Sister
Tree Seat
Written in July of 2018
2018-07-10 Tuesday 12:32 PM LMS - My Older Sister
Published at 04:34 PM
Add me on Facebook - Gab - Minds - Twitter - YouTube
Born in Oregon - FG - Homeschooled - Taught English in Vietnam - My First Year On Steemit - FAMILY - Brother - Engineer, Missionary - Dad - Landscaper, Basketballer - Mom - Gardener, Nutritionist - SOCIAL NETWORKS - Facebook - And More - TRAVEL - Lived in America (USA), California, Hawaii, Idaho, New York, Seattle, West Virginia - Brother - Honduras, Oklahoma, Texas - WEBSITES - WORK EXPERIENCE
I Eat Ant in Oatmeal - Original Oatmeal
2014-01-27 - by Joey Arnold - what do you eat and cook?
Cartoons - Cool Kid Comics - EU Bans Memes - Hitler - Rocketman
Katie Dancing - 1996-05-29, Wednesday
GENERAL - Comedians - Predictive Programming - Sci-Fi Space - FILMS / MOVIES - Ant Man - Predator - Star Wars Solo - Total Recall - TELEVISION - Roseanne - Series - Sitcoms
FOLLOWING - @Cernovich @GrrrGraphics @Stefan.Molyneux @StyxhexenHammer
America - Borderless - Brexit - Farmlands - Globalism - Korea - Space Force - Tommy
Eviction - Hobbies - Quotes - 2004 STC Diary
Animals - Gender Debate - Marty Death - World Flood
Driving on Sidewalks
Add me on - Bitchute - Blogspot - Busy - Disqus - Dlive - Dmania - Dsound - Dtube - Facebook - Freedom - Gab - GitHub - Google,Linkedin,Medium - Minds - Periscope - PewTube - Steemit - Steepshot - Tumblr - Twitter - Utopian - Wiki-Tree - Word Press (WP) - YouTube - Zappl - And More
GENERAL - Cars - COMPUTERS - Check App - IBM - OS - Steemit - Web Browsers
2010-2019 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
2007 - 2008 - 2009
My favorite websites includes - Answers In Genesis (AIG) - Crowder - Daily Beast - Daily Caller - Dnews - Dr Berg - Drudge - Eagle - Freedom Press - Freedom Toons - Free Geek - Hagmann - Info Wars - Intelli Hub -Lionel Nation -Lisa -Mark -Michael Savage - Milo - Natural News - News Wars - Rebel Media - RSBN - Tommy - Veritas,Wiki-Leaks - WND - And More
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CAMP COUNSELOR - Salvation Army - Word Of Life - ENGLISH TEACHER - Vietnam - FILMMAKER - Arnold Attic - GENERAL - Artist, Carpenter, Dishwasher, Journalist, Landscaper, Musician, Painter - WEB DESIGNER - Shelton Music Store - And More
Financial Supported is Accepted & Appreciated
Bitcoin - 1JY9EVYaB8SafhK8TvFoqs7vyRzmcRJGyv Side Boob - Run Around Topless? Banned From ASOV?
Ethereum - 0x1a0f3C4e63d9b490387cbd24fBe611ad2408A01d
Litecoin - LRxpufCqg95g3BYuAKHev6NVWp6Sgb7jiz
How Many Sex Partners Do You Have?
Rough Draft
This post article here, on my first of two sisters, is an incomplete rough draft as is most things I publish and this serves as a placeholder. After a week, I will not be able to edit this post as posts and comments are locked after seven days by default for all Steemians on this blockchain network website place as that is how blockchain works like Twitter, a Tweet, and things cannot be deleted either, by me, or by others, either, or that is at least what I am told.
This post is trying to serve as a tribute to Katie and as a distraction from other things I've written and made in my life which you may run into if you begin to Google us and things related to us, to me, my family, and so on. I'm trying to organize, consolidate, structure, many things. It is an ongoing process which does help me and others. Thank you for coming over, like Christina, from the Voice, says, come on over, yes, come on over, baby, because I'm an oatmeal genie in a bottle of rum, or I mean bowl with honey, and you gotta rub me the right way.
My siblings, Katie, Rick, Crystal, from left to right.
What year was this? Maybe 2017-02-08 in NYC.
The guy on the second picture looks like "Northernlion", a gaming youtuber I liked to watch. Is that a coincidence?
The second picture from the top is me, the man in glasses in front of a church. I have not seen Northern Lion. I do love Aslan of Narnia.
This would be the youtuber in question
I am kinda seeing it!
My long lost brother from some unrelated mother, haha.
So you are seeing it too, great!
I don't know where you are coming from. This guy is canadian though.
I'm from Oregon but I do have some ancestors from Canada.
So the plot thickens. There IS a connection after all....
Haha, yeah.
This is one great article on family nd the love you guys share, Keep it going 💯
Awesome. Family first. Close the borders or become Dead Rome.
I agree,family should be the priority as they are behind us in all sort of situations