Project 365 // Sixth week in pictures (6/52)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

Here are the photos from the 6th week of my project:


Story of a lonely bench
Story of a lonely bench

Rehab work, de-stapleizing newspapers.
Rehab work, de-stapleizing newspapers.



Playing billiards with my friend Janne
Playing billiards with my friend Janne

A light in the dark
A light in the dark

Something weird happened when collecting the images from these posts, the Jackdaw image on the left had disappeared completely off Steem. (It gave me a 404 error when I tried to wget it from its url.) So just in case I posted a comment, re-uploading the photo. Then upvoted the comment to give it visibility, basically kicking it to the top.

After having done that, I clicked the Jackdaw post link from the post I'm currently writing, and lo-and-behold, the photo had re-appeared in the post! I have no idea what happened, but I guess Steem(it) just reinstated the photo at its original URL somehow.

Anyway, the post works as intented now, an I couldn't be happier. Oh, and well that comment ended up having a > 2 dollar self-upvote. Haha. Not going to remove it, this was Steem(it)'s fault.

Maybe I will have to make another "weekly" collection tomorrow, just to catch up again. ;)

[Previous post: One photo every day: Something in the air (61/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

First week in pictures (1/52)
Second week in pictures (2/52)
Third week in pictures (3/52)
Fourth week in pictures (4/52)
Fifth week in pictures (5/52)

Peekaboo! (36/365)
Story of a lonely bench (37/365)
Rehab work, de-stapleizing newspapers. (38/365)
Jackdaw (39/365)
Selfie (40/365)
Playing billiards with my friend Janne (41/365)
A light in the dark (42/365)
Father-Son bonding w/ Leo & waiting for Halloumi burgers (43/365)
Funny chairs (44/365)
First school day (45/365)
At work, gluing samples. (46/365)
Hot (47/365)
Lightning (48/365)
My desktop. (49/365) "1337" post
Reconstructing the crash. (50/365)
Super Carenar MC f=35mm 1:2.8 (51/365)
Orange (52/365)
Fetching Leo from his Piano studies. (53/365)
Sleep mode (54/365)
Pikkuvesku (55/365)
First ride without training wheels (56/365)
Sore throat, bad cough. (57/365)
Experimenting (58/365)
Experimenting #2 (59/365)
Lahti Radio Hill Stadium, Radio Towers (60/365)
Something in the air (61/365)

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I really like the little orange snake you have. I noticed that it matches your shirt. I clicked on the picture and the story about Gregory Alan Elliott shocked me . I had no idea that you can get accused of criminal harassment disagreeing with a feminist on the Internet. Sounds ridiculous. What about free speech?

Thank you!

What about free speech?

That is a good question. If you ask me, the answer would be: "we are losing it, fast".

Around the developed world, there have been increasingly calls to eradicate the notion of free speech, and even demonizing those who want to uphold it as alt-right, nazis, racists and whatnot.

The problem is not that these people consider bigots, bigots. It is that they consider everyone who isn't with them and doesn't agree with their ideology, as bigots.

Many classical liberals (leftist, centrist-leftist and centrist views) have recently been conflated with ultra-right, fascists and nazis, and the pace to do this seems to intensify day by day.

What I personally find really disturbing is the mainstream media is banging on this same drum.

As a good example of this media bias; there was this centrist freedom-of-speech rally in Boston, and the media didn't cover the actual rally at all, instead they portrayed it as a far-right-wing protest, and concentrated on delivering photos and video from the "counter protest" carried out by Antifa, a far left-wing anarchist operation (claims to be anti-fascist, but acts from within are like a fascists wet dream).

Since free speech has already been hijacked and hacked to mean hate speech, it won't take long until all speech will be considered hate speech. (We already have that, it's called "micro-aggressions".)

It's most certainly a complex question... one that is loaded with many emotional (and irrational) perspectives.
You brought up Antifa, and though I don't make a defense for the movement as it's expressed itself, I do want to say that I wouldn't include them as being a proper example of Anarchism. Proper Anarchy isn't about mayhem and chaos (though it has certainly been redefined as such through the ages).
"Anarchy" means a lack of a ruling class, and nothing else; literally, "rule by no one." However people might want to organize and cooperate in the absence of a ruling class is secondary, and people will probably bicker about that until the end of time. What has to come first is not some universal consensus on how everything should work, but a mutual understanding that society should NOT be subjected to a coercive ruling class.

