2013, May
Making Time
- 2013-05-01 - Wednesday - 09:08 AM PST - Thục An Lương wrote: "Hey ! i see your mess but so busy to have a full answer. im at my home for a few days for vacation ! i may see you around 1 week . maybe i will star to work next week ! hope see you soon ! my friend !" 12:13 PM: Lai Thiên Ân Anna wrote: "hehe . because you do not have any girl traveling isnot about where you are but who you are with . ^.^ and careful hehe a friend from couchsurfing." Unless otherwise posted, times are posted in the Pacific Standard Time (PST) zone.
- 2013-05-01 - Wednesday - 09:02 PM - I wrote the address of my new address, the room I rented from May to August of 2013. I moved in around the beginning of the fifth month of that year: my address was as follows: 191/37b Võ Duy Ninh, phường 22, quận Bình Thạnh, Ho Chi Minh City (HCM, HCMC), TP.HCM, Vietnam (VN), Asia, Earth, Milky Way, Universe, Christ. I lived near a gold shop and a school. I once had a bike accident at the intersection near the house. A boy lived at the house. He talked to me a few times. The mother made and shared some some food, like dragon food, watermelon, fruits, with me, a few times. I watched Star Quest, Star Trek movies, and a few other things on their television in their living room a few times. I moved in on the first, on Wednesday, to that address. I paid 1.800.000 VND per month for rent. Also paid for a one month security deposit which was never returned fully due to some glass, or something, on the head of the bed, that might have broken, allegedly. I think it was already breaking and that it wasn't really my fault. I did run into it but I don't think it was really my fault. But it seems that my security deposit went to pay for that. I think somebody said to me that is what happened. I wanted to hear that decision directly from my landlords, but didn't. I wanted to contest it. So, I tried giving the mother, who was the main landlord, a letter I translated into Vietnamese. I tried to argue my side of the story but I didn't hear back from them - 09:48 PM - Chat with Joy Sanchez: "You found a house?" Me: "Yes, in the Thanh Binh District, HCM." Joy: "How much do you pay?" Me: "$150 USD/month apx." I think I had a fan. Me: "The boy is learning English.... I work with different teachers each day." Le Van Park: Võ Thị Sáu, Đa Kao, Quận 1.
My Address - 191/37b Võ Duy Ninh, phường 22, quận Bình Thạnh, HCM - 2013-05-02 - Thursday - 07:23 AM - Facebook Emailed Me at [email protected]: "Hi Joey, We detected a login into your account from an unrecognized device on Thursday, May 2, 2013 at 9:23pm. This device has been added to your account. Operating System: Linux. Browser: Firefox. Location: Phoenix, AZ, US (IP=" I think this came from using a proxy when Vietnam had Facebook blocked. In other words, I found other ways to access Facebook, even when Vietnam censored the internet like China with the help of Internet Service Providers (ISP). I used proxies during 2013, my first full year in Vietnam. After that, or eventually, more and more ISPs in Vietnam began unblocking Facebook, more and more, gradually. So, therefore, I eventually discontinued, generally, from using proxies toget around blocks.
- 2013-05-02 - Thursday - 10:10 AM - MN SAO MAI 13: 170 Nguyễn Tất Thành, 12, Quận 4
- 2013-05-02 - Thursday - 10:22 AM - MN NGUYỄN TẤT THÀNH: 183C/1 Tôn Thất Thuyết, Ho Chi Minh City, Quận 4, Vietnam - 12:01 PM - Mom on Facebook: "This year, Josephine County slashed its public safety budget from $20 million to less than $9 million. As a result, the county was forced to release 39 prisoners, including people charged with assault, burglary and rape."
- 2013-05-02 - Thursday - 02:36 PM - Mom to me on Facebook: "Ear canal leads to the eardrum, which was opened up to let the fluid drain. my way of looking at it is that the normal hole where the sound waves go, got extended into the inner ear." - 05:58 PM - Mom wrote on Facebook in response to something I wrote: "Most of what Joey writes is true, but it is unfair to say that USA is in all ways the greatest country." - 09:12 PM - Trần Bảo Tân wrote: "You can talk about everything, maybe it true, but you shouldnt have anything related to Uncle Ho, he have all of vietnamese people's worship, including me." - 10:57 PM - Brent Groth emailed me: "There are only two people out of the whole bunch that have Century(me and someone else), so I'm guessing since Century took awhile to get their cables established inside of the building. I've met with a technician here almost everyday of this week, and sometime twice a day to try and resolve this. Today I think was the final day, and now I officially have internet. I'vde also spoken to them on the phones a bunch, and with Dell as well. They also said it maybe some of the lines or telephone poles outside that they maybe working with, or fiber optics underground, so maybe a combination of both, but either way I haven't had any problems with internet today, and it seems to be working fine now, and it has all day which is good. So now for sure I have internet that is stable, as of today. They performed like $30,000 dollars worth of work to get me internet, they may have been sarcastic or joking, but they did put a lot of work into it. So it is set up now. Very good and kind of a relief." I emailed on April 26th, "Look, MySpace is trying to become cool again....." The next day, April 27th, he said that's cool. I suggested that he got people to test drive our website on computers and on phones. April 28th, Brent said he was at the Central Library in Portland, OR. He added, "I renewed GoDaddy for 3 months to the end of July, 2013." Oh, OK.... - 2013-05-02 - Thursday - 11:30 PM - I wrote to Brent Groth: "Our site is not trusted. This is what I got when I went to our site." SSL Error: "The site's security certificate is not trusted! You attempted to reach Meaomnia.com, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system. This may mean that the server has generated its own security credentials, which Chromium cannot rely on for identity information, or an attacker may be trying to intercept your communications." I continued: "Ask more people about how our site is not trusted."
