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in #j5 years ago

Too Many Cooks Poem. Led Sunday School. Ephesians 6. Was thinking about different ideas for videos and life, work, etc. Wrote a bunch about Steemit, Gab, cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Infocomms, etc. Didn't go to the church picnic. Probably should have since I love picnics. Fun church today. Good songs. Many people came. Good videos on YouTube. Good conversations on the Infocomms. Wrote 2015-12-04 - Friday. Watched Infowars, Geeks & Gamers, Doom Cock. Continued Reviewing December 2015. Gun debate. Tech debate.

2019-08-04 - Sunday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

Trump & Melania After Walmart Shooting Screenshot at 2019-08-04 15:18:55.png

Trump & Melania After Walmart Shooting

Contact Me

Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-04 - Sunday - PST - Daily journal:


12:58 AM - A DNS of our Comcast ISP is So, if you want to have more freedom, you could change your DNS to an open DNS, a public DNS. Change it to a Google DNS for example, like and

Manually Change Your DNS

01:24 AM - READ MORE - Your Internet Service Provider (ISP), like Comcast, can email you copyright claims for downloading files. One of the ways they do this is with the help of their Domain Name Servers (DNS) that they provide. One of their DNS may be

The DNS translates domain names, like Infowars.com, for example, and translates them into the IP addresses of where those websites may be located. So, your Internet traffic may funnel through DNS. It seems that DNS may tattle to your ISP.

You can change your DNS to a Google DNS for example.

Google DNS,

Those are two DNS addresses of Google, that is and

Other things that can help people in a fight against big tech cartels like Facebook, Comcast, etc, includes proxies, encryption, public DNS like I said already, maybe TOR, etc, etc.

I could tell you how to change your DNS, specifically, step by step, if you want. I'm not sure if this Google DNS example is the best. On top of that, it is a first step but not the only step. So, take it a step at a time. I can come back later with maybe something better than a Google DNS. I can come back and talk about encryption, proxies, TOR, browsers, operating systems, HTTPS, etc. For now, I wanted to talk about how ISP can attack you. They have went after me. Now that I know more, I want others to learn from some of my mistakes. I'm still learning each day. I have a lot more to learn. Please stand by.

Gun Debate

01:28 PM - People have to start carrying guns more and more. - Walmart Shooting in Texas on Saturday. Now, Ohio, too.


01:40 AM - Google DNS Turkey. I changed mine to the Google DNS,, That is better than nothing, perhaps.

Geo Peeker - About Geo Peeker

Cloud Flare

02:06 AM - READ MORE - DNS services are the phone books of the Internet, providing the actual Internet Protocol (IP) network address associated with websites' and other Internet services' host and domain names. They turn arstechnica.com into, for example. Your Internet provider offers up DNS as part of your service, but your provider could also log your DNS traffic—in essence, recording your entire browsing history.

"Open" DNS services provide a way of bypassing ISPs' services for reasons of privacy and security—and in some places, evading content filtering, surveillance, and censorship. And on April 1 (not a joke), Cloudflare launched its own new, free high-performance authoritative DNS service designed to enhance users' privacy on the Internet. This new offering also promised a way to hide DNS traffic completely from view—encryption.

Named for its Internet Protocol address, is the result of a partnership with the research group of APNIC, the Asia-Pacific Internet registry. While it's also available as an "open" conventional DNS resolver (and a very fast one at that), Cloudflare is supporting two encrypted DNS protocols.


02:34 AM - 08:00 AM

Infocomms Debate

08:16 AM - Did you know that Gab had this same problem? So, what about Steemit and Minds? What did Minds and Steemit do that Gab did not do? Try to guess. If you don't know the answer, you will probably ignore this comment of mine right here. Because you have no idea what I'm talking about. Three examples. @GreggHuestis67, Gab.com is not a riddle. Gab is a website. The founder of Gab has been interviewed many times by Alex Jones, David Knight, etc. They talked about the problems. Now, you may know about Gab. But what about Steemit? Did Steemit have the same problem that Gab had? No. Why? Do you know why? Very good question. I know the answer. I have written about that answer many times on the Infocomms. But, please ignore me. Pretend that I have no idea why Steemit was able to do what Gab did not do. I have already answered the question many times. But you will roll your eyes as soon as I say blockchain. Just roll your eyes and ignore this comment.


08:21 PM - I changed my DNS to You could try that DNS or you can try maybe a Google DNS. On top of that, you can try proxies. Each thing can help.

