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in #j6 years ago (edited)


Mirror Websites?

- 08:39 AM - Wednesday - New Infowars Forum Mystery - Dear readers, can anybody else try to log into this - Infowars Social - this alternative forum website? It appears to be a time capsule as it contains our posts from November but nothing from December or after that. It appears to be like a mirror website. Oatmeal.

Finding Online Trust

- 09:27 AM - Website Questions - @TheRecFem asked, "How can one discern what is trustworthy and what is not online?" Determining which websites you can trust is similar to determining which coins are authentic. In order to detect counterfeit money, for example, people study real money, the authentic bills, dollars, and coins. When they study the real thing, they begin to see patterns in real money. Then when you see fake money, you start to notice what is missing, what is different. You may know that if a Nigerian Prince emails you, telling you to send him your credit card information or your address, that he may be a con artist. He may be trying to steal your identity or just all your money like a bank robber. If you get an email from Bob from Bank Of America, but his email address is something crazy like [email protected], then he is probably not who he said he is. So, with websites, there are a few things you can do. It’s a long story. There are patterns you can look for. Generally, phishing sites have big long names or very unpopular names, addresses. So, you can begin by hovering over a link before clicking on it. If the link has a bunch of random numbers and letters and forward slashes like https://www.clickhererightherecrazy.com/sefswugwretyg87gufbo8werbo8476tr7634t5r7843gt83489fg734879fh734fh9043h3478h8394hg83fooghfoshgfo or something, then that might be a problem. Always start with what you do know. If you are not familiar with a website, then ask around or Google it or take a chance. For my operating system, I use Ubuntu instead of Windows and Apple. China seems to have a lot of control over Apple, which is a problem. Now, most computer bugs, Trojan Horse viruses, etc, are written for Windows. As far as I can tell, I have less issues, less problems, because I use Ubuntu instead of Windows and Apple and stuff like that. So, that may help. Bad websites may lack certificates. Your web browser, like Firefox, or the other browsers, may warn you if the website you are about to visit is not trustworthy. Generally, browsers do that, in my experience since the early 2000’s. I take risks and I learn by trial and error. So, I mostly know which websites to trust because I’ve visited hundreds and hundreds of websites over the past twenty or more years, and I begin to see the patterns. I look at the layout. I look at how the web pages load. I look at the domain name. I look at how it loads. And I simply have a memory of which websites I trust based on experience. The biggest problem is when an unknown website asks you to log in. So, for example, you want to log into Facebook, then make sure the address bar says https://www.Facebook.com and not https://www.Facebook.edu or https://face.book.1.com or https://Facebook.com.loginhere.com, etc, etc. Because that is generally how they steal passwords. I probably should have opened with that. I mostly use my laptop. So, I am always looking at the address bar, the URL, or I hover over links to see the address pop up on the bottom-left side of the screen, of the web browser, before clicking on it. Some people click on links without looking at the address which should pop-up on the bottom-left of the screen. Look at the address before clicking on it. But many people use phones. Can you see web addresses, URLs, on phones? Generally, in my experience on Android phone operating systems on phones, I don’t see the URLs. I think you can still look for them or somehow see them. So, I don’t experiment on my smart phone. I only go to a few websites or a few apps when I am on my phone, because it is harder to see the address bar on phones. So, phones are like causing people to forget how to figure these things out. Always go back to where you started. If you register for a website like Facebook, for example. Try to remember the exact name of the URL, the web address. For Facebook, like I said before, is https://Facebook.com, so when you go to log into Facebook, make sure it says https://Facebook.com and not https//Faceb00k.com or something different. Otherwise, a different website may steal your info. Start with what you do know. Don’t experiment with visiting unfamiliar websites if you cannot afford risks. Life is a game of risk. Find some nerds and always ask them before visiting a brand new unfamiliar website, for example.

Chronology of My Biography

1920's - 1930's - 1940's - 1950's - 1960's - 1980's - 1985 - 1986 - 1987 - 1988 - 1989 - 1990's - 1990 - 1991 - 1992 - 1993 - 1994 - 1995 - 1996 - 1997 - 1998 - 1999 - 2000's - 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - 2016 - 2017 - 2018 - 2019
forbidden frog forums

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Purpose Behind Mirror Websites

- 09:32 AM - What's the purpose? Two main purposes: first, it may serve as a backup website, a mirror website, that is there in case the main website crashes or something else. Many websites, like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and others, have backups. Second, it may serve as a different flavor of the website, like a different skin, like a different user interface (UI). You can actually find different flavors of Twitter that allows you to have like different backgrounds and other things. So, it might be one of those two things, or maybe both. That’s my educated guess.