- 2013-05-03 - Friday - 05:06 AM - Sinia Peach Nguyễn Thùy wrote: "I got it" on Facebook in a message. On April 26th, at 2:14 PM, or before that, she was suggesting that I visit her in the Thu Duc District. She probably wanted to practice English, meet foreigners, talk for fun, hang out with somebody, or something. This is a common request. People always wanted to see me or other foreigners in Saigon, generally - 05:50 AM - Phoebe McGuiness - Thiên Phương wrote: "Really, where?" She met me a few times like on Bui Vien. She was going to invite me into a bar, like Buffalo, only $5 just to enter the cafe or club or whatever it was. I declined and we parted ways. She either helped me find my apartment in Binh Thanh or she was trying to help me find something and I either went with her suggestions or maybe not. I don't remember.
- 2013-05-03 - Friday - 06:00-07:30 PM - New Star English - Q.Tân Phú - class roster - 3 teenager girls at 15 and 16 year olds - 07:18 PM - Julia Do wrote: "so sorry, i go to school tomorrow... hope i could meet me one day soon."
- 2013-05-03 - Friday - 09:37 PM - English Center Address - New Star English Center - 169 Độc Lập Street, Tân Quý, quận Tân Phú District, Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City - Teaching Schedule - Each Friday - 06:00-07:30 PM - Taught English at New Star from March to August, 2013, generally on Fridays, generally at those times, and sometimes at other times as well. Pay was $12 USD/hour - 10:41 PM - Bett Bonyo wrote to me on Facebook: "15 strawberries for 20.000 VND? I can give you free with fresh strawberries if you asked me before.... in Dalat, my strawberry fields."
- 2013-05-04 - Saturday - 01:25 PM - GoDaddy Discussion - Brent Groth emailed me: "Here is the dialogue I just recently had with GoDaddy. This is in regards to getting the back to normal again. I'm still unable to log into all three and am thinking that I need help from them, as this may be a problem on their side, which is creating a problem for the site...." Brent to Nick S: "I am running site, meaomnia.com. Currently, I am having trouble getting into the builder, the panel, and seeing the site. This is a problem. I'm locked out of all three and seeing error messages for all. I've requested a power cycle yesterday with no luck, and have requested a power cycle today, but am waiting for the 60 min time to lapse." Nick: "The 'Error establishing a database connection' typically means you have in issue with mysql or the password listed in your configuration files for you website." Brent: "I have usernames for Twitter, paralles, linux, Wordpress, GoDaddy, Oracle, etc. I cannot remember my ssh one." There was a problem. Had to get into mysql, but how? Later on, Nick added: "No, the only way to access the server is through plesk, or through ssh... No, you will need to use an ssh client like puty.... Please allow me a few minutes, while I escalate this. I will be back shortly with an incident number..... Your incident number is 19112526. I will keep track of this and email you when we determine the correct username for ssh." - 10:01 AM - Mom wrote on my Facebook: ""Original Oatmeal, that is what I have been doing for the last 20years. Humans are very creative, and the law of entrophy suggests that we were smarter thousands of years ago. History contains those other subjects has mentioned above. the universe is fascinating, but all truth is contained in Yaweh and his son Y'shua, and the Bible states to Christians that they have the mind of Christ." - 12:49 AM - Lady Vivi Hoang Vi Lieu wrote to me on Facebook: "I DONT LIKE IT AT ALL! u make me shame on you."
- 2013-05-04 - Saturday - 12:19 PM - Bùi Nguyễn Hoàng Phúc wrote on my Facebook concerning Couchsurfing (CS): "Can someone please delete all the post of this guy? They look so annoying! =)." At that time, I think CS terminated my accounts at least 4 times in 2013 alone, by that time, approximately.
