Pozos amarillos-Yellow wells - Original poem - 100 days poetry challenge- Day 30

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Saludos, Steemianos hispanohablantes.
Estamos en el día 30 , en dirección a cien días de poesía. Agradezco a las personas que me apoyan y que han leído lo que estoy creando para el ciclo de 100 días de Poesía, convocado por #steemitschool. Siempre esperando su gentil mirada y que les guste. Continuamos sin desmayo.

"No era más que un zorro semejante a cien mil otros, pero yo le hice mío y ahora es único en el mundo"

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944). El Principito


Pozos amarillos

La vida alumbró una cuneta.
El verde, de luto, se despide del lecho
donde prospera libremente un viento
embebido en un sol mortecino.
Maternidad contranatural
trajo a esta tierra hostil
un frágil saquito de pelo friolento,
buscando una madre
que le lamiera los ojos cerrados
para despertar a la luz.

Susurrantes quejidos
llegan a oídos de un verde resplandor blanco
que la observa, entre el reposo de las nubes
y de las sombras amontonadas,
robándole a la tierra que espera,
letárgica e inmóvil, su último suspiro.
Resiste las energías negativas
de la cárcel nocturna,
juntando su débil aliento
al del buen mosquetero
empeñado en salvarla.

Carlito, amaneció
y atardeció, Carlota.
Un "doble seis" de ojos amarillos,
hecho cruz de hogar.
Pronto aprendió que los corazones arden,
adoptando, como madre,
a su hermano: golden,
naturaleza castrada, un hijo.
Sus ojos amarillos, convertidos en pozos de miel,
son dos sables que cortan la oscuridad,
gemas incrustadas en mi humanidad,
soles que alumbran mi eternidad.


Greetings, Steemians and colleagues from #steemitschoolpoetry.
We are on day 30 , heading for a hundred days of poetry. I thank the people who support me and who have read what I am creating for the cycle of 100 days of Poetry, summoned by steemitschool. Always waiting for your kind look and that you like them. We continue without fainting.

My musical theme that I connect to, between lines, with this creation is: Jason Mraz- i'm yours

"He was no more than a fox similar to a hundred thousand others, but I made him mine and now he is unique in the world"

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944). The Little Prince

Yellow wells

Life gave birth in a ditch.
The green, in mourning, says goodbye to the bed
where a wind blooms freely
embedded in a dying sun.
Unnatural motherhood,
has led to this hostile land
a sack of hair fragile and shivering.
Looking for his mother,
who knows how to lick closed eyes
to wake up to light.

Whispering moans
They reach the green ears of a white glow:
he looks at it, between the plumage of the clouds
and from the shadows piled up,
stealing from the land that awaits,
lethargic and immobile, his last breath.
Resistant to negative energies
of the night prison,
he shared his weak breath,
with the good musketeer
bent on in saving her.

Charlie, it was at dawn and
already in the twilight, Charlotte.
A "double six" with yellow eyes,
made cross of home,
He soon learned that hearts burn,
adopting, as a mother,
to his brother: a golden.
Castrated nature, a son.
His yellow eyes, turned into well honey ,
they are two sabers that cut the darkness.
gems imbedded in my humanity
suns that light my eternity.


Original poem by @zeleiracordero

Reading notes:Intermediates

The images are my own shots made with my Huawei P7

Summary of my latest publications:
The broken mirror-Day1 / The habit of the monk-Day2 / This skin that I live-Day 3 / Guest I - Day 4 / Guest II - Day 5 / Guest of light - Day 6 /Eternal guest - Day 7 / Gift of flows - Day #8 / Waning moon - Day 9 / The sanchez ear - Day 10 / Numen - Day 11 / Divergent -Day 12 / Trascend-of you-Day 13 / Identit-Day 14 / The wrong theory-Day 15 / Insight - Day 16 / Cirineo / sand castles - Day 18 / sigh of your skin -Day 19 /limbo underwater -Day 20 / Dualidad fractal-Day 21 / Revelation - Day 22 / Whisper -Day 23 / Corresponding Rhetoric-Día 24 / Distant Muse -Day 25 / Renaissance - Day 26Scarlet moon-Day 27 / Criatura de luna-Moon creature -Day 28 / Luna cautiva-Captive moon-Day 29

April 05 , 2018

Thanks to @d-pend and to #steemitschool for the creation of this space to share our creations.

And, very especially, to my invaluable friend @onthewayout.

If you have not yet joined the Steemit School Discord, do it now:Discord

For accompanying me, reading me and always being there ... Simply THANKS

Por acompañarme, leerme y estar ahí...6985591ee86eebb8920d6ce133a86550 simplemente gracias.jpg


Great poetry amigo.
And it does seems you do very much love your cat pet.
Thata nice.

Thank you, friend blessedben! Yes, definitely that girl is my darling.

Dos soles resplandeciendo un hogar. Saludos hermana.

Gracias por la lectura, hermano.

You are too good with it! Heart felt how you described your kitty friend.
These lines I loved the best.
“who knows how to lick closed eyes
to wake up to light.”

And “ two sabers that cut the darkness”

Thanks for the company and the comment of encouragement, friend @dmilliz. I love that you liked.

Hermoso poema, @zeleiracordero <3 Y también hermosos animales. El gato me recordó a una gata que tuve, casi igual a él; la llamaba "Chiquita" porque, a pesar de haber sido mamá en ese entonces, tenía cara de niña.


¡Gracias, compañera poeta! Es un honor tenerla de visita, @vickaboleyn.

I love your last stanza. It could almost be a poem in itself.

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