2019-08-13steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago

Rooster Left The Nest. Introducing Oatmeal Health. Pay It Forward Contest. It's takes original oatmeal, AKA wisdom, to know how to navigate through freedoms. Lady Bug Troll Debate. Health Advice. Rainbow Rivers. Killing Freedoms. Private Property Debate. Crockpot Chicken. Potatoes. Macroni Soup Lunch. Plant Watered. Dishes. Killed Fly.


America - USA


Thoughts In Time
Art Jewel
Me Patriot
Mork Rock
David Pakman

2019-08-13 - Tuesday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

Owen Joey Censor Private Property Rights.jpeg

Contact Me

Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-13 - Tuesday - PST - Daily journal:

Behind the Scenes

12:45 AM - IWA

They're always trying to trigger false flags, terrorism, etc, all the time, so it is a miracle that mass shootings, etc, do NOT happen each day but globalists are trying to push people to do as much harm as possible without limit and they and others have been at this game for decades or even centuries and it is not new. Not new. Emphasis on not new. Things are worse and better in the 2010's in a variety of ways as patriots rise and as the left falls and yet the globalists and others are still behind the scenes doing what they have been doing for so many decades or longer and they are the root to and the root of many issues in the world.

Banning Oatmeal

12:47 AM - IWA

My account was removed and yet my posts are still here.

Cooking Ana

12:50 AM - Steemit

Creative. Awesome. You got it. I love to eat healthy. We have a garden we eat from. Love this picture, Ana.


12:53 AM - Steemit NSFW

The world is not over-populated. That is fake news. Many people lie to you all your life.


12:54 AM - Steemit

People need to stop having sex until they get married.


12:56 AM - Steemit

Feds Are Destroying Evidence. Change My Mind.

Free Speech Debate

01:19 AM - Steemit


I don't want to be thrown in jail for hypothetical, theoretical, potential, alleged, Pre-Crime, which is what Facebook and other tech cartels do do or do try to do.

Court of Law

Legally in America, people would be tried in court. So, the United States has that system. So, if I say fire in a theater, and people run out, then some people could charge me with crimes, allegedly. Then, in a court of law, lawyers can argue about how what I said caused certain things to happen. We could talk about those things. But the point I'm trying to make is that the judge or the jurors can rule and decide.


I believe in the freedom of speech. I want to say anything I want. I want to write anything I want. I don't want to be sent to jail only because of what I wrote. Like I said with the famous Yelling Fire in a Theater Example, the problem is not what I said but in what happened. But first off, I should not be automatically guilty because of what happened. So, a bunch of people ran out the theater. Maybe people died. Maybe other things happen.


My main point is that I would want a judge to make that determination after hearing my side of the story and their side of the story. But it is a process. I want to go to court before I'm sent to jail. So, I want the freedom to incite violence, to spam, to say bad words, profanity, curse words, to lie, to share viruses, to post nudity or anything. I want the freedom of speech and even hate speech. I want the freedom to be racist or whatever people want to call me.


And people should have the freedom to try to sue me and drag me to court. But if the judge finds me not guilty, then I really hope the judge fines them for dragging me to court. But if the judge finds me guilty, then the judge should punish me adequately for what I'm allegedly guilty of.


But it is a gradual process. I say something. You don't like it or whatever. Then you can say something too. Anything. And you could even take me to court. I could try to take you to court. I believe in that process. It's not a fun process but it might be better than just dragging people automatically to prison for being too hateful against Angel Hillary Clinton, etc. And yeah, judges can be corrupt. The process can be corrupt. There can be bad laws, rules, codes, acts, policies, regulations, red tape, etc, etc. That's true as well. So, it's dangerous to go to court. You could be morally right and yet legally guilty, allegedly, potentially, depending on how the court rules.


Therefore, you should be allowed to say and write and post anything. Yet, be aware of possible consequences. Never mind whether or not the consequences are just or not. Sometimes, we may not see justice in our own lifetime. It may never come in some cases or we may have to wait a while. But that's life. We can choose to pick our battles. @stefan.molyneux talked about this in August 2019 with a Hong Kong Caller in his video concerning how life is a tricky situation. You can win battles but lose the war. It's about going with the flow sometimes. It's about waiting for the right opportunities to say and do the right things perhaps.