- 2013-05-04 - Saturday - 01:36 PM - Brent emailed me: "That meeting yesterday went well I guess. They were professional, but may want a substantial amount of money, we don't want to get ripped off. It's tough to really have people conceptualize what we are really trying to do, as there has been a lot of work that we've done, that may be difficult to illustrate to them. Thousands of ideas and emails worth of work. I had to say and present everything I had in 30 minutes. That isn't a lot of time. They did like the T.V. idea, and trying to bring the T.V. thing to life, but there is a lot more to the site then that, but maybe we can tell them to use that as a platform and build from there, I don't know. I told them slides, I told them sliding everything, but if we can just start with maybe one subject of slides and start from there, that might be best, and from there we can then create revenue for everything else. My sign is still being built and that is going well. I plan to have it on the streets next week if the weather is nice, and then start replicating them and making a bunch. I told them about syncing, and copying, they diden't really understand. I don't think people realize how great of ideas we really have. So start simple with them and make it basic for building for them, and maybe they will get the big picture as the project unfolds. Sliding t.v., sliding, images, sliding, social, maybe if we can just perfect one of those and build from there. T.V. would be a huge breakthrough, as that hasn't really been done yet, other then hulu I think." - 06:44 PM - Phương Thanh Hoàng wrote: "No, You are living in Vietnam but you don't know anything about culture of Viet Nam." Tram Pham wrote on Tuesday, February 19th, 11:18 PM: "I finished with giving you a hand to get a job and let you stay at my house and my aunt's house when you were looking for a job and needed the place to stay. We tryied to help you and now it is time to do anything by yourself. Tomorrow you will go to sign your contract ( or anything else you wanna do, I dont care!) and you have to leave my house tomorrow morning too. and I also helped you to find the best way you can renew your visa. Now I dont want to host you anymore. bye and good luck. PS: remember give me back my phone and the charge." I asked for the address, she responded: "507A Quang Trung, Go Vap."
- 2013-05-05 - Sunday - 12:03 AM - Account Name: meaomnia - Server IP Address: - Dear Brent Groth, The reboot you requested for your dedicated server has been completed. 12:09 AM - Brent Groth emailed me: "Here is another conversation I had with them(GoDaddy) today. I think I have access to the panel now to make this correction. Also I spent all day working on the sign. It's the size of a sheet of ply. All of the letters are cut out almost. I will be painting on it tomorrow. I'm suppose to hear back from the people I met with this last week by this Wednesday. I'm also trying to scrounge up foam boards for signs as well as they are less expensive. You are currently at position number 6 in the queue." Brent chatted with Michael F who wrote: "Your site is loading as a 500 internal server error. is that the same - 2013-05-05 - Sunday - 01:38 AM - My name is Joey Arnold. I eat oatmeal. You can call me the Original Oatmeal. I teach English all over Saigon, Vietnam. I climb trees. I chase kittens and feed them to puppies. I like playing in the sky like Peter Pan and singing with little boys like Michael Jackson. http://OriginalOatmeal.WordPress.com - http://FaceBook.com/OriginalOatmeal - http://YouTube.com/OriginalOatmeal - [email protected] - Skype: Original Oatmeal - My Viettel cell phone: Call and text me at: (84) 0-163-425-1695 - I live at this address: 191/37b Võ Duy Ninh." - 06:49 AM - Joy Dinh wrote: "hey Buddy, what's up ? I think you should sell your old lap and then buy another one (maybe $200)... in America, laps are cheap, u can ask your American friends to visit Vietnam and give you one.. heheeee... I prefer Ipad." - 08:19 AM - "Roman: Joey told me I looked like a 16 year-old girl when he met me at my home... we was biking together around... " Freaking cute" noone told me that before.."
- 2019-05-06 - Monday - 01:35 AM - I wrote on my Facebook: "Which laptops have the longest battery life? i want a laptop that i can drop and jump on..... because i carry my laptop in my backpack while i am on my bicycle and i may get in accidents." - 01:20 AM - few minutes earlier, I posted a video and this comment: "If we kill Osama (Obama) Bin Laden, would that solve anything?" my older sister asked 12 years ago, in this video below. She continues explaining to my older brother, "No, you have to get back to the root of the problem."
- 2019-05-06 - Monday - 04:57 AM - Fresco - 18ABis Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai, Đa Kao, Quận 1 - I would drink coffee. I surfed the web on my laptop. I would sit at places like coffee shops and fast food restaurants while between different school campuses, locations, centers, places where I taught. Also, Passio Coffee at 15F Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai.
- 2013-05-06 - Monday - 04:07 PM Facebook Time - Kim Ngan Nguyen wrote: "ok, see u tonight :0." - 07:25 PM - Me: "I am coming."
- 2013-05-06 - Monday - 04:54 PM - Television Show Audition - Banned YouTube Video - Mother Marilyn Morehead Arnold Mitchell - "Several years ago, my son tried out for host of a TV show." It was a show called Comcast Wanted Adventure Host. The auditions were in 2009 in Portland, Oregon, USA, and the show aired early in 2010 on channel 38. Many people would say to my dad, "I saw your son on television."