Let's talk Antifa for a moment.
Definition of Antifa - A political movement of autonomous anti-fascist groups in the United States.
Please note "anti-fascist".
Fascism defined - A form of radical authoritarian nationalism, characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and control of industry and commerce.

Shouldn't every American (if not everyone, everywhere) be Antifa?

What I see on social media is the Right blaming Antifa for anything and everything. The events in Charlottesville were a perfect example. There were many claiming the man who ran down [murdered] Heather Heyer was Antifa. The truth is the murderer was/is a pro-Trump white nationalist.

It seems that for the idiot segment of the Right, Antifa is now part of their standard procedure for blaming and deflecting. Whenever something happens the idiot part of the Right doesn't like, it is immediately the fault of the "liberals", the "deep state", or Antifa, even when the claim is 100% false or when there is zero evidence to support the claim.

The Right claims Antifa is violent. Perhaps. What I know is fascists have a long history of forwarding their agenda by violence. So...if I were a "card carrying member" (so to speak) of Antifa and I was going to protest fascists, you can bet I'd be armed and ready to defend myself and my peers from fascist violence.

Some claim Antifa are socialist or communists. Again, perhaps. But in their stand against fascism shouldn't we all be standing shoulder-to-shoulder? I can stand with them against fascism and stand against them on socialism or communism. Or is that too complex for binary thinking dolts?

Touching on Free Speech, what we're seeing (have been for a good long while) is an organized establishment change of terminology. It reminds me of the term "Newspeak" in George Orwell's classi writing, "1984." This is literally what we're experiencing.

Google has also taken a massive role in changing how people think about what they think about... and in this way, altering (or indoctrinating) one's autonomous (Free Speech) expression into a hive mind consensus. Free Speech is eliminated through the changing of information. If you get a chance, I highly recommend viewing the following video:

Ennio Flaiano said this about fascism:

"In Italy, fascists divide themselves into two categories: fascists and antifascists."

I fear he was right, but not about it being an Italian phenomenom only.

this is really a long discussion and an enlightenment on such events that our world today faces. Antifa, restriction on freedom of speech are part of things that divides the peaceful coexistence. I hope we would see a peaceful world someday.

Yeah, that really is one little snake though :P

hows your health my buddy ?

I'm doing fine, thank you. Not 100 % yet, but gradually getting there. I'm thinking of going out for some new photos again today.

ahan great (y) take care of yourself buddy :)

Awesome shots @gamer00 sir, every photo has a little story behind it that's great, i really like the bird looking at the camera shot, it's something we catch or see very rarely.

This is awesome, bro may I know which software you using for editing your post?

Ah, but I'm not using any specialized software. I write everything in html + markup in the Steemit text edit box. Sometimes I write the things offline on a text editor and only create open spots for links, photos and stuff, then I just copy paste everything into Steemit and create the needed photo urls by either uploading them directly to Steem, or Flickr, and then fixing the embedded images to also point to their respective photo pages to their respective destination pages.

Difficult? Nope... I do everything pretty much automatically now. :)

Great to know that, job well done dude

@gamer00 - Sire, love your photography & love the story behind it. Therefore, I wish to resteem your post Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Amazing photographs with little stories, i really like the snake on arm photograph, i wonder how you taught that snake to live without bite. upvoted and resteemed.

Haha, I didn't have to teach it. Good thing you asked though. Cornsnake is the kind of snake that generally doesn't bite. In fact it is not even poisonous. It has evolved to strangle its prey instead of poisoning.

Oh, and thanks for your support! I really appreciate it! :)

ok now i understand thanks.

For me, time has really been flying since being on Steemit!

Great collections friend. A light in the dark will be my pick. I love the fact that it gave hope that the huge darkness cannot comprehend. How about your car issue with the lady? Insurance has fixed it?

Thanks! :)

Well since I was sick I could not take it to the repairs yet, It will be paid from the insurance, but I will still have to pay the excess of 150 € and have pay 18 € extra per month in insurance payments for four years. That kind of sucks.

That sucks!!!. and i guess the lady is gone now!!!. I empathy on the extra money you are to pay. Money is not easy to come by these days. But you will fine soon.

All photos are awesome ! But my favorite one is Playing billiards with my friend Janne

Peekaboo! ;)

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