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in #j5 years ago

Meme World | Banned.Video | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | Brighteon | Boar Invasion | Half in the Bag: Robocop 2014 | If Your Avatar Was a TV Show | Greenhouse Pipes Cover Prep Dig | Sprinkler | Dirt | Salvation Well Debate | 4th Planet Block FB Reminder via MM


1984 Year In Review - Katie was Strawberry Shortcake | We got this toy computer for Christmas 1984 | As a family, we would play at the park | Grandma Ann must have visited that year or around that time | Aunt Karen and her family visited at least one time | Katie and Ricky drank from bottles a few times | Katie's 4th birthday party


1985 Year In Review - I was born. Relatives visited. We lived in Forest Grove. I was the third kid in our family. Mom talks about how she planned the birth of her four children to some extent. She wanted to have 4 children and she wanted them a certain amount of time apart. Her first kid was born in 1980 and the last in 1990. Ricky was born in 1982 and I was born in 1985. Katie wanted a sister. But then I was born. But luckily, after that, she got a baby sister, Crystal, in 1990. We grew up in this trailer park in the 1980's and 1990's. Over the years, that neighborhood began changing in a few ways. As time went on, there was a decrease in how many kids would run around at the park and all over the hood in general. In the 1980's, there were mostly white people in our neighborhood. As time went on, things got darker, pun intended. Reagan was sworn in a second term 22 days before I was born.


1986 Year In Review - My first birthday | Three Kids Drinking Bottles | Neighborhood Kids | Learning to Walk | Grandpa Dick came over | Riding a black yellow tricycle | Rick's Blocks Tower | Tickle Oatmeal Joey Time | Swimming Pool | Playing with kittens and dolls | Sleeping on the Couch


Top Gun | Aliens | Ferris Bueller's Day Off | Big Trouble in Little China | Labyrinth | The Karate Kid Part II | Critters Howard the Duck | Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home | Three Amigos | Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives | The Great Mouse Detective | The Wraith | An American Tail | Raw Deal

TV Shows

ALF | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Matlock | Siskel & Ebert | The Real Ghostbusters | The Hogan Family | Amen | Pee Wee's Playhouse | Perfect Strangers | Dennis The Menace | The Care Bears | Inspector Gadget ended | My Little Pony | Benson ended | Disney's Wonderful World | Night Court | You Can't Do That On Television

Cartoon Shows

The Real Ghostbusters | G.I. Joe ended | Galaxy High School | Rambo: The Force of Freedom | Karate Kommandos | The New Adventures of Johnny Quest | Teen Wolf

Video Games

The Legend of Zelda | Bubble Bobble | Dragon Quest | Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels | Metroid | Rampage | Starflight | Wonder Boy | Howard The Duck | World Games | The Chess Master 2000 | The Detective | Gumshoe | Black Belt


1987 Year In Review - Pilgrim Play - Homschooling Club - Friday School | Dad has been working for China Man Jack since like 1987 to 2018 and beyond | I remember watching Three Men & a Baby in 1987 | Full House premiered (I remember seeing the new baby, Michelle, that first episode when it premiered or during a rerun | I was probably a sheep in the Pilgrim Play

Works Salvation

Those who don't believe in eternal security of once saved then always saved do in fact, whether they say it or not, whether they like it or not, whether they know it or not, believe it or not, truly do believe in works salvation. They will not call it works salvation or John MacArthur's Lordship Salvation or Salvation Army's Doctrine 9 of Continual State of Obedience or what Mormons believe or the list goes on and on and on as all religions, except real Christianity, believes in works salvation. They all have that in common. They will describe it all differently. They will hide behinds words, definitions, meaning, etc, etc, etc, etc.

2019-08-30 - Friday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me



Screenshot at 2019-08-30 22:20:26.png
Screenshot at 2019-08-30 22:21:55.png

Contact Me

Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn


01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-30 - Friday - PST - Daily journal:

Brilliant Steem

12:13 AM - Steemit

Application, practicality, like you said, like the real iJustine said, is everything.

Random Yoko 2


Salvation Debate

01:11 AM - IWA

What did Adam have is the question, right? What did Adam and Eve have?

Are you the ghost of John MacArthur of Lordship Salvation?

Why would you ever reject what you truly accepted?

If a cat is barking like a dog, does the cat become a dog?

If a cat walks like a dog, talks like a dog, smells like a dog, eats like a dog, thinks like a dog, sins like a dog, barks like a dog, fights like a dog, is that cat a dog or a cat?

If I don't pray, I'm going to Hell?

Didn't that guy lose his Infocomms salvation?

Contrast soteriology from fellowship.

Why do you ignore the book of Hosea?

Why do you ignore Ephesians 2?

You live in a life dominated by fear or by a life dominated by arrogance.

The verb tenses describes justification, sanctification, and glorification, the three trinity states and matrix of salvation, of soteriology, from a perspective outside of time.