- 2013-05-06 - Monday - 11:41 PM - MN Quynh Huong - 38/382b nguyen van luong, phuong 17, Gò Vấp, HCM
- 2013-05-06 - Monday - 11:46 PM - Mn Hoa Lan - 3 Lê Lợi, Phuong 4, quận Gò Vấp
- 2013-05-07 - Tuesday - 12:00 AM - Joy Dinh: "I have no beard... if I had beard,I would be much older .. hahaaaaa." - 06:24 AM - Mju Mũm Mĩm Thiên Ngân - "have u any education program to teach? what will we learn ?"
- 2013-05-07 - Tuesday - 07:09 PM - Ichada Pham - My boyfriend is keeping your box (a big box weights 17kg) from Oanh Bui. My BF is Ngo Quang Khai and his number: 0932706193. His address: 284/15/16 Lê Văn Sỹ street, 14 ward, dist. 3 - I'm in DakLak province now so you can: 1: go there and get it by yourself - 2: I will go to HCMC in 25 this month. And I can help you to transit it."
- 2013-05-08 - Wednesday - 11:53 PM - Robert Richard Ngo The I - "I'm really, really sure that T-Dog is gonna die ... cause he's a recurring character, he didn't show up in some episodes in season 2 for a long time, and some recurring characters died before, there are Jimmy,Amy,Jim,Patricia....."
- 2013-05-09 - Thursday - 09:54 AM - Ichada Pham - "Hey, I don't know what is this because I am not in Sai Gon. Oanh Bui said that she set a lot of your stuffs in a big box and send it to me by post office. You should go there and get it by yourself now. I pay 170K to the post office for this tranfer (you can ask Oanh Bui for more details) so give 170.000 VNĐ to my boyfriend. Do you know that it weight 17kg? Joey, It weights 17Kg. Oanh Bui said that they are all of things you said her you want them after you had been seen their picture." She offered to give me her laptop in exchange for English classes. She wrote: My laptop is HP Pavilion dv4 (Intel Core 2 Duo T6400 2.0Ghz, 2GB RAM, 320GB HDD, VGA Intel GMA 4500MHD, 14.1 inch, Windows 8 Ultimate). I bought it since 2010. I bought it with 17.000.000VNĐ ~ 810USD." I don't remember if I made that deal or not. I didn't want to pay for the shipping of my stuff. I don't remember if I did or not but that should have been included in the deal. But I guess, if I didn't, it would have been better to just pay her BF for the shipping fee and agree to teaching her for the laptop. I don't remember what ended up happening, specifically.
- 2013-05-10 - Friday - 12:35 PM - Trần Bảo Tân - "Sorry, i really busy,so,i think AMD it's not good to use in Vietnam, because, you know the weather it's so hot, you should choice intel. When you use your laptop for those thing, due core is good for you, will you look for a old or new laptop? Just ask me, when you need any help."
- 2013-05-10 - Friday - 05:18 PM - Oanh Bui Bui - "Not too much. I told Mis Pham. That is ok! Did u got ur suitcase?" No. I did not. Maybe Pham kept it. I also responded, saying, "You didn't tell me how much things were going to cost." - 09:03 PM - I emailed Joseph Joshy Ding: "See you at Fresco (NTMK) 9am each Tues, Wed, Thur."
- 2013-05-11 - Saturday - 09:27 AM - I wrote on Facebook: "I was watching my bicycle.... I need a free bicycle.... I was careful with it. I am in a place with foreigners. The foreigners do not need money. I am not in a place with locals" I must have lost my 2nd bike around this time. Then Joseph helped me buy my 3rd bike for like $180. - 11:29 AM - Mike Vanderzanden emailed me: ".... JUST WANTED TO SEE HOW THINGS ARE....." I responded: "...I made around $500 USD. This month of May...." - 06:27 PM - Ichada Pham Facebooked: "And You can go there and get it for free money because I had lost my motorcycle last month like you. I understand what are you felling now." She told me to call her BF and schedule a time. Eventually, I went and got my stuff from him. I replied: "I did not say that I will not give money. I can come get the suitcase Sunday. Just tell me a good time to come. I can come at any time Sunday or Monday." - 08:31 PM - Nicholas Littlejohn - "Oh no, Joey, a 2 million bike."
- 2013-05-13 - Monday - 07:48 PM - Tyler Capp messaged me: "....Don't come to me when you need help, you've burned that bridge. I would have to see some major change of character on your part before I even considered lending you a hand again. For instance, I want you to apologize to Andy, the guy who saved your ass without receiving so much as a kind word from you..... You said very clearly that he stole your things when he was doing an act of kindness by holding onto your junk for you while you skipped town. Tell me how I read that wrong? Maybe you are thankful but you rarely show it, not even in your facial expressions. Fact."
- 2013-05-14 - Tuesday - 03:18 AM - I made myself a manager or administrator of the following Facebook pages - Ironic Mystic - Restore Main Street Jimmy Williams - International Interference - I would attend a church on Sundays in District 11. Joseph would give me a ride to that and also to the English Club on Mondays around 7 PM.