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I'm There - I'm Not There

- 09:43 AM - Thelsz wrote, "Second reason: different flavor is more the fact no one’s used it in months more than anything cosmetic." You can find me on that other website. But I did not join that website. So, I never used that website. So, the website is a mirror that was abandoned. A mirror website automatically copies everything from the main website. So, that website copied everything from this website, but then it like stopped, it appears. By the way, MySpace allowed for different flavors on the same website. So, MySpace was like a web builder because there was so much more customization that was allowed when compared to Facebook. MySpace was superior to Facebook in 2009 then Facebook is in 2019. Facebook does not allow for customization, ten years later. MySpace had so many options. It allowed people to put in HTML code into your MySpace for customizing your MySpace as if it was your own website. Facebook does not allow that. Facebook is a prison. MySpace gave people a lot of freedom.

Qanon Pizza Parties?

- 10:11 AM - 12:42 PM - Reviewing Tuesday - Yeah. Qanon helps. Q helps a little. There’s a bit of truth behind it. But just like Pizza Gate, there are problems. Mama Potato wrote: “I’ve followed some of the Q thing… But honestly I find it all kinda bogus…” There is truth behind Pizza Gate, but some people used it as a mechanism for discrediting alternative news like maybe Infowars or other news, journalists, etc. There may be some good people in the Q movement, and some truth as well. But there is a lot of bad. It’s kind of complex. There are a few different layers to the Q thing. For example, Lionel Nation mentions Q but isn’t a freak. Instead, Lionel uses the idea of Q to ask real questions about geoengineering, 9/11, Soros, the deep state, certain issues, in order to get more people involved in investigating, in researching more, etc, etc. We have to build our own robots before it is too late.

Bad Websites Versus Good Websites

- 10:29 AM - Explorer, Safari, Google Chrome, etc, I may see updates on what my browser is doing when it is going to a website. These may be clues to what kind of website it is going to - Hand Shakes - For example, when I go to Facebook, it may say for a second at the bottom, "Performing a TLS Handshake." You may also other things as well. A bad website may not have that or other things. There are a lot of details. But you don't have to memorize everything to begin seeing patterns, both good and bad patterns. You begin seeing patterns simply by observing. You may not remember them right away but you might maybe in a few years. In other words, more people can become computer experts. It just takes a whole lot of patience.

Banning Islam?

- 11:26 AM - Religion & Laws Debate - 4LoveOfTheRoad asked, "You seriously think we banned an entire religion in the '50s?" There's a difference between religions and people - History - The Naturalization Act of 1790 - This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free White persons of good character. That law, or Act, was replaced by other Acts. In 1855, a revision added automatic citizenship to alien wives of U.S. citizens. Then in 1870, naturalization was opened to Africans - # The McCarran-Walter Act - The 82nd United States Congress enacted the act, which became effective on June 27, 1952. The passage of the McCarran-Walter bill, known as the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, solidified more restrictive immigration movement in the United States. According to the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, polygamy violated the notion of good moral character under Section 101(f). Any alien in a polygamous relationship was inadmissible or ineligible for naturalization as a result. - Ban on Sharia Law? - Despite the Free Exercise Clause, the 1878 Supreme Court decision in Reynolds v. United States (which concerned the conflict of the Mormon practice of polygamy with anti-bigamy laws) affirmed that secular laws still apply when they contradict religious practices, unless a superseding law establishes a right to a religious accommodation. This means that belief in sharia cannot be used by itself as a justification for vigilante stonings or to prevent women from filing for divorce - The Act of 1952 - The purpose of that law was to "Push for selective immigration to preserve national security."[8] - Download the PDF - The 1952 law is 120 pages long. So, when you open the PDF file, you can click on CTRL+F to find key words. That's the shortcut. On page 21, the law forbids aliens coming to America to engage in any immoral sexual act. You can continue to read the other pages. The law sought to ban aliens who sought to overthrow the American government, which is what Muslims do. Islam has Sharia Law & Jihadism. The 1952 law has many pages of details of what it forbids. You can connect the dots between what the law says with what Muslims do. All you got to do is spend a few hours reading the 120 pages of that law. Now, that 1952 law was amended a few times since then. So, legally, things may be a little different now in America. But that was a law that Truman vetoed. But Congress overrode that veto. So, long story short, that law may not have said it was a Muslim ban, specifically, directly, but it banned aliens that would do, historically, what Muslims do. Websites like Snopes, AKA Fake News, will tell you that is a lie. So, you can believe me, Original Oatmeal Joey Arnold, or you can believe Snopes, AKA a wannabe Star Wars Villain.

