2012, JulysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

I was sent to jail for stopping a prank 911 call. The police came to my house that Friday night, the 13th of July of 2012, in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA, and the cops asked me if I did it. I confessed because I didn't know it was a crime to save them money and time. The police said they weren't going to do anything had I lied to say that I didn't interfere with the phone call. The two male officers took me to the jail in Hillsboro. I was there for two weeks. More on this below. It's a long story. Mr. Bean Live Performance at the London 2012 Olympic Games. I was working landscaping for my dad as usual. I was also working with Brent Groth on Mea Omnia, which was a website competitor to Facebook, etc. We were working on that for many months that year and beyond. Brent gave me a laptop. One time, he bought me pizza. He even bailed me out of jail for $500 one day, late in July or early in August 2012. He drove me around a few times around Oregon. We went sight seeing. Brent originally met me when we were auditioning for Comcast's Wanted Adventure Host. I'm not exactly sure when Brent got me the pizza, the laptop, etc. But I know it was sometime that year.

My Life in Vietnam

2012 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2013 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2014 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2015 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2016 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2017 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12

My Autobiography

1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019


01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12

July of 2012

2019-11-30 - Saturday - 11:06 AM - Created - Published on 2020-01-09 - Thursday - 08:22 PM - Published

2012-07-01 Screenshot at 2020-01-09 20:15:58.png
2012-07-01 - Sunday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in November of 2019

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Facebook | Gab | Minds | Steemit | Twitter | YouTube | And More
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted. I was living in Vietnam (2012-11-2017-11) where the local time is Indochina Time (ICT) which is 15 hours ahead of PST and 14 hours ahead of PDT.


2012-07-01 - Sunday - 04:39 PM | Alex Jones Does Not Preach The Gospel by David J. Stewart - David writes that Alex doesn't tell people to ask Christ to save them. Alex does talk about Christ at times. That's good. But more importantly, his role is not to be a pastor or not a specific version of being a pastor. David may be genuinely passionate about trying to bring people into living for Jesus. Step one, say to God you are not perfect. You are bad. Ask Christ to give you a new heart. Now, Alex focuses on helping Christians and non-Christians know history, politics, culture, psychology, etc, in order to help people make better choices, to be politically involved, etc. Alex may not be perfect but he tries to help. Alex does not tell people to reject Christ.


2012-07-02 - Monday - Olympics Whistleblower Fears For Safety, Reveals Identity


2012-07-03 - Tuesday - Thousands of New IRS Agents Hired to Enforce Obamacare

Fourth Amendment Violation

2012-07-04 - Wednesday - Police Attempt To Raid Garage Sale, Get Kicked To Curb

United Nations

2012-07-05 - Thursday - Obama Administration Participates in Finalizing UN Gun Grabbing Treaty


2012-07-06 - Friday - Alex covers the latest police state antics by the Transportation Security Administration, including testing drinks and an insane policy that will require travelers to "freeze" upon command, a control freak plan once again revealing that the nation's airports have indeed become Gestapo zones where the Fourth Amendment is dead and mean-spirited sadists rule. Alex also talks about the latest dismal economic statistics showing that the economy continues to slowly implode as stock markets plunge. Alex also talks with Jennifer Collins and Jakari Jackson, the winners of the Infowars Reporter Contest. | July 6, 1775: A Predecessor to the Declaration of Independence

United Nations

2012-07-07 - Saturday - Host Gregg Jarrett interviewed Stephen Yates about the failure of the U.N. peace plan for Syria. - The UN is a front of the globalists.

Canada Church News

2012-07-08 - Sunday - CEDARVIEW NEWS - JULY 8, 2012

Finding Meaning

2012-07-09 - Monday - 03:02 PM | The Greatest Threat To Mankind

Global Taxes

2012-07-10 - Tuesday - World Bank Seeks Role as Global Tax Collector?

