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in #j6 years ago

Activist Mommy - ABij3K_J_400x400.jpg

This is the Activist Mommy - She is having a march for life on Saturday, the 23rd of February, 2019. We treasure life, which is the foundation for choices.


- 08:29 AM - Thursday - Idiots Everywhere - True. Oh. Even truer. AKA Pre-Meetup Transition - 08:39 AM - Wells Fargo Down - Will this happen to more banks? Globalists are seeking to turn up the volume to their control. This may be part of a bigger agenda where they will say that normal banks do fail, and will continue to fail. So, they may be using these types of problems in order to push people towards maybe a one world bank or the eyes scanners for better verification of your identity and other things, all in the name of alleged safety, like Benjamin Franklin said, at the cost of our freedom, which results to deserving neither. We have to be able to find more alternatives to banking, to living, to trading. When we con’t, then they continue to push us more and more into a corner of more and more tyranny over us.

The Bingozee Thread

- 09:10 AM - Big Debate - Infowars Community Forum - The Bingozee Commentary Club: Feel free to add your own Bingozee Commentary in this thread. Feel free to talk about Bingozee in this thread. Have Fun! But Not Too Much Fun! Oatmeal: Purpose of this Thread: This thread is for digesting the @Bingozee Books, comments, messages, threads, paragraphs, ideas, philosophies, etc, etc. Feel free to respond, rebuttal, interact, comment, in regards to anything and everything relating to @Bingozee. You can share his posts here. You can reply to his comments here. He writes a lot of things. We can learn a lot from @Bingozee. I already wrote a @Bingozee Song. Let The Games Begin: I’ll begin with some of my commentary on what he writes, as follows: Bingozee (B): "We are HUMAN by the Enlightenment." What does this mean? Who or what is the Enlightment? Is it God? Is it us? Is it oatmeal or a potato? What the oatmeal is that potato? B: "NOTHING living or ALIVE has Come or Gone to or from Earth alive or living including HUMANITY." Are you talking about reincarnation or transhumanism? "it is not prejudice against any Race." Good job not being racist. Here is a trophy for you. "I am not POLITICALLY CORRECT." Good. "as if Religious beliefs and satanic Rituals make a HUMAN and Humanity a sacrificial thing." So, you are saying humans shouldn’t be or are not sacrificial things? "technologies become WEAPONIZED unto humanity." True. "If humanity was to be ESTABLISHED again, it would require the abandonment of all Artificiality." Not a bad idea. "there will be no hero today, Unless it be the WHOLE of HUMANITY." Sounds a little too fatalistic to me. "Today we have no FREEDOM, nor have we since the ADVENT of RELIGION." You seem to be promoting some kind of New Age Movement of transhumanism. "HUMANS becoming the sacrificial thing willingly even if Unknowing due to the Psychopathy and psychopathic Tendency, Aptitude and Comprehensions that are a VERY well guarded secret and Study, a Craft today as it has been since the Enlightenment and realization of these things." That’s true. That’s our weakness. Very true. Very well said. Lots of secrets out there. The Roman Catholic church has been burning books, artifacts, probably at a higher rate than the Muslims do, for so many centuries, in so many countries. So, the Catholics may be the number one GATE KEEPERS in the world, historically, globally, basically, generally. "WE ARE NOT HARVESTABLE SHEEP." But by default, we are. That’s why we gotta get help to get out of the Matrix. "How many Times has the Bible been manipulated." How many times has Trump been taken out of context, like the Bible? "HUMANS don’t EVOLVE, HUMANS Learn and make choices." Same same. "It is a FACT 90% of the Global Civilized Civilian is MENTALLY ILL." Can we compare first world countries with third world countries? "I do have FAITH, just not of the IMAGINARY thing, I am a realist." In other words, you don’t have faith.

Coming Storms

- 09:24 AM - Eyeless Demons - When I looked into her eyes, I saw the pits of Hell itself. Pretty scary. When I look at her face, I see a serpent that is literally waiting to devour prey.

