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Project Veritas Google Day. February 2016. Shelton Music Update. Bill Gates Epstein. Jim in Vietnam. Nothing Speech. Bible Study. Epstein. Legality vs Morality Debate.



Bill Gates

2019-08-14 - Wednesday

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold
How-To Contact Me

Alex Jones Gun Meme Video Game Style Cartoon Silly.jpeg

Contact Me

Facebook - Infowars - Steemit - Twitter - YouTube - And More @oatmealjoey @oatmealenglish @joeyarnoldvn

Biography of My Life

1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018
2019 - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07 - 08

2019-08-14 - Wednesday - PST - Daily journal:

Infocomms Debate

02:51 AM - IWA

I love my Owen Shroyer Horse. But Griff is CRITICALLY wrong haha about having a login portal wall as people can still create accounts and log in to see Infocomms meaning you will not stop people from seeing stuff any more than you can stop bad people from getting guns and this website does help redpill people and spead Infowars to encourage people to go to the Infowars Store and yes, I need my Pennies, so step on it My Little Owen Pony.


Began watching Krull to 3 AM. Then slept.

Mark Dice

10:41 AM - He asked for it. Fredo Freido.


10:48 AM - IWA

If they are only watching what we say in isolation of what we do, then you have a big problem. In some cases, the FBI might be violating the 4th amendment.


11:30 AM - Steemit

Copyright is a dangerous thing. Allegedly, people say that Walt Disney used copyright to steal from his own business partner around the 1930's. I like copyright but it depends on who gets them, who don't, and more importantly who enforces it and how and the courts and the judges, etc.

Shelton Music

12:52 PM - Update - Update - Update - Update

Defining Words

12:59 PM - IWA

Depends on who is defining the meaning and application to those words. When PJW uses words, it depends on who's definitions of those words he is using. If he is using their definitions, then he is simply saying, in translation, that a lot patriots are on Gab, Bitchute, Steemit, etc.

Veritas Proton Mail

01:41 PM - IWA

James said Project Veritas uses Proton Mail. Me too. 01:45 PM - Bill Gates Epstein.

Jim in Vietnam

02:10 PM - I met Jim Duncalf at the 23/9 Park in Saigon, Vietnam, back when I lived in Vietnam for five years. He would go to the park, like me, and talk to people. So, I saw him a few times. I talked to him a few times. Good guy.

Yard Work

Weeded around the tomatoes. Messed up my hands a bit. Bleedin a little but it is ok.

Bible Study

05:00 PM - 07:00 PM - Nothing. Like Seinfeld. Show about nothing. Everything and nothing. Empathy. Life. Experience. Process. Love. Like investments. Worry not or in other words, focus on what you can do over what you can't. Abraham & Lot. Focus. Don't be too apathetic. Trust. But also go after things. Find a balance. Be in the right place at the right time.

Launching Out

07:53 PM - I'm not in Oregon. I'm in Shelton, near Seattle. But I am from Oregon. My phone is out of minutes. My phone number is posted on my Facebook in the About Me section: Facebook.com/joeyarnoldvn


(360) 229-2168 is currently out of minutes.
I had a phone app that is currently not working. I should try to to fix that or something.


[email protected]

And if you Google my name, you may find me all over the place, like everywhere.

But I may be too busy with things.

So, I'm NOT planning to visit Portland any time soon.

I do want to campaign for Trump for 2020.

Currently, I spend my time on my computer and I help out my parents around the house. I'm trying to archive family photo albums, etc, etc. I'm always running around doing things.

I want to try to finish my family history archiving work and organizing my mom's things, photos, etc. Finish trying to archive stuff at home, photos, videos, etc.

And then maybe go off to do activism someday after and/or who knows what.

But first things first.

So many things to do.


Trying to focus.

Trying to get the most important things done first in my life before running off to do like Alex Jones Things, etc.

I want to make sure my family stuff is ok before running off into the battlefield.

