2012, January
I was hanging out with Matt Kurtz and his friends a lot from 2010 to 2012. So, I learned a lot from him: things about life, philosophy, movies, television shows, video games, board games, hiking, thinking, logic, Metal Gear, patience, character development, enjoying a good story without taking too many shortcuts, etc. In January of 2012, I was watching through the 4th season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, most likely. Obama & Romney had the same banker campaign contributors? Infowars Nightly News videos with Alex Jones. My Facebook was JoeyArnold FbSeven | Facebook eventually terminated some of my accounts. This makes it tougher for me to review my life. I joined Facebook in like 2006 and always felt like it would never censor. Boy was I wrong. Here is a rough draft outline of January 2012. Some of it relates to me and some of it does not. For example, I was not actually watching Alex Jones or Lionel Nation until like 2016. I probably made some videos. I was playing video games. Part of the time, I was living in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA, with my father, from 2011-2012. I was working for my father in the family business, landscaping.
My Life in Vietnam
2012 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2013 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2014 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2015 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2016 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2017 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
My Autobiography
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
2012-01-14 - Saturday - Joey Arnold in Vancouver, WA
January of 2012
Created on 2019-11-30 - Saturday - 10:52 AM
Published on 2019-12-05 - Thursday - 03:07 AM
By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
@OatmealJoey | @OatmealEnglish | @OatmealHealth | @JoeyArnoldVN
Published in November of 2019
Matt Kurtz getting some tacos, sometimes even at like 4am. We enjoyed the tacos and Smash Bros. He is wearing a Camp Kuratli jacket. I originally met him at that camp in 2007.
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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT), unless otherwise noted. I was living in Vietnam (2012-11-2017-11) where the local time is Indochina Time (ICT) which is 15 hours ahead of PST and 14 hours ahead of PDT.
Friend Requests
2012-01-01 - Sunday - 02:02 AM - Veraa Brajamolek | Infowar Anon | Dilbert Comic | Happy New Year, Eschatologists! This One’s On The House. | New Year Resolution
2012-01-02 - Monday - Catherine Austin Fitts on the Economy | Sayonara, Common Sense. Adios, Critical Thinking
Two Party Deception
2012-01-03 - Tuesday - “If Voting Made Any Difference, It Would Be Illegal.”
Disney Comcast
2012-01-04 - Wednesday - Friend Requests - 03:28 PM | Firas Dera Riani | Disney to Comcast - Ten Year Content Transition Distribution Agreement | The Deliberate & Criminal MSM Marginalization of Dr. Paul
End The Fed
2012-01-05 - Thursday - It’s Rigged! Wake Up, Sheeple. It’s A Work. The Fix Is In. Stop Analyzing. Start Realizing
Do Your Explicit Homework
2012-01-06 - Friday - 09:33 PM | Audio | Thinking Like Dancing — The Devolution of American Mentation and Cerebration | Star Wars: The Clone Wars 413 "Escape from Kadavo"
Describing Alex Jones
2012-01-07 - Saturday - Lionel Nation Blog | Open Borders USA - Pandering to Illegals
Lionel Nation said
Alex [Jones] is simply without peer when it comes to his platform and delivery system. He’s mastered ever medium of data and information delivery imaginable, viz. radio, audio podcasts, TV, documentary, print, carrier pigeon, cuneiform, smoke signals . . . but I digress.
The man’s a citation machine. And as I’ve often admonished citizen historians and observers, demand citation, reference and authority. Insist upon the source of a claim being made. Jones spews citations relentlessly, without surcease. And his powers of steel trap recall are frightening. And I don’t mean vague recollections; I’m talking statutory particularities and arcana that would impress the most encyclopedic of eidetic memory mavens. He’s a whirlwind. A dynamo. A machine. The passion he possesses is unheard of in conventional broadcast spheres. His teeth-gnashing grit and excitement, his perfervid adherence to his mother Constitution inspire me. He’s a whirlwind, a machine and a cosmic force not to be trifled with. Dismiss him at your own peril.