The Bible is too complex for your small oatmeal brain.

Mother was trying to tell you bed time stories and you kept on getting lost in the story. It was so sad. You were not able to follow the story. So tragic.

The beginning of the story can be found in Genesis.

You never feed your dog. You need to feed your dog. You only give your dog bananas. You have been giving your dog too many bananas. I've been watching you feed your dog bananas. Please feed your dog something better than that. You're not fooling anybody. You're not studying books on how to take care of your dog. We have been watching you feed your dog bad food. You are abusing animals, which @HXTR and Griff despises.

Well, Well lost in the well of endless Eisegesis.

Was Adam and Eve born saved or not saved?

Yard Work

09:30 AM - 10:00 AM - Filtering dirt into a wheelbarrow. Near the raspberry shed. Raked. Swept. Deposited the filtered rocks near the patio. Picked up grass/yard debris.

Satan Debate

10:15 AM - IWA

Satan is not allowed to have freewill?

I no longer believe in mothers, ever since I saw a woman give birth to Hitler.

Meme Art hates FREEDOM. He wished God made LUCIFER just a ROBOT.

Racism vs Character

01:38 PM - Steemit

As kids, we may not even notice it until our teen years or possibly not until our early twenties. Like, I didn't think about the color of somebody's skin. I generally saw Mexicans, for example, in Oregon, where I grew up, to be simply more tanned than me. Perhaps, they were out in the sun longer. Generally, I just didn't think about it at all any more than I thought about how some people were short and some people tall. It's kind of like that. Some people have big noses. Some people have small noses. And some people have darker skin. Yes, and some people are mixed. Well, perhaps we are all a little mixed, but some people more so.

Alex Jones

01:41 PM - Bitchute - Infowars - ALEX JONES (2nd HOUR) Friday 8/30/19: MEME King Carpe Donkum, News & Analysis

Banned Video

01:44 PM - Banned.Video is a new website that premieres awesome videos, breaking news, etc


02:01 PM - Bingozee is the author of the oldest book in the world, Proverbs.

Without Walls

02:42 PM - Steemit

If we didn't have so much welfare, we wouldn't need walls to some extent. Ultimately, each person needs to protect themselves. So, if I could, I would live on a mountain with big walls and a river that goes around it. I would have body guards. In other words, I would be my own country.

America should continue building and rebuilding walls. We need them for the current system that we have. Ultimately, it would be better to focus on private property rights. I would prefer only vetting people over into the USA.

Hypothetically, having no walls at all would be ideal in some ways. People who want no walls have good points. However, that hypothetical world is just that, hypothetical. Also, a lot of people can come in and change the culture of communities. That's happening in Minnesota for example. A lot of people are not prepared in America for no borders. Actually, we have no borders to an extent as people flood the United States of America as it is being invaded as we speak in the 2010's, these past few years and we have to always try to minimize Open Borders and Divide and Conquer and the size of federal governments.

I would love to have walls around countries, states, counties, cities, communities, neighborhoods, certain places, private property, and especially houses. Sadly, a lot of people may not have enough money at the moment to take care of themselves. Sadly, too many are not independent enough and they survive excessively on the government to take care of them. People in other countries prefer welfare. But America was not founded on welfare but on freedom which takes hard work to maintain.

Boar Invasion

02:53 PM - Boar must be code for something that has been running around for 1,200 years or longer.

China Invasion

03:03 PM - You are using China's Apple's Safari?

Info Scouts

03:30 PM - IWA

I was part of a homeschooling club in Oregon in the 80's and 90's and we had arts and crafts and we went on field trips at times to learn about things. We went to a pizza place to see how pizza is made. We went to a cheese factory. We would go to the park. So, Info Scouts could seek to revive those things, like you guys are saying in bringing back the wild west in making the Boy Scouts great again. I used to climb trees, build things, play in the dirt. I was always building sand castles at the beach. Some people have a Thursday board games night as a family. Parents should try to play with their children outside at least one hour per month or maybe week.

Naomi Brockwell

03:45 PM - Hong Kong accelerates crypto use, Iranian sanctions stop flood support, and more!

Salvation Debate

04:12 PM - IWA

Some people seem to say that Adam was born saved. Whether or not Adam was saved or not depends mostly on the definition of sin, of God, and especially saved. Too often, people can deteriorate the purpose behind salvation, the details regarding the three steps in salvation that is promised and sealed.

5G Cancer Debate

04:43 PM - Facebook

Jordan D Winslow, why are children getting cancer near 5G? And why not embrace fiber optics? You know Facebook loves 5G, right? That probably means you love Facebook, right?

Yard Work

05:00 PM - 06:00 PM - Digging around the two ends of the new pipe to green house in order to cover it with something to keep it from freezing in the winter. Two-man job. Careful to not cut the plastic pipes or wires with tools or rocks. Make sure to filter the dirt as you put it back. Note the differences between axes and pick axes.

