
in #life7 years ago (edited)

Good evening!

(Edit: "Good night!" Took me long enough to write this...)

My apologies for not providing a photo of the dreaded book cover gluing machine. I didn't get the chance to work with the rest of those books. Instead I was ordered to clean up more of the blocks you saw in the yesterday's post. Before we could finish all the 3000 of those, we were ordered to bag screws.

So we did:

"Ten screws in one bag."

I managed to fill 60 bags before the day was over. Granted I had to see the supervisor to further discuss my current monetary situation and if it had caused for me to become "self employed" and whether that affected my qualification for the rehab. We were still quite unaware of my current status, so further exploration into the legalities shall ensue. Everyone was agreeing that I'm in an exceptional position as I don't really need any "employment" for which to rehab to, but I would also still benefit from the rehab to become fit to work.

So... we are still trying to figure out what happens next.

After rehab, I went home shortly to get Leo's piano notes and then left to fetch the boys from school. It was time for Leo's piano practice again, so I left him there and took Miro home.

While home I had a call from my brother who said I should maybe check out some other properties before blindly buying the one my aunt and her husband were offering me. I might find cheaper ones he said. Vera did that while listening to the call I was in, and presented me with one that was less than half the price, and in the vicinity of the Village of Hollola.

So, after picking up Leo from his piano studies, I decided I'll take a look at the place and drove us to Hollola to see the area.

There wasn't much to see as we didn't find the lot we were looking for, we just drove around for a while and ended up in the parking area of some school. When driving back we saw some old lady in a small yellow car turning back on the same parking lot, and tailing us, driving very slow like she was lost or something.

Anyway, we decided to turn to Hongistontie, but just as we were turning, we saw a nice sunset I just had to capture:

Sunset in Siikaniemi
Sunset in Siikaniemi (see it on the Map)

After I had shot this, I put my camera back into the bag, put it behind the driver's seat and stepped back into the car to notice Leo was just marveling over some cattails in the trenches. I then turned over to drive off again but suddenly halted.

Did I just see a wolf cross the beams?

No, this "wolf" had a bit stubby feet to be a wolf.

A dog? (Leo was simultaneously thinking it was a bunny with short ears.)

One of these was standing in front of our car:

Swedish Vallhund

Photo from Wikipedia, CC-By TS Ericsson

Yep, I didn't have time for taking my camera, but I jumped out of the car and the animal approached me with curious look. Turned out it wasn't a blood thirsty wolf, but a dog with extremely short legs. And a sparkle of intellect in its eyes.

After I had examined the animal and noticed it lacked a collar, and asked if it had escaped somewhere, it seemed to notice me glancing at a small yellow car incoming from the same road we had just turned off from, and right after seeing it, started running towards it. The car came to halt, and its door opened.

We queried the car's driver, the same lost old lady, if the dog was hers, so she told us it was her daughter's and that she wasn't going to drive over it. We were relieved and left the spot. Good thing she found what she was looking for! :)

This was a fun ride.

When we got home I learned that I had drove off by few kilometers, that I shouldn't have taken the turn to Siikaniemi after all.

What's the lesson here? Read the maps before you go out on a wild goose chase, or better yet, use the GPS software on your phone!

It was a cute little wolf dog though...

[Previous post: One photo every day : Moby Dick (242/365)]

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Excuse me Jaro, here in Venezuela there is no rehabilitation figure, by the government, that's why it costs me a bit, to understand it completely.

Is it like a job?

Btw is a beautiful sunset ;)

Is it like a job?

Yes, but one that doesn't pay very much. It's designed for those who have in a way or another lost the ability to work or find a job. It's a planned step in order to get the reserve workforce rehabilitated into active work.

Thanks for answering, I understand why you call it rehabilitation, and because you ask do you speak if your situation has changed.

Many laws do not treat or are prepared to treat benefits received from the world of cryptos, most of all because there is no such benefit until you take it to a bank and also how to declare such profits, even also it has the fact that, publishing in steemit is considered a job?

There are many legal gaps

This was a nice summary of how your day went by. From the rehab, to your self employed status, to picking Leo, to checking out the property and your final wolf like dog. It must be a long day.

Buying a home can be a very task daunting. It's never easy to make a choice. Its like finding a spouse in a lot of ways. You have to look mostly on the inside but also on the outside. Make sure you want to stay there for a good amount of time and also that you will like to coming home to it.

I am not a professional in any way but it might be good to stay in the rehab (unless if it takes away most of your productive time). The truth is that Steemit won't last forever and you never know what happens in the future. It's good to have some kind of skills so that you can get a job if everything goes wrong.

Your experience is nothing compared to my experience :D I was once walking in a forest at night and I heard something run towards me. I turned my light and it looked like a bear but it turned out to be just a moose. It was nevertheless a scary experience

Why not find a normal job later instead of the rehab?
They probably pay much less than others. Not sure how rehabs work actually :O
I would dispose of all digested food through my pants if the bear was running behind me lol.