Becoming Reporters

08:54 AM - READ MORE:

Dear Future Reporter,

Please take it a step at a time. Try not to arrive at perfection too quickly. Slow and steady wins the race. The more money you spend, more risky it becomes, percentage-wise. It's better to focus on saving money, generally speaking, 80% of your money, resources, time, etc. But exceptions can apply.

Here are the steps, as follows:

  1. First, be a reporter for free. Develop a habit of reporting with whatever you have right now. Make it a routine to report, film, write, or whatever, consistently, as often as you can, be it daily or monthly. Focus on repetition, first. Spend your first month or year focused on developing healthy habits in being a reporter.
  2. Buy a 4 TB external hard drive for about $120 USD at Walmart, as of 2017. The price for hard drives has been dropping. You want to make sure you can save your work. Some of it can be saved online. But offline copies of work is very valuable. Develop habits that helps you archive your work, in creating backups, copies, to your work.
  3. Buy a microphone for about $100 or maybe less. You can always come back later to buy an even better microphone, but one step at a time. The most expensive mic is not necessarily better. It depends on a few factors.
  4. Buy a camera. Now, this can be the hard part. Why? Because there so many different kinds of cameras out there. We could start a thread for each of these points. You can start with your phone cam, assuming your smart phone has a camera on it already. Start with what you have. Do research on what you should buy. But try to only buy one thing at a time. Just one thing. Focus on one part at a time. That was the point to what I'm trying to say here which I've learned from buying cameras, computers, microphones, phones, etc, the last twenty years. I've been researching these things for many years. I know it can be complicated for people who have not researched these things. It can take a lot of time to look into each part, each aspect. A lot of people may want to take shortcuts and just get everything they need on one second. You can try to magically get everything you need in one second. But that's like a baby learning how to sky-dive before learning to sit, crawl, stand, walk, jump, run, etc, step by step, before the baby may grow up to learn how to sky-dive. Don't just jump out of the airplane without a parachute and without enough wisdom, skills, experience, habits, momentum, money, resources, support, etc, via gradual inclination, progression, acceleration, etc.

@Pippydop, yes, no, some people prefer microphones and some are shy around mics, and it simply depends on a few factors and it mostly depends on the person, the situation, the approach. No mic means, in some cases, that it can be more relax, more friendly, in a casual conversation. You don't have to ask for permission to record people because you actually have the freedom to record people, believe it or not. Leftists have sold us the lie that we have always cry and ask for permission to record people in public places and stuff. It's a lie.

Sunday School

08:55 AM - Setup - 09:30 AM - 10:30 AM - Sunday School - Focus on Ephesians 6:10-20 - Eight key questions. How do we put on the armor of God? The Internet is like the ocean. We are like on small boats with no compass. Well, God is our compass. The Internet is like the biggest library in the world. Too often, we do not read or even know how to read. We don't know what to do. Better yet, and beyond that, we don't know that we don't know. When we fall, it is good to visualize patterns in ourselves. Pray and think about next time when we sin again. Separate yourself from your body and see yourself as a character. Recognize your emotions. Guide your life with the help of Christ. Either you let your feelings guide your life or you let your heart, your soul, guide your life with the help of our Savior. It is all about stepping back to gain perspective.


11:00 AM - 12:0 PM - We mostly sang. I thought about some good ideas for videos I want to make. So many videos. So many songs I want to sing. SO many things I want to say about life and focus. So little time. I was thinking about choices, strategy. I was also thinking about what Stefan Molyneux was saying in his video from Saturday, yesterday, with a man from Hong Kong, that is concerning strategy. Stefan said that he did better when he went with the flow of patience in playing tennis in waiting for the right moments to attack, to win, in a focus on offense. I think about finding balance in life in pleasing people to an extent, at times, in picking battles. It is key. Don't become a robot. Focus. Have patience. Live in the moment and plan ahead and reflect and don't react. Instead, proact. There is so much wisdom in proaction. Pray and conserve energy. Have patience and wait. Be mindful.

Apples To Apples

01:05 PM - @Minutemen-Of-America, I'm only right 75% of the time? @Benoaks, only 8 out of 10? Please start a thread to point out when I am wrong and stuff. I will read every comment in the Joey Thread. I try to be as open minded as possible. If I had my own Oatmeal Show, I would let anybody call into the show to debate me on anything. If you disagree with me on anything, then, like Apples To Apples, bring it on.

