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RE: 2019-02-03

in #j6 years ago

Baby Pop Body Parts

- 2019-02-04 - 09:08 PM - Monday - While Babies Are Sold - Somebody wrote, "Can somebody please create an infomercial that I believe will help wake liberal millennials. Everybody remembers the baby bottle pop commercial. Baby bottle pop, baby bottle pop, it’s a baby bottle pop… Please utilize the words, baby body parts, baby body parts, we sell baby body parts…" Well wrote, "Since Ishmael always tries to persecute Isaac, proving to be the sons of the devil that they are..." Paladin: "It believes there is a god, which is “known” as a matter of fact to exist." How do you know that? Handy Randy: "Let’s keep the Goat naming to a minimum please!" Goats have feelings, too. Fighter: "ATHIESTS AND AGNOSTICS ARE THE PROBLEM!!" Paladin: "I don’t think you’ve posted this on enough threads." Repetition helps. Randy: "Don’t worry about this one!" I try not to. Matt: "I don’t believe in is religion..." What about fellowship of the rings? Somebody: "There is only one path to God and only one Holy Word." When you say Word, do you mean Jesus, who is the Word? Bingozee: "Please don’t copy...." lol @bingozee lol.... Elevator Music.... Parkway Drive... Piano player censored by NWO... where? .... Somebody: "Actually, me and my husband are writing several metal songs that are inspired by Infowars...." Funny song. But heart warming and true, “After all, he’s just a man.” Haha.... Somebody: "Trump’s plan is part of God’s plan." Can we get in on the action? Somebody: "I run over 4 miles a day six days a week." That’s the way to do. If only more people tried this. Smith: "This site has been compromised..." Does that we should give up? Smith: "The President has to do what needs to be done to save America." Who cares. I only care about what we do. What can we do to help? Somebody: "I am getting ready to order the book Conceived in Liberty..." Somebody: "If we go high tech with this, we are playing into their hands..." You can choose to run and hide or you can choose to utilize technology and harness it for impacting culture.... CNN are liars. Infowars, there’s a war on for your mind.... How can I get into Heaven, what must I do? Most people think they must do good works and earn their way into Heaven. But you cannot do that.... Should we do yellow jackets in America or something more covert? Good question. Somebody: "This is part of the control, read 1984." Mama Potato: "I figured I must be doing something right...." You only receive flack, plack, black, slack, rack, track, wack, nack, crack, haha, crap, pack, zack, Frank haha, and OATMEAL POTATO, when you’re over the target.

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