120 Pages

- 01:03 PM - @4LoveOfTheRoad, please read the 120 pages of the 1952 bill. It includes pages and pages of conditions that must be met by an alien. It specifically lists things that Muslims do. The bill said, that those things will disqualify the aliens.

Money Competition

- 01:22 PM - Cryptocurrencies Debate - Alex Jones said today, on his show, Wednesday, February 6th, 2019, during the second hour, that he would favor having thousands of cryptocurrencies and several bigger ones, so we can choose the better ones, our favorite ones. But not Bitcoin. And I just want everybody to know that is what we have. There are thousands of cryptocurrencies and around ten or more are pretty big already, not counting Bitcoin. We gotta buy gold. We gotta own houses, land, water, etc. We got to get away world banks, Rothschild, the Federal Reserve, etc.

Unite or Fall

- 01:54 PM - National Emergency Debate - Not voting for Trump means letting the Dollhouse Matrix come in even faster than ever before.

Seeking Genetic Memory

- 02:05 PM - Morality Debate - How can I get more Genetic Memory, @Bingozee, because I’m losing it, and are we crazy, sick, evil, and/or ill, because we are sick, ill, crazy, and/or evil, and is the earth one big egg? Oh, @MamaPotato knows you well, you don’t offer simple answers. But wouldn’t simplifying things help?

Geoengineering Chemtrail Destruction

- 02:11 PM - Picture Perfect - We saw cloud lines in Seattle skies on Friday, the 11th of January, 2019, above the waters, downtown.

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Mega (Not MAGA) City Threat Thread

- 02:54 PM - War on Humanity - Here is a map and a video from Lisa Haven which @MamaPotato probably already shared. She is a very good researcher. We can all learn from her, pun intended. This video is worth sharing. In other news, people are also trying to build smart Google cities, etc. They’re trying to get off the farms, gardens, forests, countryside, swamps, villages, small towns, etc, and into larger cities similar to what happened as the Roman Empire fell many centuries ago according to Stefan Molyneux. The good news is that some of us are going against these things. So, there are things that patriots are doing. So, don’t feel hopeless. Know the problems, first. Yes, but secondly, look at the solutions, alternatives, answers. Step up your game each day. Just do one little thing each day to help and then reward yourself for getting involved, each day. Smile a little, because at least you are trying. That is what oatmeal is all about. Just try a little each day. Here is the map, as follows: USA MEGA (Not MAGA) Cities Plan - Here is a map of where they want us to live.

Ignoring History

- 02:59 PM - Jihad Debate - So, in other words, Muslims have never overthrown governments and the Middle East was always Muslim and never ever was it Christian, centuries ago, and let’s not forget the golden ages and the Barbarian European Invasions and the Crusades, which has nothing to do with Jihadism, Sharia Law, Islam in general, right?

Lung Disease

- 03:40 PM - Mom told me around this time, today, that my dad's dad, Peter Marinus Rasp, had some kind of lungs disease. That's a big factor behind the mother, Mary Margaret Hocking, who married Peter, for adopting my dad, Donald Melvin Rasp, born 1950, September 26th, on out to the Arnold family around 1950-1953. Peter was born in like 1906, April 14th, and died in like 1953, August 14th. Historically, people get sick more in the winter, mostly due to the stagnant air as there is less air-flow as windows are closed in houses more often in order to keep houses warmer. so, then that limits how much air is recycled. That allows even more germs to collect in their mega cities. The body begins to struggle with the immune system as it lacks food, water, air, and mostly sunlight. Lack of air circulation is a big factor, and not the cold air. Yes, if it was too cold, that would be a problem as well. My grandpa and great grandpa are said to have missed boarding the Titanic as Peter's father in like 1912, Peter Sr., was drunk somewhere. They couldn't find him. So, then they ended up boarding a ship to Canada, to like Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada. My grandpa may have had Emphysema. - Omega 3 Foods - My Coultra

