Project 365 // Third week in pictures (3/52)

in #photography7 years ago (edited)

What you are reading here is a recap post of my past #onephotoeveryday posts. Each photo here is a clickable link to the respective post page. You may find stories behind the pictures, who knows? :)

(I'm still playing catch'up with the posts. Looks like the weekly ones are not going to make it at all at this pace.)

So, without further ado, here are the photos of the 3rd week:

Minigolf with Miro (15/365)
Minigolf with Miro

A stout and paper (16/365)
A stout and paper

The quest for the ultimate flim-flam omelette. (17/365)
The quest for the ultimate flim-flam omelette.

Sepe (18/365)

Rooster "Mike Monroe" (19/365)
Rooster "Mike Monroe"

Doing yesterday's dishes and photo. (cheating) (20/365)
Doing yesterday's dishes and photo. (cheating)

Eating trout at Luosto (21/365)
Eating trout at Luosto


[Previous post: One photo every day: Father-Son bonding w/ Leo & waiting for Halloumi burgers (43/365)]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:

First week in pictures (1/52)
Second week in pictures (2/52)

Minigolf with Miro (15/365)
A stout and paper (16/365)
The quest for the ultimate flim-flam omelette. (17/365)
Sepe (18/365)
Rooster "Mike Monroe" (19/365)
Doing yesterday's dishes and photo. (cheating) (20/365)
Eating trout at Luosto (21/365)
White flower (22/365)
Enjoying the silence over an e-cig and a can of beer. (23/365)
Poison (24/365)
Me and my boys, fresh out of the sauna. (25/365)
Gauges (26/365)
Sweet dreams (27/365)
Maariankämmekkä, Dactylorhiza maculata (28/365)
Toripoliisi (29/365)
Bumblebee (30/365)
Miro's four-leaf clover (31/365)
Couch dwellers. (32/365)
Hard Punch (33/365)
Red Grape with Blue Cheese (34/365)
Kantelusmeloni & Kaljameloni (35/365)
Peekaboo! (36/365)
Story of a lonely bench (37/365)
Rehab work, de-stapleizing newspapers. (38/365)
Jackdaw (39/365)
Selfie (40/365)
Playing billiards with my friend Janne (41/365)
One photo every day: A light in the dark (42/365)
Father-Son bonding w/ Leo & waiting for Halloumi burgers (43/365)

If you liked the post, consider buying me a beer:

Buy me a beer


All pretty good shots man ! My favorite one #17. It seems sooo professional.

The difference a real camera makes against a mobile phone photo right next to it.

But yes, I do tend to think of #17 as an actual professional quality photo. Mainly because I had already planned the framing and lighting in advance. While it didn't take long for me to do the actual shoot (because I had two hungry boys waiting for their food), the idea how I should take it was already cooked, and I swiftly followed it through.

The trout photo, not so much. I had just my cellphone and the lighting was awful. Not much I could have done there. ;) (Oh and the best part was, the thought of taking the photograph occurred only after I had already eaten almost half the fish. The eaten part is hidden beneath the skin.)

Ahh that explains the superb quality. Yeah those 2 photos are different like day and night. Real cameras will always provide much better shots than phones, especially if everything is planned ahead.

Yep, not to mention the fixed focal length vs. variable lenses thing. Not everything can be super wide, it just isn't feasible. That's where a real camera wins the quality contest hands down. Also, sensor size is an issue, because the miniature sensor in those mobile devices introduces so much crap into the picture it is usually awful even if the lighting is done right.

(Fixed super-wide + tiny sensor = no no on so many levels...)

I'm planning to buy a real camera in the future because I'm not happy with the phone camera. I want to take better quality shots when I go out into the nature.

Once you do, I suggest you check out Jared Polin (The Fro Knows Photo guy) on YouTube, and his video howtos on Getting out of Auto, and how to understand manual photography. I learned a lot by watching this guy's videos. (I personally binge watched them pretty hard when I first found his channel.)

I will definitely bookmark this channel and subscribe to it! Lot's of valuable information here. Thanks for that :)
I had a great photography teacher at my school. Before meeting him I was never into photography at all but he showed me the awesome point of view towards photography and I was hooked instantly.

I had a similar experience when I was in my artisan studies. We had a photography course, and the teacher pretty much got me hooked. :)

i really want to donate you some of bitcoin ... but i guess you need to wait longer
im in the new beginning here :)
btw ... what kind an animal "sepe" is ? is it a bat ? a pig ? a dog ? or between ?

Sepe is a crossbreed between a Chinese Crested, and a Miniature German Pinscer.

No need to worry about that bitcoin stuff. I think I'll soon be revamping my "give me beer" page to include other cryptos too. ;)

ow okay ... revamping on other cryptocurrency by give me beer?
how ?

I meant that I'll add some other cryptocurrencies and make a new donation page. :)

Great i can remember all of your photos, the rooster looks very elegant

Like your post and I can't buy you a beer 😁But I can give you up vote @gamer00

Thanks! I appreciate votes too. :) I hope you appreciate mine.

Yes I do 😊 Thank you for sharing @gamer00

Cool!! Great idea... In case anyone misses a post :)

A stout and a paper! A manly pleasure! Did something similar today myself. More about it later today. Sepe is a cool dog, no hair there, right?

Yea Sepe is almost hairless, if you don't count the short spiky crest in its back. :)

I like the images. Especialy number 20 it shows you are human and have dirty dishes aswell :P

i will be choosing minigolf with miro as my best because he is growing up learning one of the best sport. Little beginnings count. then the second choice is eating trout at Luosto, i obvious like the meat, hahahah. I would love to have a bite.

Fish is always good. :)

I love #17 very much. Very unique and contrasting colors.

Absolutely great shots mate!

Thanks. :)

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