2012-01-08 - Sunday - 11:53 PM | Bobby J Ishcomer posted something via Causes. | Join my cause: Stop Youtube accepting and showing cruelty to animals | from Bobby J Ishcomer
NPC Reference
2012-01-09 - Monday - The United States of Trained Media Monkeys
1 Corinthians 7
2012-01-10 - Tuesday - 11:25 PM | Marriage Path | The Height of Duplicity
A Noble Lie
2012-01-11 - Wednesday - Trump said that Ron Paul could not get elected | Ron Paul Wins New Hampshire!
Friend Requests
2012-01-12 - Thursday - 09:49 PM - Peter Rasp became friends with Maryha Lailana Fitriatul Hilwa | “Signing Statements?! I’m Too Stupid. Can’t You Tell?”
Be Outraged
2012-01-13 - Friday - With the Exception of You and Me, Americans Are Frightfully Stupid Clone Wars 414 - A Friend In Need
Ice-Cream Joey
2012-01-14 - Saturday - 03:01 PM | Matt Kurtz Vancouver (MKV) | DC Eric subscribed L4OJ on YouTube
2012-01-15 - Sunday - 10:44 AM | I first heard about Dexter at WOLBI in like 2005. I thought they were talking about that cartoon, Dexter's Laboratory. | I first saw bits and pieces of it at Matt's Kurtz back in like 2010 or 2011. I started to binge watch through Dexter in like January of 2012. So, I got caught up around that time. After that, I would watch all of the newer episodes each week to the series finale in 2013. | 03:17 PM
Born This Way
2012-01-15 - Sunday - 04:49 PM | Facebook | My Facebook Name - JoeyArnold FbSeven | Robbie Mcgahon | John Rooney | Barbara Johnston said murder is wrong and homosexual is negotaiable. | Helga Gartland agreed.
Ed Corcoran
2012-01-16 - Monday - Survivalist Magazine | Complete Survivalist | Mike Adams | Don’t Tell Me the Truth!
Same Banker
2012-01-17 - Tuesday - Obama & Romney had the same banker campaign contributors?
Mandatory Vaccines
2012-01-18 - Wednesday - SOPA. PIPA. Internet Kill Switch | POLIO VACCINES NOW THE #1 CAUSE OF POLIO PARALYSIS | The Internet Needs You - The World Wide Wiretap
Weaponization of Vaccines
2012-01-19 - Thursday - VACCINE WARFARE! TEXAS AIR-DROPS RABIES VACCINES OVER 7,000 SQ. MILES AREA | The Frogs Are Being Boiled
2012-01-20 - Friday - Dangerous Is He Who Channels Our Forebears | Newt Cheats, Presidents Kill | Clone War 415 - Deception
2012-01-21 - Saturday - 04:07 PM
Friend Requests
2012-01-22 - Sunday - 07:56 AM | Joseph Arnold | Restore Main Street | 08:01 AM | Oo Joey Arnold | Blake Webb
2012-01-23 - Monday - IMAG0006 | Realize It’s Real Lies and Its Real Lies | SOPA
2012-01-23 - Monday - I went to play basketball with myself on a cold January in the same park I grew up going to near my trailer park trailer in the ghetto of Forest Grove, Oregon, USA.
2012-01-24 - Tuesday - IMAG0033 | YouTube Video | MKV | IMAG0047 | Can You Say Irony?
Understanding Freedom
2012-01-25 - Wednesday - Liberty Sometimes Demands Anarchy | Pre-Crime Red-Light THought Police
Repeating vs Reporting
2012-01-26 - Thursday - The Most Biased “News” Repeating Agency on the Planet | Globalism 101 | The Rosie Show Feat. Joe Rogan on 2012 01 26 - They talk about Building Seven which fell on 2001-09-11 - Tuesday - The eleventh of September of 2011 in United States of America (USA)
Lionel Podcast
2012-01-27 - Friday - Ted Baxter MSM Imbeciles Drop the Ball on ACTA | Government Killed Internet Freedom | Clone War 416 - Friends & Enemies
Picky Eaters
2012-01-28 - Saturday - Picky Eating Adults Video | SOLiVE24 - Japanese Show | Airlines turn tax break into big profits - A purpose behind ths news story may involve tricking the audience into hating taxes. That is one of the goals. Bernie Sanders talks about taxing the rich. Corporations have been created with the help of governments. So, crony capitalism is not free market competition. Some of it involves corporate cartels, tech cartels, other cartel systems. Some of it involves central bankers, Wall Street, plutocracy, and even monopolism. But taxes has been hurting people. Also, tax breaks helps people. So, this CBS video seeks to turn people away from freedom and towards alleged safety which is actually slavery, 1984 tyranny, etc.