- 2013-05-15 - Wednesday - 09:16 AM - I emailed Monster Kaitlin Woods: "Young Life is in Vietnam. I will meet a girl who might be a leader of this group in Saigon, Vietnam. I believe you, Mike Kurtz, and Sunshine have been part of this group before. Sounds interesting. I may meet this girl tomorrow. I just got a new visa today that can be extended 3 more times, 3 months each, which means I may stay in Vietnam for at least the next 12 months, until May of 2014, if not longer. I am teaching English in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. I am getting paid some money. I live in a house. I pay around $100 USD to live in this house per month. I will try to tell you more later." - Saturday - 12:06 AM - I emailed myself: "Trường Mầm Non Hoa Lan - 3 Lê Lợi, phường 4, Gò Vấp - 2:30pm - 3:00pm, lá 1 - 3:15-3:45 chồi 1 - Ms Phương." Also: "Trường Mầm Non (MN) QUỲNH HƯƠNG - 38/382B Nguyễn Văn Lượng, 17, Gò Vấp." Told Joy Sanchez via a Google chat I'd let her visit if I had a house.
- 2013-05-18 - Saturday - 08:49 AM - Blog - Mom emailed me: "The Blogger user Marilyn Mitchell has invited you to contribute to the blog: Restore Main Street. To contribute to this blog, visit: http://www.blogger.com/i.g?inviteID=8824580149492279386&blogID=4701308124289164398 - You'll need to sign in with a Google Account to confirm the invitation and start posting to this blog. If you don't have a Google Account yet, we'll show you how to get one in minutes. To learn more about Blogger and starting your own free blog visit http://www.blogger.com."
- 2013-05-19 - Sunday - 08:38 AM - Email: "The Blogger user Joey Arnold has invited you to contribute to the blog: Joey Omnia. To contribute to this blog, visit: http://www.blogger.com/i.g?inviteID=3349624035957248554&blogID=8004872330839177601 ." Mom Facebook messaged me a family tree outline. Talked to Brent Groth about the website which had problems, possibly due to conflicts in the code between the different plugins and themes as they interact with each other like an untested video game with unseen bugs.
- 2013-05-20 - Monday - 06:28 AM - I emailed FYG & Joseph: "We should meet at a wi-fi cafe that serves American pancakes." So, he looked for a place. We chatted on that. Joseph added: "One of our church members have 2 house, one for 2 people living together is 1.500.000vnd, one for 4 people living together is 2.500.000vnd, how do u think?" I said I'd think about it. He then wrote: "You know the corner of Nguyễn Thị Minh Khai and Cao Thắng, you can wait for us at that corner at 9:30AM. And we will come to that restaurant... The name is Kaffe's time." We later ate there.
- 2013-05-20 - Monday - 10:41 PM - Tra Duong - "Marilyn Mitchell : I think this is Joey trouble , because my older sister is very clearly to make sure to talking with my Mom and me She don't want to come back!!! Joey : i know you still thinking about my sister , but can you leave her alone to relax , and don't make any mistake to people asking her You and my sister have a same sick. Both of you all have a trouble in head. And can not control personality That's why when my sister talking about your sick to my mother to make my mother can understand about your stranger decided : Leave my sister go home when didn't help her money still she ask you she haven't money and the motobicycle haven't gasoline also but my mother said : Because my sister have some trouble in her head. She should married some people healthy. To make sure she can be born the healthy children , may be 50% with her husband help. This is thing you can't do that! Yesterday , when my sister see your picture , she is not findding you in the facebook , but same friend of you and her is still watching you (her name is TranThi NhaThy) and asking her : Do you come back with Joey? And she said not. After that , this friend give her the link And her said : OMG , what Joey doing? He make me scared! Do he going try to kill me? My sister now is ready to datting with some men in the datting company of her girl friend, and this girl friend make sure have so much gentlement in the work is young , rich, have a house, and a job also , and offcouse ready to take care his wife is her. I hope you can understand the sittuation Your realationship with my sister are over! Please don't make the people thinking you guys is come back I think you are the good guy , but you just can't fine when you life with my sister You guy too a style Nagative guy And a style guy always waiting money of the partner of love. I know it because i grow up behind her 25 year olds. When she asking money of my parent , she always said : Some day when i married a rich men , i will pay back you all about of it! That was my sister doing. She not the style girl can working by her self and find the money for the husband (the style girl you want to married is it, always asking money still the time you guys is broken up) Have some thing girl in the world , the style girl like to get money for the men they in date! But i have to tell you , it's not my older sister! Or it's just her a little time, it's mean SHARE, and she are not a style SAVE THE MONEY TO BE WAITING TO THE PEOPLE SHE IN DATE I write this messenger here , to my sister girl friend is her boss also TranThi NhaThy see (to let she don't think my older sister is liar , because she promise she don't come back with you , and now you make the people thing she want to come back) And i write this messenger here to make your mother understand what really style of my sister, and what my sister really want to : She want you to leave her!. Don't let your mother think she want you come back to her for some thing and after she kick you again it makes my sister become an unethical And i write this messenger for you. Because all the reason. I hope you can leave my older sister. (crazy , sick , hitting , bad luck , negative looking life style ... v... ...v) I talk to my sister, now she scared you enought to thinking you will come back to KILL her for the LOVE! It's not good for you future , you still young , your mother and your familly still care about you! I hope you can find a new lover , i thing it's will be best , it's just Not my sister! Your old friend Thanh Trà." I knew Toma Ikuta.
