insight - Original poem - 100 Days poetry challenge Day #16

in #poetry6 years ago (edited)

Greetings, Steemians and colleagues from #steemitschoolpoetry.
We are on day 16, heading for a hundred days of poetry. I thank the people who support me and who have read what I am creating for the cycle of 100 days of Poetry summoned by steemitschool. Always waiting for your kind look and that you like them. We continue without fainting.

My musical theme that I connect to this creation is:Steven Tyler& 2cellos - Dream on

"As much as you anime as you want someone who has blindfolded to look through the blindfold, he will never see, he will not start to see more than from the moment he removes the blindfold"
Franz Kafka (1883-1924


On the long road, around the corner,
I see they are still there, waiting.
There was a broken bandage that marked a path.
Some, running ahead of time, took away our dreams.
Others, they tied us to the earth,
to a life consumed by decadent slope.
And others, they do not move, and, they just wait, I do not know what,
perishing beyond the breeze of bridges that shine
Behind us.
Seeing how the green was on the other side,
we took a quantum leap in limbo,
we advance, like sleepwalkers again,
dragged by the force of some tide that sleeps,
we become castaways of the world.
Reaching the smoke cups, planting flags of others,
we managed to make the vertiginous heights come to us.
Now, burned, we are more. Less green, more gray.

Green land
Clear light
Bright path
Elegant moon

More less
Less more.
The wonder of the night
burning of neons
gray tower
blood flows

Infamous mass that returns, which returns at dawn,
looking to relive the hidden root that emerged in a network.
Always driven by desire and ambition,
we show a hunger that is not satiated with thirst and
a thirst that is not full of hunger.
Our eyes, although tired, still move towards the horizon.
But, the next one, is the path we have traveled so many times
that we no longer deceive anyone,
no more bandages, just a mask that fits the one on the top and the one on the bottom,
for the little one and the biggest.
Butterflies in the light, we're all going to burn.

Saludos, Steemianos hispanohablantes.
Estamos en el día 16, en dirección a cien días de poesía. Agradezco a las personas que me apoyan y que han leído lo que estoy creando para el ciclo de 100 días de Poesía convocado por #steemitschool. Siempre esperando su gentil mirada y que les guste. Continuamos sin desmayo.

"Por más que animes tanto como quieras a alguien que tiene los ojos vendados a mirar a través de la venda, no verá jamás. No empezará a ver más que desde el momento que se quita la venda"
Franz Kafka (1883-1924)


A lo largo del camino largo, ya cruzando la esquina,
veo que ellos todavía se encuentran allí, esperando.
Había una venda rota que marcó una senda.
Unos, corriendo antes de tiempo, se llevaron nuestros sueños.
Otros, nos ataron a la tierra,
a una vida consumida por una pendiente decadente.
Y otros, no se mueven, son estacas, sólo esperan no sé qué,
pereciendo más allá de la brisa de puentes que brillan
detrás de nosotros.
Vislumbrando cómo el verde estaba del otro lado,
dimos un salto cuántico en el limbo,
nos adelantamos, como sonámbulos de nuevo,
arrastrados por la fuerza de alguna marea que duerme,
nos volvimos náufragos del mundo.
Alcanzando cimas de humo, plantando banderas de otros.
Logramos que las alturas vertiginosas vinieran a nosotros.
Ahora, quemados somos más. Menos verde, más gris.

Tierra verde
Luz clara
Camino brillante
Luna elegante

Más menos
Menos más

Noche que maravilla
neones ardiendo
torre gris
Sangre fluyendo

Masa infame que regresa, que retorna al alba,
buscando revivir la amortajada raíz que eclosionó en una red.
Manejados siempre por deseo y ambición,
demostramos un hambre que no se sacia con ninguna sed y
una sed que no se llena con ninguna hambre.
Nuestros ojos, aunque cansados, todavía se desvían al horizonte.
Pero, el de abajo, ese camino lo hemos transitado tantas veces,
que ya no engañamos a nadie,
ya no hay venda, sólo una máscara perversa que le calza al de arriba y al de abajo,
al pequeño y al más grande.
Mariposas en la luz, todos vamos a arder.

Original poem by @zeleiracordero
Reading notes: Intermediates

Images by pixabay

Summary of my latest publications:
Eternal guest - Day 7 / Gift of flows - Day #8 / Waning moon - Day 9 / The sanchez ear - Day 10 / Numen - Day 11 / Divergent -Day 12 / Trascend-of you-Day 13 / Identit-Day 14 / The wrong theory-Day 15

Thanks to @d-pend and to #steemitschool for the creation of this space to share our creations.

Y, muy especialmente, a mi inestimable amigo @onthewayout . A la comunidad hispana y a equipos que están apoyando proyectos de hispanohablantes: #cervantes, #castellano, #provenezuela.

If you have not yet joined the Steemit School Discord, do it now:Discord

For accompanying me, reading me and always being there ... Simply THANKS

Por acompañarme, leerme y estar ahí...6985591ee86eebb8920d6ce133a86550 simplemente gracias.jpg


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Wow quite an elegant piece you have here Amigo.
Às always, its nice reading you.
Your works carry uncommon wisdom.

Butterflies in the light, we're all going to burn.

What a delightfully scary piece. I set out to critique this home but I couldn't figure out a way to do that considering I wouldn't change a thing. You might have to get someone else to critique this. I think I'm biased. LOL. Great job.

For me, your consideration is an honor, @acousticsteveo. I respect your opinion very much and it moves me to have touched your sensibility. Thanks for your comment, it really encourages me to improve.

Qué siga la poesía, @zeleiracordero.

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