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in #j6 years ago (edited)

I wrote about Spy Hardware Chips inside computers and what we can do to stop them from killing us, the depopulation agenda 21 2030 programs. I wrote about Banning Oatmeal - Part 015 which talks about a secret website that you may have not seen. I wrote and posted pictures from my Dalat 2013 Trip. I published a Gun Debate article. I also wrote my Wednesday review as well.

Screenshot at 2019-02-28 09:05:11.png

Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience

11:38 PM Wednesday - 01:52 AM Thursday - Review - The biggest thing that stood out in the almost five hours long Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) #1255 - Alex Jones Returns! was the talk about supernatural things. Regardless of whether aliens are real or not, many experiences are shared among so many people and have been shared for thousands of years in so many places around the world. If the experiences were made up, wouldn't the stories, the experiences, vary? How are people able to have all of these shared experiences?


08:38 AM - Reviewing Wednesday - The biggest thing was the Joe Rogan Alex Jones Experience and I spent around five hours watching that episode of JRE. I've been learning a lot from that podcast video on YouTube. Why is it not trending on YouTube? Alex Jones was trending on Twitter for hours. I published a commentary article on that JRE video and I still have more to say. That was the highlight of my day for a bunch of reasons.

The Gun Debate 0001

09:17 AM - 09:37 AM - Kaitlin Bennett Edition - Did Kaitlin Bennett red pill and truth bomb those leftist thugs, people like Logan Paul and others in that podcast conference with all of those statistics and common sense women empowerment? If we ban guns, would that stop the black market from causing most of the violence, most of the murders, injuries, assaults, which they already do cause right now, via criminals, generally speaking, statistically speaking, basically, bottom-line, right, or are you racist against numbers?

My Dalat 2013 Trip

10:19 AM - 12:41 PM - Review Article with Pictures - Here are some of the photos from my June 2013 school staff summer vacation trip to Dalat City, Vietnam from Tuesday, the fourth of June, 2013, to Friday, the seventh.

Banning Oatmeal - Part 015

12:24 PM - 06:14 PM - New Update Article Concerning the INFOCOMMS - I was banned from a great website that promotes offline activism. I've been passionate about promoting red pilling gateways towards inter-dimensional breakaway societies. In my videos, you can see my smile, my joy over circumstances. However, Griff falsely accuses me of being angry when he is the one that is angry. I've promoted Norma Jeanne's art and they call me the bad guy for giving her free advertisement. Maybe not totally free, but she didn't have to pay but they are upset that other people freely chose to pay via volunteering, donating, via a cryptographic blockchain protocol system, Steemit, and other places. You sound like the people that attack Diamond & Silk for making money. I'm trying to encourage more people towards offline activism. But I'm the criminal for trying to help? People continue to lie about me. I've said this many times. It's a long story. I talk and write about other things as my way of fighting globalism, but you say I'm too tiny to do that?


07:25 PM - 08:05 PM - Watching - Gotham 508 - the butler came back to Penguin with a puppet on his hand. He was like Mel Gibson in a movie where he cuts off his hand. The Riddler shot the man. At first, Penguin was shocked, but then realized they were right for each other. Gordon found out about the ugly past of his partner and his previous partner from before that involving like a cold case. They solved the mystery, found the girl, tried to save her from herself but she went to shoot and so, he ended up shooting her in return in self-defense. Batman was running around in the sewers like a ninja turtle trying to find somebody. In the previous episode, his mansion blew up thanks to the Joker. So, that provides backstory to why he needed to have a Bat Cave, not to be confused with a man's cave.

Spyware How-To Article

11:36 PM Thursday - 12:52 AM Friday - How-To Know If Your Computer Has Spy Hardware Chips - Does your computer have spyware? If your computer is Apple, then the answer is yes, if the computer was made after 2010, approximately, probably. Older computers are less likely to have them. Smart phones may have them, especially iPhones. Let me tell you three oatmeal things you can do.

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Thursday the 28th of February of 2019

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Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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pizzagate is real and sorry if it triggers anyone but I think sandy hook was fake.

Life is complex. So, there are shades to many different stories and events. Some people died. Some of them may have been actors. There are many different layers to these situations. But dinosaur media try very hard to discredit the art of questioning events in order to find out what happened specifically. Like with 9/11, the Solomon building fell. Those three NYC buildings, including the 2 WTC towers, and building 7, may have partly fell due to a energy weapon or something from satellites and maybe other things as well.

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