Tu milagro - Your miracle -Original poem -100 days poetry challenge day 48

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Saludos, Steemianos hispanohablantes.
Estamos en el día 48, en dirección a cien días de poesía. Agradezco a las personas que me apoyan y que han leído lo que estoy creando para el ciclo de 100 días de Poesía, convocado por #steemitschool. Siempre esperando su gentil mirada y que les guste.

"El talento es un inquilino en la casa de un genio."

Austin O’Malley


Tu milagro

Vive los lugares que visitas
y deja que te invadan por completo.
Los espacios habitan,
lo sagrado posee.

Siente el pasmo del universo en tu pecho.
Asume el lujo de la integridad,
la inocencia de lo sutil
y la esperanza de lo simple.

Aprende la elegancia de quien sabe elegir
riqueza para el alma.
No te contamines con el ruido del mundo,
lleva tu mundo al mundo.

Recibe el don de creer,
el placer del movimiento,
disfruta el cénit de quien sabe apreciarse.
No desperdicies tu talento.

Date suficiente amor para perseguir tus sueños.
Convierte tu miedo en alas y vuela.
Sé fuerte, coge impulso en tu nadir,
defiende tu milagro.

Greetings, Steemians and companions from #steemitschoolpoetry.
We are on day 48, heading for a hundred days of poetry. I thank the people who support me and who have read what I am creating for the cycle of 100 days of Poetry, summoned by #steemitschool. Always waiting for your kind look and that you like them.

My musical theme that I connect to, between lines, with this creation is: Dreams -The Cranberries

"Talent is a tenant in the house of a genius."

Austin O’Malley

Your miracle

Live the places you visit
and allow you to be completely invaded
The spaces inhabit,
the sacred possesses.

Feel the astonishment of the universe in your chest
It assumes the luxury of integrity,
the innocence of the subtle
and the hope of the simple.

Learn the elegance of someone who knows
how to choose wealth for the soul.
Do not get contaminated with the noise of the world,
take your world to the world

Receive the gift of believing,
the pleasure of movement,
enjoy the zenith of who knows how to appreciate.
Do not waste your talent.

Give yourself enough love to pursue your dreams.
Turn your fear into wings and fly.
Be strong, take momentum in your nadir,
defend your miracle.

Original poem by @zeleiracordero

Reading notes:Intermediates

Source of images in Pixabay:

Summary of my latest publications:
The broken mirror-Day1 / The habit of the monk-Day2 / This skin that I live-Day 3 / Guest I - Day 4 / Guest II - Day 5 / Guest of light - Day 6 /Eternal guest-day 7Ganador del día 7- Winner of the day 7 / Gift of flows - Day #8 / Waning moon - Day 9 / The sanchez ear - Day 10 / Numen - Day 11 / Divergent -Day 12 / Trascend-of you-Day 13 / Identit-Day 14 / The wrong theory-Day 15 /Insight - Day 16 / Cirineo / sand castles - Day 18 / sigh of your skin -Day 19 /limbo underwater -Day 20 / Dualidad fractal-Day 21 / Revelation - Day 22 / Whisper -Day 23 / Corresponding Rhetoric-Día 24 / Distant Muse -Day 25 / Renaissance - Day 26Luna escarlata-Day 27/ Criatura de luna-Criatura luna - day 28Doble ganador: Día 28 y de la semana 4-double winner of the day 28 and of the week 4 / Luna cautiva-Luna cautiva Day29 / Pozos amarillos-Yellow wells-Day 30 / Duende amatista-Amethyst goblin- day 31 / Trenza - Braid-Day 32 / Ser poeta-Be a poet-Day 33 / Lluvia nocturna-Night rain .Day 34Ganador del día 34- Winner of the day 34 / Sueño turmalina azul-Dream bluish tourmaline-Day 35 / Resplandeciente zircón-Resplendent zircon-Day 36 /Luz de adentro-Light of inside-day 37 / Péndulo humano-Human pendulum -day 38 /Ópalo de fuego-Opal of fire- day 39 /Esta mujer el domingo-This woman on Sunday- day 40 / Sol naciente-Rising Sun- day 41Rojo carmesí - Crimson red- day 42 /Rosa guerrera- Rose of war- day 43 / Viento de arena - Sand wind - day 44 / Meandros de la luna- Meanders of the Moon- day 45 / En el camino-On the way-day 46 / Como albatros - Like albatross - day 47

April 24, 2018

Thanks to @d-pend and to #steemitschool for the creation of this space to share our creations.

And, very especially, to my invaluable friend @onthewayout.

If you have not yet joined the #steemitschool Discord, do it now:Discord

For accompanying me, reading me and always being there ... Simply THANKS

Por acompañarme, leerme y estar ahí...6985591ee86eebb8920d6ce133a86550 simplemente gracias.jpg


WOW! This poem reminds me that you only live once, so don't sweat the small stuff. Thanks for this beauty.

Thank you my friend! Your words encourage me You are a sun. I hug you strong.

El perseguir los sueños es un don divino que debemos realizar.

Cierto. Nunca se debe dejar de crecer. Todos tenemos talentos que debemos cultivar y defender. Son regalos divinos, milagros.

"Dáte suficiente amor para perseguir tus sueños.
Convierte tu miedo en alas y vuela"

El amor es fuerza para seguir, para volar, para renacer como el Ave Fenix, de nuestras cenizas.

Gracias por la visita y el buen comentario, @ramonrene. Es tan importante "renacer" para impulsarse en el vuelo del alma hacia la conquista de los sueños con la consciente conexión con nuestro ser interior. El "ave fénix", como ud.bien refiere, se fortalece y renueva después de perecer en su propio fuego.

I love the Spanish version. It is a true reflection of you that is simple and thankful. I fill like these words are directed to me:

"Do not waste your talent."

I really don't want to waste any talent given to me. From your poem it seems that using it is not wasting it but not using it is wasting it. I will do my best:)

You are very talented and know how to use your talents, perhaps what you are not doing is defending your miracle, which is self-respect to take advantage of the talents without you losing your life in the attempt. You are great and intuitive, friend @mineopoly

Estupenda poesía, como siempre, @zeleiracordero . El milagro de la vida, compuesto de tantas cosas pequeñas, siempre merece ser celebrado, gracias por esas líneas que nos hacen recordarlo. Te sigo leyendo y apoyando, falta mucho menos!

Gracias, muchas gracias, @marybellrg.

Bello poema amiga @zeleiracordero. Me recordó una frase de un pasaje del Quijote que no tiene nada que ver pero tiene una sonoridad similar:

"Ni la ambición te inquieta, ni la pompa vana del mundo te fatiga..."

¡Ups! Muchas gracias, hermano Sansón Carrasco.

I really love the motivation in this piece. I could see this being hung on a scroll and put in homes to remind them. It is that good.


Aww ... flattered with your appreciation, dear @dmilliz. THANK YOU!

If we don't defend our miracles no one will. 😎

Certainly, dear @acousticsteveo ... That is precisely the motivation of the poem. Simple, but true.

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