Black Pilled Video

Closing Borders

- 09:36 AM - Screwed Country - We do want to close the borders, more and more. Trump said we want more people to come than ever before in the 2019 SOTU. If we are against that, we gotta work even harder to go against that, to minimize excessive legal immigration. I’m not talking about illegal aliens, refugees, but legal green card holders who may eventually become citizens. They still may end up voting Democrat, even as legal aliens. We gotta minimize taxes which minimizes welfare which pulls in the legal immigration. And we don’t need more workers. That is a lie.

Good AI Versus Bad AI

- 09:58 AM - This country is screwed irrevocably - HXTR: "The A.I. is the worst case scenario." No. We already have AI. We have to combat bad AI with good AI. There is a lot of technology that we can’t see. They hide a lot of their tech. We only see tech that is 20 years old, generally. The newest smart phone is actually 20 years old, if not older. It’s not worse case scenario. It is our case. We have to do as much as we can each day to go against all of it, because it is all already here and then some.

Antediluvian Age

- 10:08 AM - This country is screwed irrevocably - @MamaPotato: "Actually they are trying to revamp a much older rule… Antediluvian…" For those who don't know, the Antediluvian Era is from like 2,348 B.C. and before that, according to AIG, which was over 4,359 years ago. I love history. There are books from that era in time. It is worth studying. I love ancient history. It helps us see who we are in so many ways, as we backtrack from where we were.

Engaging Culture

- 10:17 AM - Listening to Joe Rogan - Joe Rogan influences a lot of people, regardless. It’s vital to engage culture in as many ways as possible. When we fail to connect, to relate, to talk about things and people that the general public is aware of, that then therefore MINIMIZES our effectiveness, our reach, our ability to be relevant, our ability to red pill, our ability to Steven Crowder Change My Mind. Alex Jones has his own version and versions of Change My Mind. Crowder was on Joe Rogan. Roseanne was on Joe. A lot of people have been. And Joe has helped people. But that is besides the point. The problem is that the Twitter God pays Joe Rogan millions of dollars to say certain things. That’s dangerous in so many ways. They’re leading people astray. We gotta let people know that before it is too late.

AI is Complex Programming

- 10:30 AM - AI is complex programming. I’m not talking demon possession of people, of machines, of objects, which is another topic for another day. Demon possession is a big problem that has been occurring for thousands of years, all around the world. That’s true. But when I talk about how AI can be good or bad, I’m talking about physical parts of the hardware and software. A good program is like a good tool, weapon, gun, money, object, thing. Is a gun good or bad? Depends on who has control over the gun. Is AI good or bad? Depends on who has control over the AI. What makes this website different than Facebook? This website, the Infowars Army Forum, is different than Facebook because it is controlled not by Facebook but by other people. AI is controlled by the makers, the architects, of AI. Yes, there are back-doors. Yes, hardware may contain some spy chips that may seek to take control over your computer or other things. Yes, Microsoft and Apple operating systems and programs have mechanisms, controls, for extracting anything and everything out of your computer, for removing, editing, changing, stealing, your data, for spying, for many things. That is why I use Ubuntu and not Apple and not Microsoft. It depends on who controls the AI. That’s why we gotta control as much as we can. When we fail to control tech, then the technocrats come in to occupy that void and take control over the tech, the things, that we fail to get on top of. The good news is that a lot of people are trying to get on top of that, via blockchain, Steemit, Gab, Infowars, Drudge Report, Minds, cryptocurrencies, etc, etc - 10:38 AM - Diversify your portfolio, your investments. Have some cash, cryptocurrencies, gold, silver, a few different bank accounts, etc, as a way of having backups, of having options, of not being dependent on one centralized institution - 10:40 AM - Cryptocurrencies - It’s all about having options instead of being too dependent on one overlord.

