
in #j5 years ago

Invalid Cookie. Tommy Appeal Video. Ray Donovan 606, 607. Practiced Driving. David & Goliath. AA clean. Tim Pool: Trump Invited Me To The White House Social Media Summit, Here Is Why I Am Attending. Looks like a fake message from somebody who is not really 13. It is unlikely that a 13 year-old would say that because, psychologically, generally, teenagers begin to separate themselves from their parents, and they begin acting (allegedly) like adults in some ways and in many cases, especially boys, and they begin thinking they know everything. Abortion Debate: Bingozee is right that a human may not be living until that human is breathing. However, that is not the same as being alive, which begins before birth. It really comes down to etymology. It really comes down to how you define different terms. I see infighting everywhere in life. Can you show me a place that does not have infighting? Good vs Better: @Zor, if Infocomms makes you angry, then that is probably a symptom, a sign of deeper issues inside your own soul, unfortunately, as they say, "You can get the man out of the ghetto, but can you get the ghetto out of the man?" Anger is just an emotion. It can be good and bad. It depends. But ultimately, life is about which choices can be better and not just good. Don't just settle for doing good. That's a subjective rationalization that can lead towards a path of destruction.

New Friends

Ngoc Anh Ta Nguyen

Fox News

Live: House committee holds hearing on treatment of migrant children at the border - They disabled the live chat while this video was streaming online. Why? Because the comments were exposing the fraud in this video. Sandy Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) was speaking in Spanish to the non-American mother and they began going back and forth in Spanish. Then, somebody said hey please translate and then they all laughed like goblins hahahaha.

My Phone Number

My cell phone number is 360-229-2168

By Oatmeal Joey

Contact Me - Facebook - Infowars - Discord - Steemit - Telegram - Other Social Networks

My Life in 2019

January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August

Ray Daughter Screenshot at 2019-07-10 00:58:55.png

Some highlights from 2019-07-10 - Wednesday, as follows:


2019-07-09 - Tuesday - 11:10 PM - 12:02 AM - Ray Donovan 606
2019-07-10 - Wednesday - 12:04 PM - 01:05 AM - Ray Donovan 607

Tommy Appeal Video

04:06 AM - Click here to watch his newest video.

His new website is TommyAppeal.com.

When I went to watch the video, YouTube asked me if I was sure about watching what the community deemed bad.

This video has no comments, other videos, or even a view count.

@firstfire508, the share button might be gone.

But I copied and paste the URL using my web browser instead of relying on buttons. Most people, especially on Twitter and Facebook, rely on the buttons for everything. It surprises me that most people seem not to know how to use the Internet without Facebook buttons or Twitter buttons that can help assist them in whatever they want to do.

Social Media Summit 2019

04:53 AM - Paul Joseph Watson (PJW) of Infowars & Summit News & Prison Planet & News Wars:

"Have any of the people who got invited to the social media summit actually been censored by social media?"


"What a joke. @ GrrrGraphics , someone who has actually faced social media censorship, is no longer invited to this clown show white house social media summit for the thoughtcrime of criticizing the wrong people in a few cartoons and because the media whined about it."

This follows after allegedly @ JackPosobiec was also uninvited and anyone who has actually faced online censorship and no-platforming never got an invite in the first place.

These are all staunch Trump supporters and people who helped him get elected in 2016. (Like Laura Loomer)

Bill Mitchell

"I will be attending the White House Social Media Summit on July 11th, 2019 in Washington, DC. I thank President Trump for the honor of this private invitation. I will stand up for all of you there. We are # MAGANation and we will not be silenced!"

Will Sommer

"Laura Loomer didn't get an invite to the White House social media summit, and she's not happy about it."


Owen Shroyer

All this talk about a social media summit and social media censorship and yet there's censorship in that as well. Hardly a mention of Alex Jones and Infowars, Patient Zero. We are the Dark Knight.

1776 Worldwide Money Bomb

34 Hour Special Broadcast - Plus Live Coverage of Trump's Social Media Summit

08:00 AM Central Standard Time (CST) - Thursday - 2019, July 11th

06:00 PM - Friday

How-To Watch

You may also find videos and live streams on YouTube, Facebook, Bitchute, Periscope, Dlive, etc, etc, via General Shepperd, Ron Gibson, Here Comes, etc, etc.


10:48 AM - @MAGA_TITAN, according to your Infocomms badge page, it says you're a basic user, meaning, according to a Discourse page, that you should be allowed to send messages to users. But there may be limits to how many messages you can send per day, especially during the first few days of joining. Beyond that, there may be other limits.

My Phone Number

10:57 AM - @Memeart, whether or not an individual should or shouldn't publish and share their phone numbers online depends on a few factors. It's not an automatic no for some people. For example, the White House has a public switchboard. There are 1800 numbers.