Go with your gut. When you say something, people can get triggered. I could get flagged by a bunch of people for this comment for example, regardless of whether or not this comment is good or bad. So, again, pick your battles. Think and then act accordingly. Life is like chess. Freedom is good. It's takes original oatmeal, AKA wisdom, to know how to navigate through freedoms.


01:26 AM - Steemit

Mexican Food

01:28 PM - Steemit

Bingozee Book

10:17 AM - IWA

I didn't know my father was Austin Powers & Harry Potter. Bingozee could be Australian. He might be using a voice app that types what he speaks on his behalf. If so, that would explain why he misspells. Unless if he either misspells accidentally or maybe even on purpose in order to talk in code or something, since he is a spy named Steve Austin Powers 3:16.

Steven Crowder

10:37 AM - EPSTEIN DEAD: 5 Hard Facts You NEED to Know! | Louder with Crowder - Steven Crowder goes through the absolutely insane -- and REAL -- facts surrounding Jeffrey Epstein's case and "suicide."

10:41 AM - IWA

I'm a freaking Lady Bug. Not a fly. But for all you ladies out there, I'd love to be a fly on ya wall, ya know what I mean, ya feeling me hey baby. The Butterfly is the New Blue Verified Twitter Account Check! That means, they've arrived.

Turn their profiles to my avatar, the Butterfly, and then people will think those accounts are mine and then ignore them like they ignore me, problem solved. Very easy. Associate trolls with me and then people can be like, "Ahhh, that's Creepy Joe Arnold Biden. Moving on." Freaking Lady Bug, some people have already said that many of the accounts on the Infocomms are mine. Therefore, it would be totally believable by many people if they were told that all the trolls are made of oatmeal. Problem solved. Just stick my face on anything you don't like. That is like posting a Keep Out Sign. Cuz you know, where there is a Fly, there bounds to be some sweet, smelly, yucky, disgusting, brown sugar looking, black molasses flowing, original green oatmeal, a meal fit for the gods.

Too Many Cooks

10:57 AM - Steemit

Too many people on the planet? Over-population? No. Agenda 2030 and Agenda 21. Eugenicists are behind the fake news. The globalists are behind the fake aspects of global warming. The real aspects of climate change is done via geoengineering, Big Pharma, etc. There is a lot of space on earth. But you may not that if you do not travel enough. Too many people are stuck in big cities and they think the whole world is like big cities but it is not.


11:05 AM - Steemit

Yes. No. Sometimes people notice some of what I write. Sometimes, I'm taken out of context. I can read fast sometimes. I've had 20 years of practice, reading and writing since like 1998 or so. I just try my best. Oh, good idea for the hashtags.


Also, I see patterns. Sometimes, I read things that I've read before by other people. So, once you start seeing patterns and repetition, you can begin to read it faster and faster. Sometimes, you can even begin to maybe try to look for keywords when you are reading. If you know what you are looking for, then you can kind of speed read or scan or skim.

Readers Are Leaders

11:22 AM - Steemit


@cloudblade looks interesting and my grandpa is from the Netherlands. I try to keep a blog concerning my life. So, each day, I try to post highlights of my day which includes my life on Steemit and IWA. So, I include links to my activity online, that is on Steemit, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. In some ways, my daily blog posts might be too boring for the average reader. Therefore, the posts are there (JUST FOR ME LOL) as an archive of my life, for the record. But it is public and people can read it.


I write blog posts.

But I sometimes write articles as well.

So, I try to make my articles maybe less boring.

But my blogs are probably going to be more boring.


Because my blog posts are simply outlines of my life, my activity, regardless of how boring or whatever it may or may not be.

I try to keep a daily blog for many reasons.


Easy. I have a daily template saved in a Word Document or notepad or wordpad file. I copy and paste my daily template into a new document for each day.

Each Day

During the day, I copy and paste my activity to the daily blog post on my computer. Then at the end, I copy and paste that daily blog outline to Steemit (Steem), Weku, Serey, Dream Real, Bear Shares, and sometimes Smoke. Those are the name of six different blockchain networks. So, in other words, Weku is not part of Steemit. But Busy is part of Steem. So, I try to post my daily blog posts on different websites. Sometimes, I try to look for new websites to post to. New websites may come and go. Currently, these are the ones I post to. But the more the better (maybe). Why do I do that?


I want to have backups. In case Steemit dies someday, I will at least have backups on my computer in daily files and on different websites. Don't keep all your eggs in one basket.

