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in #j6 years ago

Screenshot at 2019-02-03 14:57:50.png

Enforcing Bans

- 01:18 AM - I'm Human - I'm Not a Sinner - @Bingozee is trying to get me banned. @Bingozee says he is not a sinner. Now, assuming that I am a human, too, and not a sinner, like @Bingozee, then why should I be banned? If I am banned, that would mean I was bad, AKA sinner. Does that mean that @Bingozee is not bad and does not do bad? @TheFrozenWarrior might be blaming me for something. It might be similar to things that @Paladin said. But you can ignore notifications on your phone. You can be responsible for your actions, your priorities. You can disable notifications. You can setup a VPN. You can download a Linux OS. You can keep a journal and a calendar. We all can do more in helping MAGA. That matters so much. I try not to blame other people for my life, as much as I can. Bingozee responded, "Lol your banning will have nothing to do with you being a sinner or not, it will however have everything to do with your trolling, nonsense comments, rhetorical and redundant questions."

Stealing Water

- 02:15 PM - State Tyranny - @4LoveOfTheRoad, yes the state and the city, near Seattle, is pushing us to have water meters which keeps track of how much of our own well water that we use. We are not using city water. We are outside city limits. We are in the countryside, farmland. But they are trying to limit how much of our own water we can use to prevent us from having our own gardens. I’m living with my mom and step-dad. My mom has a garden that needs a lot of water in the summer. We may be stopped from collecting too much rain water. She actually does collect some rain water already. We make our own compost from the food we eat, orange peels, egg shells, etc. Oh, rode my bike to church. Talked about engaging culture. David told me that dinner meant lunch according to farmers from Minnesota.

Genderless Daughters

- 2019-02-03 - 02:50 PM - Sunday - Mark Dice Video - "There are a lot of ways to be boys & girls." That is what they said. They also said there are shades to gender. But does that mean a shade of a gender means it is then genderless? If I had a bright shade or a light shade of red, then are those colors not colors? Are those shades of colors then therefore, because it is a shade of color, it is then a colorless color meaning that it is not a color at all because it is a variation of what it is not? And they said she was raising her DAUGHTER genderless. Then, that mean, it is not her DAUGHTER. It is her thing. Her maybe kid or whatever. But kid means boy or girl. So, it can't be a kid either. So, what is it?

The Oatmeal Joey Arnold Thread

- 03:12 PM - Why I'm Christian - Win-Win Situation - I win in either situation. Let me tell you what those two situations are. The first scenario is that God is real. If God is real, then I win, because I get to go to Heaven, because I’m saved. Secondly, if God isn’t real, then nothing happens when I die. No big deal. But beyond that, I also live a better life because I’m Christian, because I seek after grace over justice, joy over circumstances, eternal principles, hope over dope, the art of the deal, the art of visualization, the art of going after goals in life, the art of being a free thinker, the art of standing up for freedoms, rights, etc. Win-win situation, either way. Simple. Consequences. If I’m not Christian, and there is a God, then I may not want to die. I may be punished after I die. It doesn’t matter if we should or should not be punished after death. The bottom-line is that it may or may not happen. We can say that God sucks. We can argue all day about what an imaginary God should or should not do. But all of this is beyond our control, assuming that the Mormons are not right, that we cannot become gods ourselves to compete with other Greek Gods. I choose to be Christian for many reasons and because I don’t want to go to Hell. I mostly choose Agape Love. I am mostly a Christian because I want to be with Jesus, and I am. There is nothing better than that. But secondly, again, if I’m not a Christian, and there is no god, then I don’t burn in a fire forever. Ok, that’s good. But the problem is that my life would still be Hell on Earth. If I was not Christian, I would be living in Hell right now, regardless of whether God is real or not. We can all debate whether God is real or not. I am a freethinker and I question everything. but believing in Christ is an Original Oatmeal Win-Win Situation. I win in the after-life, if there is one. And I win in this life, more importantly. I believe in loving thy enemy. I believe in all of these things. I believe in free thinking. I believe in questioning things and in doubting things. But I am winning like Donald Trump. He talks about that in his book, The Art of the Deal. Always Think Win-Win in Life. You can’t lose with Jesus. Even if Jesus is Fake. You still win. So, why not win-win?

