Péndulo humano-Human pendulum--Original poem -100 days poetry challenge day 38

in #poetry6 years ago

Saludos, Steemianos hispanohablantes.
Estamos en el día 38 , en dirección a cien días de poesía. Agradezco a las personas que me apoyan y que han leído lo que estoy creando para el ciclo de 100 días de Poesía, convocado por #steemitschool. Siempre esperando su gentil mirada y que les guste.

"La mentalidad victimista diluye nuestro potencial humano, porque al no aceptar la responsabilidad personal de nuestras circunstancias, reducimos nuestro poder de cambiarlas. No eres una víctima. No importa lo que hayas pasado, aún estás aquí. Es posible que hayas sido desafiado, herido, traicionado, golpeado y desanimado, pero nada te ha derrotado. ¡Todavía estás aquí! retrasado pero no negado. No eres una víctima, eres un vencedor. Tienes una historia de victoria. "

Steve Maraboli


Péndulo humano

Desgarrando el velo de nuestras visiones,
vívidas y descoloridas;
retrocedemos sobre nuestras huellas con guía invisible,
disipando pesquisas risibles de comodidad.

El alma permanece en agua con alas de piedra
para descoser su historia de sueños .
Dentro del agua y en intenso fuego,
comenzamos el péndulo humano.

La claridad llama la sal de las lágrimas.
Cose tus miedos a sus alas
para que los vuele lejos
y calme el dolor de distancia.

La vida dura el tiempo
de una nube hecha pájaro,
caballo descabezado,
fragmentado en el derrame de una tarde llorona.

Cuando recordemos quiénes somos,
llegaremos a casa, con todas las respuestas justas.
Fuera del pozo, en la llama,
rebasaremos el péndulo humano.

Greetings, Steemians and companions from #steemitschoolpoetry.
We are on day 38 , heading for a hundred days of poetry. I thank the people who support me and who have read what I am creating for the cycle of 100 days of Poetry, summoned by #steemitschool. Always waiting for your kind look and that you like them.

My musical theme that I connect to, between lines, with this creation is: Stive Morgan-Ice and fire

"The victim mentality dilutes our human potential, because by not accepting personal responsibility for our circumstances, we reduce our power to change them. You are not a victim, no matter what you have gone through, you are still here, you may have been challenged, wounded, betrayed, beaten and discouraged, but nothing has defeated you. Belated, but not denied. You are not a victim, you are a victor, you have a victory story. "

Steve Maraboli

Human pendulum

Tearing the veil of our visions,
alive and discolored;
we return to our tracks with an invisible guide,
dissipating laughable searches for comfort.

The soul remains in the water with stone wings
for to bring out the story of his broken dreams
Inside the water and in intense fire,
we started the human pendulum.

Clarity calls the salt of tears.
You must sew your fears to your wings
so that she can fly them, fly them away
and calm the sadness.

Life lasts the time
from a cloud made bird,
headless horse,
fragmented in the spill of a weeping afternoon.

When we remember who we are,
We arrived home with all the right answers.
Out of the well, in the flame,
We will go beyond the human pendulum.

Original poem by @zeleiracordero

Reading notes:Intermediates

The images are of Pixabay

Summary of my latest publications:
The broken mirror-Day1 / The habit of the monk-Day2 / This skin that I live-Day 3 / Guest I - Day 4 / Guest II - Day 5 / Guest of light - Day 6 /Eternal guest-day 7Ganador del día 7- Winner of the day 7 / Gift of flows - Day #8 / Waning moon - Day 9 / The sanchez ear - Day 10 / Numen - Day 11 / Divergent -Day 12 / Trascend-of you-Day 13 / Identit-Day 14 / The wrong theory-Day 15 /Insight - Day 16 / Cirineo / sand castles - Day 18 / sigh of your skin -Day 19 /limbo underwater -Day 20 / Dualidad fractal-Day 21 / Revelation - Day 22 / Whisper -Day 23 / Corresponding Rhetoric-Día 24 / Distant Muse -Day 25 / Renaissance - Day 26Luna escarlata-Day 27/ Criatura de luna-Criatura luna - day 28Doble ganador: Día 28 y de la semana 4-double winner of the day 28 and of the week 4 / Luna cautiva-Luna cautiva Day29 / Pozos amarillos-Yellow wells-Day 30 / Duende amatista-Amethyst goblin- day 31 / Trenza - Braid-Day 32 / Ser poeta-Be a poet-Day 33 / Lluvia nocturna-Night rain .Day 34 / Sueño turmalina azul-Dream bluish tourmaline-Day 35 / Resplandeciente zircón-Resplendent zircon-Day 36 /Luz de adentro-Light of inside-day 37

April 13 , 2018

Thanks to @d-pend and to #steemitschool for the creation of this space to share our creations.

And, very especially, to my invaluable friend @onthewayout.

If you have not yet joined the #steemitschool Discord, do it now:Discord

For accompanying me, reading me and always being there ... Simply THANKS

Por acompañarme, leerme y estar ahí...6985591ee86eebb8920d6ce133a86550 simplemente gracias.jpg


Beautiful poetic brightness

Thanks for the consistent reading and support.

You are too good at writing! When did you start ?
How do you remain so consistent with beautiful ideas ?
I like this line “You must sew your fears to your wings”

Thanks for the praise, I love that you like what I'm producing.

Wonderful work, Zeleira:)

Thank you, thank you very much, Pryde.

Excellent poetry

I love that you have been to your liking, brother blessedbben

Hello @zeleiracordero, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you so much for the visit. It is an immense honor for me, that consideration that you have had with my creation.

I read this piece a few times. I really like it. 😎

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