- 2013-05-21 - Tuesday - 12:56 PM - AES emailed me: "Dear JOSEPH: We are confirming the student loan payment you scheduled through Account Access. Payment Date: 05/29/2013 - Confirmation Number: PA57948801023284 - The Payment Date above is the date on which we will apply the payment to your student loans. However, please allow up to 3 additional business days for the payment to be posted to your loan account and debited from your bank account. QUESTIONS? If you need further assistance, please visit http://www.aessuccess.org/contact/index.shtml and choose a contact option. If you prefer to email us, the best course of action is to sign in to Account Access and submit your email using the "Contact Us" feature." Previous email: "Your AES account is due for a payment on 06/08/2013." - 02:04 PM - Scott Sidartha Schwartz met me at the Balo Hostel in April 2013 and he donated a bunch of DVD movies to me as he was thankful for my friendship: Scott wrote: "What's up, Oatmeal." - 12:50 PM - I emailed Joo: "See you 9am at Highland Coffee on Pham NGo Lao?"
- 2013-05-22 - Wednesday - 12:18 AM - I wrote on Facebook: "I'm missing my 32 GBs & 4 GBs USB sticks, Nalgene water bottle, screw drivers, etc. It was last seen at Papa Foods in Bac Ninh, Vietnam, in a secret closest. Only a few people knew where my stuff was. Only a few people knew I had those things. My things may have been stolen. Who would have taken those things from me? It could be anybody. Hard to say."
- 2013-05-23 - Thursday - 12:11 PM - Brent Groth emailed me: "Here are the first three." I emailed me three screenshot pictures that relate to the website we were building. - 10:04 AM - I emailed myself: "TRƯỜNG MẦM NON BAN MAI - 23 Đường số 1 Phường Bình Thuận - Quận 7, HCM - 28/3M KP3 Đường Số 1 - Trường Mầm non Tân Mỹ, Số 7, Tân Phú, Quận 7, HCM."
- 2013-05-24 - Friday - 06:09 PM - Brent Groth had another conversation with GoDaddy, this time with Randy: "Thank you for contacting Live Chat support for Virtual and Dedicated Servers. Your patience is appreciated, as I might be assisting multiple customers." Brent wrote to Randy: "And am working with the company Meaomnia.com. I'm unable to find out why the site is currently broken. Originally I'm tried to find out why it really even broke. I've been through the plesk parallels, and i think all of its files as well. I've tried to create a new database and reimport a database to the new database from before I think the site broke. I've renamed file names and folders, and back to their original names again. What am I doing wrong?" Randy responded: "Have you tried toggling what PHP runs as?" Brent did and it read: "502 Bad Gateway..... Unfortunately, Microsoft has added a clever new - "feature" to Internet Explorer. If the text of - an error's message is "too small", specifically - less than 512 bytes, Internet Explorer returns - its own error message. You can turn that off, - but it's pretty tricky to find switch called - "smart error messages". That means, of course, - that short error messages are censored by default. - IIS always returns error messages that are long - enough to make Internet Explorer happy. The - workaround is pretty simple: pad the error - message with a big comment like this to push it - over the five hundred and twelve bytes minimum. - Of course, that's exactly what you're reading - right now." Randy: "That's a network error." Randy went into the site and found this: "[Fri May 24 10:36:32 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: - 2013-05-24 - Friday - 09:56 PM - Tous Les Jours: 223 Nguyễn Trãi, Nguyễn Cư Trinh, Quận 1, HCM - 08:08 PM - Oanh Bui Bui wrote: "Sorry for not telling u directly. I thought Ms. Pham would tell u about the money! I don't know. I put all the things I got from him for you. U got ur suitcase, didn't u? Why didn't u tell me? U make me feel . . ." No, I didn't.
