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in #j6 years ago

Can you sing Without You like Mariah Carey? Can you build a snowman that lasts until May? Can you stand up to tech bullies like Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, China, etc? Click here to watch that Mariah Carey video.

Mariah Carey - Without You - 1990's - proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpeg

Gotham 509

12:29 AM - 01:13 AM - Watching - Gotham 509

More Snow

07:40 AM - It's snowing again. Watched the Mark Dice Mueller Storm Video. Awesome coffee this morning. So good. You could say, good to the last drop, sorry Folders.


08:04 AM - Did you see the geoengineering chemicals they spray from airplanes, jets, which is what caused, in part, the 2018 Californian Fires?

Social Networking Wars

08:23 AM - Should people be banned from using PayPal and even their own banks? And back to the concept of being a publisher. Generally, if you are a publisher, you edit, remove, control, regulate, what you publish. But you would become liable for what you publish. But we know, it would seem, that Facebook has not been liable. Why? Because it's a platform, not a publisher. So, that goes back to Safe Harbor. For example, ABC, CBS, and others, issued me copyright claims. They didn't issue those claims to YouTube. Why? Because YouTube is not liable. My videos were protected under Fair Use. YouTube terminated my two channels. In doing so, YouTube broke the law. But those companies should have went to court with me. Because then a judge could have decided whether my videos really were Fair Use or not. YouTube is not a publisher but a platform. Those companies could win, and the judge could have ordered those videos removed, and then YouTube would then remove them. Beyond that, if need be, YouTube could have terminated my channels after that as well, if there were too many strikes, too many violations, or whatever the rules may be. However, in October of 2017 and 2018, YouTube did not give me strikes, those companies did not take me to court, and they skipped ahead to the end to assume that I lose and that they lose. But that skips the process, the procedures. You might as well execute people for pre-crime murder. Like with Kavanaugh, are people presumed guilty until proven innocent? Did you see the live Facebook videos of actual murder? Do you see how ISIS, Antifa, and other gang members, are on social networks, and in how they took Tommy Robinson off Facebook? Did you see how Twitter sent me an email that I must be a Russian spy or bot of some sort or that I was sharing things that was promoting fake news, AKA country first focus?

Coming Generations

08:42 AM - Politicians are generally puppets. Some of them may not even know that they are puppets. So, it's multidimensional. Why? Because some of them believe in what they say and do, like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AKA old Sandy. People like her may actually believe either all or bits and pieces of their own fake news. So, they may be sincere, haha, but, as they say, sincerely wrong. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. So, much of our battle is in the field of education, our children. We are winning against the globalists for now. But the real problem comes in the next several decades as coming generations grow up to implement even more fake news, propaganda, lies, deception. Some of the younger kids are getting it and that is good. We have to continue to remind people to watch out for the rising snow flakes as Sandy is only the first of many that are fed and grow up around fake news that they sincerely believe to be true. Yeah, we gotta close the borders, or at least try to. We gotta stop welfare or reduce it as much as possible. Also, we should reduce taxes as well. In some cases, like in Oregon, it can be illegal to collect rain water. In some states, they have went to confiscate guns from citizens. CPS almost stole me and my siblings in the 1980's in Oregon from our parents. It's vital that we remind each other of the many things that are happening, both good and bad. Most of the time, people are too distracted to notice. We gotta talk about the problems but also about solutions as well. Too often, people give up, they feel like it is hopeless. But there is always hope. One person can make a difference. It happens all the time.

Bad Hotel

09:03 AM - I wrote this letter for Saigon Anna: "Dear Hotel, your waitress got my order wrong. I didn't order the strawberry smoothie. The man next to me, Dave, ordered that drink. He was sitting at the table near me. The waitress didn't bill Dave. The waitress should have billed Dave. The waitress should have included that drink on his receipt, his bill. The waitress threatened to call the cops on me if I didn't pay. But Dave invited us. Dave offered to buy us drinks. It was on him. Dave talked to the waitress. Dave order the drinks. Why wasn't those drinks on his bill? How many times has that waitress got customer's orders wrong? Are other people complaining as well? Can you give us a refund for this trouble? This makes me not want to come back ever again. This also makes me want to give you bad rating on Facebook and on other social networks. Do you want bad publicity? Yours truly, Anna."

Personifying Penelope

09:21 AM - Did you see that 2006 pig-nose Penelope girl movie, which is similar to how the Phantom of the Opera man was an ugly like third-degree burnt monster, like the Beauty and the Beast. But did you know that there are animal pgi-human hybrids? The problem with the promotion of these things is that it pushes us from animal and human rights. When you merge humans with animals and robots, you create aliens and aliens don't have rights, as far as I know. There is much we don't know. But there is also a lot out there already that is public. We can look these things up and talk about what the globalists are doing with their depopulation programs. It came out in like 2006 but this film was not released in the USA until 2008 according to Wikipedia. Why did it take two years? No idea.

