One photo every day: Cataloguing the plants Part #5, Nepenthes (211/365)

in #onephotoeveryday6 years ago

Tadaa! Here's a new daily photo! :)


Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50 mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/1.4
Exposure: 1/50 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

This is the same plant I took this macro shot from, also taken for my OPED challenge. :) This plant is situated in our kitchen.

Note to @Turpsy, this is the one you were asking whether it was Monocotyledon or Dicotyledon. According to Wikipedia, this plant is actually an Eudicotyledon which is a subgroup of Dicolytedon. You must pardon me though, since my knowledge over plants is lacking, and unlike Vera who has actually studied this, I have no idea what these things actually mean. ;)

I think I fumbled up a bit when taking this photo, I noticed in editing that I hadn't cleaned up those dried up leaves first. I should've probably done that first.

Anyway, on to the next... See you soon!

Public OPED Project Announcement:

One Photo Everyday is not just a challenge nor just a series of posts on Steemit but it’s our way of providing valuable pictures everyday to our amazing community in order to promote the storytelling through the lens of the cameras.

Feel free to join our discord server.

We've created channels where people can find other like-minded photographers wanting to pursue a daily routine, and create their own 365 project. If you fall into motivational or inspirational problems, there'll be a channel where you may seek help. There's also a channel for sharing tips and advice in photography.

[Previous post: Steemit photo challenge #62 (SPC62), "Flowers", Entry #2: Dactylorhiza maculata, Heath Spotted Orchid]

Previously in 365, One photo every day:



Pictbot photo machine review and a photo collage (204/365)
Cataloguing the plants Part #3, Leo's Senecio serpens (205/365)
Cranberry & cashew bread, macro photography. (206/365)
New microphone (207/365)
How does Ultraviolet lamp work as lighting? (208/365)
Cataloguing the plants Part #4, Crassula (209/365)
Seven Day Black And White Challenge Photo #1 (210/365)

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Wow it's amazing! In locally we called this as Bandhura it's a type of predator plant! Pretty amazing photography and a great macro shot!


Do you know if "bandhura" has a translation? I tried translating with Google, but never got any translation. If Google detected it right, the writing form should be: बन्धुरा

Edit: Aha! it's "Bandhur", बन्धुर and it's translated "Monkey", I think it's where the name "Monkey cups" comes from, am I right?

Cool, it's a funny coincidence the hindi word "bandur" is monkey, when sri lankans call the plant "bandura", and it is also known as "monkey cups". :)

I hope I wasn't offending you when I mistook the language Google suggested as yours.

Yeah both languages are inherited from one source :D Neighbor countries nah :D It's not an issue, I thought you think I am from India :D My native language is Sinhala and it's my mother language also!


I've never seen a plant like this before...really weird looking to me. Saw your comment that it eats anything that goes in there, pretty damn cool!

You must pardon me though, since my knowledge over plants is lacking, and unlike Vera who has actually studied this, I have no idea what these things actually mean. ;)

I actually wish I am good in plants though. I focus more on what they contain and how I can employ that to my research. Though not my current focus for now.
Maybe you can be scientific alittle bit and classify your plants into monocots and dicots. That will be cool. or maybe I could look into that and make a post on it. hmmmm. well, not sure. lets see how it goes anyway.

I just made a post on one of the plants I have worked on. I wont be surprised if you had seen it before, since its an horticultural plant

I love the photo, and this plant looks amazing, I think it's the best of all until the moment of this series of photo Cataloguing the plants

Btw this plant called my attention, when you posted a photo of them all a few days ago and I see the reason that it caught my attention It reminds me of a pokemon character


It is certain that the tastes of each person will have an important influence on the criticism, but i like more the like u take it "dirt", dried leaves make It interesting and curious Well, that's what I think. Nice Photo, ugly plant. haha Thank for sharing @gamer00

Lol, what a strange form of a plant. I wonder if there are some creatures living inside!)) That can suddenly jump and bite you in the finger.

It's pretty much the opposite. This plant eats creatures foolish enough to wander into the cups. >:)

It eats creatures!? What if one crazy scientist decides to experiment with it and raises it to the size of a tiger. And then it will start eating bigger creatures and grows into a humongous monster!
We are doomed!


Oh my goodness... that movie ... I'm lost for words.

Excellent photo, everything is visible, even the villi on the stitch. How is it called? Should there be seeds in these bags?

I'm also wondering how it is called. Because there is absolutely no way to figure it out!

It's English name is Pitcher plant, or Monkey cups.

I hope no one decides to put their pensil there. It will be lost forever!

The "bags" are actually the end part of the leaf, they have evolved into fly traps of sort. They contain slippery fluid that prevents flies from escaping, and they digest them as food. :)

A flower catches flies? I thought such flowers grow only somewhere in the tropics. Thank you.

Oh I missed about you inquiring its name, it's a Pitcher plant, also known as Monkey cups.

Your house must be like a botanical garden! Thank for this wonderful photo. I saw this plant for the first time :)

very unique i never saw this before...vera has wonderful botanical knowledge...thanks for sharing

I really really like your works ...
I will always follow all your posts in order to learn better ..

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