Alternative Energy

2012-07-11 - Wednesday - Energy Matters Video News - Episode 70 - July 11, 2012

Bad Cops

2012-07-12 - Thursday - Video: Cops Tase Man For Refusing To ID

Sent to Jail

2012-07-13 - Friday - 07:28 PM | 09:00 PM apx - A drunk prank-called 911. I tried to stop it. Cops came and took me to jail. Police told me that what I did was a crime. I told them I was simply trying to save them a trip, that is time and money. They said they were not going to arrest me had I not confessed to trying to stop that 911 call. | DHS Adds High Powered Battle Rifle to Arms Build-up

Stopping Prank Calls

2012-07-13 - Friday - 09:00 PM - Around that time, after about 07:00 PM or 08:00 PM, probably around 09:00 PM, On the 13th, the thirteenth of July or Jul, the seven or seventh month of 2012, I, Oatmeal Joey Joe Jo Joseph Scott Arnold Rasp Morehead Mitchell Hunter Cunningham Williams Hocking Pickett Pickell Smith Henderson Amsterdam Titanic Netherlands WOLBI FGHS Salvation Army Vietnam L4OJ Ojawall, Joeyarnoldvn, born 1985 in Oregon, I was coming home from working for my dad in landscaping that Friday night as I generally would in 2012, that year, and I was in my kitchen, and I was trying to cook dinner as I normally do all of my life. My dad's GF, Robin Baker, yelled at me. I told her to go to her room. She got mad, called 911, and I stopped her. I stopped the call. I took the phone. I gently pulled the phone from her hand. I didn't hurt her. She took out her other phone and called. The cops came and took me to prison for two weeks.

Court Trial

At the prison in Hillsboro, Oregon, USA, they said they could give me a state appointed attorney. Since I don't have my own lawyer, I went with that. I'm not sure if there was a way to say no. Like, some people do represent themselves. But I guess I didn't know that. But I was probably better off with a lawyer. So, my lawyer told me that the defense attorney (D.A.) wanted to make a deal that I either plead guilty to the fake charges of sexual assault or I mean harassment or whatever they call it (which I was innocent of) in exchange for the DA dropping the federal charge of interfering with a 911 call which is punishable up to like 12 months in jail plus fines up to like thousands of dollars or so I was told by my lawyer. That is what he said. I did not try to verify what he said.

Interfering With a 911 Call

I was arrested earlier this week for interfering with a 911 - In this thread, the husband wrote: "I was charged with - Texas Penal Code - PENAL § 42.062. Interference with Emergency Request for Assistance." Criminal Lawyer Alex J. Esq. replied: "Unfortunately, Interference with Emergency Request for Assistance charge is a class A misdemeanor, which is punishable by up to 1 year in jail and fine of up to $5,000." That is what my lawyer said as well. I believe I was given a plea deal that got me out with 14 days in jail plus one year probation. I was not given a restraining order as far as I know. I didn't like pleading guilty to the smaller charge in order to get the bigger charge dropped by the DA and dismissed or ignored by the judge. But it appeared to be my best bet as far as I could tell. At first, I didn't take the deal until like Monday, the 23rd of July of 2012. My lawyer came to see me a few times while I was in jail. During like that third visitation meeting, I ended up agreeing to pleading guilty to like hurting Robin which I didn't do. I didn't injure her arms. But that Monday afternoon, or morning, I agreed. So, it was either that Monday or a few days before that. Probably that Monday. So, we were given a court date of about 09:00 AM or something, Wednesday, the 25th of July of 2012. Now, Tuesday evening, like 07:00 PM or something, Brent Groth bailed me out of jail for $500 USD. He drove me around. We ate pizza somewhere. I stayed the night at his house Portland, OR. He drove me to court for my trial that Wednesday morning, which was the next day. I was sentenced to 14 days meaning I still had one more day to serve. So, I was taken back to jail for one more day. Thursday, the 26th of July of 2012, I was released and I walked all the way home to my house in Forest Grove, OR.

While in jail for two weeks, my dad visited me once.