Penelope Movie Trailer

9 Young Adults Explain Why They're Conservative

09:49 AM -Did you read this Daily Signal article about why young people are conservative? Wyatt Dobrovich-Fago, talked about how his high school edited out the Trump logo off his vest, and also a Trump quote from his sister, a class president, from the yearbook. That is beyond 1984 in a bunch of ways. Inch by inch, they try to take more and more from us. The good news is that we are standing up to these censoring bullies.

They're getting rid of the electoral college?

09:55 AM - Did you see that Lisa Haven video about how they are trying to take over the voting process? America Is Being TAKEN OVER Right NOW: If These Pass The Republican Party Won’t Exist. They're trying to enact a popular vote system in order to get rid of the electoral college system. That means that California and larger states like that can decide who wins in elections for America. That gives smaller states less voting power, weight, say, rights. That allows for illegal immigrants, leftist zombies, dead people, repeaters, fake names, and others, to continue to vote in California for example. For too many years, they would bus people into the voting places to vote. Then they got on the bus and they go to another place in another state for example to vote again. Millions of people have voted illegally. Can we stop this? Can we close the borders? Can we stop the take over of America? What can we do? You can get food storage.

My Twitter

10:18 AM - Now, my Twitter About Me Section reads the following: FACEBOOK.COM/JOEYARNOLDVN - Taught English in Vietnam; Oregon home schooled; camp counselor; filmmaker; artist; basketball; Salvation Army's Revolution Hawaii.

Emotions Are Invisible

10:22 AM - You can write things out and people may not be able to feel what you are feeling, what you are trying to say if you are not translating enough. Context helps and we are all stuck in our own stories which means we are not always able to recognize how others can't always see what we see.

Alex Jones on Crowder

10:26 AM - Did you see Episode 442 where Alex Jones appears on the Louder With Steven Crowder Mug Club Show which aired on Thursday, the 7th of March, 2019, and did you also see the Crowder Oscars 2019 show? Did you see how YouTube removed that Oscars video but then lost and had to bring it back? I shoveled snow for twenty minutes.

The Truth Behind Oliver Darcy

11:28 AM - Did you see this Millennial Millie Weaver video on Oliver Darcy who talks about censorsing Americans and also people all around the world? Leftists attack liberals, conservaitces, and independent voices.

Steemit Update

11:39 AM - My Steemit banner said: "Born 1985 in Oregon. Homeschooled. Attended Bible colleges. Camp counselor. Vietnam English Teacher. Artist, filmmaker. Web Design. Gardens. History. Philosophy." But now, that biography About Me section on my Steemit profile, on the timeline, the home page, it now reads: "Saigon English Teacher; Oregon Homeschool; wilderness youth camp counselor; artist; began making videos at the age of ten; Salvation Army's Revolution Hawaii."

Make America Muslim Again

01:19 PM - That's what they're doing and have been doing for decades. Look at the Middle East and at the Fall of Europe of the 2010's, and ask people if they want New Rome America to fall like Old Rome did so long ago by the Barbarians, all over again as history repeats whenever people fail to learn from history. First, you have to know history. Second, you got to talk about it. Third, you got to do stuff to make things happen to correct things and more importantly to prevent things from happening.

Snow Time

01:38 PM - 06:14 PM - Continued building my snow fortress. Yeah, Sandy Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) may be sincere but sincerely wrong about some of what she says and possibly not with everything she says. People should try not to always attack people, in general, not even AOC, but rather attack ideas and possibly the head bosses, the lead globalists like maybe Soros or maybe even people we don't even know about.

Ubuntu Over Microsoft

06:39 PM - How is Ubuntu better than Microsoft and Apple? Ubuntu has a better competitive edge. Did you see what Bingozee said about all of that? Click here to read all about what he wrote on the Infowars Forums which I was banned from for educating them similar to what Bingozee does. He seems to be pretty smart like Matt King Linux. Yes, open source is great. Most viruses are made for Microsoft as over 90% of the computers in the world have Microsoft on them, generally. At least, that has been the case in the 2010's. In second place is Apple with like ten to twenty percent. The rest is split between operating systems based in or based on like GNU-Linux, Unix, etc. HXTR is right about how our data is intercepted by China, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, the NSA, the EU, etc. There are back doors. There is remote access. There are all kinds of things happening. But does that mean Linux cannot be or cannot strive to be better than Microsoft and Apple? No. Hell no. We can at least try and they offer open source software that is all about competition and the code is open, transparent, readable, not proprietory, not secret. You can read it. You can contribute and build on it and help out. I'm using Ubuntu Mate. That is what I recommend. There are so many reasons why Ubuntu is better. It is an alternative. It is competitive. It sits on the free market, on open source, on many things, unlike Microsoft, Apple, etc. Ubuntu is not as hard to use as it might have been in the 1990's. Plus, most viruses are designed for computers using Microsoft, generally speaking. You can do so much on Ubuntu. You could try to install some programs that can detect viruses on Ubuntu. You can use Wine to install Window programs on Ubuntu. There are more options for Ubuntu than Windows. Ubuntu is faster. Ubuntu is better. There are so many examples. Watch their videos. You can see it. Google it and you can see so many examples. This is scary. You may not always know if somebody is completely a globalist. However, it may be more important to identify a nationalist, a person that walks the talk and walks the talk of family first values.

