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in #j6 years ago

FAV Saturday IMG_20190209_110133.jpg

Diving Inside

- 09:41 AM - Saturday - Laura Loomer Protest at Twitter, February 20th, 2019 - We cannot impact culture if we avoid culture.

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Deleting Cookies

- 09:48 AM - Store Problems - @artsyneva, and for anybody who may not know, you can delete the cookies by going into the settings of your web browser, like Firefox for example. Click on library, then click on history, then click on clear history, and then this box should appear like a pop-up window. Look at the options there. You may see options concerning cookies. Check off the options in that box. Click on Clear Now.

Savage Level 9000

- 09:57 AM - Matthew Whitaker Skills - There was a clear contradiction as seen in that video. First, they might have said that they were not following the five minute rule. Second, however, at the same time, at the end, the man said, and I quote, “My time has expired.” End quote. But your time, silly old man, cannot expire, if you are not following the five minute rule. If there is not a time limit, then how can your time or time limit expire therein? Terrible swamp creatures - 10:06 AM - Agreed to some extent but don’t underestimate how much business related things can be applied in the world of politics, especially as government is a business, especially in regards to what happened or probably happened in 1871, assuming that a USA Inc. company was formed at that time or possibly around 1801. There is a lot of corruption in the swamp, in the government, and I don’t disagree. But at the same time, does Trump not know that? Do you think Trump is that dumb? The answer might be a rather complex one. But we shouldn’t assume Trump will do everything perfect. So, how do we tell Trump? - 10:16 AM - @Thelsz: "TELLING them the truth is never enough. You have to show them and brow beat them with it until they admit it to move forward." Agreed. Trump has been playing a more long-term game in turning this country, America, around. Sadly, Trump might be going too slow, mostly because the swamp is blocking Trump over 90% of the time, but some of it may be strategy in the field of education like you said, in exposing the deep state, the globalists, hopefully the technocrats, corporate overlords, the world bankers, the others, and all of that is fundamental, like you said, we are all exposing them, but will it be too little and too late, because the globalists and the other people are implementing 5G, Agenda 2030, smart cars, smart houses, smart cities, smart everything, not smart people, and geoengineering, and the stuff Big Pharma does, and this thing, and that thing, and China, and the trafficking, and the brain washing through education and Hollywood and many things, so it is a question of whether we are going too slow or too fast, and we should not assume that Trump knows how fast or slow to go in getting the general public on board and everything. It’s like cooking a cake. It’s very complex. There are a lot factors going on all at the same time. We should assume the worse in order to work even harder at helping Trump instead of waiting for Trump to do EVERYTHING for us.

Internet Trolls

- 10:37 AM - Defining Terms - @Bingozee responds to @IWArmy1776 by including a link to the definition of Internet Troll according to Wikipedia, again, every time he feels he needs to let us know, in case we didn’t know what a troll was as the rock dwellers that we are.

Matthew's Bible

- 11:55 AM - From 1537 - Agreed. That's what I try to tell people about the Bible. I'm a fan of KJV. I didn't know about Robert Dick Wilson until now. One of our guest lecturers at the New York Word Of Life Bible Institute was Charles Ryrie who wrote a book on theology - Matthew's Bible - What do you think about the 1537 Matthew Bible which was written by John Rogers, AKA Thomas Matthew? His Bible has the New Testament of William Tyndale. His Bible has the Old Testament and the Apocrypha of Myles Coverdale's translations from German and Latin sources. My mom has this Matthew Bible. She likes it - 12:02 PM - Lee Ann McAdoo Swimsuit Calendar - Where is the bikini part? It reminds me of the babes for Trump - Alex Jones Items on Ebay - I love all of this. Very epic. This is how we engage culture... Why not start a Facebook group promoting these items?