Steemit won't last forever

Steemit might not. Steem on the other hand is a blockchain. As long as there are computers keeping the blockchain running, it is not going anywhere. And as long as it's not going anywhere, people are going to keep using it, and as long as people are going to use it and keep running it on their computers and round and round goes the merry-go-round.

I'm not worried.

A moose? That would be scary. Not sure what I'd do if a bear came at me, maybe the same as @sadpotato.

I think you should own stuff that generates revenue. If you like your job I think you should keep it. But maybe you can buy another house when you are ready and give it out for rent.

Again, you make perfect sense. Buying a house, however, is not the best way to make money on the local rental market. What @gamer00 should do instead, if he wants to go down that path, is to buy small apartments in condominiums that are located close to the train station. Lahti is not that expensive and in or near the city centre it should not be a problem to find tenants.

Thats an excellent idea. If he can afford apartment complexes that's even better.

Entire apartment complexes where there is no difficulty finding good tenants aren't that cheap in Lahti.

@gamer00 is probably thinking we are crazy talking about what he should or should not get.
But getting some apartment is good as he doesn't have to go find tenants and some company manages repairs.

Heh, it's just that I doubt I have enough energy or math head for all that. I would probably end up outsoucing everything to Vera, and I'm not sure she would like it. ;)

Finding tenants is a different matter altogether here. Repairs would be mostly taken care of a management company hired by the housing corporation owning the buildings whose owners are, in most cases, the people who live in the building(s).

When my wife and I lived in Tampere, we lived in an apartment whose owners we were through owning shares of a housing corporation. All our neighbours owned their homes the same way. We owned and controlled the corporation together. When we moved to Lahti, we tried to sell our home but the market was moribund in the summer of 2014. Next summer, we decided to rent it out. We hired a company to find a tenant. They also offered a guarantee of the rent for the first twelve months which was a big reason for hiring that agency.

That's how it's typically done here. You can, of course, try and find a tenant yourself, but the agencies have the benefit of knowing the market and a lot of the prospective tenants. You're likely to have fewer negative surprises by using them.

I like this kind of discussion and might screen grab it. I made a meme post here. Someone asked me that people are powering down because they are scared steemit wont last. But from your explanation I think I have additional convinction to make the person more knowledgeable.

Great point. I didn't think about that

It is also important to distinguish between Steemit and Steem the blockchain. Steemit is a company providing a user interface to Steem the blockchain. There are other user interfaces. On Steem, there is also a video hosting service (DTube), a soundhosting service (DSound), a live broadcast service (DLive), a meme publishing service (DMania) and an open source code repository (Utopian). Smart Media Tokens are customizable tokens on the Steem blockchain that may be used to monetize their content by media outlets. Steem is the cryptocurrency underpinning all this. In its vested form, Steem Power, it is needed for bandwidth (and token creation) by all users of the blockchain. Depending on how Steem develops it may well have a very bright future ahead. But nobody should put all eggs in one basket. It would be wise to diversify into other blockchain projects and also into traditional fiat markets.

Yes, blockchain is going to rule the future unless quantum computing replaces it but it’s gonna take some years xx

There is quantum computing proof cryptography. Fortunately, quantum computing is not a threat to cryptography at least not if nobody has built a scalable quantum computer in secret. Without unbreakable cryptography we'd be in deep trouble as there couldn't be such a thing as online banking, for instance, or any sort of secure communication over the Internet.

Thanks for the info, I need to educate myself more about it xx

When you expect a giant scary wolf with 303 sharp teeth and then there is that little doge lol.
Thank god that old lady was not a serial killer. I already was anticipating that some scary clown from IT was trailing you in his yellow car :d

I'm sure soon you will figure out your rehab situation, your bro is right don't rush to buy a piece of land, if you can check your options also you guys got lost but what a cool story you had left to tell and I bet the old lady daughter's is very happy to get her dog back, was a fun ride the lesson is never used the gps and enjoy the ride, best luck @gamer00.

@gamer00 - Sir it's a nice photography of the sunset & nice story of the dog... Little bit funny Sir... short leg wolf :)


While home I had a call from my brother who said I should maybe check out some other properties before blindly buying the one my aunt and her husband were offering me. I might find cheaper ones he said. Vera did that while listening to the call I was in, and presented me with one that was less than half the price, and in the vicinity of the Village of Hollola.

That, my friend, would be a very smart thing to do. It's a big decision. It is not wise to rush it. It should also be taken into account that the cost of building on the property lot may depend a lot on the type of soil or whether or not bedrock is near surface. Before you buy, see if they've had maaperätutkimus done.

Hello Jaro. I have a friend who has a Swedish Vallhund dog. Seen from a distance this dog looks like a wolf. But you and Leo were safe because this dog is very friendly, playful and loving.

oh gosh that doggo! It looks so cute with those short legs... I would take that dog to my home if I found one wondering around lookin' lost :P

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