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in #j6 years ago (edited)

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Get Me Alex Jones

- 12:01 AM - Sunday - Not Just Roger Stone - Reviewing Saturday - Did you see that Steve Martin played Roger Stone in a skit on SNL on Saturday?Why? Because they want you to think that Roger is bad. Why? Because they think you are an NPC, a dumb zombie from The Walking Dead.

Will Ireland Survive?

- 12:40 AM - Sunday - 2019-01-27 - Authentic Debate - A Conversation with John Waters and Stefan Molyneux - John Waters said to @Stefan.Molyneux that public debate was a bit more free like once upon a time. I'm still watching this video. A few minutes ago, John was talking about how open dialog, conversation, debate, was, decades ago, in Ireland. Generally speaking, this is true, globally as well. Like if you were to blurt out and misspeak, your opponent wouldn't attack you for that with vengeance, lacking forgiveness, generally. As an English Teacher in Vietnam, I would try to get to the heart of the matter by getting to the matter of the heart. I mean, I would try to get to the root of the spirit of what was being said as opposed to what I thought I heard my students speak. Nowadays, both offline and especially online, we are taken out of context and censored and all sorts of things. That damages debate and dialog and relationships and journalism and public dialog and many things in so many ways. Was watching Gutfield at 01:13 AM to like 01:43 AM. The big guy was mocking the parents of the Covington Kids and failed to mention that they were at the bus stop waiting for the bus. The teachers were hiding from the cameras. Superman star Dean Cain was on the show. I watched it on YouTube to see how they were going to talk about those kids. They didn't say too much. I'm also a bit attracted to Kat, the girl in the glasses who said she didn't know what sex was. It was like a joke as conservatives are not supposed to know. She acted innocent, which I thought was nice, but they might have been mocking saving sex until after marriage. They talked about robots and Cain mentioned that a film related to that. They mocked Roger Stone. That's pretty bad. Kat said that Roger might be the only person ever happy that he got arrested. They didn't even want to talk about how this whole thing is about dethroning Trump and Pence in order to put in Pelosi who will step down and put in Hillary Clinton. That's the plan. When? Any time between now and the next few years. They're hoping in the next few months, if not sooner. They're trying to kill Roger Stone, Donald Trump, Alex Jones, and other American Patriots. If not, then imprisonment. After that, you're next. That's what Alex has been talking about. Others talk about it. My book talks about it. I'm talking about it as well.

Alternatives to Everything

- 08:13 AM - Fighting EMP - I wrote: "why not have alternative sources of power, as in not just solar power, not just gravity power, and also big batteries and wind power and moon power, etc? EMP attacks are local and can knock you down and that is why blockchain is global, because when your stuff is hit, the backups survive in other places all around the world. In other words, EMP attacks can only totally take down a blockchain if it takes down all the computers, servers, devices, machines, nodes, that run the blockchain network, all at the same time. So, yeah, you may lose power from time to time. EMP can take down what you have, locally. That is why you cannot rely on local stuff. You must have backups. If not, then it can be destroyed. And why not combine HAM and blockchain technologies? Why not seek after the best of both worlds? Why not seek after more data backups? Why not seek after more power backups? Why not seek after electrical kits for repairing machines after EMP attacks? Why not keep backups inside boxes that are EMP proof?"

Biological Wars

- 04:27 PM - Buzzing Sensations - I wrote: "I’ve experienced buzzing on/in my head, heart, hands, feet, body, randomly for a few minutes per time during the past few years or so, every month or every few weeks or sometimes every other day or something. It could be the result of a combination of things related to technology, like you guys are talking about, and also health related things like a withdrawal of coffee or when I don’t have enough magnesium or calcium or something in my diet. I suspect it’s a combination of things."

Watching Non-Comedy

- 04:37 PM - For Educational Purposes Only Haha - I wrote: "I watch SNL for historical and educational and psychological purposes to get inside their head for that TV show named Criminal Minds, and like Alex Jones says, you get inside their head in order to see where they were, what they did, are doing. And to see what they are going to do next. Like a game of chess."

Undercover Mark of the Beast

- 07:13 PM - Under the Sleeves - I wrote: "@FlagDUDE08, a skin colored bracelet and long sleeves. When they scan your wrist, they scan the chip in your bracelet under your jacket or sleeve. But then you can take it out at any time for any reason and trade them for other chips or leave them at home at any time you don’t want to use the chips. Because if you don’t, they’ll throw you in prison. Not now, but someday."

Louder With Crowder

- 08:01 PM - Finding Comedy - I wrote: "What do you think about the comedy skits of Steven Crowder - Louder With Crowder - their videos, skits, style, political commentary?"

Chasing Squirrels

- 01:47 AM - Monday - Church was pretty good on Sunday. No Sunday School, but we had a potluck. Sat at the kid's table next to the other Joe which the kids thought was funny. So, I asked how he got suspended. The table listened. I asked in a funny way, as if we were a class. I asked him for the moral of the story. It might be to do what the Covington Kids did. Just smile. Fake News are lying about what happened. Just stand and smile to troll the world. They want us not to be happy. I twirl some of them around in the grass outside. Nate said he is on Chess.com. Me too. He plays one move per day with a bunch of people. Good idea. Mom didn't come with us to church. Still sick. Hope she gets better. I still have a cough. Larry gave me advice on how to drive. That's good. Be defensive, cautious of crazy drivers. Around 8 AM, watched that SNL skit where they mocked Roger Stone and America in general. At church, Kelly gave me advice on how to get a license for Ham Radio which my brother did in high school. I had some coffee with creamer and made a food box to take home. They have a food pantry in the lobby. Would you rather government try to help people via food stamps which are paid for by tax dollars? No. It's better for individuals to choose when and when not to help through churches and other groups as well. I was reading a book after the potluck, during the church meeting, all about technology, American history, the mark of the beast. I watched the emergency Alex Jones Saturday show on Sunday afternoon. I went to bed at 08:25 PM. Got back up around 01:26 AM to write this. Still sore today.