My cell phone number: 360-229-2168

@Bingozee is offended by my phone number, like as if my phone number was an animated zombie dog that bit @Bingozee in the you know what and gave @Bingoze Leftism Cancer.

Message From Children?

11:18 AM- Looks like a fake message from somebody who is not really 13. It is unlikely that a 13 year-old would say that because, psychologically, generally, teenagers begin to separate themselves from their parents, and they begin acting (allegedly) like adults in some ways and in many cases, especially boys, and they begin thinking they know everything.

Imma Call

How many kids write "Imma call" compared with Nigerians and possibly other people as well? Sounds like bad English, like broken English, but not from a kid.


How many kids uses that word? Most kids don't.

Abortion Debate

11:28 AM - Bingozee is right that a human may not be living until that human is breathing.

However, that is not the same as being alive, which begins before birth. It really comes down to etymology. It really comes down to how you define different terms.

@GreggHuestis67, but @Bingozee is not disagreeing, even if he says he is disagreeing, because he is using different words with different definitions to refer to different things while pretending to be talking about what you're talking about in the abortion debate, when in fact he is actually talking about a specific definition to living outside of the womb, which is all about breathing independently of the mother, but you were talking about the essence of being alive which begins prior to birth, but you are not on the same page as @Bingoze and you two are talking about two different things and therefore the disagreement is not really there. It's a deception to say that you guys are disagreeing when he is talking a very specific aspect to life which involves living, breathing, outside of the womb, while you're focused on the origin of that, which begins at conception and with the spirit.

I agree with @Bingozee that a baby begins breathing and living at birth and after birth and not before birth. Sadly, @Bingozee might lie, for example, and say that we disagree with that when we do in fact do agree. @Bingozee hates that I know how to read what he is writing.

Infocomms Debate

11:51 AM - Person: I was banned off Twitter.
Admin: Come talk here on Infocomms.

Person: No. Too many trolls here.
Admin: Alright. Boom. I banned the trolls.

Person: Wait, Joey is still here.
Admin: Alrighty then. Kazaam. He's gone.

Person: Please moderate more.
Admin: Alright, moderation activated.

Person: Wait, now you're moderating too much.
Admin: Oh, you fool. You're like Goldy Locks and the three little bears. Oh, the bed is too small, too big, and never just right.


11:56 AM - @cyberpunkspike, in regards to who can self-govern, and self-determine, and seek after independence, the success rate depends on the individual, mostly, fundamentally, but regardless of what happens, it is better to give people that freedom (that OPPORTUNITY) to try to self-govern, to make their own choices, decisions, in life, as much as possible, through free markets, Americana, through limiting global government, monopolism, tyranny, technocracy, etc.

Open Borders Hearing

12:19 PM - Live: House committee holds hearing on treatment of migrant children at the border - What country is this again? And this is irrelevant to Soros Open Borders.


12:25 PM - @iwarmy is right and there are reasons for that. Moderating can be time-consuming.


On live-stream YouTube videos, for example, moderators babysit the whole entire time.

Many Chat Rooms

So, in some ways, Infocomms could be like a 24/7 hour collection of chat rooms (ALREADY, RIGHT NOW). Each thread is like a separate chat room.

Fork In The Road

Ultimately, it's up to the Infocomms leaders to decide how they want to do it and there are different ways to do it and we've talked about some of that before.

Hybrid System

Most websites, like Facebook, has flagging systems, where you report and flag things. So, Facebook has a hybrid system of automated bots and human moderators.

Skate At Your Own Risk

I would favor no moderation at all. Financially, make limits to how much a user can post.

Level Up

Allow users to level up the ranks when they submit offline activism videos, etc.

Appealing Process

If they don't already have it, the Infocomms should have an appeal process.


12:31 PM - I see infighting everywhere in life. Can you show me a place that does not have infighting? @Vitt, yes, I agree in the pursuit of minimizing infighting in the same way we try to minimize crime. By the way, when children do bad things, then we can blame the parents. But it may not be the fault of the parents. Stefan Molyneux talks about that. Regardless, life is messy. Life is not a utopia. Infighting is like dirt on the floor. Each day, you sweep up more dirt. But does that mean you should destroy your floor because of the dirt lol? @Rob_Roy, Yes, I worship Lord Jar Jar Binks.

Public Phone Numbers

12:40 PM - I like having a public phone number. It's better that way. But you can screen the phone numbers. You can turn off your ringer. You can have multiple SIM cards, phones, numbers. I may only answer the phone if I know who is calling. This means you should probably text me first and tell me who you are. Then I will probably Google you to confirm it. Then, if I feel like it, I may respond to that particular incoming phone call. It's called vetting. Some people actually call up random phone numbers.

Star Wars

12:41 PM - The real Han Solo would never let his own son murder him lol. Sadly, that old white man in Star Wars The Force Awakens was not really Han Solo or it was one from a parallel universe, one consumed by sadism, nihilism, perhaps. Oh, and don't get me started with that other old white man, Luke Skywalker lol.