Fighting Tyranny

- 04:50 PM - Contrasting Perspective - Paladin wrote, "No one hates Christians here." @Paladin wants @MamaPotato to die. That’s sad. @Paladin hates Christianity so much. @MamaPotato posted a video about a problem where people are murdered. But @Paladin said that is spam. So, history, according to @Paladin, is spam. Oh, @Paladin hates NATO but loves murder. Either you are against murder or you may just call it spam like @Paladin does. Time to go to a smart city.

Fighting Vaccines

- 04:54 PM - Killing Children - You are evil if you go against vaccines according to some weirdos: Welcome to 1984 Nanny State:

Gradual Incline

- 04:58 PM - Getting Things Done - We have to be more realistic in trying to get things done, gradually. Otherwise, things only get worse when we are not faithful in what we can do each day.

Nerds Versus Geeks

- 05:04 PM - What’s the difference between a nerd and a geek? I’m supposed to know this one. I think I watched a video that explained the difference. So, what kind of nerd are you? You might be a writer / researcher nerd.

Tower of Babels Are Back

- 05:08 PM - Should Americans all live in the bigger cities or should they spread out more? What would be the better alternative? Reminds me of the Tower of Babel, which was like a big mega man city. That ended like Rome ended. I agree that I would like to see more connections between things like this and Bilderberg, CFR, NWO, EU, UN, Clinton, etc.

Very Scary

- 05:09 PM - Dark Skies - @Paladin wants @JoeyArnoldVN & @MamaPotato to die. Every time @Paladin sees something, anything, related to Christ, @Paladin has a Holy Oatmeal Cow.

Art of Red Pilling

- 05:21 PM - Rising Force - There are a few different ways to go about red pilling. This is one route that may work, but it depends on a few factors. First, name recognition helps spread things faster, either the recognition of what you are sharing, like Alex Jones, or the recognition of the sharer, like if you were Mike Cernovich, Mark Dice, etc, for example. If hundreds of people did this, that would be truly epic. Once you get enough people onboard, then it is tough to stop. other people will then jump on that train, once it got hot, once it went viral. That then becomes a trend, a tradition, a thing that others will long to go after. But still, it depends on a bunch of factors. So, I spread things on Facebook too. But not like that. I have a page called Trump Nationalism Over Globalism. I spread Infowars there. I have groups I spread things to. I have some profiles as well. So, it really comes down to which ways work better. Which ways are more effective right now, immediately speaking, and/or long-term speaking as well.

Robot Joey

- 05:24 PM - Android Oatmeal - Yes. I’m a robot. You found me out. Please don’t tell the others. Especially don’t tell @Bingozee, who might be a newer model than me. I’m more like that first version of the Terminator.

FF Midgar proxy.duckduckgo.com.png

Final Fantasy Reality

- 05:27 PM - Looks interesting. I love gardens. I love decentralization. I love smaller communities. I love Final Fantasy. I really love Metal Gear.

Muslim Meat

- 05:32 PM - Meat Offered Up To Idols - The Muslim Meat is a symptom. The root cause may be the fact that there are too many of the wrong types of people in America. Beyond that, free markets can determine it. Keep governments out of it. Don’t buy Muslim Meat. It is that simple. That’s how free markets work. You have to boycott, AKA buy other stuff.

American First Super Bowl Commercial

- 08:44 PM - Must-See Videos - That 2019 Super Bowl MAGA USA Commercial brought tears to my eyes. Thank you so much, @MamaPotato.

Murder By Subjectivity

- 09:04 PM - Daunting Questions - @Paladin believes in excessive relativity, subjectivity, through the lens of alleged objectivity.

Keeping Leftists Out

- 09:07 PM Wattpad - Yeah. Interesting. I’ve been on Wattpad.