Deep State Mutation

- 05:02 PM - Deception Conception - @Bingozee is trying to ban me and others. His comments are really long. He says the same things over and over again. He wants to know if we are human beings or human doings.... Bingozee told me not to do what he does. What does he do? He takes people out of context. He attacks people. He lies about people, either intentionally or accidentally. Maybe both at times.... Bingozee might be against Alex Jones. @Nwenglarz, reminds me of the Golden Compass & that other compass in the Pirates of the Caribbeans, the compass that points towards what your heart most desires, subjectively, relatively speaking. Oh, the desires of the heart, the desire for lust, power, fame, influence, money, love, etc. @keyrobinfo18, good question on @Bingozee, etc. @well_well_well, yes, I couldn’t say it better myself. @MamaPotato was talking about @Bingozee and @Paladin and others who might be a little hypocritical. It’s true. It’s like looking in the mirror while shouting, “WHO ARE YOU?” Hey, it’s you. “WHAT? STOP IT.” No, man, that’s you in the mirror. @hxtr is right, that people can become too lazy, too inactive in getting involved in activism, in engaging culture. @Bingozee seems to talk about some of that, as well, to some extent, which may be more beneficial towards reviving America, perhaps. @MamaPotato to @Paladin, “That’s you in the mirror, haha.” @Paladin to @MamaPotato, “No, it’s you.” @MamaPotato to @Bingozee, “Hey man, who you talking to?” Like the guy in Taxi, “Are you talking to me or the guy behind me?” Like the babies in Look Who’s Talking. Like in Seinfeld when the guy said, “No soup for you.” So, why are you still trying to get some soup or oatmeal? Bingozee: "The problem with fanaticism, and the Fanatic, individuals whom have the tendency to assume its about someone, Rather then some thing..." Said the fanatic. Again, it is a subjective argument. Steven Crowder & Stefan Molyneux talks about this. It depends on who determines who is the fanatic and who is not the fanatic. You might be looking at the mirror. You may not even recognize yourself, but that might be you and not another person. @Texas_T, thank you for that. You didn’t even have to say a word to say more than the paragraphs of @Bingozee who private messaged me saying that I wrote too little. @Bingozee said that my messages were too short. @hxtr to @Texas_T, “He’s had a hand in all the plans.” True, Bill Gates, George Soros, Oprah, Buffet, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Ford, Clinton, and others are behind things. So, they can sometimes pretend predict things. But they’re really just telling us what they will release in the future as many of the things we see, the technology for example, are things they already had many decades earlier in most cases. I do not know David Wilcock but it looks interesting.... Bing: "According to who? If there is no God, then there is no central authority that can determine that from an objective stand-point, objectively speaking." According to who? If there is no God, then there is no central authority that can determine that from an objective stand-point, objectively speaking.... Is that what Trump is doing? Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer in order to keep an eye on them, in order to frame them, in order to catch them in the cookie jar?..... Paladin: "Nice try, professional victim, but this is a “randomly infused topic” so there is no such thing as spam on this thread." Said the professional victim, AKA @Paladin. Spam has different meanings. If there is no god, then who determines what spam is and is not? Well if @MamaPotato makes a thread, then maybe she can make up the rules for that thread. Maybe, she can decide what is spam and what is not spam in her own thread as she is the king of her own thread, assuming that you might be the king, Mister @Paladin, of your threads, which you seem to have alluded to in the past, many times, it would seem. ama Potato didn’t post spam on the threads of Paladin. She posted commentary, supplementary, application, wisdom, insight, advice, encouragement, and a whole lot of oatmeal. What is stalking? Good question. But maybe Potato Mommy can decide for herself what she thinks is