Why Twitter Banned Alex Jones

07:24 PM - This video outlines the three reasons, cough cough excuses, for why and how Infowars was banned from Twitter. These are false accusations. Click here to watch that video. First, Alex commented on a viral video of a bully kid that was knocked over by a man. Some people said Alex knocked the kid down. No. Plus, the kid was a bully. Plus, corporate news was showing the video on the Internet and on television. Plus, Twitter didn't take down that video. Many people were sharing that video which didn't come from Alex. Second, gave Trump and American patriots a special message concerning Antifa and other enemies of the state. Alex said that we must go on the offensive, peacefully, not violently, and legally, not illegally, and carefully, in the courts, and in peaceful protest, in online and offline activism. If a robber or criminal comes into your house to murder your kids, do you let them? Do you believe in the second amendment? Alex talked about this. Third, Oliver Darcy was trying to kick Alex off the Internet. So, Alex confronted that bully.

1980's Aerobics

07:58 PM - Funny Zane Hijazi's Vlog Squad Follows an 80's Aerobic Music video that you should watch. Click here to watch it. I was born in 1985 in Oregon, USA, and I love the 1980's for a bunch of reasons.

Cobra Kai - Season 2 Trailer

08:08 PM - Click here to watch that trailer. I saw season one for free via some websites last year. Season two is coming April 24th, 2019. I recommend it if you are a fan of the Karate Kid films of the 1980's as Cobra Kai is the sequel series to that.

Michael Jackson - I'll Be There

Chronology of My Biography

1920's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
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Friday the 8th of March of 2019

Published in March of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold (@joeyarnoldvn) in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Social Networks - Taught English in Vietnam
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Mariah Carey - Without You - 1990's

My Social Networks

You can follow me: Oatmeal Joey Arnold - Add Me on the following Social Networks: About Me - Bitchute - BearShares - Brighteon - Busy - Chess - Facebook - Freezoxee - Gab - Infocomms - @joeyarnoldvn - Minds - RSS - Serey - Smoke - Steemit - Tagged - Trump Town - Tumblr - Twitter - Weku - YouTube
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On My Block: Season 2 | Clip: Cold Opening

Timeline Outline

2019-02-01 - Friday - 10:24 AM LMS - Reviewing the Month of January of 2019
2019-02-09 - Saturday - 08:11 PM LMS - 2019, Week 05
2019-02-15 - Friday - 05:41 PM LMS - Gotham 506
2019-02-17 - Sunday - 10:08 PM LMS - Can America Learn From Athens?
2019-02-18 - Monday - 12:31 PM LMS - The Walking Dead 909
2019-02-18 - Monday - 06:07 PM LMS - Snow Day 1992
2019-02-20 - Wednesday - 09:36 AM LMS - Draft Dodging vs Loving War Debate
2019-02-21 - Thursday - 06:42 PM LMS - August of 2013
2019-02-27 - Wednesday - 11:38 PM LMS - Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience 1255
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 09:17 AM LMS - Gun Debate - Part 0001
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 10:19 AM LMS - Dalat 2013 Trip
2019-02-28 - Thursday - 11:36 PM LMS - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 10:34 AM LMS - February of 2019
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 01:27 PM LMS - March of 2019
2019-03-02 - Saturday - 02:49 PM LMS - Stopping Climate Change
2019-03-03 - Sunday - 08:33 AM LMS - Sunday the 3rd of March of 2019
2019-03-03 - Sunday - 02:05 PM LMS - Banning Oatmeal - Part 019
2019-03-04 - Monday - 08:51 PM LMS - Envisioning 2030
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 01:50 PM LMS - Brain TiVo
2019-03-05 - Tuesday - 09:14 PM LMS - Should We Ban Incitement to Violence?
2019-03-06 - Wednesday - 12:27 PM - Banning Oatmeal - Part 020
2019-03-07 - Thursday - 12:01 AM - Thursday the 7th of March of 2019
2019-03-07 - Thursday - 10:23 AM - The Fake News Song - The Deplorable Choir
2019-03-08 - Friday - 12:19 AM - Friday the 8th of March of 2019
Published at 2019-03-09 - Saturday - 12:21 AM