Trinity of Thought

01:25 PM - @Benoaks, so, I was trying to tell @GreggHuestis67 about how Gab and Steemit both have the same variety of people, good and bad. Actually, Steemit is worse. You can find bad stuff on Steemit. However, Gab had big problems with their hosts. See, Steemit has claimed, to some extent, to either not to rely on or to be less reliant on hosts like Gab was reliant on hosts and other things too, because Steemit hosts itself through a different kind of system of hosting websites than the traditional and centralized Internet 2.0 web-hosting systems, etc, which mirrors the global Rothschild and Central Banking monetary system. Infowars has been hosted in the same way that Gab was, the old way, the broken system way, you can only be as strong as a system as your weakest link in a centralized system, generally. Decentralized systems are harder to stop.

Governments, since 2009, has been trying to stop Bitcoin but failed and continue to fail. There has been other Internet Money Systems that came up before Bitcoin that governments stopped. As soon as Facebook announced their own digital tokens, governments began attacking it, that is Libra, so, @Pippydop, some of this is kind of hard to explain as it has to do with cryptography, which is a mathematical protocol system that is worth understanding at least to some extent. All of this is hard to explain to people who may not know enough. I've been studying this stuff since 2017 and I'm still learning. It's a long story. But I sometimes write a lot and sometimes write a little bit as it all depends. I mostly want people to want to know, which includes @GreggHuestis67.

I don't want to talk in books, in big paragraphs, like @Bingozee @Bingoze who is me from the future, and I instead prefer to engage people in conversations that can help people seek to learn more; otherwise, it might be a waste of time to ONLY and MERELY throw information at people all day, and that is the hard part, and that reminds me of what Stefan Molyneux was saying Saturday as he interviewed a man from Hong Kong and as Stefan talked about tennis and an emphasis on patience and strategy and especially in waiting for the right moment in life, which is key on being NOT on defense but on offense and lol we are and can be offensive, very original oatmeal offensive, to offend perhaps, to be on offense more importantly, pun intended in being offensive, the double meaning, in being in the moment, in planning ahead, in being reflective, in a Trinity of Thought.

@Minutemen-Of-America, what, 75.9? I went up almost a full point? Wow. What's the point? What happened?

Competitive Money

01:37 PM - @Pippydop, the privacy issue is one issue. However, it is not the only system. Keep in mind that there is also a transparency issue and possibly other issues as well. One issue that people care about is the freedom to move money around from country to country or from one thing to another without anything standing in the way. So, I'm trying to quickly address a few different issues. There are thousands of cryptocurrencies and they may emphasize more on one issue or another issue more so. Also, keep in mind that there are also different versions of Bitcoin as well. Some people say that one cryptocurrency that focuses on privacy is called Monero. Different people argue about what Bitcoin should do and that is why Bitcoin split into different coins. Currently, there are less than ten different kinds of Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency is a competitive money system where different coins compete against each other in free markets. That's why there is so much volatility. And volatility does not have to be a bad thing, well unless if you are against the ups and downs of free markets.

We Are Alex Jones

01:42 PM - @Benoaks, I think I agree with you 9 out of 10. The one thing I disagree with is that thing about me lol that you only agree with me 8/10. I think you actually agree with me 9/10 minus one issue, that is the issue of how aggressive I can be in how I try to attack people in throwing information at people similar to how Alex Jones yells and stuff and I like what Alex does and I do it too and I believe in it and that is why I do it because I like it and feel that it is effective more so than anything else.

Long-Term Investments

01:53 PM - @Pippydop, but we already have a cashless system online. We still have some cash, some dollars that may no longer be backup with gold, etc.

@Pippydop, remember that when you send money from one ATM to another ATM or to a bank or to an online account, etc, you are doing so digitally, AKA cashless. Now, the paper dollars may travel in trucks from bank to bank, that is later on. That may or may not happen in some cases or in all cases. But, there is a lot of centralization and control over the dollar through how the Federal Reserve System has been functioning since 1913.

Long story short, money has already been digital, already, emphasis on already. Fiat currencies like the dollar has been digital, AKA cashless, as you can wire money. When you wire money, technically, Benjamins are not flowing through your Ethernet Cable or wirelessly through the air (GREEN MONEY RAIN HAHA). Physically speaking, you are not stuffing green bills into your monitor. Instead, it is mostly digital AKA cashless already. Bitcoin did NOT start this. Rothschild did. The Federal Reserve did. So, people try to blame it on Bitcoin. I recommend that people invest in a variety of things, in gold, silver, cryptocurrencies, salt, land, water, resources, farms, gardens, minerals, food, etc.

Don't keep all your eggs in one basket, invest in long-term solutions, investments, etc, etc, and especially invest in people.

Free Zoxee

01:58 PM - @Pippydop

Freezoxxe.com appears to be dead at the moment.