Happy Birthday Alex Jones

- 12:16 PM - New Challenge - According to Wikipedia, this Monday, Alex Jones is turning 45 years old. I'm turning 34 that same day. So, wish Alex a very happy birthday. Buy some of his products, in honor of his birthday. Buy some crazy Infowars related things from Ebay. Share them in Facebook groups. Have a party in his name. Make a video celebrating his birthday at some bar. Record it. Send it here. @mr_president2028 was spreading things on Facebook. Like Alex Jones accounts. Good idea. Spread it on social media - Why not? - I'm Alex Jones - Go to a restaurant or a bar on Monday and tell them it is your birthday. Also tell them that your name is "ALEX JONES." Record it. Have fun. Use it as an opportunity to make stuff go viral. Why not? On Monday, go places, in the public. Let people know it is your birthday. Why? Because we are Alex Jones. Wear a costume. Or don't wear a costume. Wear an Alex Jones Mask. Or a Gay Frog. Or just a shirt. Be creative. You can even do it today. Why not? Do Something - In his name. And in the spirit of Original Oatmeal. Have fun while doing it. Happy birthday, Alex.


- 01:07 PM - Bingozee Versus Alex Jones - @Bingozee wrote, "Alex Jones Manipulated the NARRATIVE." @Bingozee refuses to talk about what @Bingozee wants Alex Jones to talk about. @Bingozee could talk about whatever he wants Alex to talk about. @Bingozee could call into the Alex Jones Show each day demanding that Alex talk about whatever that @Bingozee thinks Alex should be talking about.

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Enslaved Card

- 01:17 PM - Red Pill Cards - @MamaPotato, we all should hand these cards out to people. It is a real conversation starter. If the adults don’t like it, hand them out to children. It is a real red pill opportunity. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow, but some people, when they get bored, do end reading the fine print on the back of cards. Be patient. Someday, they’ll read it and then a light bulb will appear right above their heads. They’ll say, “OMG, I’m a cartoon, haha.”

Fighting Globalists

- 01:47 PM - Deep in Information Wars - I don’t know the answer, either. Here is what I do know: some people talk about how Alex Jones is a Zionist Shill, which he is not. They say Alex doesn’t talk enough about the evil Jews who rule the world. Perhaps, some of the globalists are Jews, by blood, but not by religion. There’s a difference. So, some people accuse Alex of not talking about the problems with the Jews, allegedly. Actually, Alex has talked about those things, many times. I don’t remember if Bingozee has ever alluded to the shill thing. But some people believe it. Bingozee alludes to some things, it would seem, or is that just that voice inside my Oatmeal Head? Am I the crazy troll here or does Bingozee allude to Transhumanism? @Bingozee & @Paladin have talked about the problems within religion. Specifically, Catholics have been burning books, destroying ancient artifacts, even more than the Muslims do, for centuries. Bingozee is right that a lot of people do become too lazy like couch potatoes in a variety of ways. Bingozee wrote, "I TOTALLY appreciate your ability to find information so efficiency and effectively. :slight_smile: Thank you." @Bingozee has agreed with @MamaPotato in talking about preparing for the worse by becoming independent, in building up a canned foods pantry, in being prepared as they try to confiscate our guns, as the globalists continue to try to take away our freedoms. So, what has @Bingozee said that Alex Jones has not said that would get them killed and how is @Bingozee not killed if he has said these things?