stalking and spam might be on her threads. Beyond that, Paladin has been yelling at Big Momma all over. @Paladin John Q has been following and stalking her all over the Golden State Bridge.... Bing: "I believe this is what Triggered The Fanatic response, because for The Fanatic these things ring true, thus The Fanatic felt threaten, The Fanatic took these truths personally...." Said the Fanatic, right? @Bingozee might be the fanatic that he speaks of. I’m not saying that Bingozee is or is not a fanatic. Beyond that, depending on how you define “FANATIC,” that may or may not be a good or bad thing. I can write books on these things. Oh wait, haha, I already have. And I thought, according to @Bingozee, that I wrote too little, that I contribute nothing to this forum, and to the Internet and the world in general. Oh, what in the OATMEAL is going on here?.... Then @zimmermann could look no farther, or further, than the comments, the posts, of @Bingozee. Again, it goes back to subjectivity versus objectivity, the mirror, and it really depends on who determines the rules. If there is no god, then is morality, logic, and everything else, determined by culture, by mob rule, by kings, by the majority of the people, or what?..... Bing: "Practice what You PREACH Hypocrite!" Is that your religion? Is that an unwritten rule that was written, or I mean not written because it is unwritten, by a God that does not exist, or is it just a personal rule you made up that you expect others to follow?.... Bing: "I do practice what I preach." Good, I guess, for a person to practice what one might preach. But again, that’s a very vague statement. It depends on a whole lot of things... Paladin: "Flagged for spam again." @MamaPotato posted a drug video in the drug thread of @Paladin who then said, again, that’s right, again, as he has been saying many times before like a broken record player, haha, “Flagged for spam again.” It was not spam. It was about drugs. It was about the topic of his thread.... Handy Randy: "Who’s the real fascist? You created this form to go promote your beliefs in NOT believing in a higher power. Looks like your the one trying to spread your views onto others." Good question to Paladin & Bing.... Paladin: "Do you believe in doubt or do you just doubt?" Not relevant. @Paladin asked, “Do you believe in doubt or do you just doubt?” But that is not really relevant. I might need to write a book explaining why that question is not relevant. Long story short, a belief is not a belief because you believe it or not believe it. A belief is a belief because it is an idea, a system, a machine, a program. You don’t have to believe in procrastination to procrastinate. Have I lost you yet? I need to write a book. But doubt is part of a belief system. You may allegedly claim that you are not “BELIEVING” when you are “DOUBTING.” You are speaking of these verbs, these actions. But they play a role in the bigger picture of certain beliefs, of certain systems. A doubt may be a piece of a bigger puzzle. Some people may disagree partly because of semantics. We define and describe words differently. Sometimes, people can be on the same page even while using different words and vice versa. I can talk all day about this. I will stop for now.... Bing: "Starvation is Real, thus True..." So, if I’m spiritually starving, what should I do? If God is fake, does that mean my spiritual starvation is fake, too? But I thought you said that starvation, physically speaking, is real, thus true... Bing: "STOP stealing and borrowing others words." Who decides what is stealing and what is not? Do you want the government to decide, just like they are trying to do more and more in Europe when they imprisoned the Hitler Dog Man? I’m mentioning him because when we talk about intellectual property, then we get into copyright laws, and that meme law, and other things, by extension, and indirectly. We can also talk about so called hate speech. So, Steven Crowder makes videos about this. Should government legislate and enforce free speech restrictions? All of this is related to the topic of whether or not something is stolen or not. We can also talk about taxes and patents. All these things are related and defined, generally, very subjectively.


