One photo every day: The descend. (239/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago (edited)


I went to the Hollola parish to end what I started Yesterday. I felt like the church shot wasn't enough. I brought some wide angle shots of the church and the bell tower.

But before I'm going to post those photos, here's the one I shot before that, for the OPED challenge...

I went to check out the viewing tower on the Castle Hill (Linnamäki). Too bad it was closed for Winter. Took some photos anyway.

So as I was climbing down to shoot the church I noticed the trail made this cool bend:

climbing down from the castle hill viewing tower
Descending from the viewing tower.

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: EF-S10-18mm ƒ/4.5-5.6 IS STM
Focal length: 10mm
Aperture: ƒ/7.1
Exposure: 1/100 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

Today I got sick again. After bringing Miro home from school I suddenly felt very tired and all my joints started aching. I ended up in the bed for a few hours. I woke up for the dinner, and later read some Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire for the boys, and started editing photos. The photos are now edited.

I'll post some of the church photos next. If I have enough energy. Otherwise I'll post them tomorrow morning.

See ya!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: A sunset photo I also took from my trip to the Hollola parish.]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Product shoot – Steam Controller (232/365)
Emptiness in white (233/365)
Cataloguing the plants #6, Apenkieli – Sansevieria (Edit: "Anopinhammas"?) (234/365)
So I finally got to reading... (235/365)
Kilkenny Irish Red Ale (236/365)
Prykmestar Savu (237/365)
One photo every day: Church of Hollola (238/365)

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What a great photography! A small path with full of snow and where's wolves :D I think that's the movie scenery that I could imagine with this photography! Absolutely a brilliant photography Jaro!


It is seen that it was a productive day

The photo looks great, I really like the way the light filters through the trees and illuminates the snow and the fence

Nice post, I'll try to post more pictures from Finland as well :), you inspired me to be more social on this new platform. Kippis..!!

Nice. Where in Finland are you?

Joo minä asun Turussa, ja sinä/sinulle? Minä puhun vähän suomea mutta oppinlissan (sorry my finnish skills are very bad ahahah but trying/learning :D ) so where are you located :)?

Asun Lahdessa. Olen käynyt Turussa, on tosi kaunis paikka. Aurajoki laivoineen on oikein valokuvauksellinen. Silloin kun viimeksi kävin minulla ei ollut kameraa, nyt tekisi mieli joskus käydä siellä uudestaan kameran kanssa.

Joo, No Niin. Selva. Olin lahdessa kaksi kertaa, pysähtyi matkalla Imtraan ja savonlinnaan. kyllä, rakastan Turun kaupunkia. seuraavan kerran, kun vierailet, varmista, että otat niin paljon kuvia ja jakaa ajatuksiasi turulle. Voisimmeko saada myös oluen: D?

minun suomenkielelläni on erittäin huono anteeksi

Osaat ihan hyvin kirjoittaa ja lukea suomea. Siitä on helppo parantaa.

Kiitos Paljon , I need to develop more and can’t soeak very well yet mutta minä vähän ymmaran :)

I visited Turku less than 2 months ago. Too bad that I didn't grab any pictures of the town itself :/

Too bad but May be try to visit in spring/summer , we could have a drink and go for a photo shoot :D . What do you say :D ?

I'll share my old pictures from Lahti one day and will tag you, may be you can easily recognise the places :D

Ahh, I sorta felt deja-vu or something... I guess, because there's a very similar looking place in my country, a fence in a forest just like that... Feels like I've been here :D

I have the same feeling... The fence reminds me of something that I can't remember.
It's like I've been there but not really.

You may have seen one of @gamer00's old posts depicting his earlier visit of this place.

I wasn't born back then. I only appeared a month ago.
Probably I saw it in my dream or somewhere else. I dream about Jaro and fences.

ohhh its bad to hear that you got sick again you shoul care about your self abd should go to a clinic for checkup mr @jaro
i saw your yesterdays post and good to hear that you took some more shots of church
also you took this best shot on this trail and catch this cool bend from a right angle which make your phot more attractive

Get well soon!

I liked this photo so much and I look forward to other photos with impatience :) It looks like wonderful, I would like to walk around there.

Today I got sick again.

I think you will need to identify what breaks you down often. Seeing a medical doctor cant be overemphasized. What about your car? Has it been fixed?

The trail looks wonderful, and the whole composition is beautiful! I love how the light peeking in here and there..

A really rewarding photo, that's trail I really want to go through it and a photo from the top of that tower would be spectacular next time I'm sure if you'll have more luck, the new photo black and white of the church look awesome.

Wow that descent looks like it would be such a peaceful walk! Not a person as far as the eye can see!

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