The Bingozee Thread

- 01:56 PM - Manipulation War - Bingozee, "@MamaPotato Do you ever offer anything more then spam? Do you have a question or something of value to add, or are you only seeking my attention? Consider I have none for you, now go away little girl. Sell your cookies on someone else’s corner." @MamaPotato is a Cookies-Selling Girl Scout according to @Bingozee. Well, in that case, please send me some chocolate oatmeal cookies, Mama Potato. Bingozee, "Lol. Still stealing… @MamaPotato just a pathetic thief, no better then @JoeyArnoldVN, I wonder have either of you realized your the only two who act as such in this community by your actions and the example. TROLLS." That moment when Hillary Clinton called half of Americans trolls, AKA deplorables. Also, ironically, at the same time, notice how globalists like to compare Trump to Alex Jones as twins, as one and the same, as if one copies the other or steals from the other like Troll Brothers. Excellent question from @BeautifullyChaotic to @Bingozee, "@Bingozee I did read some of your “Humanity” expose and I understood most of it but I have only one question. What happened to you? That’s a whole lot of “far out” stuff. Where did you find all of that info?" That’s what Bingozee said to me, @JoeyArnoldVN, “That your a moronic and I am not.” Oh, do you mean that I am a moron? I do like that moronic rhymes with ironic. Talk about a split personality. First, Bingozee says in a mean angry ALEX JONES VOICE, “STOP…” and then he says in a nice girly voice, “Have a nice day.” Wow. Talk about a paradox. @IWArmy1776 to @Bingozee, “Dude you are the troll. End of story.” Epic. @Bingozee responds to @IWArmy1776 by including a link to the definition of Internet Troll according to Wikipedia, again, every time he feels he needs to let us know, in case we didn’t know what a troll was as the rock dwellers that we are. Barney agrees. I love you and you love me, we are happy families, living in America, local communities first, we’re a happy family. @Bingozee continues to repeat himself, like CNN, a big “NOTHING” burger. What I am to Bingozee is whatever that Russia might be to CNN who went after Roger Stone and Alex Jones and Donald Trump and others, even as Big Pharma goes after us. The turtle was slow but the turtle still beat that rabbit. Yes, I am admitting that @Bingozee is a troll. @Bingozee on @MamaPotato, "But I still appreciate her for her Amusement and her shear stupidity! :slight_smile: Luv you! Her and her little MINION…" Wait, what? Who is @MamaPotato’s Mini-Me? Haha is it me? Bingozee on @JoeyArnoldVN, "@JoeyArnoldVN is just a Fucking moron whom trolls threads and forms taking things our of context and then making redundant comments and asking rhetorical STUPID questions." My Dark Alex Jones Heart. @Bingozee might be Hillary Clinton. @Bingozee & @Paladin have talked about the problems within religion. Specifically, Catholics have been burning books, destroying ancient artifacts, even more than the Muslims do, for centuries. Bingozee is right that a lot of people do become too lazy like couch potatoes in a variety of ways. @4LoveOfTheRoad asked @Bingozee what Alex would be killed over. Bingozee refuses to answer that question. But Bingozee continues to pretend that he has already answered the question.

The Oatmeal Joey Arnold Thread

- 02:10 PM - Latest Update - I love Ben Stein. Good live Infowars YouTube Stream, @Leviticus. Please don’t assume and take action. Who knows. All you know is what you can do right now. If you can do something that can help, get up and do it. Got an idea? Wanna try to tell the world something? Wanna try to tell Trump something he needs to do? Take action. Don’t just dream. Get up and act before Hitler eats you like oatmeal. @Bingozee, I love that word, “EMPATHY.” I’m like Wikileaks. Except, you seem to be ignoring what it says in the leaks. @Mcintosh1776 is unable to see anything. You are ignoring me like CNN ignored Wikileaks. You seem unable to see what is really there, similar to how people didn’t want to talk about what was actually in the Wikileaks. @Paladin wants @JoeyArnoldVN & @MamaPotato to die. Every time @Paladin sees something, anything, related to Christ, @Paladin has a Holy Oatmeal Cow. Dude, "I used to live in San Antonio for many years. My sister and mother live in Austin…My allergies have gone waaaay down since moving to Arizona." Wow. @Troy, "Actually, god is against history that we did not directly witness." Like the billions of imaginary evolution years. Why not? What are you saying? But Candace Owens can? - 02:32 PM - @Nwenglarz wants to beat up @JoeyArnoldVN? At least @Bingozee hasn’t made any calls to action, any threats of violence, at least not yet. Bingozee said, "I have Called Alex and have talked to him only once, directly after 9/11." Can somebody find tape of that?

Learning Comedy

- 02:55 PM - Reviewing Saturday - I’m watching Louder With Crowder. His comedy and satire and everything is brilliant. For example, in episode #433, it opens with a parody cartoon of Arthur, which was on PBS in the 1990’s. In the parody, Arthur’s sister was called not DW but SJW. The whole bit was very funny. You can watch the first few minutes of the episode to see the parody. Very funny. I try to learn a little bit of comedy from the best. Sadly, Crowder isn’t much of a fan of Alex Jones. He usually says he doesn’t agree a lot with Alex and that he is good friends with Joe Rogan. That is sad.