- 05:22 PM - Time Changer - Paladin: "You should really go outside once in a while." Yup, yeehaw. Agreed. More people should do more farming. One step at a time. State governments are trying to limit water use via water meters which limits gardening. They’re trying to take more and more of our freedoms away - Morally - secretly. There is a big long list of things they’re doing to us. We gotta be out there more, involved in local governing, more and more. Beyond that, it’s all about future generations. The problem can partly be seen in that movie called Time Changer.


- 05:27 PM - Nwenglarz, "I’m not interested." You might be a pacifist. You might be a person that is too scared to engage culture. Too often, too many people are too scared to actually do what people like Alex Jones and Laura Loomer do. They create drama because that creates opportunities in so many ways for so many people, directly, indirectly. It plants seeds. It gets so much done in so many ways. Historically, this is proven, so many times over. It raises awareness of global issues and much more. If you want different results, then you try different things. If you try the same thing over and over again while expecting different results, then that might be a little insane. Creativity is a gateway towards progress. I believe in debate, in drama, in life. That is what life is all about. We can choose to be monks or we can choose to engage, more and more. We can choose to maybe isolate ourselves maybe too much from other people because of what may or may not happen. That leads to a world of worry, of doubt, of missed opportunities.

Thanks From Mama Potato - 2019-02-03 - Sunday - 05:36 PM PST LMS JA - Screenshot at 2019-02-04 09:31:39.png

Knowing Not to Know?

- 05:35 PM - The Agnostic Thread - Paladin, "First, an assumption is made that one CAN know." If you cannot know, then how can you know that you cannot know, if you cannot know that you cannot know something? If God is real, and He is, then I win. If God is not real, then I still win because I benefit from living a better life via principles and perspectives and attributes that have been working for thousands of years. That is a win-win situation.... Mama Potato, great. Awesome. I recommend The Case For Christ, too - 05:47 PM - Nestle Water Lords - Did somebody say Nestle owns rain, nationally or globally?

Satanic Trap

- 05:44 PM - Christian Fascism? - Paladin: "Look everyone, the Christian Fascist is back!" Said the fascist to his fascist friends. In other words, said the so-called freethinker who believes in being open to anything except Christianity while being unaware of being pulled in by Satanism, Luciferianism, and things of that flavor, as they have been behind the new age movement that you might be pledging to. That’s the value of looking at history. You can see where the ideas of agnosticism come from. They come from certain people in history with certain agendas. It’s a long story.

Fall Down

- 05:55 PM - Give Up? - Stand For Nothing? - @nwenglarz: "You’re not building friends this way...." Oh, really? Well, @Paladin, @Bingozee, & @TheFrozenWarrior, attacked @MamaPotato, @hxtr, @JoeyArnoldVN, etc. Long story. Paradox? @nwenglarz might be telling us to become pacifists to attacks. You might as well tell Alex Jones and Mark Dice to stop fighting the Left who continue to lie about Sandy Hook, 9/11, Las Vegas, Islam, gay frogs, geoengineering, the kids and that Not Vietnam Veteran Indian ANTIFA-Like Man, progressivism, the war on families, the war on genders, the war on history, the war on news, etc, etc.

Snow 2019

- 06:16 PM - First Snow of 2019 - I started seeing snow around this time, while washing dishes, right outside the kitchen window - 08:53 PM - we now have a few inches or so. The first snow of 2019 in Shelton, WA, as far as I know, or at least in the valleys where we live.

Potato Water Contrast Three Types ccc363b27bdc7bc720721065bf76b8f55d0b7c59.jpeg

Owning Water

- 06:43 PM - Nestle Tyranny - Do they legally own it, or so to speak, or in what kind of way and to what extent do they claim their ownership of water and do people have to buy and rent the water that is always recycling the the water cycles over and over again? So, they are trying to privatize water, AKA own water? We are 80% water which would mean they own people by extension, right?