Hal Lindsey Report
2012-01-29 - Sunday - CreationMINUTE: In Defense of ISRAEL | LARA LOGAN | | Kiana Dirden | Nami's 1st Performance
Oja Wall
2012-01-30 - Monday - 10:59 PM | 11:05 PM | Reverbnation | Climate Hoax | Greece | Revolution Against Tyranny Is Quintessentially American
Fake News vs Taxes
2012-01-31 - Tuesday - 11:00 PM - Why Is Israel So Chatty About Iran? | Jerome Corsi | Stop Appeasing the Tyrants | Lionel on Ron Paul
2019-11-30 - Saturday - 10:52 AM - January of 2012
2010's Outline
Theology Online Joey
Matt Kurtz Vancouver - MKV
I visited this English Club in 2015 in Vietnam
Education | Entertainment | Health | History
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Main Topics & Categories
2012-01-14 - SaturdayObama & Romney had the same banker campaign contributors?
Government Killed Internet Freedom
Can You Say Irony?
2012-01-17 - Tuesday - Frank Harker
January 17 2012 (1/2)
If Real Life Was Facebook
2012-01-16 - Monday - 01:26 AM - 16th of January of 2012 by my brother, Rick Arnold
Rick Wrote
The one thing I have found out about facebook is that it is like so difficult to like follow people's lives by reading their facebook posts. I mean it's like people are like in relationships with people and then like all of a sudden one day like all the pictures and references to the person they are in a relationship with is like gone, and you like back track their posts to try to figure out what happened. Or people like get married and you're like what the heck, when did this happen, like it is so strange trying to follow people on facebook. Like something happened to someone my wife and I know, and I tell her, and she's like, how did you find that out and I'm like Facebook, of course. And like, I never use the word like when I am talking but some how when writing everything like comes out so much better. And like if someone was trying to follow my life by my fb posts they would have a hard time cause I'm like not good at posting things about myself and especially not random everday insignificant details like today I got up and went to work and put a new grille on my car after work that i had to replace cause some stuff fell out of a guys truck on the highway cause he must be some country folk that has no use for bungie cords, and that's about it really, see i'm not like good at this like at all.
Headless Doll Doctor
2012-01-14 - Saturday - 02:16 AM - Power Rangers Kids - Headless Doll Doc - 1996-02-04 - Sunday - 4th of February of 1996 - Day 02 - The 14th of January of 2012 - Oatmeal Joey Arnold | Rick Arnold | Album
Honduras 2011
2012-01-26 - Thursday - 01:03 AM - Rick Arnold Photos
Family Reunion
2012-01-26 - Thursday - 11:16 AM - Marilyn Mitchell
Safe Eyes Parental Control Software
2012-01-27 - Friday - 03:36 PM | iSafety | Rick Arnold wrote:
There are not many products like this out there. Stores do not carry products like this at all. And the internet is like a wild jungle with no protection. This program allows you to block certain kinds of sites, like gambling, or games, or other categories you don't want accessed on your home computer. It also has a nice feature where you can limit the number of hours you can use the internet each day. That helps everyone not to be able to waste too much time on the internet. My wife's niece was staying with us the other day, and if not for the program limiting her time, I'm 98% sure she would have spent the whole day on facebook, since 6:30 am when she got up. Well, let's face it, the internet is highly highly addictive for everyone, not just kids or young people. You can spend the whole day doing nothing on the internet, just checking news stories or research on actors or another subject that interests you, or whatever.
Almost 30 Years Old
2012-01-28 - Saturday - 07:41 PM | Karen Williams wrote:
Karen: "Almost thirty years old,wow keep doing what's right." Rick replied: "yeah, almost. yes, I'll try."
2012-01-23 - Monday - 02:36 PM - 23rd of January of 2012 - 156 Photos