2015-12-09steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

We made promotional videos for Different English at McDonald's near the 23/9 Park around this time with Mike, his students, and Lego Mark Zuck Lee. Travel agencies, for the first time ever in my life, began telling me they could not extend my visa for a third time for this particular visa that I made in March of 2015 in Cambodia. At that time in December, I was only beginning to get to the bottom of what that was all about. So, on this Wednesday, the ninth of December of 2015, I was probably at Anh Coffee. I probably stopped by the 23/9 Park. I was at the bubble tea shop as seen in these pictures that I took.

My Life in Vietnam

2012 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12
2013 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12
2014 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12
2015 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12
2016 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12
2017 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12

Wednesday, the 9th of December of 2015

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

2015-12-09 - Wednesday - 07:52 AM - Different English - 103 Pictures Album - LEGO MARK - 12362878_1679951942250634_1733067061712534266_o.jpg

Lego Mark Zuck Lee in the white shirt and the glasses, my favorite student.

Contact Me

Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

2015-12-09 - Wednesday - 05:36 PM - Different English - 103 Pictures Album - 12309839_1679950352250793_4798181694178210558_o.jpg

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2015-12-09 - Wednesday - 05:36 PM - Different English - 103 Pictures Album - 12339306_1679950432250785_6753860512108700253_o.jpg

Wednesday, the 9th of December of 2015 - PST - Monthly journal:

All time-stamps are in Pacific Standard Time (PST) unless otherwise noted: the local-time in Vietnam was in the Indo-China Time (ICT): for five years, I lived in the ICT time-zone: ICT is 13 hours ahead of PST (in the summer):

Visa Expired

12:00 AM ICT - My business visa expired. A third 3-month extension stamp was denied, said the same travel agency that gave me the first two extensions; and said I might be on a blacklist according to the immigration department of Vietnam. I ventured to Cambodia for a second time on or around Tuesday, the 10th of March of 2015 to make a new 3-month visa which expired on Wednesday, the 10th of June, 2015. So, I made my first extension for that visa around June 2015 for three more months. That first extension expired in or around the 10th of September, 2015. I extended my visa a second time in September 2015. In December 2015, I tried extending my visa a third time many times via different travel agencies, etc, and was denied again and again, long story, to be continued........


I verified my Firefox account in or around Wednesday, the 9th of December of 2015.

Visa History

Approximate Dates, Estimated Outline in ICT:

2015-03-09 - Tuesday - New Visa Creation in Cambodia
2015-06-10 - Wednesday - 3-months Extension
2015-09-10 - Thursday - 2nd 3-months Extension
2015-12-09 - Wednesday - 3rd Extension Rejected

Money or Free

12:05 AM - You don't have to give me money when you call or see me. Somebody asked if they had to pay to talk to me on the phone. I'll say no but thanks for asking. I don't want to require money from others. I'm here to help, not to steal, take, hurt, & destroy. Be my friend.
Joey Arnold
2015-12-09 Wed 2:20 PM, HHD, Q.1, TP.HCM - Sochie Ang: "sir joey please Help me about my English words their is a girl who correct my grammar please help me to learn more ....😴" - Liked by Cạp Già - Mai Anh

Born Leaders

01:47 AM - Are you a born leader? If so, you can form a group of your friends to come learn English Speaking with me. Register your group with me. Come with your own materials, books, videos, flash cards, curriculum, lessons, & topics. If you want to join my class, please be self disciplined, driven, & patient. Please come see me for an interview before you can be accepted. Spots are limited to first come, first served. I'm American. I live in HCM. - 15 Likes - 3 Comments
Tuition: 50,000 VND/student/hour
Joey Arnold
2015-12-09 Wed, 4:40 PM, HHD, Q.1, TP.HCM - Liked by Thảo Phương Nguyễn

Friends Learn English Together

01:59 AM - Blogspot - 04:40 PM ICT Wed - HHD - I wrote:

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Friends Learn English Together...
Are you a born leader? If so, you can form a group of your friends to come learn English Speaking with me. Register your group with me. Come with your own materials, books, videos, flash cards, curriculum, lessons, & topics. If you want to join my class, please be self disciplined, driven, & patient. Please come see me for an interview before you can be accepted. Spots are limited to first come, first served. I'm American. I live in HCM.
Tuition: 50,000 VND/student/hour
Joey Arnold
2015-12-09 Wed, 4:40 PM, HHD, Q.1, TP.HCM
Tel: 0168-478-5542

Sister Katie

06:10 AM - Sister Katie Jean Arnold sent me a Facebook Friend Request.