The Bingozee Thread

- 03:20 PM - Against Families - @Paladin might be against Stay-At-Home Mothers. Ask Stefan Molyneux what he thinks about that. Alex Jones says that families are under attack. Raising children is historically fundamental, crucial, universally, globally, culturally, psychologically, in a variety of ways. Even joking about it does harm and aligns you, @Paladin, to the globalist’s agenda of destroying families, cultures, local communities, in a variety of ways. Savannah Hernandez has said many times that she is against emphasizing too much on the divide & conquer schemes of Soros & Friends. Scary.

Second Home Vietnam

- 03:31 PM - Kim Chi Banh Mi - Vietnam is my second home. If America ended, then I'd be tempted to go back to Vietnam where I lived teaching English for 5 years until 2017. Now I'm near Seattle. I'm American born in 1985. But I am now, emotionally, like Vietnamese as well, deep in my heart. For those who don't know, Banh Mi is better than a burger and maybe even better than potatoes and oatmeal haha. The world's biggest caves are in Vietnam.

The Paladin Thread

- 04:37 PM - Brand New Thread - The propose of this thread is for discussing anything related to @Paladin. One might think that @Paladin is a friend of @Bingozee. Let’s begin digesting some of the things that Paladin has said. I’ll begin: @Paladin said this to @MamaPotato, “You’re the only one causing trouble here.” That’s not true. What about me hehe? Well, actually, Potato is an excellent researcher and mother. What ever happened to family first? So, talking about values, goals, principles, is embarrassing? Translation: @Paladin wants to call Child Protective Services (CPS) on @MamaPotato, yes, the same CPS who almost stole me & my siblings, from our mom, in the 1980’s in Oregon, USA, similar to how they have been robbing many children, spliting and dividing up families in America, never mind the fake news & the fake dreamers coming over the borders via child sex trafficking and getting split up. Bill Cosby loves sweaters. And look at where that got him? Jail. Ask Steven Crowder about that one. @Paladin hates families. That’s what he is saying. It’s an insult on Americana. You remind me of Disney & Star Wars right after Episode VII, The Last Jedi, where the fans were angry. So, they called the fans racist. They say a bunch of terrible things. And then they go back, after they are called out for all their SJW NPC OATMEAL POTATOES, and try to say that they really actually meant to say this thing or that thing, after the fact. @Paladin, "Once again, @JoeyArnoldVN go fuck yourself." @nwenglarz & @TheFrozenWarrior liked that - 04:44 PM - Like Obama’s Net Neutrality? Why not free markets? Neutrality is code for socialism and equality which is clouded with Yoda in bed with Oatmeal. We may be required to get special ID cards by 2020 in many states in America. Is that a good or bad thing?

Fighting Satan

- 08:11 PM - Reviewing 2019, Week 05 - Baby Pop Body Parts - The Crusades was a response to Muslim Invasions. Paladin wrote, "Christianity is responsible for the death, murder and suffering of hundreds of millions." He is conflating Christianity with things that are allegedly labelled, falsely, as Christian. Just because something is deemed Christian, doesn't mean it is. Go back to the source, Jesus, in order to discover what Christianity really is. Go back to the source of Islam, Muhammad, to find out what Jihadism & Sharia is all about.


- 10:23 PM - Trump is a FAILURE - 2012 Movie - You’ve Been Trumped - Trailer Video

