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in #j5 years ago

I found an email saying that my post on Hyper Space mentioning Steemit was rejected. Conservatives Must Run Against Trump 2020 - We should be making YouTube videos promoting candidates who could beat Trump. Because either we find ways to put in a better President than Trump. That’s possibility #1. Or, maybe this would wake Trump the Hell up towards making even better choices, possibility number #2. Or we lose, #3. Facebook said that my Tommy Robinson picture went against Community Guidelines. Meanwhile, he may die in jail. His crime, journalism.

My Life in Vietnam

2012 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12
2013 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12
2014 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12
2015 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12
2016 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12
2017 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12

2019-08-05 - Monday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

Trump Calm Down Meme.jpeg

Contact Me

Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-05 - Monday - PST - Daily journal:

Buying a 3rd Extension

12:14 AM - 2015-12-04 - Friday - I ordered a 3rd visa extension on that Friday, the fourth day of December of 2015. That was the biggest thing that happened that day. I paid for the extension that day from the same travel agency that made me extensions in the past. I had 2 FYG classes in the evening, notes included below. My brother, Rick Arnold, wrote a message to me about perseverance found in leaders. I wrote an outline to my life in Vietnam: dates, addresses, locations, names.

Writing Gift

12:56 AM - @Minutemen-Of-America, have you read the articles I wrote in high school? Regardless of age, some people can be gifted even as kids and others can be cursed even as grey-hair lumps on the log.


12:59 AM - @VRfluxx, I strongly disavow Cloudflare now for attacking 8chan like that.


01:03 AM - Don't worry, @DarkAlley08x, Bingozee is a robot. All of his videos are of computer voices. He is too scared to show his face. I dare people to figure out who Bingozee is and to encourage him to backup up his books onto Steemit before he loses his books again. He is just another sock puppet of mine, just like you are.


01:13 AM - I hope 8chan embraces blockchain ASAP.

Infocomms Purpose

01:22 AM - @DarkAlley08x, hundreds of visitors, monthly, possibly. Dozens of accounts on the Infocomms have represented real patriots. So, people come and go on here. You don't have to register for an account to view the Infocomms. The people here go on to influence other people online and offline. Infocomms has been growing. Only a few dozens are here a lot. Maybe less at times. Most of the profiles here appear to be unique, authentic, representative, of real people. Infocomms is mostly a think tank for leaders. So, the leaders can encourage, educate, equip, entertain, here on the Infocomms. We come together. We do stuff here, and then we breakout into our own groups to lead them on other websites and in offline activism, at school, work, family, local communities, etc.


01:45 AM - 09:20 AM


09:37 AM - Cats were missing. For decades, cats would disappear around Seaside, Oregon. My aunt said that there must be witches in the area.

Gun Debate

09:40 AM - President Trump talks about the Shootings in Ohio & at the Walmart in El Paso, Texas this past weekend - I disliked this video because I want freedom, not safety. I want smaller government and not 1984 tyranny. Trump referenced pre-crime tech cartel tools that can be used to continue censoring patriots, etc. Not a mental health issue. It is a choice. People choose to do bad sometimes. 2A is key. Carry more to save lives. Trump talked about banning things in this video. That is bad.

Gun Debate

10:06 AM - @rickMAGAvich, should we only assume that Trump is perfect and will do everything to save the day without our help, or can we find ways to help Trump each day? Is the swamp lying to Trump, disobeying Trump, inch by inch, little by little, with small invisible white lies here and there to push Trump in the wrong direction while disobeying his commands, his orders, like Alex Jones said, like 90% of the time or more, and should we become like Always-Trumpers as seen in the rallies, where we just bow to Trump, merely, like they seem to do at the Trump Rallies, where we become less brainless than the leftists, or can we give Trump constructive criticism in trying to push Trump in the right direction, some tough love?

I agree with @Betty_Rose89 and probably everybody else in this thread. Good points.

1984 Tyranny

If Trump continues down this path, Trump will lose 2020 as Trump continues to aid tech cartels towards this Minority Report Pre-Crime mechanism, in things that are already used to censor patriots, etc. Trump talked about banning more things, increasing bad laws, regulations, red tape, code, etc. Trump probably means well as he slowly slips down a slippery slope. It is better to assume that Trump is not perfect and to find ways to educate Trump. Also, we got to find ways to call the White House, etc, etc. We are all running out of time. That worries me. I want to do so much. My brain starts to get overloaded with info. So much info. That's why it is an info war.

No Time

We are running out of time. Each day matters. Not just black lives matter, but each day matters.

@rickMAGAvich, that was not a personal attack. This is not a private message. The whole world can read this. Do you not understand that? I copy and paste my messages and post it to my Steemit Blog. Why, because this is what I'm trying to say to the world. But you might be taking it personally. Too personally. I've been writing about that since 2007 since what was happening with me and some people in Hawaii.