Different Pics

07:52 AM - Different English - 103 Pictures Album - 05:36 PM - Facebook - Different English

Different English

08:43 AM - Mike's Different English Joey - 29 Likes - 2 Comments - Romelus Saladar: "YEAH.... Mcdonald Trần Hưng Đạo - Q.1 JunkFOOD Mania !!!" - Art Rachman: "is that interview ?" I taught at Mike Thế Anh's Different English. Liked by Liên Võ - Different English - I was tagged in a post by Anh-Chi Nguyen

Love English

09:39 AM - Comment - Romelus Saladar replied: "Joey Arnold DUDE.... you GOTTA COME to The Love English Club on SUNDAY EVENING 7pm.... ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY mate !!!" Thursday, Rona Albo added: "Can i have ur mobile no.?"

Facebook Tagging

10:56 AM - Facebook messaged me:

You can now tag your friends in your status or post. Type @ and then type the friend's name. For example: "Had lunch with @John Smith."

Learn more about tagging on Facebook.

Nomadica Magazine

04:25 PM - I emailed Brendan and Bailey to respond to their Craigslist ad. They emailed me the following:


Thank for your responding to our advertisement on Craigslist. Please respond to the email addresses given at the bottom of this text.

My name is Brendan and my partner's name is Bailey. We're both Canadian but spend most of our time overseas. My background is international development; I grew up in Saudi Arabia and am currently living in Japan. Bailey grew up in Costa Rica and has been jumping around the globe for a few years now. She's recently relocated from Paris to the Napa Valley.

Firstly, let me give you some background information about who we are and what kind of company we are trying to create. The name of our company is Nomadica Magazine. As stated in our advertisement, we are a budding digital publication enterprise specializing in producing content focused on travel and culture. By producing original and informative content in an engaging multi-media format, our organization strives to expose the raw and natural beauty of our planet and its peoples. Our publications will cover a wide range of subjects including (but not limited to) adventure travel, culture, tourism, international development, globalization, sustainability, exploration, and human interest.

Our primary aim is to enable aspiring writers, photographers, and videographers to develop their resume and further their career in their respective field of expertise through collective action and engagement. Our website will act as a platform through which modern nomads and intrepid travelers, both professional and amateur, can share their experiences with the world.

Our website is currently in the prototype stage and consequently we are in the process of accumulating content in anticipation of our launch. Photo series, interviews, reviews, feature articles, opinion articles, short films, etc. are all being sought out at this time. Our small team will be responsible for editing and formatting all content submitted.

Because we are an emerging organization our budget is fairly limited. Therefore at this time we are only offering unpaid internship positions. Those interns which are able to produce engaging and high-quality content consistently will be offered paid contractual positions in the future. Interns must have writing as well as photographic skills.

If you are only seeking a strictly commercial relationship in which we pay you per article or video, we understand. However, if you're interested in working with us in a way which includes you as part of our growth strategy, please let me know. Either way it would most likely be for the best to discuss things over Skype. I will attach our contact information to the bottom of this email. In the meantime, please take a quick look at our temporary landing page on our website, Nomadicamagazine.com. It's a very rough landing page but maybe it will give you more of an idea of our style. We can show you our actual prototype website layout during our meeting. If you have any more samples of your work or information you would like to share with us please feel free to do so. Please respond to this email directly to our un-encrypted address.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you soon.


Brendan and Bailey

Fall In Love

04:31 PM - Facebook - BANNED Fall In Love Song - Thương Lê - Hồng Thắm - Uy HR - Hoai Thuong - Jimmy Thuy Trang

Different English

06:19 PM - 103 Photos Shared Here - Album

Google Me

07:46 PM - A Craigslist English Teacher Recruiter sent me this link of his or her search, investigation, on the origin and identity of the Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold, that is me. If you click here, then you see pictures of me and other people from Google Images, from different websites.