Dancing Winds

- 09:10 PM - Rihanna - Take A Bow One of my favorite songs. I memorized the words. I used to sing it as a counselor to my campers in 2008, and they would laugh so hard and yell, “Sing it again haha.” In that music video, Rihanna teaches girls to become boys. Doesn’t Rihanna look like a boy with short hair? Alicia Keys promotes Crazy Feminism - to hate men - to not marry men - to not have kids. I wanna know about Motown or what record companies were behind Michael Jackson and did Elvis have one? - BLG - Why were the judges so stressful? What is RPG? I hope they know that Trump may level up. Oh, RBG? Oh. Sorry. Gotta. I’m a gamer haha. Good. No Ruth.

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Learning From Trump

- 09:35 PM - I’m impressed with how Trump talks to so many people. I learn how to be more social from watching Trump talk - 09:46 PM - Since 2016, almost every day, I would ask myself what I would do, what I would say, how I would talk, if I was near Hillary Clinton, or the fake news, etc, etc, and then I watch Trump and take notes. I study Trump every time I watch him. I attend Trump University everyday by turning on the old computer and by looking for his old but young face - 09:49 PM - Rihanna looks like a woman, to me, when she’s not sporting short hair. She is pretty beautiful. I like her, especially when she was on SNL. I like her more than Beyonce or Janet Jackson.

Sony Kills

- 09:57 PM - Tyranny Revenge on Michael Jackson - King of Pops & Kings of Minds - How does Sony kill? Oh, companies take advantage of artists. They break em. It’s good that Michael Jackson talked about that. He made Sony billions of dollars. MJ: “They never thought that this performer would out think them… we can’t let them get away with this… now, I’m a free agent… owning half of Sony… I’m leaving them… they’re very angry with me… I just do good business… the way they seek revenge is that they try to destroy my album… I love Unbreakable… Mariah Carey came to me… he’s an evil man… he follows me…” - 10:03 PM - @artsyneva, Michael had a skin disease. He started getting white spots on his black skin. Especially in the 80’s. He had to paint black over the white spots. Michael’s hair caught on fire in a Pepsi commercial in the early 1980’s. He started taking pain reliever medicine, drugs, since then. He got hooked on them. An addiction. So, over time, he became a drug addict, mostly on the pain reliever medicine, and things like that. And he struggled sleeping. I struggle to sleep too because I come up with ideas too. Michael talked about how he would come up ideas for songs in the middle of the night. So, he had drugs that helped him sleep. If you said no to him, he would fire you. So, it was hard for him to stop. He had so much money, power, etc, and so much stress.... Raw Oatmeal is the Best.... No. I am single. I got nobody.... I also like that Asian girl who was in the reboot version of Hawaii 5-0.... How do we minimize taxes?... I don’t get it either. I have watched videos of people who think he faked his death. But he was probably murdered, somehow. I would love it if he faked his death. But they probably killed him somehow.... Are you educating people on how we can lower taxes which lowers war and welfare reach, or what do you do to help?... @FreedomFighter414 was invited to @Mischief_With_Griff’s show and he was a no show. So, he probably wouldn’t call into the War Room, if he can’t even do Discord.... One talked about killing the government, literally. The other, I think Ian or something, was sending women photos of his Ding Dong or something.... 911 don’t even need you to tell them. They actually know where you are. They have ways of tracking people.... There was a thread that talked about 2 people who were banned by Zimmerman and he didn’t say who but he described them. And I notice that Ian is missing.... @FreedomFighter414 failed to get on @Mischief_With_Griff via Discord, and that only take a few minutes to setup.... He probably could have Googled or Yahooed for Michael’s address.... @FreedomFighter414, but if you told @Mischief_With_Griff that you were ready to go on, and if you were not ready to go on, then why would you tell him that you were ready to go on if you were not totally certain that you were totally ready with Discord and/or everything else?... @FreedomFighter414 said he got banned off Discord. So, did he not know that he was banned when he was supposed to be on the show? Why not get a new email address in order to register a new Discord account which only takes a few minutes to do?... Did Michael fake his death?... Did @Mischief_With_Griff not ask you when you were available, or did you lie and say you were available when you were not, or is your work on-call or something?... Ok, so Ian wasn’t going after the women. I wonder who were going after the women....