@rickMAGAvich, it is not the same accusations:

  1. Left's Criticism: Guns Bad.
  2. Our Criticism: 1984 Bad.


Not the same criticism. They're different. The left supports 1984 and encourages 1984. The right promotes, however, 1776.

Conservatives Must Run Against Trump 2020

10:19 AM - We should be making YouTube videos promoting candidates who could beat Trump.


  1. Because either we find ways to put in a better President than Trump. That's possibility #1.
  2. Or, maybe this would wake Trump the Hell up towards making even better choices in doing what Americans want Trump to do more so. Trump does some good for the USA. But a bandage is not enough to stop internal bleeding. What Trump does is not good enough. Trump addresses symptoms, not root causes, sometimes, or partly. That's possibility #2.
  3. Otherwise, somebody else will become the President, not Trump and not some other conservative or patriot or whatever. That's possibility #3.

Hosting Websites

10:32 AM - @FlagDUDE08, why is Alex Jones not asking Gab and Minds and Steemit what they did when they faced the same freaking problem? Why is David Knight not telling Alex Jones what to do as David interviewed people who talked about these things many times: what is the deal with that?


10:35 AM - @FreedomFighter414, you have no SOLAR POWER? You cannot make power? Wind power? Gravity power? Grass power? Lawnmower power? Air power? Do you realize how many different ways you can get power? You can get power from a potato, you realize that? @Memeart, but what about wireless power? Didn't Tesla, the man, have a wireless power thing he was working on over a century ago?


10:39 AM - @rickMAGAvich are the Rhinos actually Republicans? No. They are not. So, the fake news lies and say that the Rhinos are Republicans. But that is a lie, historically, practically. So, many people can forget what a real republican and a real democrat is. Actually, we all should be Republicans and Democrats. But we should not be leftists or rhinos.

Alternative Power

10:44 AM - I know it can be hard for the average person to find alternative power sources, but why not at least try to save up generators, batteries, solar panels, etc, etc, etc? Just a little here and a little there each day and bury those things in big holes or wherever with our guns, canned foods, etc, right?


10:46 AM - When I hear the word "Precisely," I see Robert Barnes inside my head.

Land Kings

11:17 AM - @Memeart, can we privatize police? In other words, people should hire body guards to protect their land, buildings, cars, private property, etc. We should say something if we see something. But should we continue to promote federal tyranny that continues to grow each day towards Federal & Global 1984 Nazi Tyranny? No. We need to find ways to separate the powers to local levels. Make Private Property Great Again. Property First. Each Land Owner should be a King, as much as possible.

Bad Trump

11:18 AM - Why is Trump not saying that people choose to do bad?

Americans Helping Americans

11:20 AM - Ajweeks posted this: This is what truly matters - #ThePersistence (ScottPresler) - We're here in West Baltimore to pick up trash. This isn't a Trump rally, nor an anti-Representative Cummings event.

Prosecuting Self-Defense

01:58 AM - Two big problems:

  1. Mass Shootings
  2. Self-Defense

So, one of the problems we have sometimes is mass shootings. The good news is when open-carry patriots stop the shooters.

However, as fake news increase in their 24/7 triggering of the Satanists like they activated Sleeper Cells in that Dollhouse television show, then we begin to see copy-cats like Alex Jones said. We all know this.

Another problem is within the good news, that is in self-defense.

Patriots can become more efficient in stopping serial-killers. It's like a video game and good Americans have guns. We can continue to get quicker and quicker at neutralizing potential threats like Batman or Dexter Morgan. Well, never mind Dexter. That might be another story for another day. So, these might be bad examples of what I'm trying to say.

I'm trying to say that patriots could, if they have not already, get into situations where the left accuses them of murder, violence, etc. We see that already when ANTIFA and other gangs and terrorists attack us. See, when we defend ourselves and when we strike back, then they cry and try to get us arrested.

The good news is that as this continues, more people will open-carry. Good Americans in the U.S. will continue to buy more guns, to train others on using guns safely. As this continues, more Americans will be stopping crimes, serial killers, robberies, etc. Real heroes will continue to rise and that is the good news.

But even with Superman, a fictional Super Hero, you may have seen that the world went after Superman in court. They tried him. Good people can be attacked for doing the right thing.

I encourage people to understand that people will continue to attack you even as you save lives, even as you potentially murder serial killers or potential serial killers.

The scary part is how the fake news will try to turn the vigilante, the serial killer stopper, into a Alt-Right Nazi Killer. That will be propaganda. So, try to travel in groups. Try to be prepared to film it so that you can counter the narratives, the lies, that will continue to rise.

@Will is right that we should travel in groups of four, a buddy system. Two people pairs. Two pairs per group means four people. Always be ready to defend yourself and to defend others. Always be ready to document, to film.

Decide each day what you are willing to risk. If you choose to be a hero or to simply try to stop bad people, then simply pray, meditate, focus, and commit. The key word is commit. You don't have to commit your whole life to a certain choice in your life. Just each morning. Before you get up each morning, commit to certain choices. Don't decide later on. Commit to certain things at the beginning of each day.