Apologize Now

- 07:15 PM - Soy Boy Time - Nwenglarz: "I’ve yet to see you man up and apologize..." He wants me to apologize for being a man, for standing up for western civilization, for @MamaPotato, for Christianity, and the sanity and philosophy to and of objective logic.... Paladin: "STOP VANDALIZING THREADS." @Paladin went into @MamaPotato’s threads & started yelling, “STOP PUSHING YOUR POTATOES ON ME.” @Paladin was following @MamaPotato. @nwenglarz wants me to ignore that. I’m not angry. You cannot see me. If you were to watch my videos, you would know that. I’m stating history for @zimmermann and for the world because these things serve as object lessons. I was an English Teacher in Vietnam for 5 years, and this is how people learn. I use situations as illustrations, like parables, symbolically. Like I said before, all of this can help us understand the Left better. We can learn psychology, anthropology, and sociology, from these things. That’s the point. I’m a professional journalist. This is what I do. I’ve been doing this for years. I write. I report. There are purposes, points, behind what I write, why I write, all of this oatmeal. I may or may not stop POINTING OUT certain points and I may move on to other points. It’s a long story, and Romans 8:28, all things work together for those following Christ. If Christ is not real, I still win from a more moral life. It is a win-win situation. I’m not angry. I just want people to know what is happening. It’s educational. We learn from life. That’s why we do better when we reflect, analyze, compare, contrast, through critical thinking as free thinkers. Yes, Christians can be free thinkers. Yes, religion can be bad. It depends. Very complex. There are variations of religions, of people, in general. But we can strive for better life, a better world, as we learn from each other. Mama Potato to Paladin: "Please for the last time stop cursing at me." @Paladin was cursing at @MamaPotato. I don’t really care if people swear or not. But this is history. This happened, regardless of whether cursing is good or bad, it happened. I just want people to know that it happened. If this is not important, than you can ignore this and move on. Life can be simple if you make life simple. You can ignore BIBLE VERSES if you do not like Bible Verses. I believe in freedom. You do not have to be religious. Do what you want. If you don’t like me, why not ignore my messages like @MamaPotato said? Why not ignore me? Why not ignore Mama Potato and Daddy Oatmeal? Bing: "Dude, don’t bother, 2 people are most likely going to be suspended or completely removed from this community shortly." Nwenglarz: "However you’re under the assumption that what you did here is activism." But did you see my thread on Infowars Karaoke Activism Challenge? In that thread, I suggested that people try to sing the Alex Jones Folk Song at bars. Now, specifically, this thread about religion was tagged with the “GENERAL” tag and not the “ACTIVISM” tag. Indirectly, this may or may not be directly or indirectly connected or relevant to activism. Some of the threads I start are placed in the activism category while others are placed in the general category.... We can learn from these parables, these stories, these illustrations. We can create children books using these real-life stories and publish them in Reader’s Digest and in Dr. Seuss books..... Paladin: "Agnostics reject belief, so there’s nothing you can say to convince an agnostic to believe anything." He believes that he does not believe.... @myobaker, good work. That is awesome. Amazing. Ten Nuggets of Oatmeal to you.... Potato, I am a big fan of Jack Sparrow. Awesome. Hxtr: "Nice picture you have painted Joey. @zimmermann should take a look at it."

Harry Potter

- 07:26 PM - Cannot Say Your Name - Bingozee: "I've even condemned you for using my 'NAME' that is REGISTERED TO ME." My name is Harry Potter. You must be Voldemort, the name that cannot be uttered, or maybe even Allah. It seems that you, @Bingozee, are saying that I cannot say your name. That reminds me of witchcraft. It’s scary. It’s almost as bad as saying a bad word, some might say.

Carmen Time

- 07:55 PM - We Need God in America Again - @HandyRandy to @Paladin & @Bingozee, “You’re like the people that would want to ban prayer from all schools!” Reminds me of that Carmen Song called We Need God In America Again! - Lyrics Here - Click Here - Awesome Song About America.... Paladin: "How the hell am I “trying to have power over another person” by posting a thread about agnosticism?" Paladin asked a great question. But that is not the whole story. Alex Jones talked about this. Globalists think we are gold fish, that we have no memory of what happened in 1913 and 1933. We forget history. We forget that the Federal Reserve is not FEDERAL for example. We forget that the KKK came from the Democrats for example.... @BeautifullyChaotic: "It’s all about choice." Agreed. Welcome to Infocom. I’m against taxes. So, I’m not really going to stop abortions. I just don’t want to pay for them via tax dollars. I want government to get smaller. I believe in the freedom to be religious or not religious. I support the second amendment as well. But don’t forget the 4th amendment as well, in regards to privacy.... Nwenglarz: "You successfully convinced me to leave." Soros is coming after us. We all can choose which side of history we want to be on. China is trying to take over the world. China has been buying up Hollywood and other things. Then there is Big Pharma. They are doing things. Then there is progressive education. They’re doing things to destroy our children’s lives. So, we can do our best against our enemies, or we can go back to playing video games... Bingozee: "No, I am saying your a TOOL..." Who is not a tool? We are Jars of Clay. We all get to choose our masters, our addictions, as we are all slaves of things. If we don’t choose our masters, as the tools we are in life, then they come in and choose us without our consent....