Browser Tabs

I have a folder tab on my Firefox web browser named "a" meaning article. I have links to those websites. I click on the button at the bottom to open up those five or so websites and then I copy and paste my daily blog posts to those different websites and publish them each day.

Anybody can do that if they want.

Someday, you may look back and forget many things from your life.

Maybe, you should have written it down somewhere lol.

That's why I do what I do.

I also do whatever that I do each day in order to educate, entertain, equip, encourage, emulate, etc.

Failure vs Regret

11:35 AM - Steemit

We can have fear of failure. We can also have the fear of regret.

Pay It Forward

11:39 AM - Steemit


11:43 AM - Steemit

Hello Nina. Welcome. Nice picture. Great smile. Beautiful. Cute friend too.


11:48 AM - Steemit

I love art too. Love your bluish green hair. I love Japan. I was living in Vietnam. Have you been there.


11:49 AM - Steemit

Wow. So strong like Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan. I hope India continues to fight for independence, freedoms, as they are doing right now to regain back some long lost land.


11:58 AM - Free Julian Assange

Gun Debate

12:26 PM - Steemit

Do you know what is happening in Chicago?

Name That Game

12:29 PM - Steemit

Looks like a cross between Metal Gear and Zelda.

Epstein Debate

12:34 PM - Steemit

Can we see the videos oh Epstein before and after he was no longer, allegedly, alive, and did he have blackmail on anybody?

Steem Fest

12:36 PM - Steemit

Someday, I may go. Very cool.

Health Advice

12:43 PM - Steemit


My recipe begins in the mind. After that, I begin to make gradual habits towards a better lifestyle. That's key. Don't try to get to the top of the mountain with one instant jump. Step by step, day by day, you improve. Begin where you are. Be honest with where you are and don't pretend you are somewhere else.

One Thing

Just one thing at a time. Each day, commit to one thing. The next day, you can focus on that one thing again or move on to the next level.

Which Things

Breathing helps. That is one thing. Sleep is another thing. Water is another thing. Exercise is good. Eat from gardens. That's another thing. Get away from 5G. That's another thing. The list goes on and on.


I like to play basketball.


12:46 PM - Steemit

I used to ride a few hours like daily in 2013 and a little bit in 2014 in Saigon, Vietnam. Sometimes, maybe around 20 km. You seem to be more fit than me. And beautiful and full of life. Good work. Impressed.

Dinner Instructions

01:02 PM - Cook chicken in a crockpot for a few hours. Around 6 PM, turn it off. Wait like an hour for it to cool down. Put the chicken in containers and store them in the fridge. You'll know when they're done when the meat separates from the bones. Put the bones in other containers and store them in the big freezer. Use the green funnel and pour the chicken juice into jars and store them in the fridge. Add vegetables and rice. Oh, by the way, I buried compose stuff, like onions, garlic, fruits, vegetables, etc, just a few minutes ago outside. Grass. Dirt. Old food goes there to be used as garden starters. We make our own soil.


01:16 PM - Steemit

Beautiful and fun.

Rainbow Rivers

01:23 PM - Steemit

I've never seen rainbow rivers. Beautiful. We need more of these oasis jungles all around the world. Make Gardens Great Again.

Magical Art Girl.


01:27 PM - Steemit

Eve, exactly. Wow. I should give people tour guides in America. I was living in Vietnam for five years and would see tourists come and go. I felt like a Vietnamese person for a while. Great photos of Finland. I should visit Finland someday. Magical.


01:30 PM - Steemit

Thanks for telling people about these things. Very crucial for people to understand. I want to stop the EU. I want to make independent countries great again. I'm against centralized fiat.


01:32 PM - Steemit

Snow Kangaroos hoping in the snow in Australia.

Proof of Brain Song

01:36 PM - Steemit

Discover Girls

01:38 PM - Steemit

Good work, Discover Girls! Hope Discover helps people discover you lol.


01:47 PM - Steemit

Why is porn free? Why do they promote incest in some of the porn videos where brothers hook up with sisters? What are the pros and cons of porn? Are porn websites able to use webcams to record people while they're watching porn to Epstein Blackmail them?

Porn makes people excessively sexually active to miss out on long-term romance, possibly. It becomes tougher to build relationships, friendships, marriages, because of how the brain is rewired through the abuse of instant gratification.