Phone Number Debate

12:46 PM - @Leviticus hates the fourth amendment, which is a bigger issue than this alleged symptom.

Good vs Better

12:51 PM - @Zor, if Infocomms makes you angry, then that is probably a symptom, a sign of deeper issues inside your own soul, unfortunately, as they say, "You can get the man out of the ghetto, but can you get the ghetto out of the man?" Anger is just an emotion. It can be good and bad. It depends. But ultimately, life is about which choices can be better and not just good. Don't just settle for doing good. That's a subjective rationalization that can lead towards a path of destruction.

Infighting Debate

01:01 PM- To some extent, it depends on what "INFIGHTING" means in the first place. Believe it or not, people have different definitions to infighting, and different perspectives upon the roles that infighting may or may not serve.

Infighting might be like your spleen, liver, lungs, kidney, or some kind of organ inside your body.

Long story short, some people may say you do not need certain organs, body parts, infighting. It depends on what kind of infighting, etc.

Some people believe that humans are products of evolution, mutation, the big bang theory, that we are accidents.

From that perspective, some of our organs may be a mistake.

Likewise, from that same perspective, people can also choose to believe that infighting, and the freedom of speech, like some organs, can be a mistake as well.

Therefore, cut it out, they say.

Pun Intended.

Channeling the spirit of Michelle Tanner of Full House.

Wait, no, I mean Joey Gladstone.


01:06 PM - Mind Control - Roseanne Barr: "Mind control splits you in half."

Phone Scam Debate

01:16 PM - I doubt that reporting scams is effective enough, depending on a few factors.

@Memeart, no, responding to a phone number does not help a hacker hack into a phone. A response might encourage a hacker to hack into a phone, assuming that the hacker is fishing around for active phones, and yet even that is debatable.

If a scammer calls you or texts you, then that scammer is probably trying to scam you by getting you to meet them in person, to text them some private information, credit card information, etc.

But a scammer is not necessarily a hacker.

Do I need to teach you how hacking works?

People say on Facebook, "If you send a message to this person or that person, then your Facebook will be hacked into, because you responded."

But that is not really true, not technically speaking.

Like I said, your response might encourage a hacker to hack you.

But responding does not assist in the actual hacking itself (generally or to an extent, depending on a few factors).

You need to understand how hacking works in order to get what I'm trying to say.

@Memeart, why are you so ignorant? A phone number is like a house.

If I tell you where my house is, that might help you break into my house.

Same thing with phone numbers.

But the house is not opening the door for you.

Therefore, it's not completely relevant.

Also, many phone numbers are already public.

Like the White House.

Has public phone numbers and physical locations.

Now, some of the things you might be referencing is thanks to deeper issues concerning the violation of the fourth amendment, that is of privacy, thanks to China, DARPA, technocracy, globalism, big tech, backdoors, remote access, etc. So, you're sadly speaking of potential or ongoing symptoms while I'm trying to focus more on the root sources to those symptoms. Too often, people are blind as they stare and focus on symptoms while ignoring the source of those problems and that's what I'm trying to get at.

On one hand, I speak about generalities and in other cases I try to raise awareness to the root of the problems.

Too often, people don't get how computers work.

So, @Memeart, if you know so much about how computers work, then you should take that as a responsibility not to mislead the general public who may not be as attuned as you might be concerning some of the alleged symptoms that you're focusing on while possibly ignoring deeper issues that those symptoms come from and some of that misleads and distracts some of the people who may not see the bigger picture of it all.

My phone number is 360-229-2168.

Please hack into my phone.

@therecfem, you're right.

Phishing is a problem for most people.

Phishing is like a Trojan-Horse.

It's like a cleaver way to sneak viruses inside.

Most computers uses Windows, and that is a big vulnerability.

Most viruses are designed with Windows in mind.

Similar things may happen with the phone as well.

It depends on a few factors, like your operating system for example.

The problem with phishing isn't merely in the knowledge of the email address or phone number alone as that is like a car.

When a person hacks into your car, the problem isn't necessarily in the knowledge of the car alone for example.

The problem is mostly that the hacker is hacking and less on the thing that the hacker is hacking.

Hypothetically, if you had enough privacy already, you may want to keep phone numbers and email addresses and your house addresses and license plates and other things as secret and private as possible.

Good theory.

Good to seek after, hypothetically.

But in the real world, that is rarely possible.

Maybe possible but only to an extent.

And again, all of this depends on a few factors.

It depends on your role on earth.

It depends on how you want to play it.

Mind Control Debate

01:58 PM - People who say they don't believe in mind control are actually lying in deception and are actually saying: "I don't want to believe in mind control." They may be unaware that they are lying and may feel sincere.