- 2013-05-24 - Friday - 11:17 PM - Brent Groth chatted with another GoDaddy staff, Andrew. Brent wrote: "I'm getting slammed here with an Apache 2 centos error page, and am reading everything all over with no resolve. My site is down, and is Meaomnia.com, and I'm having a lot of trouble getting this corrected." Andrew: "Okay, so it wouldn't be a misconfiguration with the web server. If you're getting errors on the specific websites, I'd recommend reviewing their error logs to see what's causing these errors..... You'll have to use those and decipher what they mean. We do not have - 2013-05-26 - Sunday - 08:24 AM - Trip Advisor emailed me: "We've received your review of Saigon Balo Hostel. Thank you!" Somebody there asked me to write a review and then I did. I think I also got a laptop from one of the guys there as well - 10:20 AM - I replied to my mom on Facebook: "I got some of my stuff back (they mailed me a box of my things), minus a Nalgene water bottle, screw drivers, a 32 GB thumb drive, a 4 GB thumb drive, an iPod, some papers, a sleeping bag, & a few other valuable things."
- 2013-05-26 - Sunday - 08:30 PM - Huynh Hong Le emailed me: "I would like to inform you that this week is the student summer vacation. So you don't have class this week and will be start your classes again next week (June 8th and 9th). Otherwise, may i know you can teach on Wednesday and Thursday evening? If you are available, i can give you some more evening classes. You may have classes from 5:45 pm - 8:30 pm on Wed and 5:45 pm - 7:15 pm. All of these evening classes will start from 10/06/2013.... Let me confirm everything for you: - 1. You don't have any classes from May 27 to June 2nd because all of students are off for summer vacation. - 2. You start your regular class with the 3 teenagers on June 7th - 3. Your new evening classes may start on June 12 but i will confirm you later and will give you the books once you come here to teach next Friday."
- 2013-05-28 - Tuesday - 05:50 AM PST - Monday Night in Vietnam - I emailed Joo & Joseph of FYG: "I am at KFC in district 11, near the church right now." They met me there & then we went to our English club.
- 2013-05-29 - Wednesday - 11:55 PM - Couch Surfing (CS) - Lincoln Hawk - [email protected] - Visiting HCM - Lincoln wrote: "I am visiting HCM. It looks really beautiful here. I am a fan of art, as you can tell from my girly pink shirt. I really like the street food here."
- 2013-05-30 - Thursday - 12:09 AM - Tyler Capp emailed me: "You've been sending me spam mail and I noticed your horrible comments against Vietnam. You are not my friend, I do NOT support any of your actions or opinions."
- 2013-05-30 - Thursday - 10:05 PM - I emailed myself instructions on riding my bicycle to this school: "Trường tiểu học Nguyễn Văn Trỗi - 02 Vĩnh Khánh, phường 9, Quận 4, HCM - +84 8 5401 2083 - R -- Tôn Đức Thắng - P -- bridge into Quận 4 - R -- Ben Van Don near the river, after the bridge - L -- Vĩnh Khánh ------ or L -- Calmette - P -- bridge - R -- Hoang Dieu - R -- Vĩnh Khánh."
- 2013-05-30 - Thursday - 10:39 PM - "Binh Trieu School - 144/12: QL13, phường Hiep Binh Chanh, Quận Thu Duc - near Binh Trieu Market - Tiểu học Bình Triệu - phường Hiep Binh Chanh, Quận Thu Duc - Trường Tiểu học Bình Triệu - Quốc lộ 13, phường Hiệp Bình Chánh, Quận Thu Duc - +84 8 3726 9904 - Binh Trieu School - 144/12: QL13, phường Hiep Binh Chanh, Quận Thu Duc - near Binh Trieu Market."
Yearly - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 2012 2013 Here are the cinema premiere dates - Listed Here - I eventually watched them online: 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017
1920's - 1930's - 1940's - 1950's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019 By Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Biography - Social Networks Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Facebook - Free Zoxee - Gab - Info Wars Army - @JoeyArnoldVN - Live Bookmark - Minds - RSS - Serey - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - YouTube Published in January of 2019 by Oregon's Oatmeal of Shelton, WA, USA & Vietnam - Hat - Name - Oatmeal English - Outline - Pop Culture - ResumeThanh Binh District Address
Thanh Binh Apartment
Ear Canals
Rainy Days
New Star Teen Girls English Class
New Star Address & Schedule
Mea Omnia
Couch Surfing
Brent Groth Meeting
Dedicated Server Rebooted
error you are getting?" Yes. Michael: "I could not tell you as we are not web designers. I would suggest disabling your plugins or changing your theme, but you may want to reach out to the wordpress community for more options."
