One photo every day: Prykmestar Savu (237/365)

in #onephotoeveryday7 years ago


Today I quaffed this smoky Finnish Porter:

Prykmestar Savu
Prykmestar Savu

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/1.8
Exposure: 1/50 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

I had a hard time drinking it, because before even having the first sip, while I was taking this photo, I got a crazy hiccup and well, I didn't quite enjoy drinking the beer the same time as I had a major session of hiccups.

But um... I have to tell you about our dinner today. Earlier today I went to the shops with Miro, to buy him some ski boots (btw. we call them "mono" [singular] or "monot" [plural] here in Finland) and a present for his classmate's birthday party tomorrow. I had forgotten to take my phone with me so I couldn't call Vera to ask about the status of our fridge, so I decided to buy some pork tenderloin, paprika (sweet bell pepper) and lettuce. I knew we had some garlic, onion, root vegetables and potatoes at home.

When we got home, Vera and I peeled and cut up the root veggies, onion, garlic and potatoes, and placed them in a casserole pan, sprinkled some oil, black pepper and salt and threw it in the oven. Then I quickly fried the tenderloin shut on a pan with sweet chili sauce, and we placed it on top of the the roots and veggies in the oven. On the still hot pan I also prepared a cream sauce with cream, some left-over creme fraiche, black pepper, salt and ground paprika.

I also made a quick salad by ripping the lettuce, dicing a couple of tomatos, half a paprika and an avocado into cubes, and adding some pumpkin seeds to the mix. (Forgot to make a sauce though.)

After the roots, veggies and meat had been in the oven for an hour, we finally got to eat. Too bad we were so hungry we couldn't even think about photographing the meal. After I had had seconds it finally hit me, that I could've made some nice shots there. But it was already too late. I had to shoot a beer again.

But it was good. Even the salad tasted excellent, while a proper sauce might have made it even better. I bet that if we make this same meal again, I will prepare the camera beforehand.

Anyway, I hope you liked this post, and didn't get too hungry reading it.

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

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[Previous post: One photo every day: Kilkenny Irish Red Ale (236/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



My first attempt at stock photography – Crosswords with product placement. (229/365)
Trezor (230/365)
Shrovetide Sunday Bun (231/365)
Product shoot – Steam Controller (232/365)
Emptiness in white (233/365)
Cataloguing the plants #6, Apenkieli – Sansevieria (Edit: "Anopinhammas"?) (234/365)
Kilkenny Irish Red Ale (236/365)

If you liked the post, consider buying me a beer:

Buy me a beer


that beer looks really dark! Don't know how it taste! I also got "hiccups" time to time. Sometimes it might be 5-6 hiccups at the same moment, really hard time with that! It has kind of relationship with "gastritis" to me! Anyway excellent photography! Specially with hiccups a still photography is a dream to me :D


This made me hungry...I don’t want to eat my rye bread anymore! I want to have a beer 🍺 with the food you described. 🤣 Is this beer sweet?

A little rough around the edges, not that sweet, it's got a smoky, somewhat bitter aroma. But I would probably recommend it for the dish we had.

Anyway, I hope you liked this post, and didn't get too hungry reading it.

Hahahah, It was nice reading your cooking skills. Would you consider yourself a good cook? Or selectively a great cook concerning some food?

Latter definitely, there are some dishes I could never dream of successfully preparing.

Really sounds delicious. Those items will always go together quite well. Garlic, tomatoes, grilled tenderloins, cooked in the oven . It sounds almost like ratatouille recipe. I understand you forgetting the camera.
I usually start mine by cooking/ grilling the vegetables in the oven then I cook them in roasted garlic tomatoes sauce with spinach ... so good.

Was kind of salivating while reading, was quite disappointed at the end of the post no pictures.. So sad.. My guess is that you a great cook

Fear not, I'm still not hungry after finishing our lunch/dinner at about in Lucky House at 5 pm. But I'm sure you had a good meal!

Haha haha!!. I understand you @gamer00. When one is hungry, he tends to forget any other thing, especially if he is really enjoying the meal. 😁

That does tend to happen, yes.

Haha guess what? You are wrong.. i actually got hungry while reading this post.. great photo and you always have an awesome story to tell behind the image..

As far as hiccups problem is concerned, you are not alone.. crazy endless hiccups are part of my routine too.. ^_^
Wond-uh-erful post-uh.. :D

Cheers! I want one too :) please don't forget photographing the meal for next time :)

Hey, looking at the colourful dinner introduction, you sure have got some skills in cooking :d
If I ever appear in Finland you should teach how to properly cook lol.
The quality of the photo btw...

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