Overlord DVD

06:54 PM - YouTube Live Stream - Friday Night Frolics! Rise of Skywalker! Star Trek! Joker! - So many people do cover songs on songs that are not in the public domain because it is fair use. YouTube can still go after you, even if it is in the public domain.


07:18 PM - I was watching 227 4 on YouTube. It is an episode where she got a piano and her husband was not sure if he wanted to keep it as he has to pay the bills for everything. This show was on television from 1985-1990. It stars African Americans. At the end, they were singing. I like actors and their charisma is pretty inspiring. It is possible that every episode has them singing like its a musical. I ran across the show on a Google list as I was writing an article about my life in 1986. | @Red Lantern's Rage , all of the Angelina Jolie Tomb Raider films over the new one. In 1986, there was a cartoon named Rambo: The Force of Freedom. Star Wars 7-9 could have continued the story of the original trilogy as opposed to focusing on new characters which should have waited for episode 10. Star Wars 7-9 is too realistic as some men can become GRUMPY like this ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE LUKE SKYWALKER did, but we did not want that Luke version.

Sinless Murderers

08:34 PM - IWA

Bingozee said that Murder is Sin. Bingozee said we are sinless. So, I wonder if a MURDERER is SINLESS based on the LOGIC provided by Bingozee.

Why did Christ die on the cross, if we still have to do certain things?

How can we be delivered if we are not really delivered?

Is that how you define salvation?

So, salvation has nothing to do with the riches of His Grace as mentioned in Ephesians 2?

James talks about works and faith as well. It is very clear that you shall know them by their fruits. When we are saved, we become new creatures. God helps us do good works because we are saved and not to get saved. God promises to finish what He begun in us until that is complete. We want that. We choose that through freewill and we will not change our minds. Hypothetically, we could change our minds, but we make the decisions outside of time and space with our spirit. It is an eternal decision that is made at a supernatural level and dimension that we can't really understand at the moment. Hypothetically, living in sin would make you lose your salvation. But salvation is by grace through faith and not by faith but through faith and not of works as mentioned in Ephesians. The Bible talks about salvation and fellowship. Also, it talks about Israel, which is a third thing. When you live in sin, you can miss out on blessings and on the fellowship. But not on salvation itself.

Does the Bible not say that all our righteousness is as filthy rags?

Without Christ, all our righteousness, before getting saved, is as filthy rags, right?

Murderer Bingozee

Bingozee is murdering my time away.

We must work to stay saved like The Salvation Army preaches?

Did you know that every religion agrees with you?

So, you are promoting Lordship Salvation, right?

Are you going to be good enough to earn Heaven when you die?

Will you become a God like the Mormons preach after you die?

Will you get 70 virgins after you die like Islam teaches?

1 John is not talking about eternal security, then?

Murdering Bingozee Books

Bingozee said he is not a sinner. But if he murders my time and if murder is a sin, then Bingozee is a sinner according to what Bingozee wrote. If you look at what Bingozee wrote, you will see what Bingozee wrote. Then, you can compare what Bingozee wrote with other writings from the Book of Bingozee.

Recognizing Patterns

The Bible takes thousands of hours to understand. It is important to study the main themes found in theology first. Get to know the character of God in how He does things. As you read through the 66 books, you beginning noticing certain patterns in God's attributes and you notice where it is all leading to. Simply put, the Bible focuses on Christ. So, it points forwards towards Christ in the Old Testament. After that, it focuses on Christ. It makes comparisons and contrasts between different systems of doing things.

The Eternal Lamb

The biggest contrast is made between the sacrifices of sheep, yearly, with the eternal sacrifice of the perfect lamb of God who is in fact eternal. It is important to understand the contrast between how things work in the physical realm with how things work in the higher dimensions that Alex Jones mentions.

Well asked about why I mentioned Alex Jones. Because I like him.

So, in other words, you have no bias?

Are you sure you don't have that backwards?

The character of God, whether God is real or not, which Bingozee might agree, is within the understanding of how love works, systematically, which begins with the meaning of life which involves freewill and it expands to the understanding of different kinds of contracts.

You want us to become animals?


08:00 PM - 09:00 PM - Included rice. Had some corn on the cob for lunch. Turned off the sprinler. Poured some distilled water into a glass container. Long ago, some people drank from silver and gold cups and that made them healthier. Better than plastic.

Trump Losing His Base

10:38 PM - IWA

How do we infiltrate the Always Trumper Zombies?

How do we capture the steering wheel away from Trump and back to we the people?

The better question is are we losing our country and what do we do about it?

If Your Avatar Was a TV Show

Post your intro music that you would have, if your online persona or avatar was a TV show or movie or a famous song or whatever.


11:59 PM - Potato Head Kids (1986) - Intro (Opening)