Picking Lawyers

Lawyer Alex continued: "So, given the gravity of the situation and seriousness of the criminal charge, it would be extremely important to consult and retain an experienced local criminal defense attorney and this local attorney might generally, be able to contest validity of the statement given by the defendant as coerced, might be able to get the case dismissed on some type of other legal technicality or at least might be able to negotiate a plea deal which could include first offender program and might allow defendant to avoid any jail time and also upon completion of the first offender program would allow defendant to avoid any criminal conviction. You can find an experienced and skilled local criminal law attorney by using this established and reputable attorney information / referral websites:"





Promise Land

2014-05-21 - Wednesday - 01:59 AM - Facebook - I wrote: "Marilyn Mitchell, here is some possible prophecy through the historical events of Joseph. Once upon a time, Robin Baker sent Joseph to slavery, to jail. She accused him of harassment. Joseph was born in Israel, or something like that. Joseph was released from jail. After that, Joseph was in Vietnam. Later, there was an Obama famine. Joseph rose in power and in influence in Vietnam as an English Teacher and as an advisor to the Egyptian Pharaoh King. The family of Joseph, including his youngest brother named Rick Arnold, the Benjamite, were given the opportunities to come to this new promise land while they still can. I invite people to come to Vietnam. We might be able to help you come to Vietnam. We want some Christian English Teachers to come to Vietnam. Come talk to us. For more information, contact the Fellowship Youth Group."

False Charges

Banning Oatmeal - Part 009

Great. NPC gets to lie about me. Robin Baker made up false charges about me. The defense attorney (D.A.) gave me a way out of those fake allegations. She had bruises on her arms because she was having heart problems. I went to jail on Friday, the 13th of July, 2012. The police came to our house in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA. The cops said they had to take me because I confessed to stopping a 911 call which they said was illegal. There was no evidence of verbal harassment. She was yelling at me like she would yell at my dad each night. She was my dad's girlfriend (GF). They would yell at each other and sometimes yell at the dog and yell at me. I calmly told her to go to her room because I was trying to cook myself dinner in my own kitchen. She went to call the cops. I stopped her. She pulled out another phone. They came. The DA took photos of her arms. She was always drinking and she was taking weed and smoking all of the time. They made up a fake case against me told me to plead guilty to something I didn't do or go to jail for a year for something I did do (stop a 911 call).


Justin Sparks Law

Also known as Interference with a 911 Call, this statute was passed in response to domestic violence situations where one party is accused of preventing someone from calling 911 by damaging or taking away their phone. Under Texas Penal Code Sec. 42.062 this offense occurs when a person…

Knowingly prevents or interferes with another person’s ability to place an emergency call or to request emergency assistance from a law enforcement agency or medical facility, or

Recklessly renders unusable an electronic communications device, such as a telephone, that would otherwise be used by another individual to place an emergency call or to request emergency assistance from a law enforcement agency or medical facility.

Punishment is a Class A misdemeanor with up to 1 year of jail time and a fine of up to $4,000. A previous conviction elevates this offense to a state jail felony.

Texas Penal Code

SAP Auto Law Website

Interference with Emergency Request for Assistance is classified in the Texas Penal Code under Title 9 “Offenses Against Public Order And Decency,” Chapter 42 “Disorderly Conduct And Related Offenses.”

The offense is described in Section 42.062 of the Texas Penal Code.

(a) An individual commits an offense if the individual knowingly prevents or interferes with another individual’s ability to place an emergency call or to request assistance, including a request for assistance using an electronic communications device, in an emergency from a law enforcement agency, medical facility, or other agency or entity the primary purpose of which is to provide for the safety of individuals.

(b) An individual commits an offense if the individual recklessly renders unusable an electronic communications device, including a telephone, that would otherwise be used by another individual to place an emergency call or to request assistance in an emergency from a law enforcement agency, medical facility, or other agency or entity the primary purpose of which is to provide for the safety of individuals.

If the actor has been previously convicted of this offense, then a conviction for Interference with Emergency Request for Assistance is punished as a State Jail Felony,2 with a maximum possible fine under Texas state law of up to $10,000 and jail time of up to two years.

