The broken mirror - Original poem - 100 Days poetry challenge Day #1

in #steemitschool6 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemians.
I gladly present to your consideration this poem that speaks of us in conjunction with the universe. First that I present attending the challenge of the 100 days of poetry called by Steemitschool, thanking the team for the opportunity to grow in this beautiful art. As always, I suggest you accompany the reading with music accordingly, so I encourage you to hear: Interstellar Main Theme. Hoping you like it, I'll leave you with:

The broken mirror

As an eye that looks inside, outside and towards other worlds
the mirror carries part of it in our souls.
Our essence fills your cloister with blanched moons,
invoking ancient signs where one is another and another, none.

Broken moon is our mirror when it reflects us.
Red moon, when some poison submits and declares it innocuous.
New moon, when it hides some surly suspicion.
Full moon, when it imploring for us, she rebels.

My broken mirror has broken my soul for me.
No longer count past glories, because they are not mine
they are his. It crawls like a weak metaphor of an endless dream,
broken into pieces of always, pieces of before, when he was transiting.

Each piece counts as a scar of war,
looking as a form of revenge, the glue that brings us together.
Each piece is a self sacrificed to the later understanding
of the absolute origins and the infinite destinies that unite us.

The undifferentiated reality of everything that could be
forever in the infinite eternity is the caught in the mirror,
condemned in the hologram crystal to a life of seem
without being finite, it is an act of volition in a hypothetical reflex moment.

We are pieces of the universe refracted by a light woman.
Infinity filled by infinity envelops us,
the current ones converge with the potentials that hope to appear
within infinity by a kind of self-will that absolves us.

But the mirror contains much more than the unknowable Deity,
that phase of Infinity sensed and coupled to our being
as current experiential reality, unfathomable infallible infinity,
partial revelation of the infinite, universe of universes without seeing.

The broken mirror releases innumerable hosts of inhabitants,
it is a vast and complex organism that shelters and diffuses them,
that reveals the primacy of the First Source and Center for our fellowmen.
And it is as true as the master universe and its divine comedy.


Como ojo que mira adentro, afuera y hacia otros mundos
el espejo lleva parte suya en nuestras almas.
Nuestra esencia llena su claustro de lunas escaldadas,
invocando señales antiguas donde uno es otro y otro, ninguno.

Luna rota es nuestro espejo cuando nos refleja.
Luna roja, cuando algún veneno lo somete y lo declara inocuo.
Luna nueva, cuando esconde algún recelo hoscoso.
Luna llena, cuando implorando por nosotros, se rebela.

Mi espejo roto se ha quebrado el alma por mí.
Ya no cuenta glorias pasadas, porque no son mías
son de él. Se arrastra como débil metáfora de un sueño sin fin,
roto en pedazos de siempre, pedazos de antes, cuando trasvertía.

Cada trozo cuenta como cicatriz de guerra,
buscando como forma de venganza, el pegamento que nos junte.
Cada trozo es un yo inmolado a la comprensión postrera
de los orígenes absolutos y de los destinos infinitos que nos unen.

La realidad no diferenciada de todo lo que podría ser
para siempre en la eternidad infinita es el yo atrapado en el espejo,
condenado en el cristal del holograma a una vida de parecer
sin ser finito, es un acto de volición en un momento hipotético reflejo.

Somos trozos de universo refractados por una luz mujer.
La infinidad colmada por el infinito nos envuelve,
los actuales convergen con los potenciales que esperan aparecer
dentro de la infinidad por una suerte de autovoluntad que nos absuelve.

Pero el espejo encierra mucho más que la Deidad incognoscible,
esa fase del Infinito presentida y acoplada a nuestro ser
como realidad actual experiencial, insondable infinidad infalible,
revelación parcial del infinito, universo de los universos sin ver.

El espejo roto libera innumerables huestes de personalidades habitantes,
es un vasto y complejo organismo que las alberga y difumina,
que revela la primacía de la Primera Fuente y Centro para nuestros semejantes.
Y es tan cierto como el universo maestro y su comedia divina.

Original poem @zeleiracordero

Reading notes: Intermediate

Imagen 1
Imagen 2
Imagen 3

Thanks to @ d-pend for the creation of this space to share our creations and the steemitschool team ... A big hug.

If you have not yet joined the Steemit School Discord, do it now:

For accompanying me, reading me and always being there ... Simply THANKS

6985591ee86eebb8920d6ce133a86550 simplemente gracias.jpg


Si. el espejo roto guarda secretos

Excellent work @zeleiracordero. I loved both the Spanish and English versions. Very expansive and beautiful. Your post was great in following directions. Please also add a small link to our School discord server at the bottom is the only addition :-)

Adding you to the intermediate category. Don't be surprised if it moves up to advanced! :-D Un abrazo! Gracias por tu participación.

Thanks for your beautiful words, @ d-pend. It fills me with enthusiasm that my contribution has been you liking. I will make the corrections indicated, hoping to improve every day in this unique exchange. A hug!

I love seeing both versions of this poem. I really love your imagery, and your symbolic use of the mirror, the Moon, and the universe. My favorite line was "we are pieces of the universe refracted by a light woman." Great job.

Greetings. It is satisfying for me that you read me and, above all, that you liked and commented. I confess that that is also my favorite verse, but in its corresponding Spanish "una luz mujer". I hug you @acousticsteveo.

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