Scary IBM

- 10:46 AM - @EliteProxy: "IBM already has an enterprise block chain product." What IBM is doing is not blockchain because IBM is centralized and blockchain is supposed to be as decentralized as possible. So, when you put IBM and blockchain together, it is like putting hot and cold together. They are opposites. Most people don’t know enough about blockchain to know what counterfeit blockchain tech looks like - 10:48 AM - Mike Adams does not seem to understand blockchain. He seems to be misleading Alex Jones - 10:53 AM - It’s important for people to know that the bankers are part of centralized counterfeit blockchain systems. I’m against that. I’m for decentralized open source blockchain systems that are not administrated and controlled by technocrats. True, Alex Jones talked about Watson. Very true. I’m against IBM, Microsoft, Apple, etc. I favor Ubuntu.

Fighting Choices

- 11:09 AM - Making Better Choices - Elite Proxy: "Linux was the best thing that ever happened to the world. Open Source is going to be the last frontier of resistance as the technocracy unfolds." Does Linux have problems? I don’t know. I’ll keep an open mind. But there are two things people must be reminded of. First, we all do better when we seek after better choices. We must remind people to make better choices in all areas of their lives. Open source things has been better for a bunch of reasons. The philosophy is all about going after what may work better. Yeah, that seems to be too much work for some people, to stay on top of. But that’s what innovation is all about. Technology is like cleaning your room. Why? Because it involves renewal. If something doesn’t work, move on to something that does. But people get stuck on Microsoft and Apple for too long. Some people think Ubuntu is only for nerds, geeks, programmers, web designers. False. The user interface (UI) may look different. And Ubuntu may have been tougher to use like twenty years ago. But it has been getting easier and easier for more people to use, each year. Yeah, I use VLC and OBS. But secondly, not only do we do better when we make better choices, but beyond that, we also got to remind people that progress is better when it is gradual. Star Trek Captain Picard talked about that to an alien of some planet. They wanted Picard to just give those barbarian aliens all their tech. But Picard said that would be a problem. They need to get there on their own, gradually. It’s good to help people. But it is a work in progress. Competition helps with the innovation. Rome wasn’t built in a day. People can get more involved. We can feel too helpless. So, that’s why some of us should coach other people towards better things. That’s how things improve, through coaching, through discipleship, training, gradually. That’s original oatmeal. The main point is that it is a philosophy and it is not necessarily about one person, like Alex Jones, or one thing, like Ubuntu. In other words, even if Linux was to fail, or even if a certain open source operating system, were to fail, we should be able to move past that. Because it is not about worshiping a certain OS or a certain thing. Like Bitcoin for example. When I talk about Bitcoin, I am talking about Bitcoin but really the philosophy of going away from Rothschild, etc. If Bitcoin has too many problems, then go to other cryptocurrencies, investments, other currencies, gold, silver, salt, natural resources, water, land, etc, etc - 11:15 AM - Because online activism is stupid, right? We should throw our computers out the window, right? - 11:22 AM - True. Jack Dorsey is trying to centralize what is supposed to be decentralized. There is a difference. Jack is trying to monopolize what is supposed to be a free market open source party. Cryptocurrencies goes against Rothschild, generally. But people like Jack are pushing people back towards Rothschild, secretly. People like Jack are pretending to be all about cryptocurrencies but is actually promoting digital fiat and not cryptocurrencies. And digital money is not cryptocurrencies. There is a difference - 11:28 AM - @Johnboy is right, generally, that people are not engaging enough. A lot of people are able to make better choices. A lot of people probably should try to do more offline activism. That’s true. That’s not the whole story, but that is a major factor. It goes back to getting more people active. That’s the question. That’s the point of this. Believe it or not, Keyboard Warrior Activity is not necessarily as counterproductive as some people may say. It depends. Brain Storming is the root to even greater activism. That’s the art, that’s the secret.

