I'm just going to go ahead and say it...If you think Epstein committed suicide...

in #informationwar5 years ago (edited)

...you need to be committed.

It's that simple; AND, it's that critical that we start calling out EXTREME STUPIDITY (and gullibility) for what it is, if we are going to save this nation.

(Image courtesy of cowgernation.com.)

P.S. the PTB are COMMITTED to a course of constant and BLATANT lying, and we MUST call them out on it!


Yeah this one sure looks obvious. lol. I love that Benjamin Franklin quote!

Amen, brother. They are (hopefully) putting themselves in jeopardy now with their brazenness.

i dont even think epstein is dead
just like kenneth lay was not suicided they are living free and well with the deep state protecting them
i am not sure about epsteind but kenny boy lay is alive and well
he had free energy for everyone so the elite had to remove him and they could not kill him cause he had way too much on them sent everywhere just as i believe epstein also does and is alive somewhere remote like the rest of them

did you know saddam was captured on my birthday and the trees they showed beside his hole he was in were flowering and those flowers on the trees done bloom in december so that was filmed and staged in june july sometime just as i believe they staged epsteins killing as they did kenneth lays

people better wake up or its going to be too late for all ignorant americans and canadians alike

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