Sticks head into sand.

Solutions Not Problems

02:03 PM - @DJADJ1, I love your ideas. I agree with focusing on solutions. You have a lot of ideas here that we all can continue to talk about, especially VPN. The pursuit towards privacy is valuable.

Protesting Inside Trump Rallies

02:22 PM - Coordinated cheers.

Sneak into Trump Rallies with a MAGA Hat.

Nothing Infowars or anything that might get you kicked out.

Go to Trump Rallies in groups and enter separately.

Communicate via text while in the Trump Rallies.

Have a leader announce the coordinated cheers via text.

Spread out and sit in different locations in the rallies.

At certain points, while others are chanting, begin.

Trump supporters may say "Build a wall."

They say, "Lock her up," etc.

So, come up with simple chants before entering the rallies.

Keep the list of catchy chants on paper and on the phone.

Have an order or be organized.

Have a leader, a chorus conductor who can text out when it is time for the chants to come out.

Some of it can be repeated by normal Trump Supporters.

So, some of it might go viral.

Then, Trump might hear some of it.

And other people will hear it as well.

Trump Jr might hear some of it.

That's how things can spread.

Good ideas can spread.

Catchy chants can be unforgettable.

Animals Are Dying.

Here is a chant: "Geo Engine! Clap Clap. Geo Engine....."

New Chant:

Open Borders. It's All Over.

Disney Bought Fox. What the Hell. What the Hell.

Free Tommy Robinson.

Oh, Tommy Tommy.

Tommy Tommy Tommy Tommy Robinson.

End All Taxes. Clap Clap. End All Taxes.

Follow The Money. Clap Clap. It Aint Funny. Clap Clap.

End The Fed, Like Andrew Jackson.

Step 1: Start an online group.

Step 2: Meet in person prior to a rally.

Step 3: Have the leadership evaluate it all or the group could vote on which chants to focus on, depending on the size of your group and depending on which things the group should be focused on and mostly based on how far the group may want to go with it in being risky.

I would go on CNN and other dinosaur-media and say:

"I hate Trump because Trump is letting Soros take over our America."

"I hate Trump because he is not stopping geoengineering....."

"I hate Trump because he is not stop cancer-giving 5G...."

"I hate Trump because he is not stopping Mercury Vaccines."

"I hate Trump because he's not promoting Bitcoin."

I can do this all day.

Two-Step Formula

Step One: Say: "I Hate Trump Because....."

Step Two: Insert problem that may or may not be something that Trump is trying to stop or whatever.

Because fake news want you to say that you hate Trump.

So, just combine what they want to hear with a Trojan Horse.

Truth Bombs.

It's like coughing out truth while saying what they want you to say.

Troll them.

Trump is retarded [COUGH COUGH geoengineering white lines destroying our gardens, farms, forests COUGH COUGH] AHHHHHHHHH Hitler Trump oh my God where's my oatmeal lol?

Say whatever you want, but why not be expressive?

That's how Trump talks.

Only Rosie O'Donnell.

Trump is catchy.

We should be catchy too.

Entertainment Mind Control

02:32 PM - Entertainment is like a road.

Rihanna may be a car driving down that entertainment road and right up into our minds.

But what is in the car?

Wait, what is hiding inside the trunk lol?


03:20 PM - I is not bad. It is a starting point.

Flat Earth Debate

10:08 PM - The earth may not be completely flat.

But what if we haven't actually been all around our own planet?

If the earth was more flat than round, it would be like the Borg. The ultimate redneck joke, a Borg rejection letter.

Phone Number Debate

10:15 PM - @Leviticus said that people do care because you are asking for trouble if you post your phone number. If nobody cared, then why was my phone number comment deleted by Infocomms moderators when nobody cares and it is freedom of the first amendment? Please teach me a lesson and show me why I should not post my phone number.

My phone number is three six zero two two nine two one six eight.

Pastor Sam & Griff Thread

10:27 PM - Alex Jones: Buy my drugs.
Griff: Alrighty then. here's my money.

Alex Jones: I need more money.
Griff: Let me help you make more money.

Pastor Sam: Me Too.
Griff: Oh my God, Sam is Evil.

Activism Debate

10:52 PM - @Benoaks, that's why we must blend into the Trump Rallies and be as subtle as doves.

You blend in and try to calmly shout fun things.

Start out saying what everybody says.

The crowd says build a wall.

We go along with that, build a wall.

But then add something to it maybe.


Build a wall. Make that call.

Start out gradual and slow.

And then try to up the game, gradually.

If a lot of people like it, they will echo the chants.

Then the secret service will have to escort out everybody.

That's the secret.

You get everybody to say it.

Then Secret Service has no idea where it came from.

Because everybody's saying it.

So, blend in.

Don't bring anything with you.

Look like a normal Trump Supporter.

Blend in.