Progressive Liberal Bingozee

- 11:38 PM - The Bingozee Thread Update - @Bingozee on @MamaPotato, "And @MamaPotato You have NOT contributed to my understanding." This is what a progressive liberal would say. This comment from @Bingozee to @MamaPotato is seated on emotionalism. Do I need to write a book explaining what this means. Please tell @nwenglarz that this is not a one word sentence, but I guess you can never please the haters as I either write too much or too little haha. Some people, like @Bingozee, pretend to be objective, he hides behind a lot of words that he repeats, and he makes subjective and emotional arguments. Kind of like a little girl with a temper tantrum. From the words of Stephanie from Full House, “How Rude.” @MamaPotato, are you a fan of Full House & Fuller House? In Fuller House, the boy, Max, the middle son of DJ, said there are three words he is not allowed to say, some bad words, and one of those words was “Donald Trump.” @Bingozee, "I have already been FRANK." @Bingozee is FRANK! Oh my God, I need to start a new thread on this. Breaking news. FRANK, we need your help. We need your help, Bingozee Frank haha. You mean misinterpretation, not, as you say, “Miss Interpretation.” Bingozee, "This Very thread was Created so that @JoeyArnoldVN and @MamaPotato could Troll." The plot thickens. Bingozee, "he plagiarizes." Bingozee is probably unfamiliar with what a quote is. @Bingozee is in love with @Paladin. How sweet. Get a room. Bingozee, "It is sad that @JoeyArnoldVN continues to troll." If I got a quarter for every time @Bingozee said that, I’d be Donald Trump Rich Haha. Where’s my quarter? Where’s my Dr. Evil’s Shark with Lasers, from Austin Powers haha, huh? Bingozee on Oatmeal, "I have empathy, but also understand his handicap and ability." Wait? What? Where’s my short bus? Bingozee, "Maybe stop doing it then, consider I say it EVERY time you do it… ummmm duh, is that hard to grasp?" If I’m handicapped, then yes, that goes way over my head haha. Bingozee, "I will call you out EVERY time." Bingozee has the time to call out Joey Arnold (JA) but not Alex Jones (AJ)? Talk about priorities. Mama Potato, "Even his bestie called him out." Shocking. So, he is not the father haha. @Bingozee to @Mongoose concerning my thread concerning Bingozee. Haha. Bingozee, "I will also add that by witness there ARE MANY whom would agree he is Abusing, Maybe you should have made a poll, much as they did for me… So disgusting." Really? "Regurgitating." Isn’t that what you are doing? "Others are left putting their feelings." Are you going to cry now, @Bingozee? "there is no comedy CATEGORY of this forum." Oh, I stand corrected. That means what exactly? That I’m not funny? Well, life is funny and not funny all at the same time. But what are we going to do with life? How do we make the most of it as we battle globalists? Oh by the way, why is Bingozee’s profile hidden?

Paladin F JA Comments on INFOCOM Screenshot at 2019-02-11 00:08:29.png

The Paladin Thread

- 11:47 PM - Latest Update - @Paladin, "because the essence of agnosticism is free thought." AKA subjectivity under the veil of alleged free thought. Are you getting tricked and pulled in by the shinning lights? Why don’t you watch Stefan Molyneux videos? Paladin: "Once again, @JoeyArnoldVN go fuck yourself." You might be a fan of Anthony Cumia of Compound Media. He likes to joke about that phrase. @Paladin, "You are a fucking troll and a fucking prick. I don’t give a fuck if I get banned for this. @JoeyArnoldVN Go fuck yourself, you little soyboy dipshit." Wow. Triggered much like Tiger Tigger from Winnie the Pooh who loves to say “Cuz I’m the only one?” It’s good to seek after value as individuals can be unique, special, like all the colors of the Pocahontas Rainbow Wind. Anything religious is automatically loony according to @Paladin.

The Oatmeal Joey Arnold Thread

- 11:50 PM - Latest Update - "If this shutdown drags on till April i will refuse to pay a dime in self employment taxes until the Dems agree to fund the wall." Good idea. How do we get rid of the IRS and reduce even more taxes, regulations, socialism, welfare, etc? @Nwenglarz, "I will be tempted to beat you down." @Nwenglarz wants to beat up @JoeyArnoldVN? N: "Can you please for the love of God use complete sentences?" Hell No, Sista. N: "Stop making threads to start more drama." Never mind children sex trafficking, right? "Anyways, why is everyone so angry at each other?" The problem is the attack on family-first values. N: "Stop tagging us." Because you can’t ignore a tag? For some reason, @Nwenglarz feels like he is being attacked, right, and never mind the geoengineering that actually is attacking us, right? Who does Trump listen to?Also, Jack Posobiec as well. But not you, right? You are invisible, right? Nobody will ever be able to see you, right? Might as well just give up, right? No. Don't give up. @Mongoose, "May the oatmeal be with you." The more, the better. Don’t forget the strawberries. @nwenglarz might be saying that he hates @JoeyArnoldVN’s activism ideas, like the It’s My Birthday, I’m Alex Jones, On Monday Challenge, for example. I’m always posting new activism ideas, challenges. But people ignore them. People instead jump on these threads instead haha. That’s too bad. I guess people love drama way too much, perhaps.