Rooster Exist

03:03 PM - Code. Rooster left the nest. Dishes. Compost. Garbage. Coffee grounds. Recycling. Watching Infowars. Big news. Epstein. People try to mess up kids. Child sacrifices. Secret societies. Murdered. Leaks. War on tech cartels. Floors mopped. Cold shower. Not super cold. A cool shower that is. AIr conditioner. Eating soup.


03:09 PM - Steemit

You want to kill my freedoms. I want to do what I want to do. You are telling me that I have to be a robot and do what you tell me to do. I cannot make my own choices, even bad choices. I want you to do whatever you want to do, good or bad. I want the freedom to do what I want to do. Mind your own business kind of thing. Make government small again.


03:12 PM - Lady Liberty - The Conscious Resistance - Deprogramming From Parasitic Manipulation

Hong Kong

03:22 PM - Steemit

How bad is China?

Crypto World

04:03 PM - Steemit

Good thing we got Bitcoin, etc, in the mist of recessions/depressions/declines/inflation/chaos. Historically, there was a recession around 1907 and around 1929. But also, don't forget a recession around 1921. People recovered from that a lot more and a lot faster than the depression that began in like 1929.

2020's & 1920's

But ironically, now about 100 years later, it seems that we are going to run into similar chaos in the 2020's like whatever happened in the 1920's. We could probably learn from whatever businesses survived the 1920's.

Chocolate Machine

Don't forget to send her crypto in order to activate her chocolate machine to feed her chocolate addiction. Awesome. Brilliant. I should get one that shoots out oatmeal whenever people send me crypto.


If her chocolate machine doesn't already, it should have to ability to be activated whenever people send her any crypto and not only just Bitcoin or Ethereum or Steem or just one kind of cryptocurrency in order to promote as many alt coins as possible or whichever ones you want to promote at any time like a roster of your top 20 or 100 or whatever wallets (coins) you have.

Bit Torrent

If you haven't and you wanna, you could promote, if there are any yet, newer kinds of Bit Torrent systems that could possibly reward Downloaders and Uploaders (Seeds) via cryptocurrency compensation or maybe even CPU/GPU/RAM crypto mining or whatever. I will need to do more research in order to see if there are any yet. I've only heard that some people were trying to work on these types of projects.

Crypto Internet

Also, like Crypto Bit Torrent, there should be, if there isn't any yet, a way to get paid money, I mean cryptocurrencies, for renting out your hard drives, CPU, GPU, RAM, etc, to run peer to peer Internet or decentralized Internet projects that could at least try to get around some of the Internet Service Providers (ISP) and maybe even some of the Domain Name Servers (DNS) and also maybe some of the data centers or backbone infrastructures of the Internet which ISPs rent out.

Internet Mega Highways

I've heard that most of the Internet traffic flows through those main backbones of the Internet, the main Super Mega Global Highways of the World Wide Web. I've heard that there are different companies that may control and may own those Internet highways. If those companies are not all like owned by bigger companies, then maybe the main Internet highways are not monopolies. Maybe not completely centralized or too regulated like the Federal Reserve and central banks regulate money.


I would still try to create like Internet Side Roads, Alleys, Tunnels, Hallways, Smaller Streets, Crawl Spaces, Small Windows, Small Doors, Trap Doors, Back Doors, Secret Rooms, Clouds, Gateways, Exits, Ramps, Rivers, Star Gates, Railroads, Caves, etc, etc, etc, even if the main Internet Mega Highways are not too excessively centralized, monopolized, governed, remote-controlled, manipulated, regulated, through and by tech cartels, governments, monopolies, groups, organizations, etc, etc, with Internet Kill Switches, Censorship Mechanisms, Spy Stuff, etc, etc.


Just in case, better safe than sorry, etc, etc.


I try to teach people about how the Internet works. I probably should draw some diagrams. That might be able to help people understand what the Internet is and is not. Then, some people would be more likely to be excited about Internet 3.0, the decentralized version of the Internet which will be rising in the 2020's like never ever before.


04:15 PM - Steemit

Anything to counter the reign of All-Powerful Porn Hub, which is the Facebook of Porn.

Infocomms Debate

06:34 PM - IWA

Dear Readers,

There are two main ways to moderate a website. Yes, there are also variations of these two main ways. Let me tell you what they are, really quickly:

  1. Moderate Like Facebook
  2. Moderate Like Steemit

1. Facebook

Yes, Facebook has different problems. We can talk all day about those problems. Some of those problems are interconnected with how they moderate and how they selectively don't moderate. But long story short, that's besides the point. We have all talked about problems that Facebook has. But that's not what I'm to talk about right now.