What's Wrong With This Thread?

- 08:28 PM - Nothing - Paladin: "What is wrong with this topic?" Nothing. Some people are talking to @Paladin about what @Paladin was doing the past few days and not about his Agnosticism Thread. I like @Paladin’s thread. @Paladin is a smart person. I respect @Paladin and I don’t have a problem with talking about things. That wasn’t the issue. That wasn’t the problem. The problem is that @Paladin was cursing at @MamaPotato because she posted a little small harmless Bible Verse to @Paladin which he could have ignored if he wanted to.... we can emphasize on grace... Randy: "Another day another dollar just trying to make your momma hollar!" That made me laugh out loud... Bingozee: "My back is sore as i have been BENDING.." That reminds of like Michelle Michael Obama who might have said something like, “When they go low, we go lower.” Hxtr: "Paladin argues with everyone." Dully noted.... Paladin: "I am sorry you have to witness this." Me too. So, if you're sorry, then stop. Why continue doing what you, then? Good question... Paladin: "The constitution is secular. Educate yourself." Nope... What can we learn from the Super Bowl, the Half-Time Show, the commercials? We could start a thread on that... @Lucas_Knight, your Mark Zuckerberg thing made me laugh pretty hard haha... This is like the Never Ending Story...

God On Money

- 09:01 PM - Comment 41 - Paladin: "Who gives a fuck what it says on the money?" Who give an OATMEAL what it says on your thread, be it a @MamaPotato Harmless Bible Verse or whatever, since it doesn’t matter if God is on the money, it shouldn’t be a big deal if God is also on this thread, in this forum, so who cares, right? Oh, wait, you do care, it would seem. I don’t really care if you care. But I just want people to know that you might have said that you didn’t care even as you do care. Not saying that you do or do not care. But I do know that you say you don’t care if God is on the money. At the same time, you seem to say that you do care if a Drug Related Bible Verse is in a Drug Related Thread. That is where your tolerance may end, perhaps, at that invisible line.... Paladin: "I am arguing for my fucking right to not believe anything at all." Good. Agreed. But that doesn’t erase the past. That doesn’t undo what you did to @MamaPotato. I’m just here to remind everybody of what you did. I’m not saying what you did was good or bad. You can believe or not believe whatever you want. But @MamaPotato asked you to stop attacking her. Did you do that? I am not saying that you should or should not stop or not not stop. I am just letting people know what happened. People can make their own judgement on what they think about it.... New Girl: "Arguing solves nothing." Maybe.... There are reasons why we need walls... Hxtr: "Do you @Paladin @Bingozee fuck goats like your Prophet Mohammad does?" Interesting question. Lauren Southern has a documentary called Borderless which is on Europe and she also had another one called Farmlands which was about South Africa.... Randy: "Sorry. At this point & time in my life I’m only able to fuck off to your mother!" Do we want progressive liberals and others on the Info Wars Forums? I say yes for a bunch of reasons.... Hxtr: "I am a proud infidel." AKA MAGA Deplorable... Paladin: "This thread is for the discussion of all the Christian Fascists." Fascism is an interesting topic that we can talk about.