Activist Mommy

- 02:32 PM - National Abortion Protesting Day of Mourning - 2019-02-23 - Saturday - # Day of Mourning: Join us! Across the nation! February 23rd! - 1. WEAR BLACK - 2. DON’T SHOP - 3. CLOSE YOUR BUSINESSES - 4. REPENT FOR ABORTION - # DayOfMourning - https://DayOfMourning.org - About Activist Mommy: She was on the Alex Jones Show: During the third hour of the Alex Jones Show, today, Thursday, 2019-02-07, at about ten minutes in, after Bennett & Millie Weaver, Activist Mommy began talking about the National Day of Mourning which will be on Saturday, the 23rd of February of 2019. You can learn more about her: Her website - ActivistMommy.com - Her Twitter - @activist_mommy - Details on the Day of Mourning: According to her Twitter: Join us! Across the nation! February 23rd! 1. WEAR BLACK 2. DON’T SHOP 3. CLOSE YOUR BUSINESSES 4. REPENT FOR ABORTION # DayOfMourning - They will have a protest that day, Saturday, Feb, 23rd, 2019, in Albany, New York.

Man Named Bill

- 02:41 PM - Looking For Feedback - My best friend as a kid was Bill. Good name. I was watching your video on Facebook. More people could benefit from studying law and history. So, it is good that you talked about those things. People take things out of context. We forget things. So, some people may not know that certain things happened when Obama was President, that is before Trump became President, like you said in the video. History red pills people a lot more than we give it credit. That’s why globalists try to censor history. The Catholic church has been doing it for centuries - 02:46 PM - Where can I buy a force-field suit? We gotta fight against 5G, geoengineering, vaccines, etc. You don’t think open-source has already shift dynamics to it all? - 03:03 PM - Tech - Actually, Stefan Molyneux has talked about AI - 03:10 PM - I was trying to get you to think about open source. I wanted you to investigate what open source projects are doing, what they have been doing for so many years in so many years. That is the hope we have against empires.

Deep Thought With Nancy Pelosi

- 03:18 PM - I am jealous that I didn’t make that Deep Thoughts With Nancy Pelosi During SOTU 2019 Video. Very educational and entertaining. People should share it.

Defining Open Source

- 03:27 PM - Secrets Within - It is a philosophy of becoming as independent, decentralized, competitive, innovative, creative, open, engaging, cooperative, fundamental, for the sake of scalability, competition, free markets, for building newer things on top of older things, in regards to technology, and in regards to many different things, as possible, as competitive as possible. Open Source is the opposite of Closed Source which is what Apple may have for example. Open source allows for continual innovation as many people add to the projects. People take things and they build on top of it or they transform it into another thing. It is ongoing. It is many things. VLC and OBS are examples of open source. Ubuntu is an example of open source. This website may be another example of open source.

Fireside Chat

- 08:25 PM - Forbidden Wonders - Feel free to include your favorite live stream videos here, in this thread. Keep in mind that these types of broadcasts are immersive according to Lionel Nation. Why immersive? Because they include live interaction via chat rooms that run parallel with the live videos on YouTube, Periscope, Twitch, Dlive, and other video hosting websites. - Prager University - Dennis Prager, in this fireside chat video, he said that his house is so old, that it actually has a fireside, a fire place, a chimney, which is illegal to have, currently, in California. He then went on to say how he needs to make a list of freedoms and joys that globalists, technocrats, corporate overlords, and others, are slowly stealing from us, choking from us. The way Dennis said it was truly unique. Why is Trump not doing fireside chats? He does Twitter, which is better than no Twitter. Trump has been getting 90% shadow banned on Twitter. Many people are getting censored. Lionel and others have been saying that Trump needs to go live via Trump TV. Back in 1933-1934, President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) had a fireside chat via the radio. So, millions of Americans would tune in to hear the President talk. Trump needs to do that - Fireside Chat Ep. 68 - Tell The Truth About Abortion - How Many Views? How many views are PragerU videos getting? Billions: They are getting billions of views - Website: PragerU.com - Why not start your own fireside chat? If @Mischief_With_Griff can do it, why not you? You can do it, too. Your videos? You can share your own videos, here. Your favorite videos? You can also share your favorite videos here as well. Yours truly, Oatmeal.

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