Teaching English on Bicycles
Super Laptops
Fresco Coffee Shop Address
Kim Ngan Nguyen
Wanted Oatmeal
MN Quynh Huong
Mn Hoa Lan
Women With Beards
Getting My Stuff From Bac Ninh
The Walking Dead
Getting My Stuff Continues
Intel vs AMD
Finding My Suitcase
Free Bike
Tyler Capp
Ironic Mystic
Young Life
Restore Main Street
Joey Omnia
Kathy Stole My Bike Message
Student Loan
Missing Things
Mea Omnia
Broken Website
stderr: PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ',' in /var/www/vhosts/meaomnia.com/httpdocs/wp-config.php on line 16, referer: http://meaomnia.com/2012/07/16/finding-nemo-mine/." Later on, Randy wrote: "I removed the bad code for you already..... You have the incorrect db information in that file..... It could take me several minutes to review this. I appreciate your patience...... Have you done anything to your server. Like delete things from SSH?" Brent: "Not that i'm aware of. Secured Shell Hosting. On my Mac it is called terminal i think. I've done nothing to delete anything I think." Randy: "Well I cannot su - Which means I cannot elevate to super user. Which means I can't get the database password." Brent: "It should be growth as the user, and Mea12Omnia# as the password." Randy: "Do not put password in the chat... You installed this through Plesk right? Then you are trying to overwrite things." Brent: "I then tried to import a saved copy of an old database I had saved on my computer from three month back, and tried to reimport it to the new database with these passwords." Randy: "You need to correct your connection strings in the wp-config file." Brent: "What strings? The password and user strings, or other strings? ... Oh yeah, the DB name is DB_4." Randy: "I fixed your connection strings..... Until the error logs regenerate there are no other errors I can look at........... Your further then where you were before but now you will need to trouble shoot the issue with the site, the web builder, Wordpress (WP)." Brent: "I've renamed the themes folders and back to themes deactivate, I have renamed the plugins folders to plugins deactivate to avtivate and back to activate again, I've tried adjusting the memory, etc. the list goes on. are there any loopholes?" Randy tells Brent to contact Wordpress in order to fix the other website problems.
Tous Les Jours
Error Logs
any support for troubleshooting website related issues. I can get you to the error logs, but that's it..... I don't know where you're looking at these error logs. The error logs are located through SSH.... Do you have a developer that normally assists you with managing your server?" Brent: "No I do everything including the building, and advertising, and
everything pretty much." Andrew: "This isn't going to fix your website. This is part of troubleshooting why your website is getting 500 Internal Server Errors. We do not provide technical assistance for reviewing these logs as part of our standard support. If you are unable to review the logs on your server, you can create a Trouble Ticket requesting a quote from Expert Hands to review the error logs on the server and help your determine the cause of the errors. I am providing instructions so that you may login to your server via SSH to access these error logs. If there is another way to review the logs inside of Plesk, that is something you will need to research.... As a one time courtesy, I will pull the errors from your log. Please be aware that going forward, you will either need to do this as part of administrating your server, or you can request a quote from Expert Hands to review these logs." Error Log: "[Fri May 24 15:46:22 2013] [error] [client] Directory index forbidden by Options directive: /var/www/vhosts/meaomnia.com/httpdocs/, referer: http://meaomnia.com." Brent: "Var is in the content folder i believe, and I don't see these exact lines." Andrew: "As explained earlier, we are unable to assist with troubleshooting this issue further. You will need to take these errors and research how to resolve them....... One thing you need to understand is that we are not your server administrators. Our scope of support for your unmanaged server is ensuring that the server is up, and accessible. The issue you are experiencing is an issue with your website, as the rest of your server is working correctly. As a courtesy, I have provided the errors from your error log that are preventing your website from working correctly. It is now your responsibility as the server administrator to review the information provided to you and correct the issue. If this is not something you are able to do, you can create a Trouble Ticket requesting assistance from our paid service called Expert Hands. They may be able to fix the issue that is being described inside the error logs."
Trip Advisor
New Star Added Classes
Fake Lincoln Hawk
Email Spam
Nguyễn Văn Trỗi
Binh Trieu School
Chronology of My Life in Vietnam
Monthly - 2012 - 11 - 12 - 2013 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05
American English Teacher - 5 years - 2012-2017
11 - November - Left America - Entered Bac Ninh
12 - December - Papa Foods Adventures
01 - January - Hanoi Adventures
02 - February - Visited Hoa Binh - Thanh Hoa - Moved to Saigon
03 - March - Kathy Stole My Bike - Tan Van English - New Star English
04 - April - District 1 - Balo Hostel - New Bike
05 - May - Thanh Binh District
Watch Log
- Not sure, specifically, which days I watch these films - these are approximate dates:
2013-05-01 - Wednesday - After Earth
2013-05-07 - Tuesday - Fast & Furious 6
2013-05-23 - Thursday - Now You See Me
Vietnam Adventure
Chronology of My Biography
forbidden frog forums
May of 2013
Live Bookmark - Get My RSS Feed
Oatmeal Joey Arnold
Add Me Online - Contact Me - List of My Social Networks
Timeline Outline
2019-01-29 - Tuesday - 11:35 PM - Reviewing - Gotham 501
2019-01-30 - Wednesday - 08:55 AM LMS - Tuesday the 29th of January of 2019
2019-01-30 - Wednesday - 10:51 PM LMS - Reviewing - Gotham 502
2019-01-31 - Thursday - 08:54 AM LMS - Wednesday the 30th
2019-01-31 - Thursday - 11:29 AM LMS - May of 2013
Published at 11:37 PM Thursday