07:52 PM - Facebook - 08:14 PM - Blogspot - 11:00 AM ICT - Thursday - AC - Liked by Dee Baa - Mai Luyen - I wrote the following:

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Return to USA? Homesick? No, VietnamSick
Will you return to your country for the Lunar New Year? No, because we don't celebrate that holiday. People ask me this question all of the time. Do you miss your family? Yes. Will you go back? Yes, maybe, but Vietnam is my family as well. Are you homesick? Yes, but if I travel back to the America, then I'll be Vietnam-Sick. I like Vietnam. I moved to Vietnam in the year of 2012
I've dreamt of world travel since the age of eight, to help, act, sing, teach, dance, volunteer, educate, entertain, inspire, aid, learn, explore, live, love, experience, & encourage people all around the world. Now, I'm 30 years old & have been living in Vietnam for over three years now. What are your dreams? What are your goals? I want to help people. More specifically, that is what I do and that is what I continue to try my best to do more of. I was born in the United States in 1985 in Oregon. Why don't you live there now? Because I want to give back to society. I want to contribute all that I am and have from America to and for people of other countries. That is what I do. I help people who are trying to live in America. How do you help people move to the USA? I teach English which helps people pass immigration interviews, obtain educational scholarships, & prepare for employment endeavours. I help people pursue their dreams & careers through developing life skills. I'm full of passion, not anger. I'm not an expert at anything really, but I try my best to share my skills, knowledge, charisma, gifts, & experience with others. Some of my hobbies includes basketball, writing, reading, speaking, listening, sports, video games, computers, technology, acting, filming, directing, art, design, singing, dancing, thinking, debating, board games, movies, comedy, joking, bikes, questions, mysteries, learning, having fun, ice-cream, oatmeal, Jesus, character development, telling stories, Batman, piano, guitar, making up things, cartoons, Star Wars, Turtles, Rangers....
Why don't you work at an English Center? Because I'm trying to create my own language school. I've worked at schools & other places before in the north of Vietnam & also in Saigon as well. I've been teaching, counselling, & working with people (like children, especially), since the year of 2003. I have years of experience. I studied it in school as well. Sometimes, I disagree with how some schools teach English. Some schools are more focused on more traditional methods of learning which proves to be mainly ineffective. They focus on keeping students coming back. They milk-out lessons & raise tuition while diminishing actual uninterrupted time with real native English speakers & foreigners. They focus on grammar more than communication & pronunciation, which is a problem. I work & volunteer at a center or classroom now & I'm doing other things as well
Joey Arnold
2015-12-10 Thursday, 11 AM: Anh Coffee: Q.1, TP.HCM
Tel: 0168-478-5542
Posted by Unknown at 8:14 PM

Save Money

08:43 PM - Facebook - 55 Likes - 6 Comments - 3 Shares - Liked by Cẩm Nhung - Minh Trang - Phạm Phương Thảo - I wrote the following:

Please don't spend more money than you make. Please don't go shopping when you're hungry. Please plan ahead. Please don't take out loans. Please don't borrow money. Please only buy what you need and not what you want. Think about others and about your future.


09:11 PM - Picture Comment - I commented: "Joyful." Thanh Ốc replied to my comment: "network image :)))."


10:07 PM - Dandelion Dương Dung asked me: "are you english teacher?" 12:37 PM ICT - Thursday - December 10th, 2015.


10:49 PM - Picture Comment - Út Ân replied: "Thanks Joey Arnold."

YouTube or Porn

11:42 PM - Facebook - 11:47 PM - Blogspot - 02:00 PM ICT - Thursday - HHD - I wrote:

YouTube or Porn?

My video got about 40 hits or views on YouTube.... but that same video uploaded to Facebook got over 400 views. Both videos were shared about the same time on my Facebook but it seems that people are scared of viruses & anything that comes from outside of Facebook. There is a lot of spam on the internet & people are confused about it. Sadly, people simply avoid things that might be dangerous.
A video from YouTube will say YouTube or something in the player box. You may also see an address link that will take you to the correct URL address of their website that we all trust. Viruses and porn and bad things will be linked to unfamiliar websites and addresses. You can hover and discover where the videos and links and information and other things are coming from before you watch or click on them. Education is fundamental. Don't live in fear of the problems out there. Learn a little bit about it & take action & be in control. Try your best each day to learn more & to be better.
2015-12-10 Thu 2 PM: HHD Q.1 HCM: Tel: 0168-478-5542
Joey Arnold

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 59708.78
ETH 3185.76
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.45