When you look at the Community Guidelines of Facebook, they state that they can terminate users at any time without being required to say why. I used to read their policies. I used to read the rules that Yahoo would make you sign back into 1998. So, what's my point with Facebook and other evil tech cartels?


Facebook has a clear policy in how they moderate. They basically have a disclaimer. In other words, they say that they decide who to ban, who to censor, what to delete, what to keep, as kings. Technically, they can do that, outside of the problems that they have with getting money from government, etc, etc, but that's besides the point.

My point is that the Infocomms could, if they are not already, have in their policy a disclaimer or a rule that says they can delete comments, threads, users, pictures, videos, words, files, GIFs, etc, etc, off the Infocomms at any time without the need to say why at all. No explanation needed.

I support that.

2. Steemit

However, I prefer no moderating at all through the art of blockchain technology, IPFS, Bit Torrent, Open Source, etc, etc, etc. Let people say and write and post anything. I mean anything and everything. No exceptions.

Major Issues

One of the biggest issues is in being somewhere between Facebook and Steemit in trying to enforce specific rules.


Because different people interpret rules and many different things differently and therefore you run into these Meme Wars where people go back and forth in arguing what should or should not be removed, censored, moderated, edited, taken down, etc, etc. It's a mess. Infowars can do what they want. But I'm just saying that the art of moderating is very difficult. Again, very difficult. Ultimately, if you moderate, you should simply do it the way tech cartels do it by simply stating that your website is private property and that you can simply remove whatever you want.


And you can state why you remove certain things if you want. Facebook does that sometimes. But you should not say that you have to. You should simply state that you might tell people why certain things and people were removed, moderated, etc. But you should retain ownership over your private property, assuming it is owned by you. In the case of Facebook, they may not necessarily own the servers, software, etc, that they use, or maybe not all of it, and therefore that's another issue for another day. But this is not Facebook. But the way Facebook wrote their guidelines is pretty cleaver if you know what I mean. So, copy them and put forth disclaimers in the Infocomms Rules if you have not already. If you have already did that, then good. I prefer no moderating. It's better that way. But if you you do sometimes selectively moderate, then own it. Let people know, clearly, that you have the right to moderate, to remove, anything, anybody, without reason or sometimes without stating the reasons. Don't make promises you can't always keep. Otherwise, people like @Minutemen-Of-America and @Zor and @WTFA and maybe even @Crit1kal and others will probably troll and stalk @iwarmy with trying to get the staff to declare why things and people were moderated, removed, etc, etc, etc. Don't moderate. But if you do, don't promise to people that you will always give reasons to why you moderate, ban, remove, etc, etc. Always include disclaimers. Otherwise, you can run into stick oatmeal situations lol.

Private Property

07:52 PM - IWA

Are you against private property?

Censorship is irrelevant in the face of private property.

You hate private property and you don't get it.

Facebook vs Gab

08:11 PM - IWA


Paul Joseph Watson (PJW) is right, to an extent, at times, that bad people are on the Internet. Some of them can be on Bitchute and YouTube. They can be on Gab and Facebook.


However, there is more to the story than that. As you learn more, then you can see that there is more to it than just that. Candace Owens, PJW, Joe Rogan, and others, can be Gateway Drugs towards Infowars and other outlets for more information. When people begin to be redpilled, they do so gradually. So, you get some Paul down your throat. You get some Candace. As you grow up, you graduate to higher levels.


Gab is smaller than Facebook for example. So, you may see things you may not always see on Facebook. However, worse things are on Facebook. But there are different percentages, different combinations, variations, of people, on Gab, when compared to Facebook, especially as Gab is or might be in beta mode and different cities and countries have different mixes of the same ingredients of the different kinds of people as well.

Facebook Cake

So, Facebook is like a cake as things are more mixed and it can be harder to see the really bad things on Facebook all of the time if you don't know where to look.

Gab Salad

Gab is like salad because there are less people on Gab than there are on Facebook. So, you can see the bad people easier, probably, at least at the moment. Same thing with Bitchute, Steemit, etc. It's simple. I told people this same thing when I would compare America with Vietnam.