Mormon Dad

- 10:21 PM - My Dad - My dad grew up attending a Mormon church in Oregon. He stopped attending in his twenties. Like twenty years after that, like in the 90’s, they found us. My dad left the church and moved over 200 miles away. He didn’t tell them. But they found our address somehow. They knocked on the door around Christmas time each year, “Is your daddy home?” Nope. He would often work even on Christmas as a freelance landscaper. So, they gave us cookies. I ate the cookies. Afterwards, I was asking myself if I might have been poisoned by them. Maybe not.

Scott Adams

- 10:40 PM - Comment 47 - Hxtr: "I have a serious question. How can you be Agnostic if you are a Muslim?" Scott Adams love these type of questions, assuming they attempt to expose cognitive dissonance, paradoxes, contradictions, hypocrisy, irony, etc.... NPC: "Or they may be from all the chemtrails blanketing us everyday." HXTR: "if you are allergic to ceder mixed with the Chemtrails… you are in trouble." Geoengineering is something that Lionel Nation talks about.... Eddy Canuck: "His philosophy has been known a Pascal’s Wager." Yes. My Win-Win Why I'm Christian Situation is like Pascal's Wager. Awesome. I think my theory is a bit more win-win. It appears that he described a partly win-lose situation where you may lose some pleasure, lust, etc. I kind of agree and kind of disagree in a few ways as I feel that I feel better this way than if I was totally Oatmeal Gone Wild... Agreed. Generally, they put certain things into vaccines that should not be there... Hxtr: "No more free money from the Government." How do we reduce welfare? Do we need more how-to videos? Should we accept homelessness, especially as we already have just that? We can try to help some people through organizations like The Salvation Army in order to help some people out of poverty. But people do better when they choose to go after better choices. Some people may not do that enough and therefore may fall into poverty. We have to accept that and try not too hard to bail everybody out.... Michael Bolton is funny. Leads you down a rabbit trail. Silly rabbit, Trixs are for kids haha... Trump was all for 5G. Do we Write Trump more and more or what can we do?... @MamaPotato said, “You’re not helping,” to @Bingozee who, again, once again, posted things about the Human Being Versus Doing Story, the 50 signs of mental illness, pyschological projection (which he is not part of, defensively, right, question mark, lol), denial, fanaticism, delusion, Stockholm syndrome, dissociation, ritual, indoctrination, a world without Logic Spock of Star Trek Oatmeal, irrationality, etc, etc, once again, links, references, to these things, etc, etc... Bingozee: "Because I am not going to give a whole class on how to spot the Frog...." I thought there were giant frogs on mountains when I was about seven years old, but I misheard my mom talking to my older sister as we were walking down a road while looking at the hills. Frogs were not sitting on the mountains. She actually said fog. I was NOT able to hear very well when I was younger. I was homeschooled. I started hearing better after I was ten years old. I was a few years behind in school. But then went to public school and then attended four colleges... Bingozee called Potato a hypocrite. No. Wrong. That’s a lie. The inverse is true. We live in opposite world. Alex Jones talks about this all the time. This is how the left argues. They project themselves onto you. This whole experiment is educational as we get an insight look into how progressive liberals argue. @bingozee & @Paladin have been attacking @MamaPotato, @JoeyArnoldVN, @hxtr, etc, again and again. It is not hypocrisy for Potato to be strong at times and a little graceful at other times as that is a change in tactic, in modes. That’s not a problem. Again, globalists think that we Americans are Gold Fish with no memories of like five seconds ago. Or of what happened in 1871 when America became USA INC.... Bingozee: "Stop trying to HIDE my comments..." In other words, stop being you, Potato. This person is telling you to submit to his tyranny. "Also there is illumanati in the Statue of Liberty." ... "French Freemasons made the Statue of Liberty?" ... "Don’t be fooled by Shitposter tactics. There is a clear method to eradicate those that are shitting all over this forum. Private Message me and I will give you the info.." "I just limit my words. As Lev says, they’re just here to drain. I give folks not yet tested the benefit of the doubt first and foremost. but at some point, actions speak louder than any words..." Hxtr: "Why are they allowed to be here if they are problems?" Good question. But I think it is better to have them here for a bunch of reasons. There are books written about freewill and everything. I think it’s better. Otherwise, you become an echo chamber. You begin only preaching to the choir. Iron sharpens iron. You learn a lot on the battle field. You grow in conflict. We are in the world and not of the world. We learn so much in and through all of these things and much more.... Potato to Bingozee & Paladin: "Just stop tagging me in your crazy anti-christian posts and leave me alone…" Bingozee: "Prove me… Trust you dont want me to do the same…" I’m no Oatmeal Rocket Scientist haha, but does this sound like a @Bingozee threat to @MamaPotato or what? I’m not totally sure what it means. I read it. I mean, like, I see the words. I am not sure what it means. I know that we gotta stop 5G. We gotta find out what kind of freaks are trying to teach children in the public schools. We gotta call up more people and do more Laura Loomer Activism. We gotta do more Project Veritas Activism.... Mormonism is scary like Scientology. There is a show on TV about Scientology. It exposes it. My mom watches it. Very helpful. Some people are still stuck in it. They are like slaves or worse.