In Jail

04:37 PM - Minds

I was in my house in 2012 in Oregon. My dad's GF got mad at me and called the cops. She was drunk as usual. So, I took the phone from her. Cops came and asked what happened. I told them. They said they were not going to do anything had I lied. But because I confessed to breaking a law that I didn't know about, I had to go to jail. I was almost sentenced to a year in prison plus up to $5,000 USD in fines. But the DA made a deal where I pleaded guilty to sexual harassment which I didn't do which gave me a sentence of 14 days in jail and one year probation.

2017 ORS 166.095¹

Misconduct with emergency telephone calls

A person commits the crime of misconduct with emergency telephone calls if the person:

(a)Intentionally refuses to relinquish immediately a party line or public pay telephone after being informed that it is needed for an emergency call; or

(b)Requests another to relinquish a party line or public pay telephone to place an emergency call with knowledge that no such emergency exists.

(2)As used in this section:

(a)“Emergency call” means a telephone call to a police or fire department, or for medical aid or ambulance service, necessitated by a situation in which human life or property is in jeopardy and prompt summoning of aid is essential.

(b)“Party line” means a subscriber’s line telephone circuit, consisting of two or more main telephone stations connected therewith, each station with a distinctive ring or telephone number.

(3)Every telephone directory that is distributed to members of the general public in this state shall contain in a prominent place a notice of the offense punishable by this section.

(4)Misconduct with emergency telephone calls is a Class B misdemeanor. [1971 c.743 §288; 2005 c.22 §114]

Taking The Plea Deal

My defense would have been that it was not a real emergency call. But legally speaking, the judge could have disagreed with me. I was planning on fighting for what I thought was right. So, I was preparing myself mentally to remain in jail for twelve months or longer had I lost that case. But three days before my trial, I decided to take the plea deal instead.

What Happened

Knowing what I do now, had that thing happened today, when the cops go to question me to ask what happened, I would have said, "I was cooking dinner in my house. This woman was drinking. This woman was yelling at me, She called the cops." That's it. I would not have added that I tried stopping that phone call. That is not important. What is important is that she was verbally abusing me. She was harassing me inside my house. It was not her house.

Don't Say a Word

I should have went into my dad's room and told my dad who was sleeping when the cops came. The cops separated me from Robin Baker. The one cop told me to step outside. I should have said nothing and stood there perhaps. When the cops tried talking to me, perhaps I should have stared at them with a blank face and said nothing. But it is possible that they could have put hand cuffs on me, right there in that kitchen. Perhaps it depends on the police. Had I not confessed to the crime, stopping a 911 call, they would have had nothing to arrest me on. They said they only arrested me because I confessed. So, had I not confessed, it is possible that they would have simply left.

The Phone Call

Robin called and said to the 911 operator, "Joey is yelling at me. He told me to go to my room. He doesn't wash the dishes. He has dirty clothes. He's a slob.... He is 27 years old and still lives at home. He took the phone from me....." Now, that was not accurate. But she complained in the phone call. When the police came, she continued complaining like drunks usually do.

Robin threatened to call the cops on me. So, I said, ok.

My lawyer said the DA has the testimony from the one cop who wrote it down in his report that I confessed to stopping that 911 call.

But hey, I was young then in 2012. I was trying to be perhaps too honest in that what I said was not the most relevant thing to say.

2013 Oregon Laws

Guilty of Not Stopping The Call

2017 ORS 165.570¹ - Improper use of emergency communications system

Had I not stopped Robin, I would have been guilty of breaking this other law as follows:

"If you knowingly allow another person to use communications equipment owned, rented or leased by or under the control of the person to make an emergency call or call the tip line for a purpose other than to report a situation that the other person reasonably believes requires prompt service in order to preserve human life or property."

So, I was stuck in the middle of two laws.

I didn't know that at that time. I probably had a bad lawyer who didn't tell me about this other law that says I would have been guilty had I not tried to stop her from making a non-emergency 911 call.

Two Laws

Two laws. One law says you're guilty if you stop a 911 call. Another law says you're guilty if you don't stop a fake 911 call, knowingly. Like Bart Simpson once said, "You're damned if you do and damned if you don't."