Pastor Sam

08:36 PM - IWA

Pastor Sam,

Is the water making people gayer and dumber as they become unable to figure out what missionaries do as they travel between America and Mexico in the same ways my brother would between the U.S. and Honduras as his wife is from there and even as I've done so too as well to Canada, Hawaii, Idaho, Vietnam, and why are people hating on Judeo-Christianity which Alex Jones stands upon, the backbone of, as Stefan Molyneux puts it, the backbone of Americana and western civilization, and how do we, like Carmen said, put God back in America, as Trump put it, as many people have put it many times before as seen in the patterns of history, and why is @Minutemen-Of-America and others so against private property while screaming about censorship which is therefore a paradox bigger and longer than Bingozee Books and Leviticus Lots and can you please start a website and join Steemit please?

Invisible Rules

08:39 PM - IWA

Selective enforcement of invisible rules is a paradox, indeed.

Censorship vs Private Property

09:09 PM - IWA

Censorship and private property are different issues. However, there is a potential or sometimes obvious overlap between the two depending on the details.

I'm on Team Owen Shroyer and on Team Pastor Sam. So, feel free to put me in even more memes as I side with Make Private Property Rights Great Again. I love Censorship within the realm of your own private property. Facebook is different. It's different. Very different. But if you own a website, you should have the right to do good and evil on the website until you are taken to court. Take them to court. Have judges rule. But I'm against Pre-Crime. Don't punish Owen before he goes to court. Please take him to court for the evil he did and get judges and jurors to punish him. Don't bypass the legal system. Let Owen do anything to the extent it does not violate the private property rights of other people which is what all laws should be founded and grounded upon with the intent to protect private property rights.

War Debate

09:28 PM - Steemit

Yes. No. Depends. War can be good. As we study history, we can see a variety of things happening. Wars and battles are good.


The United States had to fight in the Revolutionary War in order to create the USA, that is a new country in the 1700's. After that, they fought in other wars as they fought against central bankers, Islam, globalism, etc.


But at the same time, globalists have been infiltrating America and other countries. They divide and they conquer. They get people to fight against each other. They make money regardless of who wins as they invest in and invest on different sides, parties, countries. Some of us are trying to fight the globalists and some of the real enemies. They trick us into fighting each other and we should not be doing that for so many reasons. I don't like war. I like more freedoms and less government, etc.

NSA Kids

09:34 PM - Steemit

Younger people are easier to control as they can be tricked as they may know less in most cases and may not get what is going on.

Mike Tyson Blockchain

09:48 PM - Steemit

I cannot wait. Hey, Michael Jordan, what about you. If only Michael Jackson was around. Trump should strart blockchain, cryptocurrencies, etc.

Awesome Movies

10:20 PM - Steemit

Interesting Film Reviews by Robert Genaille


10:27 PM - IWA

What you say is not relevant. You do have an issue with me even if you say you do not have an issue with me.

Video Games

10:34 PM - Steemit

I love video games. I have some PC emulators. Not sure if I have this one. I downloaded thousands of games. Have not Asterix, I think.

Naomi Brockwell

Negative interest rates! What bitcoin means for the coming crash

Little Women

10:40 PM - Steemit

My name is Joe too. As a kid, I saw bits and pieces of it. This new version may have a different perspective on it or a different emphasis.

Lost Movies

10:44 PM - Steemit

We should all try to find that lost film. We should start groups dedicated to finding lost films and books and comics, etc, etc.


10:49 PM - Steemit

When I lived in Vietnam, I saw people make things like this. I would eat some of it and some of it is sticky and sweet and healthy and delicious.


10:52 PM - IWA

I seriously wonder how connected we can be in our lucid dreams at night while sleeping. I should probably investigate that.

Introducing Oatmeal Health

11:30 PM - Steemit

The main purpose of Oatmeal Health is to focus on natural remedies first. However, I may also talk about other things as well. But I want to try to focus primarily on wholistic or holistic health. This account was made by Oatmeal Joey Arnold. Some of the related topics may include diet, sleep, water, gardens, yoga, prayer, meditation, focus, habits, lifestyle, breathing, perspective, reflection, goals, discipline, patience, character development, hope over dope, infinite altitude, comedy, green oatmeal, original oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish, essential fatty acids, Omega, vitamins, minerals, sunlight, routine, consistency, gradual incline, health, nutrition, naps, eternal principles, natural remedies, etc, etc. This article simply serves as a very brief rough draft outline of what Oatmeal Health is all about, making the world greener with one original oatmeal at a time.