Oatmeal Smile

02:07 PM - @Pippydop, cryptocurrency is a barter system and it serves as a transitional mechanism for converting dollars into value that can then be converted from place to place, temporarily and/or long-term speaking.

If you don't convert the dollars into some kind of value system that is agreed upon by many people, then you run the risk of losing value when hyperinflation sets in. Yes, Bitcoin could someday die. Anything can die. So, I don't deny that cryptocurrencies can die. Anything can die at any time. At least 20 people died at Walmart yesterday. But, at the same time, the dollar can die a lot sooner than Bitcoin might. Don't invest in more than you are willing to lose. Keep some fiat. Keep some dollars. Invest in different things. If one thing dies, then it is ok if you are able to also have another thing that is not dead. Have backups, choices, alternatives, different eggs, different projects, investments, etc. Always prepare. Always be ready with an Oatmeal Smile.

Millions of people have Bitcoin. So, it's a pretty big community that is growing each day in so many different countries, globally.

@Pippydop, yes, that's the hard part, when you run into technical difficulties with credit cards, debit cards, etc. So, do you know how to check to make sure that your cash is not counterfeit? Can you see the watermarks?

Using Cryptocurrencies

02:25 PM - @Pippydop, so, there are ways to spend cryptocurrencies, right now. There are projects that come and go that try to make it easier to make transactions with cryptocurrencies. It might be better to only invest long-term in cryptocurrencies as opposed to using it for daily transactions of buying, selling, etc. The more money you have, the more you may want to transact in buying, selling, renting, lending, etc, daily. There is a lot of volatility in cryptocurrencies as their value can go up and down each day. So, day traders risk a lot more. So, I encourage people to seek after long-term investments in cryptocurrencies, gold, etc. Daily use of cryptocurrencies is more dangerous, more risky, etc.

You can go to Steemit.com and register for free. Somebody could maybe invite you or you can sign up by yourself and wait to be vetted and approved. But if you are not invited via email to join, and you just register to join by yourself, then you wait in line for days or for weeks or maybe even months before you may get approved to join and you can join Steemit for free. You can put money into Steemit or not. I did not put any money into Steemit. I made some money on Steemit since 2017, a few dollars worth per month or so. Currently not a lot. Some people might make thousands of dollars on Steemit each year and some might make just a few dollars each year on Steemit. You can exchange Bitcoin, etc, for Steem (Steemit Money), etc. In 2017, I exchanged some of my Steem for Bitcoin and then I used some of my Bitcoin to buy a plane ticket to fly back to America from Vietnam.

Steemit Upvoting

02:32 PM - @Pippydop, on Steemit, people are not paid per click, per view, but per upvote by other Steemians. So, if you had an account on Steemit, you could visit my Steemit page for example and click on the like button, AKA the upvote button.

Steemit has a pool of money and a system for allocating the money (Steem Money) based on the upvotes and on the weight of the votes and a few different factors. So, Reddit has upvotes and downvotes. So, Steemit is similar to Reddit in some ways.


Rolls and I cooked myself oatmeal. Added honey.

Dark Alley

03:33 PM - @DarkAlley07x @DarkAlley06x @DarkAlley05x @DarkAlley04x @DarkAlley03x @DarkAlley01x and where is number 2 and hey you guys from the Goonies and yes I have played those games and many games many times and I can debate you on many things. I am reading what you write and I see your points. Do you want me to make a Dark Alley thread for you?


03:35 PM - Oh no, yes, of course, I get it, I am in your brain lol. Your brain is turning into a bowl of oatmeal. Haha and I'm glad nobody figured out that Dark Alley is another persona of @Bingozee Joey. Good thing nobody is reading this to see how many different accounts I'm making. I'm still breaking the rules with my sock puppet accounts.

Too Many Cooks

03:44 PM - Too Many Cooks. No. Too Many Borg. Wait, better yet, Too Many Books. Wait, no. Too Many Joes. Too Many Hoes. Haha. Too Many Bros. Wait, Too Many Foes. Wait better yet, Too Many Doughs, Too Many Blows. Too Many Rows. Too Many Lows. Too Many Toes. Too Many Shows.

Walmart Shooting

04:16 PM - READ MORE - Walmart FEMA - Crazy Walmart People - Sketchy Pics

Make Privacy Great Again

04:47 PM - There are things you can do to increase privacy in your life, especially on the Internet. For example, you can change your DNS to But that is only one thing you can do. Let's talk about different things that we can do. But take it a step at a time. Privacy helps you in so many ways. What can you do today, right now, that could increase your privacy? The ability for globalists to stop you increases as your privacy decreases. There are many things we all can do and try to do increase privacy. But, please take it a step at a time. I can take you through the steps, step by step. Each small thing counts. So, if you try to make plans, road trips, even privately via direct private messages, email, etc, some people may try to intercept those messages in order to get you. But the good news is that there are things we can do. There is the DNS thing. There are proxies. There is encryption. There are many things we can try to do to increase privacy. We can at least try each day to decrease problems, leaks, etc.


