2019-01-25steemCreated with Sketch.

in #j5 years ago (edited)

Roger Stone Get Me Netflix 2017 GMRS_Underwood_V2_1600_890.jpg

While Babies Die.

CNN was in the bushes when the FBI came to an old 66 year old man's house with no criminal record, an American by the name of Roger Stone. They scared his deaf wife and dog or dogs. They came there to take him in jail for a few hours. He was accused of lying during the Russian Investigation which has found collusion between Russia and Hillary Clinton and Uranium 1. What kind of lie? Roger is being accused of forgetting to include a detail during hist testimony. Roger confessed that he forgot to include a supplementary note that complimented his testimony. So, why is the FBI doing this while children are murdered and raped and trafficked? Roger is not a drug lord. Friday morning, 2019-01-25, on this 25th day of January of 2019, I awoke to this story on the news on my computer. I don't follow the news on the television. Who watches television? I watched Tucker Carlson on Fox News but NOT on a TV but on YouTube about an hour ago. I followed the Stone story all day on Friday. That is like all I did besides eat, daily chores, Infocoms, daily articles, etc. I had some like potato chips. I should probably stop eating chips. I really don't enjoy that. Had some cough drops. Also, can we start a "FIVE G SUCKS" chant that we can take to the White House to tell Trump how 5G is very bad? Why did Trump open the government when we are against the tyranny of government? The swamp is so big. There are too many taxes. Did Trump get a loan from Rothschild? If so, does that mean Trump is not really helping us or what? Trump proposed having the government open up for 3 weeks in order to either reach a deal or not. At the end, the government may shut down again if no wall deal is made or the national emergency that we are already in will be addressed. Mom is pretty Black Pilled. I'm watching Black Pilled right now. We got to do our best to take action each day if we want a better tomorrow.

Friday Articles

Here are the articles I wrote on Friday - 02:18 PM - 2019-01-21 - 03:09 PM - 2019-01-22 - 03:51 PM - Fuller House 413 - 04:28 PM - 2019-01-23 - 04:50 PM - 2019-01-24 - 05:14 PM - Sad Day in American History - 05:37 PM - Turtle or Hare - 06:07 PM - 2019 Week 02 - 07:05 PM - 2019-01 Bimonthly 01 - 07:22 PM - 2019 Week 03

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Archiving Daily

2019 - January - Week 01 - Tuesday the 1st - Wednesday the 2nd - Thursday the 3rd - Friday the 4th - Saturday the 5th - Sunday the 6th - Monday the 7th - Tuesday the 8th Wednesday the 9th - Thursday, the 10th - Friday the 11th - Saturday the 12th - Sunday the 13th - Monday the 14th - Week 02 - Bimonthly 01 - Tuesday the 15th - Wednesday the 16th - Thursday the 17th - Friday the 18th - Saturday the 19th - Sunday the 20th - Monday the 21st - Week 03 - Tuesday the 22nd - Wednesday the 23rd - Thursday the 24th - Friday the 25th

bathroom wars

Sandy Alexandria Cortez



We Are Spartacus?

10:46 AM - Saturday - 2019-01-26 - We Are Alex Jones - Now Act Like It - @Becky, I could not say that better myself. We are Alex Jones. That does not mean we are NPC robots as @Bingozee suggested. It means we are independent, Family First, First / Second / Fourth Amendment Advocates, Community First, Patriots, Educators, Activists, etc. Yeah, we better start acting more and more like what we promote. The good news is that some of us are. That is growing and growing. It is already growing. So, if you are reading this, you can hop on our train. Why not?

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IW Screenshot at 2019-01-26 10:49:26.png

Distracted Reality

- 11:20 AM - Saturday - 2019-01-26 - Immersive Internet Shows vs. Distracted Cable - Friday Night, on Fox News, Tucker Carlson interviewed the man of the hour, Roger Stone, but not for an hour. In today's morning live interactive video stream on YouTube, Lionel Nation Media talked about this. He made some good points about why control freak corporate dinosaur fake news media, including Disney's Fox, is and has been declining.

Immersive Streams

- 11:30 AM - Lionel talks about how live streaming is the future. If you don't know, live streaming includes two main elements, live video and live comments from users. Oh, wait, he didn't say it was the future, he said it is the present and the future but mostly the present. We are here already. This is what we have. He has been talking about this for months or possibly for years. I like to emphasize on that. I agree with him. Yes, technology can be bad, and has been, when control freaks use it against us. Live streams imitates reality, as in real-life interaction. So, that pushes people to the Fat People World of WALL-E and the lifeless existence of the Star Trek Borg and and Matrix. But the good news is that we have been turning technology around for good. We turned around the Internet. Live streaming is used for good as it does a million times better than cable news. It helps generate participation, interaction, buzz, interest, learning, and everything.

Dying Dinosaur Media

- 11:37 AM - Tucker interviewed Roger Stone but only for a few minutes, last night. Then Tucker talked to a man who pronounces "WIKI LEAKS" differently. Instead of saying "Wi-KEY," he said, "WHY-key." So, this is why cable news is dying. Things like that. Lionel makes good points in his videos.

Letting People Redefine Words & Morality
- 11:50 AM - Saturday - 2019-01-26 - Redefining Words - Destroying Western Civilization - Why do we let people steal words like “GAY” and “CHRISTMAS?” Why let people REDEFINE WORDS? Why let them tell us, “IT’S MA’AM… I’LL SHOW YA A SIR…” ? Why let them say we can’t say mother or father? Letting them redefine one word leads to other words. Even the word “GAY” for example. What one generation tolerates, the next propagates.

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