02:08 PM - That's right. 1871 is a key year.

Trump is Family

02:14 PM - Supporting Trump is like supporting your rebellious teenager. In other words, we have to continue to do more than just vote. Don't disown family or Trump. Your kids can do bad. When you try to confront your husband or wife who has a gambling addiction, you do it out of love. We go after Trump in the same way, out of love, because we support Trump like we support family. Trump is family. Trump is valuable. Don't disown Trump. Find ways to educate and admonish Trump out of love. @Trey060, I do not understand. You cannot do what? What did I say? I was trying to say that we have to stop Trump from doing bad things.

Walmart Cameras

02:49 PM - Walmart has cameras all over their stores. Where are the videos?


02:59 PM - Happy Banniversary, Alex!


Today, cleaned the bathroom floors and washed around the toilets, the bottom sides of the walls. Hung the rugs out to dry outside. Dishes. Hung clothes out to dry.

Hyper Space

04:09 PM - I found an email saying that my post on Hyper Space mentioning Steemit was rejected.

110 Years Old

05:26 PM - Picture of old lady here from Facebook.


07:41 PM - Once again, partisan politics weaponizes tragedy (Pardes Live #81) - pardes seleh, the next iJustine lol

Waking Trump Up

08:49 PM - @MITCHELL, the point is not about beating Trump but waking Trump up via running against Trump. We have to try new things and many things to wake Trump up. Trump is making big mistakes.

Naomi Brockwell

Battling Bitcoin-Skeptic Peter Schiff

Lionel Nation

10:49 PM - Special Live Stream: When You Deconstruct Evil - Bank on Hank. Lionel asked who we should support on social networks tomorrow for the democrats. Not anybody crazy but somebody less known. People brought up Hank Johnson who talked about Guam capsizing. He later said that was a metaphor to talk about the military or something. Hashtag Hank Johnson 2020.

This Picture Was Banned

11:02 PM - I posted this picture of Tommy Robinson on Facebook. I didn't write "TOMMY ROBINSON" on it. But Facebook still gave me this notification saying this picture, with Tommy 's face, goes against community guidelines for being too damn handsome: all the Muslims are freaking jealous!

Hank Johnson 2020!


11:17 PM - There are better ways to backup. That is not really an online backup system. That is simply an offline backup. But you can do better than relying only on offline backups. You can also have online backups via blockchain systems that cannot delete your content.

Gun Debate

09:40 AM - President Trump talks about the Shootings in Ohio & at the Walmart in El Paso, Texas this past weekend - I disliked this video because I want freedom, not safety. I want smaller government and not 1984 tyranny. Trump referenced pre-crime tech cartel tools that can be used to continue censoring patriots, etc. Not a mental health issue. It is a choice. People choose to do bad sometimes. 2A is key. Carry more to save lives. Trump talked about banning things in this video. That is bad.

Christmas 2015

2015-12-25 - Friday - Merry Christmas 2015 From Vietnam. Meet The Joey Press Meme. AAA Spa Park English was canceled that day. Some people would say that I was smart. I was going to meet a leader of Vietnam AWANA. I didn't but probably should have. I was wearing a green shirt. I took pictures with Vietnamese students at the 23/9 Park. I took a photo of me drinking coffee at Coffee Anh or Anh Coffee.

Different English

11:59 PM - 2015-12-09 - Wednesday - We made promotional videos for Different English at McDonald's near the 23/9 Park around this time with Mike, his students, and Lego Mark Zuck Lee. Travel agencies, for the first time ever in my life, began telling me they could not extend my visa for a third time for this particular visa that I made in March of 2015 in Cambodia. At that time in December, I was only beginning to get to the bottom of what that was all about. So, on this Wednesday, the ninth of December of 2015, I was probably at Anh Coffee. I probably stopped by the 23/9 Park. I was at the bubble tea shop as seen in these pictures that I took.


07:41 PM - Once again, partisan politics weaponizes tragedy (Pardes Live #81) - pardes seleh, the next iJustine lol - twitter is a leftist hub. but tik tok is what youtube was. Grifter. Opportunist.

2019-08-05 - Monday

Published in August of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Contact Me - Taught English in Vietnam - Live Bookmark - Get My RSS Feed - My Newsfeed - Infowars Activism Forum
Tomorrow's News Today

Geeks + Gamers

Rey To Lift The Death Star Over Jakku??! | Stop This Madness Disney - after 900 years, you would think yoda would be able to force choke squeeze and destroy the death star from millions of light years away from his swamp planet in episode 4, the end lol, thank you very much, that is if rey could do this after no training lol in only like a day or so


Published on 2019-08-06 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM PST LMS JA

2019-08-04 - Sunday
2019-08-05 - Monday
2019-08-06 - Tuesday

Stefan Molyneux

08:41 PM - Two Shooters, One Choice: Mike Cernovich and Stefan Molyneux - Shooters in Texas and Ohio were all leftist, but tech cartels edited profiles online. Some accounts were removed.