Kind of like Lee Ann McAdoo.

I'm trying to pace myself.

Trying to build a foundation for my life.

Trying to make sure I get a few things done like I said.

Because once you go into the fight.

I really am interested in becoming a personality.

Have an Oatmeal Show.

Red Pill People.

Of course, I could be crazy.

I could fail.

People can say whatever they want to me.

Like that I suck or whatever.

Some of it might be true.

But I'm going to continue to try my best anyways.

And I will probably meet you someday.

Owen Shroyer Thread

08:01 PM - IWA

Dear Folks,

@iwarmy is probably Savannah.

DARPA Mind Control

09:07 PM - IWA

I probably should study these patents, etc. I know about some of this. I need to start writing articles about these things. I still have a lot to think about at the moment. I'm still contemplate some of these things. There is so much I want to say. I'm going to think a little bit more before saying more. I'm trying to ponder what might be remedies to these problems. I'm looking for solutions and not only just problems.

Some of this sounds to be more advanced than I thought would be widely available. I've always imagined that there are all sorts of things out there that we have not see but to imagine that we have seen pretty advanced tech in everyday life all over the place on a wide scale is taking it all to the next level.


09:14 PM - IWA

Dear readers,

Find people who can write letters to Trump about 5G.

But refer to 5G as UWB and/or other things.

Because we MUST find better ways to get his attention.

And don't assume to like "Trust the plan."

Always expect the worse.

And do your best to get others to see that.

And also offer solutions.

Not only just the problems.

Project Veritas

10:18 PM - IWA

Did they blacklist Steemit yet?


10:19 PM - IWA

People are running to Bitcoin.

Morality vs Legality

10:35 PM - IWA

We are having a moral and a legal debate all at the same time. The problem is when people try to mix those two things up with each other while debating censorship, private property rights, what people can do and what people should do. I can distinguish between the two. But too often, people can blend them in a blender to cheat their way into winning arguments. That's what people do. So, I'm trying to emphasize on the value of private property rights. However, in response, people can then counter with a morality rebuttal. However, freedom is all about letting individuals choose whether or not they want to be moral and more importantly the opportunity and freewill to do anything with private property, good or bad. We go back and forth because some people can make legal arguments for censorship and other people can counter with moral arguments against censorship. However, these are two different things. Morality is one thing and legality is another thing. But people like to conflate and fuse the two. We are having two or too many arguments, debates, at the same time. We should focus on one debate at a time. The legal debate would focus on whether people should have freedom or safety. The morality debate is all about which choices are better. Two different debates. I would prefer letting people have more freedoms, legally. Also, morally, people should be encouraged to make better choices. I don't like censorship, but private property owners should have the right to censor, ban, delete, remove, without reason. Yes, they should not but they should be allowed to. Legally, they should be allowed to censor. Morally, they should not censor.

Legality vs Morality Debates.

Some people hate private property because they love communism.

If that is what communism and open borders smells like.

Bingozee Book

11:59 PM - IWA

Off the oatmeal hahahahahaaaaaa.

2019-08-14 - Wednesday

Published in August of 2019 by Oatmeal Joey Arnold in Shelton, WA, USA - Biography - Contact Me - Taught English in Vietnam - Live Bookmark - Get My RSS Feed - My Newsfeed - Infowars Activism Forum
Tomorrow's News Today


08:16 PM - TOXIC KID starts CRYING when being RAIDED - Rust - Michael Jordan. Oh. Like Judge. Oh. Government. Decisions. State of WA. Disputes between gov and people. Old folks homes.


Published on 2019-08-15 - Thursday - 12:00 AM PST LMS JA

2019-08-13 - Tuesday
2019-08-14 - Wednesday
2019-08-15 - Thursday


08:56 PM - Vietnamese For Trump - IWA - I lived in Saigon for 5 years teaching English and they are great people and some of them said they liked Trump.