One photo every day: Cataloguing the plants #7, New chilies (243/365)

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago (edited)


A couple of weeks ago I bought some new chilies to replace the one that had died some time back...

New chilies
6 new chili seedlings with no names

I have no idea what chilies I had bought. I was stupid enough to throw the label in the bin before writing down the names of the plants.

I'm hoping these will survive though. It'd be kind of sad if they too suffered the faith of the previous chilies. I miss my Habanero bush. It was a bad-ass super plant like the Sansevieria I blogged about earlier.

Anyway, today was sleepy. I messed up my sleeping schedule yet again last night. Couldn't get much done today either. Ok, I took the boys to their school winter carnival, and picked them up at noon. Went shopping for birthday gifts and cards plus some tortillas, meat and other fillings. Then prepared burritos with Vera, and after eating took Miro to his classmate's birthday party (again, they seem to have weekly birthday parties). Then I went to Kärkkäinen to browse photography stuff and wait for the birthday party to end, and eventually met with @MarkkuJantunen over coffee at as he was sent to the hardware store by his wife.

Miro was very happy all day and I'm glad. He was also very loud when I picked him up from the birthday party, very very loud, and he actually didn't stop speaking before we got home, and still he went on about his major plans, until he noticed Leo was practicing the Star Wars theme on the synthesizer. Only then he stopped and tried to shove Leo away from the instrument so that he'd be able to play.

Battle ensued...

Gladly I got them quiet after a while, by playing them some piano music and marble machine videos from Youtube.

Later I read them some Goblet of Fire and bid them good night.

Okay that was my day today. :) And my photo. I didn't take other photos today as I was "soo busy".

Earlier in "Cataloguing the plants":

  1. Miro's Cactus
  2. Leo's Echinocactus grusonii
  3. Leo's Senecio serpens
  4. Crassula
  5. Nepenthes
  6. Sansevieria trifasciata 'Hahnii'

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[Previous post: Today]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Kilkenny Irish Red Ale (236/365)
Prykmestar Savu (237/365)
Church of Hollola (238/365)
The descend. (239/365)
Ledger Nano S (240/365)
What I did at work today (241/365)
Moby Dick (242/365)

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Seriously you like to eat Chills? I thought all Europeans hates to eat them! But we love that most and having different type of plants in my garden as well!


i Seen you had a busy day

btw, hopefully these chilies have a better luck

Wow!! You were really busy @gamer00.

I am not yet married, so I don't have children, but I like the tips you are giving on how to spend time with children.

Woa, I'm like one of the worst fathers, don't take advice from me if you don't want to end up with kids who fight all the time and constantly forget their homeworks. ;D

Hahahahahaha. OK @gamer00.

At least you spend time with them, that I like, there are father's who don't spend time with their kids, which is not good.

Hmm, yes it may not be good idea not to spend time with your kids. But in this recent age, most fathers are occupied with work and worst still if he works in a different town/state.

Yeah you are correct @turpsy, but there is always some form of side-effect on the kids if their parents don't spend time with them when they are growing up.

Some studies have shown that teenage pregnancy was as a result of neglect from their fathers.

I think it would be impossible to be a perfect parent. There is always going to be something that you should have done differently as a parent. But yes, spending time with kids is essential.

You are correct @dromzz. The only thing a good parent can do is to try their best for their kids, because they cannot be perfect.

Well, at least your kids haven't been taken into custody so you have got that going for you...

On first glance, I thought these were chocolate cake pieces. Good photo. Seems very hectic when your sleep timing changes. I hope it gets back to normal. Good luck.

Seems Vera was right... :) People do tend to think of them as pastries... I didn't think it'd been the case.

Woow, awesome stuff. whats the hottest chillies have you ever tried so far :D, btw do you enjoy spicy food too?

The Habaneros would be the hottest I'd say, never had a chance (or stomach) to try hotter ones. ;)

But yes I do generally like spicy food, be it Mexican, Indian, Japanese or just about from anywhere in the world. And my boys seem to be chili heads too. My fault really, I once bought these garlic chili cashew nuts and Leo was sold. He now loves all sorts of hot food. Miro is less so, but spicy snacks are something he also craves.

I'm surprised to hear about your chillies story :o :D (since most of my Finnish friends doesnt enjoy chillies that much) but one of my colleague love hot chillies , oneday he took me to a restaurant called #Siipiravintola where we tried extreme hottest in their menu(#Tsernobyl) chicken wings, man trust me, I was almost dead for couple of hours ahah , keep updating the growth of those chillies in your future posts if possible (and now I know one more Finnish friend who loves chillies too :D) xx

If you ever been to Turku, I would highly recommend you to give a visit to that ravintola ;)

Tchernobyl chicken wings? Oh no, I better not get a nuclear meltdown. ;)

But I might try that restaurant, thanks for the tip.

Ole Hyvaa, but I could see that you're bit excited to try it out though ;) (I might be wrong ahah). hyva yota , moro moro xx

Hyvää yötä! :)

I swear, I thought there are cupcakes lol!
But there are actually newborn chillies, well... I guess it works too! :d
Yep, keep being a great dad. I admire you for that.

Vera was betting on someone thinking they were pastries. :D

Thanks, but I doubt the dad of the year title this year for various reasons concerning their homework and other stuff at school I should be paying attention to, but can't seem to get in focus. Feel like the worst dad right now.

Yep, and you got me, I was already imagining me trying to eat them :D
Well... I didn't have a dad at all, so you're fine heh.

More plants, can you smoke chillies or make special cookies from them, so you feel really well later?
Mhm, probably it's the different sort of plant.

the thumbnail i thought they were brownies. lol
i love chili plants, im a bit supprised you can grow there where your at. i have had no luck growing peppers here in washington.

Indoor maybe?

Yea, in Winter we need to grow them indoors. In Summer I can put them on the balcony depending on the amount of light they need.

do apple trees grow well there? i got a bonsi apple tree i leave outdoors year round here and it loves the snow.
When i get back to vegas ima b growing all kinds of peppers again, got some ghost pepper seeds saved even.

Apples are not native to Finland, so they don't grow from seeds, but grafted onto a more cold hardy tree root they will survive and fruit.

When we get that piece of land we want, I'll plant a few apple trees I guess. :)

they hold up in the cold here amazingling. they take like 3 years before they start to produce and depending on they type of apple you might need more then one tree, some types need other trees to polinate to produce apples and some others dont.
What are the native plants from your area?

Mainly berries; bilberries, lingonberries, cloudberries, wild strawberriees, wild raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, all sorts of other berries... :)

We got alot of that stuff too here, blackberries, blue berries, raspberries, ect. apple trees might do really well there, sounds alot like the weather here.

That's one busy family day. Seems like you spend a lot of time with your kids. That's good parenting. What are their ages? You should do a post about them.

Miro is 7, and Leo is 11.

In a matter of fact I've made a few posts about them in the past. I'm sure I will write about them in the future too. :) If you browse through the Week in pictures posts you might be able to catch a glance of my boys.

Filled day you had there. So your chillies, do you mind i suggest names for them?

So your chillies, do you mind i suggest names for them?

Haha! Go ahead! :)

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