Evolving Oatmeal

- 11:09 PM - Comment 58 - The Oatmeal Joey Arnold Thread - Thank you. Maybe I’m evolving into Spider Man. Wait, maybe a 87th version of Batman haha. Wait, I got it, Oatmeal Man. If he can’t eat it, no one can haha... My dad would spend time with the wrong crowd, the wrong girlfriends, people who have had addictions, problems. There were times, during high school, I was spending too much time around people who were trying to make me do weed and other drugs. I resisted, but it was possibly too dangerous. It’s possible that I could have made better choices. Each day is a new day. We can make better choices, each day, we can break old habits. Free Willy. Free Oatmeal.... I could make a video about this, @MamaPotato. That made me laugh so hard. It’s not “YAHOOOOOOOOOO!” Hahaha. It’s Bingozeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haha. @Bingozee, are you related to Bill Gate’s Microsoft’s Bing.com? Oh, did you know Bill Gates vaccines killed like millions of people in India? Microsoft is connected to Bing and Linkedin.com... "It’s time to become a PROPERTARIAN..." I like this. I also like how your profile picture (avatar), reminds me of Hulk Hogan... Mongoose: "Can we start a go fund me for Joey Arnold’s good time?" Please go to Info Wars Store as they have awesome products like Brain Force. Just ask for the Oatmeal Discount haha, there aint no discount for that. But please go to the Info Wars Store. Buy their stuff.

Holy Oatmeal

- 11:51 PM - Taking More Action - Did he say Furby Owls? Very cute like Gremlins and Hillary Clinton Supporters. Furby Owls might be the kids of John Podesta... "Whites are being ERASED..." Stefan Molyneux talks about this a lot in his videos. It’s a big problem. White people must have more babies or else. And close the borders 110% or more... Good question we all should ask. We got to be around people who are like-minded or else. Some people are trying to steal land, near my house. Cars drive around midnight. They’re trying to intimidate people here at that house near a lake near Seattle, where I live. They’re trying to inhabit parts of the land. The city is trying to limit our well water. We patriots gotta network more. We gotta have address books on actual paper, just in case, of numbers, addresses, emails, websites, etc. Network now, before it is too late. Fill your closet with canned foods now, before it is too late. educate other people on it.... @Mongoose, when I taught English in Vietnam, some girls offered to give me thousands of dollars. All I had to do was fake marry them, because they wanted green cards. I said no. I was making over a thousand dollars a month, on average, and only spent like $200 each month, generally. So, I was saving money. After five years in Vietnam, I returned to America in 2017 because of Trump. I wanted to help Make America Great Again. That’s why I’m on this forum and on Steemit. I left the USA because of Obama and returned because of Trump and the MAGA Movement. I think about returning to Vietnam each day. The women there are beautiful. But, should I betray my own country, just because I like Asian women?... Mongoose: "Trump needs to decide who he’s working for." How do we get Trump’s attention? Should we do what Ann Coulter does?