04:59 PM - As a kid, I'm pretty sure, in the 1990's, that we were all taught in books and on like television, etc, that the long geoengineering chem-trails were merely Summer Clouds.

Diet With Dana

05:02 PM - Hello Smart Dana. Love the blue. I love eating raw garlic. I love gardens. Thanks for joining Steemit. Beautiful.


05:13 PM - Steemid lol, yeah, glad you made it here. Beautiful. Exciting.

Gun Debate

05:18 PM - Ultimately, generally, people make choices, good and bad. Dear Trump, stop yelling about mental health as we are being distracted from bigger issues. Some people choose to do bad. Sometimes, we all make bad decisions. Some use their freewill towards murder. Plus, there is more to these situations than just that alone.

Make Food Great Again


06:00 PM - 06:30 PM

CNN Origin

07:31 PM - Articles - "If you don't read the newspaper you're uninformed. If you do read it you're misinformed." Around 1980, CNN emerged to be the first news network to sell news 24/7 during the time of the Gulf War and wars have been manipulated by globalists like Rothschild.

Sherlock Holmes

07:36 PM - @krnel - Sherlock Holmes Series Predicted Social Media Precrime Spying - Krnel wrote: "I watch a modern revival of Sherlock Holmes called Elementary. This season, the underlying theme of the series is about a billionaire big tech mogul who uses his vast empire to survey the behavior of millions or billions. Why? To find and execute people before they commit crimes."

Overlord DVD

07:53 PM - The Inquisition! Star Wars Rise of Skywalker Rumors! Star Trek Las Vegas News! Pop Culture on Trial! - Rey can't be Anakin Skywalker's mom if Plagueis is his mom, right? The first time around, in the first timeline, before Rey goes back in time, wouldn't there be no Anakin, no Luke, no Leia, no Kylo, right? If they all came from Rey, then they would not exist before she went back in time in Episode 9, right? Nerdrotic, do you like Oatmeal yum yum? So woke, it's Ewok E-WOKE Milk. Talk about Picard, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. picard probably learned to like kids in his other life where he learned to play the flute.

Walmart Shooting

08:04 PM - Will Smith & the Men in Black are back?

Good Racism

08:08 PM - Yes. Exactly, it is racist in that it is a preference, a choice, a liking, a love, a priority, towards a particular race, AKA stereotyping, profiling, favoritism, as in good racism in being racist or race-loving towards one race over another race which actually means it is bad racism towards white people as I favor Asians over whitey folks lol the snow flakes. Seinfeld is right, "If I like their race, how can that be racist?"

Mental Health

08:40 PM - How do we get Trump to stop saying "Mental Health" as that distracts us all from bigger issues, etc? How do we out-trump Trump? @texasbuilder, how do we get Trump to say that some people make bad choices instead of saying Mental Health? Is Trump Anti-Freewill? And the media is not already spinning it? What's the difference?

Infowars Magazine

08:44 PM - $30 per magazine. Make it cost more money. We the fans should be making the magazines ourselves. Simply print out articles and hand them out. That is a magazine. Just print out a few papers of Infowars articles and hand them out once a month.

Internet Blackouts

09:08 PM - @FreedomFighter414, what the Hell are you talking about? How can you stop Internet 3.0? Yes, Internet 2.0 can stop at any time.


09:16 PM - Bingozee is promoting nihilism. Can we buy robot killers? Can we buy IT and make IT that can counter them? Can we build walls around our houses?

Continued reviewing December of 2015.

2019-08-04 - Sunday

Published in August of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Contact Me - Taught English in Vietnam - Live Bookmark - Get My RSS Feed - My Newsfeed - Infowars Activism Forum
Tomorrow's News Today

The White House

President Trump Delivers Remarks Upon Departure - Trump lied and said it is a mental illness issue but it is actually a choice. People choose to do bad, generally speaking. If I saw him, I would say that. People choose to do good and bad, most of the time. But, we also enjoy making excuses. We obsess over blaming things on other people, things, etc. But many things, most things, are and can be a choice, a decision, and people don't take the time to think. So, people are not aware that they are making choices and yet they are making choices by not making choices, which is a choice in and of itself.