More Details

To be continued. More on this later. I will try to write more articles, posts, comments, stories, videos, pictures, memes, GIFs, threads, etc, etc, on this 2012 Oatmeal Prison Story and everything. I want to continue talking about the laws. I want to talk about what happened and did not happened in my particular case and how that might applied to you and to other people. There are always things we can learn from these types of situations. It is not really a unique event in that she was drunk. She overreact. She called the cops. I got caught in like a technicality in the laws, the rules, the codes, the acts, the policies, of the land, allegedly or so I was told. I could also write more about my life in jail, in prison, as well. Like I think on my last day in jail that some people asked me to talk like Austin Powers, yeah baby yeah. I talked to some people who said they were innocent of some crimes and maybe they were. More on some of these things later. To be continued.


2012-07-14 - Saturday - Gingrich Signs His Bohemian Grove Photo

I was in jail.

Gangnum Style

2012-07-15 - Sunday - Gangnum Style - I saw it on YouTube. People would play this song all over Vietnam in 2012 and in 2013. In 2012 alone, it surpassed a billion views on YouTube. | Proof: UN Plans To Ban American Guns

I was in jail.


2012-07-16 - Monday - Iran: Plan To Close Strait of Hormuz Finalized

I was in jail.


2012-07-17 - Tuesday - Gates-Funded Experiment To Spray Atmosphere With Sulphur Particles

I was in jail.

Buy Gold

2012-07-18 - Wednesday - Peter Schiff: ‘If you don’t own gold and silver, you really got to buy’

I was in jail.

Tech Cartels

2012-07-19 - Thursday - Mark of the Beast? FBI Wants Tattoo Database

I was in jail.

Men's Bible Study

2012-07-20 - Friday - 09:15 PM | Tagged | The Dark Knight Rises | The Libor Scandal In Full Perspective

I was in jail.


2012-07-21 - Saturday - Proof Government Stages Mass Shootings: Batman Massacre Decoded

I was in jail.


2012-07-22 - Sunday - Expert Who Concluded WTC 7 Was A Controlled Demolition Killed In Car Accident

I was in jail.

A Noble Lie

2012-07-23 - Monday - James Lane and Holland Vandennieuwenhof | ABC News Misinterpreted Statement Made by Mother of Accused Colorado Shooter

I was in jail. I took the DA's pardon deal to plead guilty to something I didn't do. I told my lawyer that. So, he told me that our court case was set for Wednesday morning, the 25th of July of 2012. Had I not taken the deal, I would have likely been found guilty of a federal offense and a sentencing up to like twelve months in jail plus fines up to like $5,000 USD. That is what I was told.


2012-07-24 - Tuesday - Shooter James Holmes and DARPA Weird Science

I was in jail until Brent Groth bailed me out for $500 that evening, like 07:00 PM or something. He drove me around in his big truck. We ate some pizza at a place in Portland, OR. I stayed the night at his apartment in PDX. He took me back for my court case Wednesday morning.


2012-07-25 - Wednesday - The Alex Jones Show | Bloomberg: Cops Should Go On Strike Until Americans Surrender Their Guns

Brent Groth drove me to the courthouse in Hillsboro, OR, around like 06:00 AM or so. I had the court trial before a judge. I pleaded guilty to hitting Robin Baker or something like that. I was sentenced with 12 years probation and 14 days in jail meaning I still had one more day to serve. So, I was put by in prison until Thursday morning.

Terminator Sky Net

2012-07-26 - Thursday - Big Sis: Drones To Be Used For “Public Safety”

I was in jail until like 05:00 AM or 06:00 AM. I was released early in the morning and I walked several miles from the jail in Hillsboro to my house in Forest Grove, OR.

Mr. Beans Olympics

2012-07-27 - Friday - Mr. Bean Live Performance at the London 2012 Olympic Games - I didn't watch this until 2019. But it is an iconic moment in history. Rowan Atkinson performs under the guise of his famous character Mr. Bean at the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games. | James Holmes Is Behaving Like Sirhan Sirhan

Mother Vlog

2012-07-28 - day - Dinner Talk - July 28, 2012 - itsJudysLife Vlog

Black Church News

2012-07-29 - Sunday - New Life News Break - July 29, 2012


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