Falling Trees

- 11:59 PM - Character Contribution - "Don't ever tell a woman to relax." Agreed. "Oh Christ here we go!!!" Said Gandalf to the Hobbits in Lord of the Rings (LOTR). Epic. "Are you Joey Arnold’s alter ego?" Good question. Troy: "I reject your RELIGION, Paladin." He does have religion. Bingozee: "If you subscribe to any religion, you lose." @Bingozee has a losing attitude on life, in life, a philosophy that is too destructive for so many reasons. Religion simply means how you live your life, the choices you make. President 2028: "But these kinds of people have been devoured by greed they are the false profits." Yes. Soros, Rothscild, Clinton, Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Joe Rogan, the Amazon God, the Twitter God, etc, are monsters. Leviticus, "At what point does what we say become unique before you hijack it into another thread?" @Leviticus, are you not feeling special today? Bingozee: "Lol, I was just looking at @JoeyArnoldVN posts and it only appears to me as an individual desperate to fit in, thus my empathy, it’s by which means he does this that I have pity." @Bingozee might be an alcoholic like my dad who told my mom that the dishes were too dirty. Wait, now the dishes are too clean. Oh, Bingozee told me that I posted too little. Now, too much? Too thin? Too heavy? I’m Shirley Temple and the three little bears, right? No matter what I do, you’ll attack me instead of trying to stop Soros, right? Bingozee: "I have not read all of your post." @Bingozee does not read posts and just comments everywhere? Owen Shroyer: "I am set to speak at City Council this Thursday February 7th at noon." They refused to listen to Savannah. "We are currently building a Wood Mill and workshop." Great. Paladin: "In order for a belief system to be a belief system, there have to be a set of rules." Said who? And who said you don't? And if you don't, what does that also mean, then? "We were tricked into fighting with Americans before over oil embargos which made us do pearl harbor. But we regret it for being so fooled by illumanti and the damages. People like infowars help the world stop a war before they begin. We now say Nokorimono ni wa fuku ga aru. 残り物には福がある。 - luck is often found in the leftovers." True. "Everyone make sure to send love to David Knight. It’s not the surgery that’s hard, but the recovery." Yes. "We are all Alex Jones." Trump Train 1979, yes. We are. IWArmy1776, yes, agreed, thanks so much, dear Infowars crew. @Troy: "NEED to be right, they can invent delusions and believe in them just to be right." True. Paladin: "humans are capable of living without belief." @Paladin, but why would want to live life without believing, loving, hoping, growing, with the help of Original Oatmeal? Paladin: "But I understand your denial of the truth." Funny. Troy: “Contradictions originate in false beliefs.” Yes, it begins with truth. If there is no absolute truth, or if it can’t be known, then there is no base, no foundation, which is needed before you can discover what is false. "Belief is an emotion?" It can be, generally, but shouldn't be. It can be better than that. Paladin: "We’re not talking about preconceived notions or biases, we’re talking about attachment to a strict set of dictates and dogma." True. That can be a problem. Bingozee: "THEIR NOT CRAZY, their ILL. THEIR NOT Evil, their ILL." Semantics. Are they crazy or evil or ill because they are evil, ill, or crazy? @Paladin calls @MamaPotato & @JoeyArnoldVN SPAM: Paladin: “There are some users here, specifically @MamaPotato and @JoeyArnoldVN that like to spam topics they disagree with. So others simply do the same back to them. Topics are locked because there have been a large number of community flags, either because of spam, off-topic comments, or comments users have flagged as inappropriate. They open up again every four hours or so.” Mongoose: "Within 24 hours this thread will be linked to Joey Arnold." @Mongoose, how did you know? Are you pyschic or just smart? Where is my happy time haha? I love Rihanna. She was funny on SNL. Paladin: "Careful, there are users here with very strong opinions on drug use." Said a person who doesn’t have very strong opinions (beliefs) on anything haha. Paladin: "Alex prolonging the thrashing forced a response from JR, which stoked curiosity in this whole feud. In a way, it amplifies Alex’s message. No doubt there were quite a few of JR’s listeners who tuned into AJ to see what all the fuss was about and were awoken." True. Paladin: "Nope. Again, you’re trying to redefine words." Said a man who redefines words. Said a man that believes he cannot know. So, how can you know this if you cannot know other things? Spam Museum? Where?

Coin Marketplace

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